Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2652: scouting


Six drab giants with horns all over their foreheads, shoulders, arms, waist, legs, and feet just passed the corner.

Lu Yang climbed up to the city wall against the wall, looked at the backs of the six Huangtian warriors, and said, "They seem to have really lost consciousness."

If it is an ancient god who has not lost consciousness, with Lu Yang's skill, they will definitely be discovered by them, but the other party is still moving forward, which means that the spirit of these ancient gods has collapsed.

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince flew out of Lu Yang's body, and each of them flew towards a warrior of the Desolate Heaven Clan, and activated the secret technique behind them.

"Consciousness Probing"

Two purple rays of light flew into the brains of the two Huangtian warriors. If the other party's consciousness is still there, they will immediately find the enemy behind them, but these two Huangtian warriors did not respond, and the other Huangtian warriors who were walking forward also did not respond. no response.

"The consciousness in the soul has been broken into fragments. It can be confirmed that they have been tortured by the whispers of demons for at least several million years, and they were just shattered until tens of thousands of years ago, and they have not had time to produce a new soul." The eldest prince said.

Blazing Demon God also came to the same conclusion, flew back to Lu Yang, and said, "As long as you don't get close to them for 30 meters, they won't find you, keep looking inside."

In a state of collapsed consciousness, the eyes of the warriors of the Desolate Sky Clan also lost their function, and they would only launch instinctive attacks on enemies who entered their alert range. The distance of 30 meters was the conclusion drawn by the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince based on experience.

"Can you detect the restrictions here, or the location of their patriarch?" Lu Yang asked.

The patriarch of the Huangtian clan is most likely to be a god-king rank, and Lu Yang does not have the ability to fight a god-king rank, even if the opponent is in a state of collapsed consciousness.

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince tried it, and found that their sensory power could not fly a distance of 50 meters, and the conditions inside those castles were completely undetectable.

"There is the law of Huangtian here, and our perception ability will be dispelled by the law of Huangtian when we fly out." The eldest prince said with a frown.

"It means that the three of us may bump into each other's god-king clan at any time?" Lu Yang became interested, and explored ahead vigilantly.

The location where Lu Yang is now is the southeast corner of the castle, and the stables are located under the city wall, but there is no sound of animals below, so he walked to the edge of the city wall curiously and looked down.

The stable was empty, without a single mount, and on the opposite side of the stable was the second-floor house of the groom. In the middle of the house, gems were shining, and more than a dozen grooms of the Huangtian tribe were wandering unconsciously.

Lu Yang jumped into the stable and walked along the main road in front of him towards the gate of the city. It was in that direction that Malderon's team was sucked in just now.

"The three of us have a division of labor. I sense the enemies behind me, you two sense the enemies on the left and right, and I look at the front." Lu Yang said as he walked.

If it was normal, he would have explored by himself, and he could improve his perception, but it was too dangerous here, and a little carelessness would be the end of death, so he had to ask the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince for help.

"I left you right." Blazing Demon God said.

"No problem." The First Prince said.

Lu Yang continued to walk forward, sticking to the house where the servants lived, and after avoiding the three waves of patrols by the Huangtian clan warriors, he came to the defense tower area behind the main entrance of the castle.

This defense tower is cylindrical and very large. A total of four defense towers are connected with the main entrance to form an encirclement. He can hear Maldron's voice coming from the other end of the defense tower.

"Are there any enemies in the tower?" Lu Yang asked.

If one is not careful, he may be slapped to death by the Huangtian warrior in the tower through the wall while climbing. His perception ability is too weak to penetrate the city wall.

The Blazing Demon God said: "I can only perceive an area of 5 meters behind the city wall. There are currently no enemies."

"Do you have to save it?" The eldest prince asked curiously.

"Since they are willing to entrust their lives to me and follow my orders to fight the enemy, then I have an obligation to protect them. Don't worry, if I am in danger of death, I will not be so pedantic." Lu Yang jumped up. Jumped to the 10-meter-high area of the city wall.

