Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2660: The second wraith ball



A shrill roar sounded in the sky above the Spirit Washing Pond, Lu Yang untied the more than 40,000 resentful souls newly added to his body, and let them revolve around his body.

"Throw the Old Demon into the teleportation array in the air." Lu Yang growled, and activated the Demon God Art.

Maldron had already made preparations and threw a hundred corpses of Old Demons at the entrance of the teleportation array. In an instant, under the force of law, these corpses of one hundred Old Demons disintegrated into dust.

Lu Yang drove the resentful souls to pounce on the dust, plundered the source of blood and purgatory, and then flew back into Lu Yang's body.

As more and more resentful souls plundered the source, Lu Yang's back also gradually grew arms. As the Blazing Demon God said, every thousand resentful souls that plundered the source can make Lu Yang Form an arm.

After Malderon threw 10,000 dead demon corpses into the transmission channel, Lu Yang stopped him. At this time, sixteen arms grew out of Lu Yang's back, and each arm was extremely thick. , covered with muscles.

"Magic silver battle body~!"

With a low growl, Lu Yang's body was quickly covered with silver, and even his sixteen arms were all turned into silver.

"That's right, it's beginning to take shape." Blazing Demon God said with satisfaction.

The eldest prince said: "The combat power of the middle god, the resistance ability of the upper god, when you face multiple lower gods or middle gods in the future, you can kill them with the arm of the demon god, and you don't have to worry about being killed by many people." under siege."

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Finally, I can go back, I have to quickly find a way to take my brothers over."

It is impossible for the Four Demon Generals to let go of Xiaguang Turang, and it is also impossible to let go of Lu Yang and Blazing Demon God. They must still be ambushing around Turang City.

If Lu Yang dared to fly out so swaggeringly, he would definitely be ambushed and killed by the four devil generals. Now that the four devil generals don't know that his strength has improved so much, if they still use the previous method to deal with him, Lu Yang has a way to rely on the magic silver battle body escaped.

"Don't be in a hurry, do you want to make another ball of resentment?" Blazing Demon God asked with a smile.

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "Of course I thought about it, can it really be done?"

If there is one more resentment ball, Lu Yang has a greater chance of escaping and returning to the polar region.

The Blazing Demon God said: "This is what we researched when we were studying the Wuji Yanyang Dafa. You don't need to use your avatar, and you can make it temporarily. I will teach you the formula."

In Lu Yang's mind, there was an extra method to create a resentful soul ball. He quickly mobilized his divine power to condense the resentful souls flying above his head.

It took Lu Yang a week to create this resentment ball, but compared with the previous resentment ball, the power of this resentment ball is obviously much lower, because all the resentment are not condensed together, but large Some of the resentful souls are still in a state of independent consciousness.

"Would it be ineffective?" Lu Yang was afraid that the resentful soul ball would disperse immediately after throwing it out, and the resentful soul would run back into his body.

The Blazing Demon God also scratched his head a little, and said: "There should be no problem, go out and try it out later, anyway, it can only last half an hour with things."

Lu Yang nodded, and after calling Delia and Maldron to explain, he flew out of Blood Purgatory and saw Xiaguang Turang in the small house in the teleportation array.

"You want to go?" Xiaguang Turang asked looking at the Blazing Demon God flying out of Lu Yang's body.

"I want to go back and bring my brothers here." Lu Yang said.

Blazing Demon God said: "Don't be so suspicious, if I really want to leave, I won't leave from you."

Xiaguang Turang sighed, and said: "I saw the changes in Malderon's body. Your method is indeed effective. I don't want to stop you, just come here to chat with you."

"What's wrong?" Blazing Demon God asked.

Xiaguang Turang said: "The Nether Yan Clan's persecution of me is getting stronger and stronger. I can stop them for two months at most. After two months, they will freely enter and leave my city. At that time, if you want to come in again , it will not be easy, so you must come back within these two months."

Blazing Demon God glanced at him, frowned and said, "Are you so unwilling to resist?"

Xiaguang Turang sighed, and said: "Of course I am willing to resist for the sake of my own race, but, alas, I have my last resort reasons, maybe I will tell you the day I die, there is a teleportation array here, you can fly directly to It’s 50 kilometers outside the city, go and come back quickly.”

Next to the teleportation array leading to Blood Purgatory, another red teleportation array appeared. Lu Yang stepped into it and said, "I will definitely be back within two months."

The light flickered.

When Lu Yang opened his eyes again, he found that he had flown out of Turang City, in an abyss cave deep in the bottom of the lava sea.

