Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2669: Phaseless Stone


The corpse of the god-king rank was calcined by the red flames. Neither the Blazing Demon God nor the First Prince had heard of it. The most important use of the corpse of a god-king rank powerhouse was to be absorbed.

If other god kings of the same line want to go further, they can only absorb the souls of other god kings. For example, the soul of the blazing demon god has been completely absorbed by the current flame god king. At least one-third higher than before.

The second use of the god king's corpse is to make weapons. The head, torso and other parts of the Blazing Demon God are all made into fire-type artifacts. The power is almost the same as that of the fire-type treasures in the world, and some are even stronger.

Like Lu Yang, he was the first one to burn with red flames. It wasn't that Lu Yang didn't want to absorb the soul of the sky-puncher, nor that he didn't want to use the corpse of the sky-puncher as a weapon. , As long as you go out, you will be reduced to ashes.

As for the divine soul of the Heavenly Punisher, it cannot be absorbed by cultivators from other worlds. The attributes are extremely mismatched. No matter what kind of elemental power is cultivated, it cannot match the Heavenly Punisher. If it is forcibly absorbed, not only will it not improve As a result, it may also split the soul of the cultivator, so the best solution is to let the sky executioner burn it with red flames.

thirteen days.

It took a full thirteen days for the body of Tian Xing Zhe to be completely ignited, and at this time, Tian Xing Zhe's body could not resist Hong Yan's special ability, and began to distort and deform.

Pieces of off-white shells peeled off from Skyrunner's body. The red flames did not burn anything, but the dark blue core inside collapsed crazily.

It was as if the body of the executioner was going to condense into one point, but when the body of the executioner was pierced by the horn of the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan, it proved that the blue body was solid, not hollow!

The horns of the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan couldn't pierce through them at all, they could only penetrate less than ten centimeters, which proved that the body of the Heavenly Punisher was still extremely hard.

Now that it was forcibly collapsed in like this, the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince who were watching couldn't help but block in front of Lu Yang, and cast the teleportation circle at the same time.

Once an explosion occurs, all the explosive power will be annihilated by the blood purgatory law of the transmission channel, and will not have any impact on the three of them.

Lu Yang continued to increase the release speed of the divine power in his hands, the red flames burned more and more violently, and the body of the Skyrunner collapsed faster and faster, gradually turning into a dark blue ball with a diameter of one meter.

Suddenly, the blue ball swelled ten centimeters outward, as if it was going to explode, but in the next second, it collapsed back inward again, and then began to expand, collapse, expand, and collapse again and again .

Lu Yang didn't dare to take any other actions, so he could only continue to release the red flame. Under the calcination of the red flame, although the blue ball would still expand, overall, the blue ball was getting smaller.

It gradually shrunk from one meter to fifty centimeters, then thirty centimeters, twenty centimeters... When it collapsed to ten centimeters in diameter, the blue ball stabilized.

As Lu Yang continued to activate the red flame, a strange feeling appeared in the bodies of Lu Yang, Blazing Demon God and the First Prince. The blue ball gradually turned transparent in front of the three of them.

"What is this?" Lu Yang asked confusedly.

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince were both dumbfounded, their eyes widened excitedly, and at the same time they couldn't help but muttered to themselves: "Phaseless Tribulation Stone~!"

"Phaseless Tribulation Stone? What is it?" Lu Yang asked.


Before the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince could explain, a terrifying roar suddenly appeared from inside the sphere, and it slammed into the direction of the teleportation array.

"If you want to run, there is no way." The Blazing Flame Demon God and the First Prince retracted the teleportation array at the same time, and activated the Chaos Demon Flame at the same time.

The purple-black flame instantly turned into a chain and trapped the colorless transparent ball, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape.

"Lu Yang, cut off a small piece of the spirit in your abdomen and inject it into the Phaseless Tribulation Stone, hurry up!" Blazing Demon God urged.

