Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2719: Return to Earth


In the next week, Lu Yang summoned all the fighters of the Jagged Brotherhood back to the underground city in the arctic wasteland, and everyone will jointly select and promote the next god.

It has been such a long time, and the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood all know that being promoted represents a greater responsibility, and they are facing more terrifying enemies. Therefore, no one wants to get it by chance, they are all selected according to their strength .

Eight thousand two hundred people were selected very quickly, and Lu Yang handed them the Soul Beads, allowing them to advance near the lake, and at the same time gave them the souls and space they got.

The rest of the people were not idle either. Lu Yang brought them to Ice Ice City. When he was killing thousands of Ice Demons, he felt that this city was good. Now that it has been renovated, it can be used as an attack by humans and ancient gods. The frontier main city of the ice system.

The Magic Ice City is very special. It is surrounded by rivers, it does not freeze at night, and the temperature is moderate during the day. This area is actually the most similar to the area of the earth where human beings live.

After Lu Yang made his home here, he sent intelligence personnel to enter the hinterland of the ice system, and then flew back to the underground castle to build a teleportation array.

In order to hide, he called Liu Ruohuai and other Huangtian clan warriors back, and asked them to help dig an additional huge cave, which was not adjacent to the ancient gods and the surrounding areas, and asked Liu Ruohuai and the others to check the surrounding area. After confirming that it was safe, He just put the teleportation array here.

"Boss, you are too cautious." Liu Ruohuai said.

"It's okay to be careless. We are too poor for just such a teleportation array." Lu Yang shook his head. Delia's father gave this teleportation array, and they couldn't even afford it.

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body, and said with a smile: "There are not many such teleportation arrays in other worlds, and only those with the strength above the main god can find them. It's good if you can get one, let's start."

Lu Yang nodded, took out the materials for building the teleportation array from his backpack, put them on the ground, and completed the arrangement of the array according to the guidance of the Blazing Demon God.

"The only thing left is to go back to the earth and build another part of the teleportation array. You can choose a place." Blazing Demon God said.

"Let's choose the imperial capital. With Fu Yun there, the teleportation array is safer." Lu Yang said.

The Blazing Demon God nodded, and said: "This is indeed the best way. Putting it in other places is like a target. It would be good to put it in the Void God King."

Knowing that the Blazing Demon God still hates the Void God King, Lu Yang couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and entered Bandar Fort one step at a time, took the passage in Bandar Fort, and teleported back to the earth.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang landed in the forest of tombstones on the back mountain of Donghai Dungeon City. Looking at the towering stele of heroic spirits in front of him, he couldn't help walking forward to caress the body of the stele.

"Brothers, let me report to everyone. Boss, I have lived up to the expectations of my brothers. We have become gods, and even middle gods."

"Those brothers who followed us desperately, more than 8,000 people have also become gods. I also brought back more than 30 million original soul crystals, from quasi-gods to mid-gods, there are all ranks. You didn't Death in vain."

"Let's take a good rest here. The battle is not over yet. Although we humans have gained a short respite by relying on the ancient gods, we are still too weak. I still have a long way to go."

Lu Yang held back his tears, patted the stele lightly, and flew towards the imperial capital. Halfway, he took out his mobile phone from the Demon Temple and dialed Fu Yun's number.

the other side.

Fu Yunzheng, Fu Nian and the others were looking at the map to discuss things. When they saw the phone ringing, they picked it up and looked excitedly. They quickly pressed the call button and said, "Brother, your name is already in another world. Because it has been passed on, why come back when you have time?"

Lu Yang laughed and said: "The gods of the other world still know me as a little guy."

Fu Yun laughed loudly and said: "If I don't know, you killed Li Weiqi in the Four Demon Generals. Didn't you do the tactics of the ancient gods on the border of the four divisions? How could they have such an IQ? The kid is making a fortune now."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "I came back this time to send money, come and meet me quickly, I have something for you."

"Don't move, I'll pick you up right away." Fu Yun laughed loudly, and instantly sent it to Lu Yang's side according to the location of the satellite signal.

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said, "You already have this strength?"

Fu Yun grabbed Lu Yang's shoulder and said, "I just learned it after I became a god, let's go."

The light flickered, and when Lu Yang opened his eyes again, he was already in the mage tower in the imperial capital. Seeing Fu Nian walking over, he gave him a hug.

"Brother, well done." Fu Nian said excitedly.

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder, except for Zhuo Jiu and the others, it was Fu Yun and the others who could make Lu Yang feel at home.

It was a lifelong friendship when we were together, and it was extremely difficult to survive in this troubled world.

"I'm sure you all know what happened to me in the Arctic wasteland. I got a lot of original soul crystals. This time I brought them all back to you." All the soul crystals poured out.

"Then I won't be polite." Fu Yun opened his void hall, and took all the original soul crystals poured out by Lu Yang into it.

Originally, Fu Yun, Fu Nian and the others thought that Lu Yang did not bring back much, but when Lu Yang poured out continuously and finally stopped when the number reached more than 30 million, neither Fu Yun nor Fu Nian could calm down. up.

"How many things did you steal? How did the ancient gods give you so many original soul crystals?" Fu Yun asked in surprise.

The Void God King flew out of Fu Yun's body, frowned and said: "This is not the original soul crystal at all, but the red flame crystal. Where did you find the Blazing Demon God?"

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body and said, "In the blood purgatory, do you have any different opinions?"

"What else can I think, I'm missing this thing now, I can't wait for it." It was the first time that the Void God King didn't argue with the Blazing Demon God.

Both Lu Yang and Blazing Demon God were a little surprised, and they looked at each other. Lu Yang understood the meaning of Blazing Demon God, and asked, "How is the earth?"

Fu Yun said: "This side of the earth has changed a lot. We already have more than 30 super fortresses similar to the imperial capital. The old gods of various departments are also gradually recovering their strength. Although the other world is still sending creatures over, but We are gradually regaining control of these areas, and with your original soul crystals, our hope is even greater."