In this weird castle, he can only jump so high. Fortunately, he has learned the Demon God Art. The 10-meter-high body is his restored form, not the form he transformed. If the figure's body is 100 meters high, it may be crushed by the gravity of the magic circle in an instant.

"Is there any enemy at the top of the defense tower?" Lu Yang asked.

The defense tower is only 60 meters high, and the Blazing Demon God cannot perceive the situation inside the tower, but can perceive the situation on the top of the tower.

"There are no enemies, you can continue to jump." Blazing Demon God said.

Lu Yang quickly jumped to the top of the tower. As soon as he landed, he clearly heard the shouts of killing outside.


Six Desolate warriors were besieging Maldron and nine of his brothers in the square.

"Brothers, hold on, the master will come to rescue us, if there is an enemy coming, report quickly." Maldron shouted.

"Captain, I can't hold on any longer. Will the master really come to save us? How dare he come here." A soldier was seriously injured and was surrounded in the middle. Maldron and other nine people took him They formed a circle and were protecting him.

"It's impossible for the master to come. Let's rely on ourselves. Captain, you treat me well. You are willing to protect me when I am injured. According to the tradition of our different world, abandon me and let me stay to contain these monsters." .” The wounded soldier in the middle roared in pain.

"Shut up, the master taught me that you must never abandon the brothers around you. When I was young, I didn't understand why you should abandon the seriously injured clansman. This is not an honor. I didn't know until I met the master. Our parents taught us It's wrong, we shouldn't abandon our brothers." Maldron growled.

"Everyone follow what the master taught us before, maintain the current formation, and no matter who sees the monster's attack, rush forward to block for his teammates. Only in this way can we persist until the arrival of the master." Maldron shouted.

"Yes." Other fighters in Turang City have also discovered this problem. Although there are only six fighters on the other side, the strength of these six fighters are all high-level gods. They can't escape if they run outside. I just tested it. , can't find the place to go out, jump in and be pulled back by gravity.

If you run into the castle, you will definitely encounter more high-god enemies, but stay here, it's just easier to deal with these six high-god enemies.

"The captain is right. We must work together. These six high gods have problems. They seem to be insane. Attacks are instinctive. They don't know how to release spells. If we only rely on our bodies, our weapons can still block them for a while." Deputy Captain Stad said.

"But what's the point of doing this? If you stay here, you will die. It's better to fight with them. Killing one is one." A team member growled. According to the tradition of Turang City, in the face of certain death, Even if the enemy is a high god, you have to fight them with your life.

"No one is allowed to act rashly. As I said, the master will come. I believe what he told me. No one is allowed to die. I will take each of you out safely." Maldron growled.

Stard and the others froze in their hearts, no longer had the thought of risking their lives, and stayed where they were and continued to defend, which made Lu Yang very satisfied.

"You taught me well." Blazing Demon God said with satisfaction.

Lu Yang shook his head and said: "They still need to hone their skills, let's wait here a little longer, I want them to see the preciousness of their comrades in arms."

"You are sure, don't let their mentality collapse later." The eldest prince said.

Lu Yang said: "If they want to rely on their own strength to resist the whisper of the devil, they must pass this level.

I didn't trust others back then, but after countless battles, I knew that there was a group of brothers who were worthy of my trust.

They will follow me to die, and will die for me when they must die. I believe that Malderon and the others will also have such a friendship in desperation. "

The eldest prince couldn't understand what Lu Yang said, and the training he received was similar to that of Turang City fighters. Once the teammates around him were seriously injured, they must not be dragged down by them and must be abandoned in time.

After all, wars in the God Realm are different from human wars. Every attack here is an attack of divine magic. For example, when the Scarlet Flame Spirit King frequently uses the Infinite Flame Sun Ball to attack, it will be better if you don’t abandon your teammates. The whole team may die.

But in the same way, if they all stay and fight back, and the sacrifice of their team delays the Chiyan Lingwang, other people cooperate, and it is possible to kill the Chiyan Lingwang instead.

"If you say that, I hope they can do it." The eldest prince was startled by Lu Yang's thoughts, and stared at Maldron and the others.

Lu Yang nodded, and his eyes were all set on the battlefield below.