The soul is the root of a cultivator's promotion from the lower god to the middle god, upper god, main god, and even to the king of gods. Now the Blazing Demon God asks Lu Yang to cut off a part of his soul and inject it into this small transparent ball. It can be seen that this small ball How important it is.

"Are these enough?" Lu Yang cut off a piece of his soul as big as a thumb from his abdomen and poured it into the Wuxiang Jieshi.

"Just right." Blazing Demon God and the First Prince laughed and said.

After the Wuxiang Jieshi inhaled the soul, it quickly calmed down, suspended in mid-air, and no longer needed the control of the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, even laughing a little crazy, which made Lu Yang a little puzzled.

"Is this thing that you two call the Wuxiang Jieshi so good? What's the use?" Lu Yang asked with a smile.

"What's the use?" Blazing Demon God handed the Phaseless Tribulation Stone into Lu Yang's hands, and said, "Do you know that this thing has only appeared once in the hundreds of millions of years in our world."

The eldest prince said: "In my time, no wonder a god king died inexplicably. No one knew who snatched the body away. After that, this thing popped up. No one knew where it came from." When he came out, no one paid attention to him at the beginning, after all, it was just such a small broken ball, and I didn’t know what it was useful for, only knew that every time there was a battle of the gods, someone would appear with this small broken ball.”

Lu Yang asked: "Is this thing absorbing the soul?"

The eldest prince shook his head, and said with a sneer: "This thing is for absorbing resentful souls. In a great battle, there were millions of dead and injured on both sides, and so many resentful souls were absorbed by this little broken ball."

"At first, no one paid attention to it, but later someone fought with the strong man holding this little broken ball. As a result, this little broken ball turned into an ancient divine beast—Phaseless Tribulation Beast."

"What is this?" Lu Yang asked.

Blazing Demon God said: "I didn't tell you before, because this thing is too rare, I thought it didn't exist. The Formless Tribulation Beast is a divine beast in our world, and it represents the power of resentment between heaven and earth. At the same time as the target, there is endless resentment attached, anyone who is pounced on by the Wuxiang Jie beast will instantly explode because of the endless resentment, the upper god is no exception, and the peak of the main god can barely suppress the resentment and save his life."

The eldest prince nodded, and said: "At that time, I was in other battlefields and did not participate in this war, but according to those who survived, the Wuxiang Jie beast couldn't even kill the king of gods, and I didn't dare to take this endless Resentment, but the Formless Beast has no body, so everyone was scared away by the Formless Beast."

Lu Yang was stunned, and said, "Who is that person who holds the Wuxiang Jieshou?"

The eldest prince said: "I don't know, that person's self-control has always been hidden in the black mist, and he belongs to the side of the ancient gods, but after the ancient gods were defeated, this person also blew himself up, and the Wuxiang Jieshi was also killed in the subsequent battle." After it was blown up, no Phaseless Tribulation Stone ever appeared again."

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said: "I didn't expect to see the Wuxiang Jieshi again, and it's still on our side. We were still worried that there were too many demons killed, and we couldn't transform all the resentful souls with the Demon God Art." Worry, this is all right, let the Wuxiang Jieshi absorb all the excess, and try to let him evolve into a Wuxiang Jieshen as soon as possible, when the time comes, we will all have to run when the main god peak sees it."

Lu Yang couldn't help laughing. After being bombarded and killed by the Wuji Yanyang of the Scarlet Flame Spirit King, being chased and killed by the four demon generals at the peak of the main god, and being threatened by Xiaguang Turang, he really had enough. If it's a beast, he doesn't have to be afraid.

"I'll take my brothers to kill Earth Demon when I go out." Lu Yang said.

For thirteen days in a row, his brothers outside should be in a stable condition, the only thing that is worse is fighting in the form of warriors of the Desolate Sky Clan. He is going to let his brothers practice with the old demons, but before leaving, there is one more thing more important things.

