Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2703: Sudden accident


The four high gods left separately, but what no one noticed was that a strange ripple appeared on the ice crystal jade pendant on their bodies.

In the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion in Ice Fantasy City, a three-meter-tall creature wrapped in a purple cloak suddenly appeared.

He came to the huge ice cave in the courtyard, urged the secret method to open the barrier, and then walked in quickly.

The passage of the ice cave is very wide, with a diameter of about ten meters. At the end of the passage, there is a huge square with a diameter of more than 500 meters.

At the end of the square, there is an ice creature with an ice blue body and a height of about three meters, who is leisurely watching hundreds of ice blue flowers in front of him. The Thousand Illusion Ice Demon.

"Linxue, why are you back? Are Terrence and the others going to make trouble?" Qianhuan Ice Demon didn't look back, and continued to watch the magic ice flower.

"Master, everything is within your expectations. Terrence just met with the merchants of the Holy Light Chamber of Commerce and agreed to make a deal with them before the auction starts." Linxue replied respectfully while kneeling on the ground without taking off her cloak. .

"The human world has a vast ocean. They really want to break away from our Ice Clan and become the gods of the human world." Thousand Ice Demon said with a sneer.

"Master, please allow me to kill them." Linxue growled.

"The number of merchants in the city is too small, don't do it now, wait until the day of the auction, when Terrence trades with the Shengguang merchant, and then you will do it." Thousand Magic Ice Demon said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Xue retreated respectfully, and continued to stare at Terrence and the others.

the other side.

On the square in the city, Lu Yang was pretending to be a businessman walking the streets, staring at the area at the gate of the city, he wanted to know how many businessmen would come in.

Every businessman who came was either a midgod or a highgod himself, or a caravan came with dozens of midgods and highgods as bodyguards.

Lu Yang observed for a whole day, and after confirming their number, he returned to the house arranged for them by Magic Ice City.

Futeng stood at the door and received more than a dozen batches of businessmen who came to visit for Ai Gulie. After all, the Shengguang Chamber of Commerce is famous, and all kinds of businessmen want to come to visit. When there is business in the future, it is not afraid that it will not matter.

"Your Highness, I found some merchants who may be useful to you." Fu Teng respectfully invited Lu Yang into the house.

Ai Gulie, Ying Guang and other ancient god warriors were sitting cross-legged on the bed, communicating with Ai Guda and the others with their minds.

Lu Yang looked at Fu Teng and asked, "Tell me what you found."

Fu Teng said respectfully: "Just now, five waves of businessmen from the area illuminated by the ice star came, two of which were caravans from the main city behind Ice City, two waves were caravans from independent chambers of commerce, and one wave was scattered small Chamber of Commerce, when the war is fought in a few days, can they survive?"

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "They are your potential competitors, aren't you afraid?"

Of course Futeng was afraid, but the only thing he could rely on now was Lu Yang. The twenty-one strong men of the ancient gods didn't take his life seriously at all. He could only survive if he pleased Lu Yang, and even got greater good.

"The deepest part of the area illuminated by the Frost Star is very cold. With my current ability and contacts, even if I leave the Holy Light Guild in the future, I will not be able to get enough business there." Fu Teng said respectfully.

Lu Yang patted Futeng on the shoulder and said with satisfaction: "What the ancient protoss need most is a loyal businessman like you who knows how to trade. Tell me about the situation of these five waves of merchants in detail, and we will find one to keep them alive." .”

Fu Teng heaved a sigh of relief, even letting him participate in such a thing, he knew that Lu Yang's trust in him was getting higher and higher, so he quickly helped Lu Yang analyze the situation of the five waves of merchants.

The caravans of the two rear main cities were first eliminated by Forteng. The ancient gods would have to declare war on them sooner or later to keep them alive. These two caravans would not be grateful, and the same was true for the two independent caravans. The rights are too small. If you trade with them, you will be squeezed by the upper echelons of the caravan.

The only suitable ones are the last wave of scattered businessmen. Forteng said: "They are a group of desperate lunatics, composed of eleven wandering gods, willing to make deals with anyone."

"You point it to us on the day of the auction, and we will try our best to save their lives." Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Fu Teng said excitedly, he didn't expect that Lu Yang would really listen to him.

"My brother." Ai Gulie slowly opened his eyes, looked at Lu Yang and said, "Ai Guda and the others have arrived ahead of time, and they are using land travel techniques to drill here."

"Don't get too close, there must be a security system here." Lu Yang said.

Ai Gulie said with a smile: "I gave them an order. The battle is still five days away. Tell me about the situation on your side."

For the ancient gods, there are two most troublesome ones. One is the Thousand Illusion Ice Demon, but illusions are useless to the Ancient Gods. This race is naturally immune to illusions, but they will be severely injured by the ice of the Thousand Illusion Ice Demon.

Another trouble is the Magic Circle of Tears of the Sea God. This magic circle made it impossible for Ai Gulie and the others to easily break through to attack the city.

Lu Yang told the story of his transaction with Terrence and other four high gods who controlled the Sea God's Tears magic circle, and said: "I came to kill them that day, and then I went to the auction."

Ai Gulie said: "Water-type races have strong defenses when attacking from a distance, but their defenses are weak when attacking close-up. With your sudden attack from the Demon God Arts, it is no problem to kill them."

Lu Yang said: "Kill those four people, I will send out a signal, you give the order to launch a general attack, then Qianhuan Ice Demon will definitely not guard against you."

Under normal circumstances, the Thousand Magic Ice Demon must protect the safety of the merchants, and will definitely not be on guard against a merchant trying to kill him at this time, especially the masters of such a large chamber of commerce as the Holy Light Chamber of Commerce.

Ai Gulie said: "I will use the method you taught me, pretend to go to help him, and take the opportunity to kill him."

"Yes." Lu Yang agreed.

Lu Yang is the happiest that Ai Gulie can have such an awareness. Not every battle requires a brainless duel. Since the opponent is an endless enemy with you, you will not be able to kill him by any means. Incorrect.

five days later.

When the time for the auction came, Lu Yang watched Ai Gulie and all the merchants head to the City Lord's Mansion led by the soldiers of the Ice Clan. He was the only one left in the room.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Lu Yang opened the door and saw that the people who came were Terrence and the other four high gods of the water system.

"Shengguang Merchant, have you prepared enough original soul crystals?" Terrence looked at Lu Yang with fierce eyes, as if he was about to strike at any time.

"Come in and tell me." Lu Yang smiled and invited the four high gods to come in. The moment he closed the door, he took out a storage bag from his arms and said, "The soul pearl and the original soul worth five million Jing's treasure is inside, you guys open it and have a look."

"Oh~!" Terrence was about to open the storage bag excitedly, but at this moment, the ice crystal jade pendant around his waist suddenly burst into a strange white light, and the next second, Lin Xue flew out of the jade pendant, Under the purple robe, the two knives spun and cut off the heads of the four of them.