Sensing the flow of magma, Lu Yang found the exit of the cave, and carefully returned to the surface of the lava sea. He found that the surrounding area was still safe, and the city of Turang in the distance could hardly be seen. It was indeed 50 kilometers away. .

"Phoenix Transformation"

A burst of blazing light radiated from Lu Yang's body, he turned into a phoenix form, and flew towards the North Pole of the other world at full speed.

the other side.

The four demon generals who were defending near the lava sea showed surprise expressions at the same time, especially Li Weiqi, who was defending the north, immediately sensed Lu Yang's direction.

"Finally let me catch you." Two pairs of black wings appeared behind Li Weiqi, turned into a black light and flew towards Lu Yang's direction.

Since Lu Yang used his speed to escape from their pursuit last time, Li Weiqi got these two pairs of black wings from the Nether Flame Clan. They are called Black God Wings, which are unique wings of the ancient Black God Clan.

After the Nether Flame Clan wiped out this race, they plucked off the main god-level wings of their patriarch and elders, and refined them into black god wings.

There are eight in total, and when the divine power is activated, the flying speed of the Black God Wing can triple Li Weiqi's speed.

When Li Weiqi chased and killed Lu Yang before, he only failed to catch up with him at a weak speed. This time, he chased and killed him at almost three times the speed of Lu Yang. After only half an hour of chasing, he blocked Lu Yang at Mid-air in the area around the edge of the Lava Sea.

"Lu Yang, Blazing Demon God, you two won't be able to escape this time, come out obediently and die." Li Weiqi made a move with his right hand, and a black mist filled the sky appeared. The road ahead of Lu Yang was completely blocked.

Two sabers appeared from Li Weiqi's hands, and with his divine power running, black flames ignited on the blades. He looked at Lu Yang with a smirk and said, "Should I cut off your left wing first, or cut you off first?" How about your right wing?"

Lu Yang changed back into a human form, looked at Li Weiqi with a smile and said, "You're taking your own humiliation again? How can you survive if you can't kill me twice in a row at the main god level?"

"Today you will die." Li Weiqi was furious, his body turned into a phantom and flew in front of Lu Yang in an instant, his two knives met Lu Yang's head and chopped off.

"Resentment Ball~!"

Lu Yang also knew that he couldn't dodge, so he resisted Li Weiqi's double knives with his magic silver body without dodging, and followed him to smash the resentment ball in his hand directly to Li Weiqi's forehead.

In an instant, the ball of resentful souls exploded, and more than 30,000 resentful souls flew in all directions with soaring anger. The pain of being forcibly piled together made their resentment even worse.

Because the distance was too close, almost all the exploded resentful souls passed through Li Weiqi's head, and then rushed into the Black Fire God Spirit Army behind him.


Painful wailing sounded in the Black Fire God Spirit Army. They had only remnant souls left, and what they could do was to kill unconsciously, but countless resentful souls collided with these remnant souls, bringing resentment into them , Those who caused these remnant souls to be hurt by the resentful souls could only kneel in mid-air and whine!

Li Weiqi had already lost consciousness. Lu Yang punched Li Weiqi on the head, but he couldn't do anything to hurt him. On the other hand, his body had already been sliced half an inch in by Li Weiqi's black-flaming knives.

Lu Yang was aroused fiercely in the severe pain, sixteen arms appeared, aiming at Li Weiqi's head and body to attack frantically.

There were bursts of crisp bangs, Li Weiqi's body was not injured at all, but Lu Yang's fist was damaged.

"Let's go, he is the main god of the body system, you can't kill him." Blazing Demon God said.

Lu Yang was a little unwilling, and twitched his mouth according to Li Weiqi, then changed back to the form of a phoenix, and quickly flew towards the North Pole.

"It's a pity, such a good opportunity is only this time." Lu Yang sighed a little.

The eldest prince smiled and said: "Be content, you didn't let him kill you, it all depends on this blood to make silver."

Lu Yang nodded, the wounds on his body had begun to heal, because he had absorbed enough blood refining silver, so that the inside of his body was also transformed by blood refining silver, so he was not afraid of this level of attack at all.

"It's also Li Weiqi's fault. Whenever he faces Lu Yang and launches the strongest attack directly, neither Lu Yang nor us can survive." Blazing Demon God said proudly.

"Let that Li Weiqi learn a lesson, that moment just now is enough for him to recover for a few months." The eldest prince said with a smile.

Lu Yang couldn't help laughing, the explosive seeds in his body were activated, his speed was doubled, and he flew back towards home.