"Liu Ruohuai, come in." Lu Yang ordered loudly.

Outside the Huangtian Clan's castle, Liu Ruohuai was leading his brothers to practice. Hearing Lu Yang's order, he quickly entered the castle and ran to the back garden.

"Boss, I'm here." Liu Ruohuai said respectfully.

Lu Yang looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you know this strong man of the Huangtian clan beside me?"

Liu Ruohuai looked up at the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan. The armor and sharp horns all over his body were harder than blood-refined silver, and his appearance was even more calm and majestic.

"Boss, who is this?" Liu Ruohuai couldn't guess.

Lu Yang said: "The God King of the Huangtian Clan."

"No wonder it's so powerful." Liu Ruohuai said in amazement.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "He's yours now, replace your ordinary Huangtian clan warrior's blood with the Huangtian clan's god king's bloodline."

Liu Ruohuai widened her eyes excitedly, looked at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, are you serious? This, this... This is too precious, I can't accept it."

He was so excited that he couldn't speak, the bloodline of a strong God-King rank, no matter how stupid Liu Ruohuai was, he knew the meaning of this bloodline, it was an opportunity for him to spy on the God-King rank after being replaced.

Lu Yang said: "You are the legion commander of the Huangtian Clan, you deserve it."

"But, but, Zhou Tianming's boss hasn't changed yet." Liu Ruohuai said.

Lu Yang said: "I chatted with Zhou Tianming on the way here. In order to prevent my brothers from being threatened by demon whispers and extraterrestrial demons, Zhou Tianming has decided to use only the blood of the Nightmare Clan in his life."

"Boss Zhou Tianming..." Liu Ruohuai was filled with admiration once again. After being exposed to cultivation, who among them would not want to keep getting stronger, and the most important thing to become stronger is blood.

Zhou Tianming can give up the bloodline of the god-king class, but who can do such a thing except treat them as brothers.

Lu Yang also sighed inwardly. Originally, he wanted to let Zhou Tianming remove the blood of the Nightmare Clan and let others take over, but Zhou Tianming was worried that other people would not be able to withstand the invasion of the extraterritorial demons, so he decided to continue to fight against the extraterritorial demons alone and protect all of them. brother.

"Ruohuai, remember what the boss said. Although we came to this world to gain stronger strength, our ultimate goal is to protect our homeland."

"Our ancestors were enslaved once, and we deeply know the feeling of being enslaved. The feeling of losing dignity, losing our homeland, and being unable to protect our loved ones and relatives must never happen to us and our next generation again."

"We are cultivating desperately for this. If you can't maintain this mentality, even if you get the blood of the god-king rank, you will one day be swallowed by the remnant souls of the extraterritorial heavenly demons and the god-kings of the Desolate Heaven clan."

"Absolute power is not what we pursue. Protecting our family, protecting our dignity, and guarding the land we raise is what we pursue. Do you understand?" Lu Yang said to Liu Ruohuai word by word.

At this time, the hearts of the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince were greatly touched. Is it the corpse of the God-King Rank, or is it the main god of the Huangtian Clan who relies on body and strength to fight, and just give it to his subordinates? !

If it is calcined with red flames, the treasures that come out will definitely not be weaker than the level of the Wuxiang Jieshi. If it is handed over to Lu Yang, Lu Yang's strength will be further strengthened, but Lu Yang's choice is to hand over the treasure. I gave it to my brother, just to make the race stronger!

The eldest prince took a deep breath in his consciousness, looked at the Blazing Demon God and said: "I am completely convinced, what he pursues is really not power, but something that I may never understand."

Blazing Demon God sighed, and said: "It is precisely because of his quality that he can cultivate warriors who are not afraid of demons outside the realm."

The eldest prince nodded, and said, "I'm really looking forward to seeing Lu Yang's subordinates put on the top bloodlines in Blood Purgatory and return to the scene of fighting in another world."

"I'm looking forward to it too." Blazing Demon God said.

