Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2708: The Flame Clan is here


There are many secret methods of the ancient gods, many of which are used for ambushes. At this stage, the strongest magic circle that Ai Gulie can use is called animism.

"I can carve earth runes on the ground, and let a certain area create a rock and earth giant by itself, with the strength from the lower god to the upper god." Ai Gulie said.

Lu Yang asked: "Are there any specific requirements for the place?"

Ai Gulie said: "This magic circle is very magical. Even if I carve it on a stone, the stone will condense magic power and become a rock giant. No matter what kind of place you choose, as long as it is something in the land, it will do."

Lu Yang said: "If this method of ambush is used, there are two areas. One is the Great Plains thirty kilometers behind the Raging Flame Fortress. We can use the land travel technique to hide underground in advance and attack when the enemy comes. .

Another place is between two high mountains 70 kilometers away, which can also be used as an ambush place. "

"Take me to have a look." Ai Gulie said.

Lu Yang nodded, and led Ai Gulie to fly forward at full speed. When passing by the Rage Flame Fortress, he looked at the Rage Flame Mountain and the city wall below, and he suddenly reacted.

"Brother, can your animistic circle be engraved on the walls, doors and walls?" Lu Yang asked.

Ai Gulie didn't react, and said: "The walls and wooden doors can also be used. I once carved a magic circle on the wall. A hand will be stretched out from the wall to attack the target. The wooden door will open its mouth to bite the enemy. You Why do you ask this, is there still a forest area?"

Lu Yang smiled, looked at the Raging Flame Fortress below, and said, "If you engrave the animistic circle inside the Raging Flame Fortress, guess what will happen?"

Ai Gulie's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "My brother, how did you come up with this idea? If the enemy lives in the fortress, this magic circle can kill most of their clansmen."

"Then let's go down to work." Lu Yang flew to the ground, disguised Ai Gulie as a quasi-divine warrior of the Holy Light Tribe, and went to the employment area to apply for a job.

There will always be a shortage of people in the construction of the fortress, and one more worker will speed up the work progress by one point. Lu Yang and Ai Gulie soon became coolies.

Every time when moving stones and wooden doors, Ai Gulie quietly carved the magic circle on them, and at night, he followed Lu Yang into the castle again, and painted the magic circle on the place where he hadn't carved the magic circle before. portray.

Lu Yang also found an opportunity to send out the ancient god warriors in Bandalsburg, and let them hide in the mountain of Fuyan Mountain by using land travel techniques.

For a whole month, every wall area inside and outside the entire fortress had an animistic magic circle, and one hundred thousand ancient god warriors also got into the raging flame mountain, enduring the scorching fire.

"Lu Yang, let us go out quickly, I have the feeling that we are about to be promoted to the main god." Aiguda's voice came from inside Bandarsberg.

"I'm going to the arctic wasteland right now." Lu Yang dropped his work, took advantage of no one's attention, changed back to the form of a phoenix, added black god wings, and flew back to a barren mountain in the arctic wasteland near the edge of the flame star at full speed. among.

He had to fly far enough away, otherwise, the promotion of Aiguda and the others would make the people in the Rage Flame Fortress feel the aura of antiquity, which would make people know that the ancient gods were coming.

Aiguda, Yingguang, Bi Haitu and Karim also knew that they could not be promoted on the surface, so they quickly sank underground. Half a day later, the four of them returned to the surface at the same time.

When Lu Yang looked at the four of them again, he found that the four of them had also become like Ai Gulie, as if they could not see the end of their strength.

"My brother, we will never forget your kindness to our ancient gods." Aiguda patted Lu Yang on the shoulder and said.

"We will hand over all the future trade to you." Ying Guang said with a big laugh.

"I also have the same opinion." Bi Haitu and Karim said with a smile.

These four people are actually the four most powerful elders within the ancient gods. It seems that the ancient gods are one race, but in fact they are divided into many small races.

According to the tradition of the ancient gods, each main god can own a territory, and Ai Gulie will divide up Aiguda and the others after this battle.

It is estimated that after so many days in Bandersberg, Aiguda and the four of them have already figured out the area they want.

"Thank you, and congratulations to the four of you." Lu Yang said with a smile and clasped his fists.

"Let's go back, kill all the Brilliant Fire Clan, and celebrate again." Aiguda said excitedly.

"Okay." The eyes of Ying Guang and the others gradually revealed a ferocious color.

Lu Yang opened Bandar Fort and sent the four of them in. Afterwards, he flew back to the Raging Flame Fortress at full speed.

Just in time, the large army of the Brilliant Fire Clan has arrived!

"Why did you arrive early?" Lu Yang curiously asked a quasi-god of a wandering race.

"Haven't you heard? Illusory Ice City was breached by the Ancient Protoss. Hearing the news, the Patriarch of the Brilliant Fire Clan immediately ordered to speed up the march. I have never seen such a waste. The Ancient Protoss is in the area illuminated by the Extreme Cold Star, even at full speed Run, I can't run now, not to mention that the ancient gods must have suffered heavy losses when they hit the Ice City." The quasi-god of the wandering race said.

"Stop what you're doing and quickly leave the Raging Flame Fortress. You are no longer needed here." The vanguard general of the Brilliant Fire Tribe rode a giant flaming bird to stop above the fortress, and said loudly.

"Let us stay, if we don't stay, what are we proud of?" The quasi-god of the wandering race packed up and left.

The rest of the tens of thousands of powerhouses of all ranks also left one after another. No one dared to challenge the Brilliant Fire Clan. This is the Brilliant Fire Clan, the number one fighting race in the Lava Sea.

Lu Yang looked at Ai Gulie, Ai Guda and the others beside him. Ai Gulie understood, found an area that no one was paying attention to, and activated the ground travel technique to drill into the mountain of Fuyan Mountain.

"Wait for my news before launching an attack." Lu Yang walked down the mountain. The best time to launch an attack is when the entire Huihuo Clan enters the fortress. Now he can quietly wait for this moment to come.

the other side.

In the carriage of the Chinese army of the Huihuo clan, two peak gods sat on the left and right sides of the patriarch of the Huihuo clan. People joked, I really don't understand the meaning of what you do."

The one on the right is called Yin Hui, with anger in his eyes, he said: "We are already the laughing stock of others. None of the city lords of these four main cities came to welcome us. I really think that our Huihuo clan has declined. .”

The patriarch Tian Hui said with a furious face: "When the flame god king finishes the war, I must personally tell him what happened in the lava sea. The Nether Flame King rebelled, and he won't live for long."

The three of them didn't discuss the matter of the ancient gods at all. From their point of view, the ancient gods were still far away in the hinterland of the area illuminated by the extremely cold star, because, according to the news from there, the ancient gods would continue to attack and kill all the people on the extremely cold star. The main city of the big border was caught off guard.

The reason why Tianhui asked the whole family to arrive at the Fury Flame Fortress quickly was that the few prairie passing by on the way might be ambushed by the Nether Flame Clan, so he had to speed up. As for the Ancient God Clan, he didn't take it seriously .

None of the merchants who fled back had seen Aigulie fight in the form of a master god. In Tianhui's eyes, the ancient gods would not dare to come.