Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 223: The holy city is in chaos


"Boss, it's bad, our team of 5,000 people was ambushed by Lu Yang." Magnet Wuguang sent a message to Bloodthirsty Batian in horror.

At the headquarters of the Bloodthirsty League, the bloodthirsty tyrant who was waiting for the news stood up suddenly and asked angrily: "How is it possible, you brought 5,000 people, and Lu Yang only has 600 people, how can there be extra people to ambush you?" , where is Ye Gu Xing?"

Magnet Wuguang said in horror: "Boss, there are not 600 people on Lu Yang's side, but 3000 people. Captain Ye Guxing is eager to revenge and leads 5000 people to chase and kill Lu Yang. He entered the narrow mountain and was ambushed by Lu Yang. 500 people, the rest are all trapped in the narrow mountain, and I am afraid they will be surrounded and wiped out at this time."

"What." The bloodthirsty Batian was startled and angry, and immediately sent a message to Ye Guxing, only to find that Ye Guxing had gone offline.

"Bastard." The bloodthirsty Batian roared angrily: "Magnetic Wuguang, I will appoint you as the team leader from now on, Lu Yang wants to wipe out these 5,000 people so quickly, you immediately bring the resurrected players to regroup , be sure to entangle the 3,000 people like Lu Yang for me, absolutely not let him escape, I will personally bring someone to help you."

"Yes." Magnet Wuguang closed the dialog box, and immediately rectified his subordinates at the resurrection point. Soon, the number of people gathered to 3,000. Seeing so many people's deaths, Magnet Wuguang was extremely angry, and led the team back to the Sayama rushed over.

Bloodthirsty Alliance Headquarters.

Bloodthirsty Batian smashed the coffee table in front of him with an angry punch, and said: "Order, Qu Han and Bloody Bawang each gather 10,000 players in their respective units and go to the narrow mountain to surround Lu Yang. All players above level 20 on the eastern map of the Holy City Gather at the door and follow me."


Qu Han and Yuxue Bawang each took 10,000 people to upgrade their equipment on the 20th level map in the south and west of the holy city. Hearing this, they immediately prepared their teams for the battle. Bloodthirsty Batian came to the east gate to organize the team in person.

With such a big move, both Zijin Dynasty's Mu Mu and Supreme Dynasty's Xiongba discovered the bloodthirsty Batian's movements.

"Brother, you really succeeded. I got news from here that the bloodthirsty Batian couldn't sit still and came in person." Chi Mu said.

Lu Yang asked: "How many people are here?"

Xiongba said: "Qu Han and Yuxue Bawang each bring 10,000 people, and Bloodthirsty Batian brings another 10,000 people, both of which are above level 20."

Qianqian asked in surprise: "Lu Yang, how many people have you killed Bloodthirsty Batian, why are you so angry with him?"

Lu Yang said: "I fought an ambush here in Sashan and killed more than 4,000 people."

"Beautiful job." Thunder Dragon said.

Chi Mu asked, "What do you plan to do next?"

Lu Yang said: "How many people can you call out now?"

Xiongba said: "With 10,000 people, they can be combined within 10 minutes, and they are all above level 20."

Chi Mu said, "It's the same on my side."

Lu Yang said: "Okay, the two old brothers will work hard and lead their own teams to intercept Qu Han and Yuxue Bawang. If the number of Bloodthirsty Batian is only 10,000, I will let him taste a crushing defeat."

Chi Mu frowned and asked, "Are you sure, 2,000 of the 10,000 people in the Bloodthirsty Batian Headquarters are equipped with pure gold and are wearing gemstones all over their bodies. Can you really beat them?"

Lu Yang said: "Don't worry, this level of equipment is not everything, I have absolute confidence, and, in the battle just now, I didn't use the Flame Demon Transformation, nor did I use the Forbidden Curse."

Xiong Ba and Chi Mu were relieved when they heard this, and Chi Mu said: "Okay, then I'll accompany you crazy for a while, and I will personally lead 10,000 people to intercept the Bloody Overlord."

Xiong Ba said: "I'll go and intercept Qu Han."

Qianqian said: "Then Thunder Dragon and I started to make trouble in Beifeng City and Hannibal City."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Thank you."

on the battlefield.

Lan Yu and Hei Yan ran up to Lu Yang happily, and Lan Yu said with joy on his face: "Brother, in this battle, we have obtained more than 7,000 pieces of silver-level equipment above level 20, and the medicine materials are too many to count. "

Lu Yang said: "First distribute the equipment filled with gems to Zhuojiu and Kuaibansheng."

"Yes." Lan Yu and Hei Yan led the team and ran to the front of the battle.

Zhuojiu Qingshang sent a message, saying: "Boss, the remaining players of Yeguxing suddenly attacked us for some reason."

"I'll go and have a look." Lu Yang used the escape dagger and flash to jump to the top of the mountain, opened the rocket thruster and quickly came to the front of the formation.

Standing on a high place, Lu Yang found that the remaining 500 people of the Bloodthirsty League were using magic to attack Zhuojiu and others. Farther away, Magneto Wuguang was leading more than 3,000 people without formation to run here.

Lu Yang sneered, and understood the idea of the bloodthirsty Batian, he just wanted to let this group of people entangle him, until he personally brought people to chase here.

"Boss, what should we do?" Maoqiu asked from the side. He had just changed into a brand new level 20 equipment, all of which were filled with gems, and his attack power had increased by more than 100.

Lu Yang said: "Without Ye Guxing, this group of people is just rubbish. Judging by their formation, Magnet Wuguang doesn't know how to lead a team at all. All the members jumped off the narrow mountain with me."

At the entrance of Sayama, White Wolf, Baishi, Zhuojiu, Kuaibansheng and others are gathering in front of the formation and forming a defensive formation to confront the Bloodthirsty Alliance players outside Sayama.

White Wolf looked back and saw that his team followed Lu Yang and jumped down from the narrow mountain, with a surprised expression in his eyes, he asked, "Boss, are we going to rush out and fight back?"

Lu Yang came to the front of the formation and said loudly: "Brothers, Bloodthirsty Batian is rushing towards us with ten thousand people himself. Before he comes, we will give him another big gift. He wants Ye The 5,000 people from Lone Star are entangled with us, he thought we would only dare to ambush them, and dare not confront them head-on, now, I will let them know the strength of our Jagged Brotherhood, everyone follow me, charge!"

Lu Yang was the first to rush out of the team, Bailang, Xia Yuwei, Zhuojiu, and Kuai followed closely beside Lu Yang, and when they reached the distance of 30 yards from each other, the soldiers collectively launched their charge skills.

Ye Guxing's remnant team received orders to entangle Lu Yang and the 3,000 people. The battle just now scared them, so they dared not rush inside, they could only release magic desperately outside, and, The members of the Bloodthirsty League never thought that Lu Yang would dare to rush out with the team.

As a result, the sudden charge directly stunned the remaining 500 people, and in the distance, due to the geographical difference in height, the magnet below was dim and it was unclear what was going on ahead.

In less than 3 minutes, all 500 people were killed.

"The priests and paladins save people in place, and the others recover in place." Lu Yang shouted loudly.

After two battles and two victories, Zhuojiu and others were full of confidence, and immediately revived the dead brothers, and took medicine to restore qi, blood and magic.

2 minutes later.

Sun Yu, who was standing on a high place, sent a message to Lu Yang, saying, "Boss, the person with a dull magnet is still one minute away from us."