Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2694: The target is Lin Fanyu, Magic Ice City


"I will repay you a hundredfold for what you have paid for me. Tell me which race we should kill first." Ai Gulie said confidently.

"That's why I came back." Lu Yang told about the rebellion within the Flame God King, the Nether Flame King killed two main gods in a row, and sent millions of troops of the Brilliant Fire Clan to the border.

"Damn it, I will never spare them." Ai Gulie clenched his fists unwillingly. He thought that he would be promoted to the main god rank, and the surrounding main cities could be attacked by him. Come over, there are countless mid-gods and high-gods among them, and there are three main gods. This is not something that the current ancient gods can win.

"Fight with them." Ai Guda and other elders shouted one after another, they absolutely did not want to be beaten passively.

Ai Gulie quickly stopped the shouting of the crowd, looked at Lu Yang and asked, "Is there any way? I don't want the clansmen to fight with them."

There were 300,000 tribesmen just now, if more than 100,000 people died in this battle, the ancient gods would enter the dormant period again.

Lu Yang said: "My opinion is to take the initiative to attack the Brilliant Fire Clan, and one more thing, we need to deepen the relationship with the Great Chamber of Commerce."

"What do you mean?" Aigulie asked.

Lu Yang said: "In fact, we don't know anything about the situation of the Brilliant Fire Clan, but the Great Chamber of Commerce can find out, especially the magic circle brought by the Brilliant Fire Clan."

The most difficult part of fighting on the battlefield is not face-to-face combat, but one party is bombarding you with magic circles above the main god level, but you have nothing to do with his magic circles, but every magic circle has weaknesses, such as flames. The offensive-type magic circles are afraid of the hurricane-type and ice-type magic circles.

"If we can know the deployment of the enemy's magic circle in advance, it will become us to use the magic circle to kill them. When the enemy has to rush out, it will be the time for them to die." Lu Yang said.

Ai Gulie, Ai Guda and the others all understood, and their eyes lit up. If it is really like what Lu Yang said, they can reduce a lot of losses.

"Listen to you, we accept." Aigulie said.

Lu Yang said: "There is one more thing, I want to ask for your opinion."

"Tell me," Aigulie said.

Lu Yang said: "I want to recruit some talents from other worlds, such as forging magic weapons and armors."

Ai Gulie frowned, and said, "Frequently using magic weapons is not good for our own cultivation."

Lu Yang nodded and said: "I want to make your clansmen safer on the battlefield. You really focus on body training. If the enemy attacks you, you should wear armor first, let the armor block part of the attack power first, and then Then use the body to resist the remaining attack power, will the chance of being injured and the chance of surviving on the battlefield be greater."

Ai Gulie pondered, he still didn't want to do this, because the more serious the injury, the harder the body will become after recovery. If the injury is too light, the higher the strength, the faster the death will be.

"Can it be like this, first put on armor and magic weapons for the main combat power, and other cultivating clansmen will not equip them. At the very least, put them on when facing the Brilliance Fire Clan. We have hundreds of thousands against millions, each People have to face the siege of dozens of people, so it is too inappropriate not to wear armor." Lu Yang said.

Ai Gulie reacted and said: "For us, this is another battle of genocide. If it is one-on-one, we really shouldn't wear armor, but one person has to face dozens of people. I agree to wear armor." Armor, what will the elders think?"

Ai Guda and other elders glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. Ai Guda said on behalf of all the elders, "We agree."

"But where can I find the armor?" Ai Gulie was a little worried. He sold all the previous armor and weapons to the Black Emperor.

"I contacted the Shadow Chamber of Commerce, a branch of them is willing to fully support us, and the request is that all the things we seized in the future will be handed over to them for sale." Lu Yang said.

Ai Gulie said: "Yes, there is no problem."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I still have to ask for your opinions. If possible, I'll bring them to meet you."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you just agree." Ai Gulie was not interested in contacting the businessman.

"Let's meet each other. You are the patriarch, and I am the patriarch of the subordinate race. They don't believe me if I speak for you." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Trouble, let them come over." Ai Gulie shook his head helplessly.

Lu Yang laughed and said: "You are preparing for the war here. I will pick them up after two months. If there are good craftsmen, I will recruit them for you."

"I'm up to you in this aspect, you can decide, I won't participate." Ai Gulie is a pure fighter, he doesn't care about other aspects, and it is difficult to understand.

Lu Yang guessed what was going on, smiled and said goodbye to Ai Gulie, and teleported back to his home.

Bai Shi, Kuai Bansheng, and Tu Feng were waiting in the area of the teleportation formation. Seeing Lu Yang's return, they rushed up to greet him.

"The battle between you and Li Weiqi has already been reported to us. It's great to see that you're fine." Tu Feng said excitedly.

"Li Weiqi was slaughtered by me, and my blood was drawn out to Hei Yan. Now that kid has been promoted to the next god." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"The lord god made you kill it." The white lion said excitedly.

Lu Yang recounted the story, and said: "It's unlucky for him, he insisted on chasing and killing me. He got into the blood purgatory and let me kill him with six killings. Tell me about the surrounding situation, the big war is about to start. We have to prepare in advance.”

Tu Feng said: "Among the four directions recently, only the Ice Department has loopholes. I don't know why. They have transferred a lot of middle gods. I don't know where they went?"

Lu Yang opened the map and looked in the direction where the extremely cold star was shining. The people in charge of defending the border there were the Ice Clan. This is a very strange ice-type race. Not only is the ice spell powerful, but it can also use illusion.

For so many years, the ancient gods would rather fight the flame race, the holy light race, and the dark moon race than to fight the ice race.

What often happens is that just after entering the territory of the Ice Clan, they are injured by an extremely cold storm, and the body of the Ancient God Clan can't bear it after being under the freezing for a long time, especially in this case, the Ice Clan The ancient gods would launch illusion attacks, causing many ancient gods to get lost in the wind and snow. When they woke up, they were already dying.

Lu Yang had also heard of this race, and asked, "Do you know the defense situation in the city? What is the specific strength?"

Tu Feng said: "There are only 3,000 mid-gods in the city, 57 high-gods, and 1 main god. Some magic circles around the city have been understood, and some skills have been learned. Their illusions are generally ineffective for us. , but the ice does a lot of damage, making it tricky to fight."

Normally, in a main border city, the ratio of upper gods to median gods is 1:100, that is to say, there should be 5,700 of the 57 upper gods, which is nearly half the number, which is indeed a big problem, but this It also made Magic Ice City a lot easier to fight.

"Let the intelligence personnel find the best way to attack the city. After two months, we will attack the Ice City." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Tu Feng said together with Bai Shi and others.