In the back garden.

Liu Ruohuai completely understood what Lu Yang meant, and his mood returned to calm. He bowed respectfully to Lu Yang and said, "Boss, I will remember what you said, and I will work hard for this goal all my life."

"Let's merge, I'll help you." Lu Yang nodded in satisfaction, opened the teleportation space with a move with his right hand, and used divine power to throw the corpse of the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan to the entrance of the teleportation.

The red light flickered, and the body of the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan instantly turned into countless particles of dust, among which the one without law was captured by Lu Yang and sent to Liu Ruohuai.

Liu Ruohuai's soul quickly separated from her body and merged with this dust. In an instant, the dust seemed to have found a hotbed and began to grow crazily. It soon turned into cells, and then split rapidly. After half a day, it covered Liu Ruohuai's whole body .

Looking at Liu Ruohuai again at this time, except for his appearance, he is almost the same as the God King of the Desolate Heaven Clan. The surging divine power is crazily spinning in Liu Ruohuai's body. There was still a small half of the magic power in his body, but now under this spinning divine power, all of them are being suppressed. Converted into divine power.

The wind, thunder and clouds move, and the sky and the earth change color!

When the vision appeared, there must be a god descending into the world. Liu Ruohuai looked at Lu Yang blankly and said, "Boss, I, I, I seem to have advanced to the rank of lower god!"

Lu Yang has already seen the changes in Liu Ruohuai's body, the sharp corners of each part and the armor on his body are sharper and harder.

"You are the peak demigod, it's normal to get the blood of the head of the Desolate Heaven Clan and some of the power in his body to be promoted to the next god." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, but I'm not prepared." Liu Ruohuai said blankly. Originally, he thought that according to the order, it would be his turn only after Zhuojiu and Baishi had been promoted, but he became the second one. .

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and said: "Let's not talk about those falsehoods between brothers. When the opportunity comes your turn, you should become a god. This is not something worth celebrating. The stronger the strength, the heavier the responsibility , I hope you are ready to face a strong enemy."

Liu Ruohuai's eyes gradually became firm, and he said, "Boss, I understand what you mean, and I will not disappoint the expectations of you and your brothers."

Lu Yang nodded, and said: "Come out with me, let's take the brothers to familiarize themselves with the body, the enemy will not let us practice so comfortably all the time."

"En." Liu Ruohuai nodded vigorously, followed Lu Yang and left Huangtian Castle.

The 28,000 Iron-Blooded Brotherhood soldiers who had replaced the blood of the Desolate Sky Clan were confused about the cause of the phenomenon of heaven and earth. They were all stunned when they saw Liu Ruohuai flying out of the castle with Lu Yang.

Under the influence of the same blood, they quickly sensed that Liu Ruohuai had been promoted to the lower god, which made them all look dazed and excited.

Lu Yang flew over the crowd and said loudly: "Liu Ruohuai has been promoted to the lower god, and from now on, the Jagged Brotherhood has two lower gods."


More than 20,000 brothers cheered in unison.

Lu Yang and the rest of the crowd calmed down and said, "Everyone is now a quasi-god and a demigod. If you want to become stronger, you must first familiarize yourself with the body. Advance in parallel, use the enemy to practice your hands, remember, you are not allowed to kill the old demon, just capture me alive."

"Yes." Pan Yuhang, Yao Ye and the others cheered in unison. Going further is becoming a god. Excited, they led their teams to the east side of Huangtian Castle.

When Delia and Maldron led the team eastward, they did not advance in parallel, but inserted like a sharp knife into the endless monsters on the east side of the Fortress of Desolation.

Their purpose is to put themselves to death and survive, to force themselves into a desperate situation, to learn to cooperate and help each other. In this way, countless monsters from the east side of Huangtianbao were drawn out, most of them were old demons. Mainly, it is just right for Liu Ruohuai and Pan Yuhang to practice their hands.