Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2710: Breaking through two cities


Inside the city lord's mansion of Guangyan City.

A three-meter-tall one-horned fire demon with golden flames shining all over his body was pacing back and forth in the courtyard on the pitch-black ground. He was Jin Yang, the lord of Guangyan City and the patriarch of the Guangyan Clan.

The arrival of the Brilliant Fire Clan has broken the stability of the border area. For a small border town like him, the Ancient God Clan never cared about him.

For millions of years, the ancient gods never dared to attack their main city, and Jin Yang often took his tribe out to kill the ancient gods for fun.

The Flame Race is not strong for the races where the flame star shines on the hinterland, but they are very strong in the border area. There is a peak main god, 60 upper gods, more than 5,000 middle gods, and countless lower gods And quasi-god.

Not to mention the arrival of the ancient gods, even if they are fighting against the void zerg, their race is still a force that cannot be underestimated.

The reason why Jin Yang was so troubled was because he also knew the real reason why the Brilliant Fire Clan came to the border. What the Nether Flame King did in the lava sea shocked not only all the surrounding main cities, but also the small towns in their border area.

He didn't dare to offend the Nether Flame King, but the Nether Flame King gave him the order to fully cooperate with the Brilliant Fire Clan to destroy the Ancient God Clan, but would he dare to listen to the Brilliant Fire Clan's order

If it was just fighting the ancient gods, he had no objection. What Jin Yang was really afraid of was that after the leader of the Huihuo clan integrated the four cities around them, he would take them back to the lava sea to fight the Nether Flame King.

He has a little idea of the strength of the Nether Flame King. Leaving aside other things, he can't beat the three Black Fire God Spirit Army led by the remaining three demon generals alone. But if he clearly refuses now If the order of the Huihuo clan is tantamount to betraying the flame god king, he will die.

"You two are fighting each other, what can you do for me, a little city lord?" Jin Yang's brows were almost knit together, and the flames kept flying on his forehead.

"His Royal Highness Patriarch." The general on duty who guarded the city ran over and said in horror: "Something has happened, a large number of Huihuo people are coming towards our Guangyan City, could it be that the Tianhui patriarch Xingshi came to ask for a crime?" .”

"This, this, you see clearly?" Jin Yang was also confused.

The general on duty said: "After the sentry reported, I went to see it in person. It was indeed the Huihuo clan. It seemed that Tianhui came in person. Would you... want to go out and greet him in person?"

"Then we have to go." With bitterness on his face, Jin Yang flew out of the city in horror, he didn't dare to bring too many subordinates, lest Tianhui think he was here for a demonstration.

A dozen rays of light flew out of Guangyan City. Jin Yang recognized Tianhui's battle armor at a glance in the sky. It was a unique armor and a symbol of Tianhui's identity. In front of Tianhui.

"Jin Yang, Lord of Guangyan City, welcome Lord Tianhui." Jin Yang knelt on the ground in fear, fearing that any disrespectful move would cause Tianhui to attack him.

Ai Gulie was inside Tianhui's armor. He never expected that just a pair of armor would scare the city lord of Guangyan City to such an extent. He glanced at Lu Yang, meaning that he would not do anything.

Lu Yang didn't expect it to be so smooth, so he gave a positive look and said, "Do it."

Ai Gulie turned into a brown light, and by the time Jin Yang reacted, his chest had already been pierced by a brown long sword.

Aiguda, Yingguang and others also shot one after another the moment Ai Gulie made his move. The ten upper gods were also worried that they would be blamed by Tianhui. No one thought that it was actually the ancient gods who came, and they were all beheaded on the spot. .

"Why, why, why..." Jin Yang recognized that the big sword stuck in his chest was a unique weapon of the ancient gods, but he couldn't understand how Tianhui could use the weapons of the ancient gods.

Ai Gulie took off his helmet and said with a sinister smile, "I finally waited for this day, how much I want to kill you."

Jin Yang knew Ai Gulie, and he almost killed Ai Gulie several times. Sensing the aura of the main god emanating from Ai Gulie, Jin Yang desperately wanted to escape from Ai Gulie's long sword, but he Can't get out at all.

A magic-type main god was stabbed by a power-type main god, how could he possibly escape, unless the melee-type main god deliberately released water.

Seeing Jin Yang being killed by Ai Gulie, Lu Yang secretly sighed in his heart. It is conceivable that if this trick is so effective, what kind of ending will happen to the remaining main cities around.

"Our city lord was killed, and the Brilliant Fire Clan went crazy." The elder of the Brilliant Flame Clan who flew over from a distance couldn't see Ai Gulie's face clearly, but he could clearly see the scene where Jin Yang and other high gods were impaled.

Originally, he brought the band to greet him, but seeing this scene, he was so frightened that he fled back to the city and asked his subordinates to activate the god-king magic circle.

"Stone Gate"

Ai Gulie drew out his long brown sword, and roared with wild laughter: "The ancient gods, the whole army is attacking~!"

"Kill~!" The 100,000 army rushed to the gate of the city frantically, but the middle god who was in charge of opening the god-king magic circle hadn't reached his position yet.

Millions of stone demons rushed into the city with ease, and with the attack of the ancient god warriors, in just half a day, Guangyan City was breached and the entire Guangyan tribe was killed.

Ai Gulie looked at Lu Yang who was approaching, and now he didn't need Lu Yang's advice, he knew what to do, and said excitedly: "Brother, let's not say thank you, let's continue to attack, and use this Let’s go to Earth Fire City.”

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Leave the follow-up cleaning work to me, and I will catch up as soon as possible."

Ai Gulie, Ai Guda and the others nodded one after another. They believed in Lu Yang as they believed in themselves, and no one doubted that Lu Yang would steal their things. Besides, even if Lu Yang took it, they were willing.

They already felt that it was a great luck to defeat the Huihuo Clan. They didn't expect to break through Guangyan City, which is the main city where they have a deep hatred, and it would be easier.

Now they have seen clearly that the remaining three main cities will be extremely easy, so they gave up picking up everything on the ground, and after a hundred thousand people gathered, they all rushed towards the Earthfire City.

Lu Yang released the deep sea and they helped pick things up. By the time he finished picking up things and caught up with Ai Gulie, Dihuocheng had already become a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

Ai Gulie threw the body of the Lord of Earthfire City to Lu Yang, and said, "Let's go save Dusha City, and follow me."

"Drink~!" shouted one hundred thousand clansmen, and rushed towards Dusha City.

The Blazing Demon God appeared beside Lu Yang, looked at the ancient gods who rode away on the ground beast, and said, "Ai Gulie found that you need the corpses of high-level creatures."

The eldest prince said: "This person is not bad, he knows how to be grateful, you have a good brother."

Lu Yang also felt emotional for a while, and said: "Good luck, counting this main god, I have five corpses of main gods in my hand. After burning with red flames, there are five real bodies of primordial spirits."

One Yuan Ling avatar can directly promote a person to the rank of God, and it can also create an extra powerful avatar. Lu Yang has five, which are inexhaustible. He can use them for his brothers.