Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2674: Change blood


Even if the upper god is injured again, killing the lower god is a matter of seconds. Therefore, the lower god legions on both sides dare not covet the body of the main god. They can only think about killing a few more tribesmen and get more energy and reward.

Soon, there were casualties in the lower god army. Without the help of teammates, the battles in almost every area were one-on-one.

Those who died in the battle were killed on the spot. Similarly, those who survived would immediately hunt down the nearby enemies.

The battle between the upper gods was not optimistic. There were eleven brothers in total, seven of whom were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Both Doria and Kansings still had the strength to fight, but there was not much left. Just when both sides felt that they were going to be unable to move, Lu Yang suddenly stopped the energy transmission to the purple beads.

"Father is dead~!" Doria, Kansins and the others showed excited expressions at the same time, and in the next second, the four of them shot at each other with purple beams of light like desperately.

They were so exhausted that they could no longer avoid each other's attacks, and they were all hit by the beam of light and fell to the ground. But even so, Doria and Kansings were still trying to crawl towards the valley, trying to snatch the body of the Lord God .

"Pfft!" came the sound of the sharp sword piercing into the body.

Doria only felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and his spirit began to disintegrate quickly. He turned around blankly, but showed disbelief in his eyes.

"Panthill, what, why is it you?" The eleventh brother, who was the shortest and most cunning, pulled out the long sword pierced on Doria's body with a smile, and said, "You idiots, father's body was killed by I'm here to accept it, so let's go on the road with peace of mind."

The sword light flashed, and the remaining nine brothers, including Kansings, were all beheaded by Panthill.

"Father, I'm here to fetch your soul." Panthill laughed loudly and flew towards the valley.

The originally silent valley was filled with the echoes of Panthill, and he, who was already in a state of extreme excitement, even lost the last bit of reason.

There can be no other people in the valley, and if his father was alive before, there can be no other people.

Just imagine, who can coerce a main god? If the main god would rather blew himself up in a dying state, even the god king would not be able to control him, not to mention his father himself is not inferior to the god king.

Panthill believed that his father must have been seriously injured and fell in the valley after killing the enemies. He must get his father's body as soon as possible. If the enemies came back to rob him, he would have no chance.

Thinking of this, Panthill became even more excited. His body turned into a ray of light and came to the depths of the valley. Behind a bush, he sensed his father's body and jumped over.

"Father, your soul belongs to me. In this way, I can be promoted to the rank of the main god." Panthill laughed and crashed through the bushes, but he was dumbfounded when he landed.

There was only one purple bead on the ground, and his father's body hadn't been seen. Just when he was feeling at a loss, suddenly, the ground exploded, and Lu Yang flew out from behind him, and struck down heavily with the double hammers in his hand, knocking Pan Te Hill was crushed to the ground.

"The whole army attacked and killed all the Tianzhu people." Lu Yang ordered loudly.

Outside the valley, Liu Ruohuai had been waiting for a long time around the battlefield where the Dzizhu tribe fought among themselves. He jumped out of the soil and shouted: "Iron Brothers, kill~!"


Twenty-eight thousand warriors of the Huangtian tribe jumped out of the ground at the same time, surrounded on three sides and charged into the team of the Tianzhu tribe.

Originally, less than 7,000 people died in the infighting of the Dzizhu clan, and all of them were injured. Although they were lower gods, they were good at long-range magic attacks and not good at close combat.

Suddenly, the quasi-gods and demigods of the Huangtian clan rushed forward, and the battle basically lost its suspense. Liu Ruohuai and others, who are good at fighting in the flesh, used their sharp horns to hit a low god of the Tianzhu clan with force. The body shattered.

On the other hand, when the purple light from the Dzi Bead clan hit them, even though it would cause serious injuries to the soldiers of the Huangtian bloodline, it would not kill them!

Another one, the Tianzhu tribe was at the end of their battle, and they wanted to escape more, but when Delia joined the battle group with soldiers from Turang City, the battle lost all suspense.

More than 10,000 Dzizhu warriors were all killed outside the valley. When Delia, Liu Ruohuai and others returned to the valley mouth with their corpses, Lu Yang was waiting there.

"Report to the boss, this battle wiped out all the fighters of the Dzizhu clan. Our Huangtian Legion has seriously injured 1,324 people, and 5,632 people have been slightly injured. No one died." Liu Ruohuai reported in a loud voice.

Delia followed suit and said, "Eight hundred and sixty-four of our troops were seriously injured, and 1,232 were slightly injured."

Lu Yang nodded, and said: "The Dzizhu tribe can still explode with such fighting power when they are dying, it is very powerful."

Maldron and the others nodded one after another, with excited expressions on their faces. If they changed their bodies, they would all have a chance to reach a higher level.

Lu Yang looked at Malderon and the others with a smile, and said, "Take the corpse back to the Pure Land of Demons, and replace your blood."

"Thank you, boss." The excitement of Maldron and others was beyond words.

The Blazing Demon God reminded: "Let them keep the purple beads on their chests, I will be useful."

"Go, don't forget to take off the beads." Lu Yang shouted.

"Oh." Maldron and others went to carry the corpse.

Lu Yang looked at Liu Ruohuai and said, "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Help the brothers go back to the Demon-Free Pure Land and go to the castle of the Huangtian Clan to rest."

"Yes." Liu Ruohuai went back to form a team.

In this battle, luck outweighed actual strength. If it wasn't for the infighting among the Dzizhu clan, if Lu Yang and the others wanted to win, at least one-fifth of them would have to die.

The purpose of Lu Yang's coming to Blood Purgatory is to make his brothers stronger, not to send them to death. Now that he has received benefits, he will never take any more risks.

Seeing that 28,000 Huangtian warriors and less than 5,000 Turang City warriors were ready, he led the team back to the Demonless Pure Land.

He didn't stop when he passed the Fort of Desolation along the way, but finally heaved a sigh of relief when he returned to the underground castle where the warriors of Turang City were.

After some rest, Lu Yang personally changed the bloodlines of every Turang City warrior, a total of 4772 people, all of them were converted into the bloodlines of Dzi Beads.

"Boss, please allow me to go back to Turang City and report this matter to my father. I believe my father will devote more resources to support you." Delia knelt in front of Lu Yang excitedly and said .

"You really should go back to see your father. All Turang City fighters can go home if they want to go back. I will grant you a week's vacation." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss." Delia, Maldron and others said one after another.

The teleportation formation is just at the gate of the city, but they haven't been home to see it for more than a year. Now that they have changed their bloodlines, they can go home to face the expectations of their parents and elders.