Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2689: Return to Turan City


The area where the Soul Snake Valley and the Fire Spirit Blood Tree Forest are located is called the Eastern Wilderness in Blood Purgatory, and the person who left this name is the Skyrunner.

The area of the Eastern Wasteland is very large, and this area is equivalent to the size of the entire planet in another world. The Magic-free Pure Land is at the easternmost point of the Eastern Wasteland.

The area outside the Magic-Free Pure Land is called the black storm area. Every once in a while, about half a year on the earth, a black storm will blow here. Anyone who is blown will lose the ability to cast spells. The mind also falls into a stupor.

"No one knows how the black storm was formed, but we probably know that the starting point is in a large rift valley area in the west. If I fly, it will take a long time to get there." The Lord God of Blazing Bird said to Lu Yang.

The Lord God of the Soul Snake Clan said: "Except for the Great Rift Valley that cannot go, there are more than 30 races in the area between the Great Rift Valley and our location, all of which have no IQ, no special spells, and are only ordinary. The next god, if your fighters are going to go out to fight, they are the most suitable."

Lu Yang asked: "Have you ever been outside the black storm area?"

The Lord God of Blazing Bird shook his head, and said: "There is a strange attraction in that Great Rift Valley. It cannot fly over, and it is still bottomless. I, the Lord God, almost died there. We have never gone out, nor have we People have come in."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up a little, which proves that the area they are in is still a Jedi. If they can't get in or get out, there won't be stronger enemies coming to attack them. As long as the magic circle is destroyed, here It is absolutely safe.

"Thank you for the information, I believe you can see that we are a race from a different world, and we are going to return to another world after all. The reason for going outside the Pure Land of No Demons is just to improve our strength, and we did not compete with the two for territory. I hope we can coexist peacefully in the future." Lu Yang said solemnly.

The chief of the Soul Snake Clan and the Patriarch of the Explosive Bird Clan are most worried that their two races will be wiped out by Lu Yang and the others at any time, but after hearing this, the two patriarchs are relieved. Lu Yang replaced the god behind him. What the king said, the king of the gods promises to change the color of the world, and will never lie to them.

"Thank you for the magnanimity of the upper gods." The patriarchs of the Soul Snake Clan and the Explosive Bird Clan were very excited.

Lu Yang looked at the two with a smile, and said apologetically, "Then I won't send it off, you two can take your clansmen back."

"The lower races will leave now." The patriarchs of the Soul Snake Clan and the Explosive Bird Clan immediately left with their subordinates as if fleeing for their lives.

It's not that the two of them didn't want to leave slowly with dignity, it's that the coercion of the twelve main gods of the Desolate Heaven Clan is too terrifying. Although they are the main gods, they are the main gods of the ancient race. When I told Lu Yang about the surrounding situation, I was full of fear. Now that I can leave, why don't I leave like running for my life

Under the sky full of smoke and dust, Lu Yang stood at the entrance of the Pure Land of No Demons, with a smile on his face all the time, but his heart was trembling a little.

Just now, as long as he showed a little timidity, or said something that caused the two main gods to doubt, the whole army would be wiped out today. Fortunately, he succeeded, frightening the Explosive Bird Clan and the Soul Snake Clan.

"Boss." Zhou Tianming brought Liu Ruohuai, Delia and others to the back, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Lu Yang flicked his right hand, and the god-level saber on the ground flew into Liu Ruohuai's hand. He said with a smile, "From now on, the pure land without demons will be our home. Liu Ruohuai, Pan Yuhang, and Zhao Cheng, you three take turns to be on duty at the entrance and exit. If people from these two tribes come over, you will be responsible for dealing with them.”

"Yes." The three of them understood what Lu Yang meant, and if someone made a mistake, their true details would be exposed if they gave it to their brothers. Therefore, the three of them must stay here to prevent accidents from happening.

Lu Yang went on to say: "Delia, gather the warriors of your clan and leave the Demonless Pure Land now. While they are in a state of fear, launch an expedition to the south. Remember, with as few sacrifices as possible, the population of your clan will Running out."

"Obey." Delia showed a frenzied look in her eyes, and after bowing solemnly, she went back to gather her men.

The less than 100,000 fighters in Turang City were already in a state of preparing to fight for their lives. Today's incident touched them the deepest.

Lu Yang has a way to leave, how do they leave? The back road has been cut off, and the soul snake clan and the explosive bird clan are chasing and killing them in front of them. Only by desperately can they find a way out.

In this state, it is the easiest to stimulate the potential. Delia also sensed the state of the people under her clan, and ordered loudly: "Follow me to fight for the future of my clan~!"


The soldiers of Turang City roared in unison, and under the leadership of Maldron and other army commanders, they stepped out of the magic-free pure land, and Zhou Tianming also set off with the team.

Liu Ruohuai and other soldiers of the Huangtian clan sent the soldiers of Turang City away with solemn expressions. From them, Liu Ruohuai and others felt the sadness of being forced to leave the earth and go to another world to fight.

After watching Delia and the others go far away, Lu Yang said to Liu Ruohuai beside him, "Let's go back too."

He led the 30,000 Huangtian Clan Legion back to Huangtian Castle, and after clearing out all the ruins in the castle, Liu Ruohuai and the others found the switch of the gravitational circle.

There are stone materials for building the castle in the nearby area. Lu Yang took Liu Ruohuai and others to rebuild the Huangtian Castle. While resting, he still didn't hold back, and said to the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince: "I want to use the teleportation array of the underground castle. , go to Turang City again."

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince looked at each other, and they both laughed, and the Blazing Demon God said: "This is what we both think, the enemy will definitely think that I cherish my life so much that I dare not go to Turang City again, and, Nether It is also impossible for King Yan to send heavy troops to guard the abandoned city of Turang."

That's what Lu Yang thought. The Blazing Demon God had been exposed, and he was still in front of the main army of the Nether Yan Clan. Who would have guessed that he would not believe that the Blazing Demon God dared to go to Turang City again. After all, any main god who stayed behind to ambush The Blazing Demon God will always be killed.

Since the enemy thinks it will not, then Lu Yang will do the opposite. On the one hand, he needs to take Luo Siyu and the other fire mages as quickly as possible to change their bloodlines. next step plan.

If the enemy really gave up chasing and killing them, then he could build a teleportation circle in Desolation Castle and go straight to the arctic wasteland.

"Let's go now." He simply told Liu Ruohuai, and flew towards the underground castle alone.