Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2692: The good news brought by Ma Hui


The total population of the ancient gods has now reached more than 300,000, of which 200,000 are old and weak, women and children, and only 100,000 can actually fight. Among these 100,000 people, basically all are lower gods, whose strength has reached the middle god level. It is not as good as a thousand people, and there are only fifty-three high gods. As for the main god rank, there is only one Aigulie, who is about to be promoted to the main god, and it is estimated that he is still at the peak of the high god.

Not to mention the Jagged Brotherhood, Lu Yang only reached the strength of a high god after transforming with all his strength. If he wanted to fight against the Brilliant Fire Clan, he had to launch a sneak attack in advance when the enemy was unprepared, first find ways to weaken the enemy, and then find a way to wipe them all out.

If the ancient gods were allowed to develop in the border area, and Lu Yang and Ai Gulie went after they set up a fortress and a magic circle, it would really be the same as courting death.

Lu Yang took out all the materials that had been decomposed in Bandalsberg and handed them to Ma Hui, saying, "Exchange it to the source soul crystal as soon as possible, and then you can contact me."

Ma Hui said: "We have our own store in the twelve main cities of the Lava Sea. I can redeem it in advance when I go back. Now I can come back after half a day."

"I won't hide it from you, some of these original soul crystals are used by the patriarch of the ancient god clan, Ai Gulie, who is going to be promoted to the main god." Lu Yang whispered.

"Ah?!" Ma Hui's excited eyes were full of disbelief, and he said, "The ancient gods are going to produce a main god? Isn't that the same as being promoted to a god king?"

This has a great impact on the entire different world. Many races will be subverted, and many strategies need to be changed. Who can know this news in advance, and it will have a great effect on a super organization like the Shadow Chamber of Commerce.

"Your Highness, thank you for your information. I am a member of the Hui clan. Just relying on this news, I have made great achievements." Ma Hui said excitedly.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Go, you will come to this place to look for me later, but the teleportation array is no longer here, so I'm leaving too."

"Yes." Ma Hui flew away quickly.

Lu Yang waited for the horse ashes to completely disappear into the sky before he walked back into the teleportation circle. After memorizing the runes on the magic circle, he drilled into the lava sea and came to the hidden cave in the teleportation circle. After the array was modified, it was sent to the underground castle of Blood Purgatory.

Looking at the castle, Lu Yang finally felt a sense of security. He teleported to the ground and flew back to the Huangtian Castle in the form of a phoenix. He took out the materials that Xiaguang Turang gave him and started to build the teleportation circle.

Teleporting directly from Blood Purgatory back to the arctic wasteland is not a big project. The two are originally in two planes, and only need the coordinates on both sides and enough materials and magic crystals to support the teleportation.

The coordinates are easy to determine, but the most difficult thing is to transfer materials and magic energy crystals. This requires the magic energy crystal of the main god level of the space system and the materials of the main god or the peak of the upper god of the space system to make it.

Xiaguang Turang found it for Lu Yang. Now Lu Yang only needs to set up the magic circle and connect it to the teleportation circle underground in the Arctic wasteland.

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince flew out to help Lu Yang build it. After half a day, the formation was completed, right in the middle of the Tianbao Square.


The message came from the holy light paddle in Lu Yang's arms. It was from Ma Hui. He flew to the dungeon, then teleported into the lava sea, and then flew towards Turang City.

The reason why it is so troublesome is that Lu Yang still wants to add an extra line of defense to the Fortress of Desolation. If the enemy finds the teleportation array that teleports to the underground castle in Blood Purgatory, it will take a certain amount of time to find the Fortress even after the teleportation.

As long as Lu Yang left a warning setting in the underground castle, he would be able to know that the enemy was coming, and it would also give him enough time to gather his team. This is much safer than directly setting up the teleportation array in the Huangtian Castle.

After a few minutes.

Lu Yang flew back to the ruins of Turang City in the form of a fire element. Not far from the teleportation array, he saw Ma Hui pretending to visit the pyramid made of skulls.

"So fast, have all the soul crystals been exchanged?" Lu Yang appeared next to Ma Hui and asked.

"Scared me to death." Ma Hui was taken aback, stroking his heart and said: "Your Highness, your body skills are indeed inherited from His Highness the Blazing Demon God, and you can't find it at all."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang asked with a smile, usually there must be something wrong with flattering like this.

Ma Hui took out a storage bag and handed it to Lu Yang, and said respectfully: "There are 40 million lower god-level original soul crystals in total, and there are also 3,000 upper god-level original soul crystals."

Lu Yang was a little surprised, and said: "Is it too much for me? Is it worth so much money? What about your share?"

Ma Hui still had a respectful attitude, and said: "Your Highness, the total price of the things you gave me is 40 million. My father asked me to give you all of them. Ask me to bring a message, I want to meet with you."

The original soul crystal of the upper god rank is a top treasure that can be used to make upper god rank weapons, equipment and magic circles. It is not easy to mine in another world, and the value is extremely high. These three thousand and the forty million The original soul crystal of the lower god is not equivalent, but it is not less than one-third of the price.

Lu Yang guessed that Ma Hui would go back and tell his father that the main god of the ancient gods was about to appear, and that his family would definitely try their best to get close to them, and even said that they would surrender, but the gift given by Ma Hui's family was still too heavy.

"Should we meet with me, or with the Patriarch of the Ancient God Clan?" Lu Yang asked.

Ma Hui said respectfully: "I want to meet you. It would be even better if I could meet Patriarch Ai Gulie, but we think you are the one who is really worth investing in."

For tens of millions of years, the ancient gods have never communicated with any foreign race, but Lu Yang can lead his people to live beside the ancient gods, and he can also bring the ancient gods to trade with the outside world. Ma Hui's father has already determined that Lu Yang is the one. Someone worth their investment.

Lu Yang looked at Ma Hui with a smile, and said, "I can meet your father, or arrange for your father to meet Ai Gulie, but I hope you can understand the rules."

"We will not open our eyes the whole time and accept any restrictions from you." Ma Hui understood what Lu Yang meant. The teleportation array must be in the lava sea, but this location is not known to their family members.

"Go and follow the merchant group of the Youming Yan Clan, and I will give you news when I come back." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Ma Hui left respectfully.

Lu Yangfei returned to the lava sea, he didn't immediately agree to Ma Hui's request, not because he didn't have the right to make decisions, but because he fully respected the ancient gods.

The Brotherhood of Iron and Blood can have a stable living environment in another world, thanks to the help of the ancient gods. In terms of major decisions, even though he knows that Ai Gulie will listen to him, he still has to talk to Ai Gulie first.