Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2732: sacrifice


"If you don't come back, you can't come back." Fu Nian suddenly showed a free and easy expression, looked at Lu Yang with a smile and said, "I have heard that the Jagged Brotherhood has always sacrificed itself to protect brothers. Although not as good as your Jagged Brotherhood, this spirit of sacrifice has also been passed down from the previous era, and when we die, I will be the first to go."

"I'll be the first one, boss, you can't die." Jiang Xizhe, the head of the first regiment of the Void God King Army, took off his armor, threw it to the deputy behind him and said, "Let it be used by the later brothers, I don't need it." gone."

"I'll be the second one, and I'll be buried with ten middle gods. This life is worth it." Zhao Chenghan, the leader of the second regiment, happily took off his armor and threw it to his deputy.

"I'm third."

"I'm fourth."

There was no need to mobilize, 252 people gathered quickly, and all command positions such as regimental commanders, deputy regimental commanders, battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders stepped out of the queue one after another, demanding to blow up these magic circles.

A large number of ordinary soldiers of the Void God King Army also asked to sacrifice themselves to blow up the enemy's magic circle. This desperate posture moved Chu Xiao and Luo Siyu and other 40,000 Jagged Brotherhood fighters present.

Fu Nian's eyes were full of determination, and he said: "I must be the first one to go up, not only the Void God King, but also my brother's life was saved, there is no reason to let brothers die for my elder brother, this is my responsibility .”

Jiang Xizhe said: "Boss Fu Yun has saved me so many times over the years, my life has already belonged to him, and dying for him is what I should do. If I don't win this battle, I will have no face to live. I have to be the first."

Zhao Chenghan and the others also fought for it, as if they were not going to die, but snatching such a good treasure. Barragu and other Void warriors looked at a loss.

Lu Yang looked at Fu Nian and the others, and said solemnly, "Can you listen to me."

"If you persuade me not to go up, you better not say so." Fu Nian said excitedly.

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I mean, none of you commanders can go up."

"What?" Fu Nian, Zhao Chenghan and others were anxious.

Lu Yang said: "Death is easy, but life is the hardest. You are the commanders on the battlefield. If you die, who will be the commander of your brothers? Destroying the magic circle is only the prelude to the battle. All the ice races and ice giants will rush How do we fight then?"

Fu Nian, Jiang Xizhe, Zhao Chenghan and others are at a loss. They are not afraid of death, but they don't want to see their brothers die. If their brothers die by the enemy's sword because of their rash suicide, they will not die. Rest in peace.

"But, but..." Jiang Xizhe's chest was congested badly, but he didn't know what to say.

A veteran stood up cheerfully and said: "Bosses, Boss Lu Yang is right, don't fight for this death, let us old guys, we have lived enough, descendants We have already made arrangements, so we won’t take up resources and delay other brothers.”

Fu Nian looked at the old soldier, and his heart couldn't stop aching. The old soldier was called Wu Binhui, he was a soldier himself, and he was a veteran in his forties.

Since the arrival of the other world, he has fought with the two brothers Fu Yun and Fu Nian, but Wu Binhui's talent is limited, that is, he can't cultivate up to the lord level, and he can't cultivate if given three times the resources of others.

For this reason, Wu Binhui suggested many times not to distribute the original soul crystals to him. Even if Fu Yun and Fu Nian sent him the original soul crystals, he would also give the original soul crystals to other talented young people. Therefore, he was respected by everyone .

It stands to reason that with Wu Binhui's qualifications, being a regiment leader is enough, but Wu Binhui knew that he was not capable enough, so he even resigned from his official position, so he became an ordinary squad leader.

Fu Nian has always been in debt to Wu Binhui, how can he be sent to die now, but before he could speak, Wu Binhui said loudly: "Those who are over 40 years old and whose strength is still at the lord level should go out. The chance to live is left to young people, let's do what we dare to do."

"Veteran Wei Xiangchen goes out."

"Veteran He Qidong goes out."

"The old soldier Bai Qingyan came out."

More than 500 veterans came out of the team and stood in front of Fu Nian. There was no sadness on their faces, only smiles and calmness, as if they were doing a trivial matter.

Fu Nian was already unable to speak out the words of grief, the tears could not stop falling down, and with all his strength, he could only make a weak voice, saying: "Can't, can't, can't..."

Lu Yang and Chu Xiao couldn't stop their tears. Seeing them was like seeing the Jagged Brotherhood back then.

The brothers back then used their own lives to fight for a way out for others, and now this task is handed over to the veterans of the Void God King Legion.

Wu Binhui walked up to Lu Yang and said, "Boss Lu Yang, please give an order. Our strength is mediocre, but the transmission within ten kilometers can still be accurate and error-free. Tell us how to do it."

Lu Yang raised the fire feather in his hand, and while charging it, carved runes on the energy ball in a specific way, and then superimposed them in a special way, and sent them into the fire feather.

He handed Huo Yu to Wu Binhui, and said: "I put a lock on Huo Yu. When the teleportation starts, the lock will be unlocked. When you get to the place, throw Huo Yu out. Any fluctuations will cause the Huo Yu to explode. .”

"The maximum killing range of the fire feather is 100 meters, if..."

"No if, we didn't want to come back after we went." Wu Binhui smiled and walked aside, letting the second veteran walk over.

Lu Yang knew that it would be superfluous to say any words of consolation at this time, so he concentrated on making the fire feathers. Every time he handed it over to a veteran, he instructed how to use it. He made 504 pieces in a row, making sure that each magic circle had two holding fire feathers. After the veterans, he stopped.

Fu Nian brought Zhao Chenghan and others to kneel in front of these veterans, and said with tears in his hands, "Brothers, if you have any requests, just ask them, and I, Fu Nian, will fulfill them for you."

More than 500 people laughed and did not speak. Wu Binhui said on behalf of everyone: "Boss, we brothers have discussed it, and there is only one wish. We are all veterans. Let us listen to the charge again when we charge."

All the troops in the imperial capital still retain the tradition of blowing the charge horn. Fu Nian cried and shouted: "The whole army is assembled and ready to fight, and the trumpeters are ready."

The two legions were already in a state of preparing for battle. Under the command of Lu Yang, Fu Nian and others, tens of thousands of troops rose into the sky and surrounded Tokyo.

In the downtown area of Tokyo, Luo Feng is concentrating on conquering the final defensive barrier set up by the Void God King. As long as he breaks through this shell, he can suck away all the Void God King's essence.

The ancient ice god king was guarding beside him, but He Xin and other human traitors with the heart of God did not show up.

"You can also feel that Zuo Feng is dead, and the Blazing Demon God has taken back the Demon God's Heart. If he regains his strength, it will be difficult for you and me." Luo Feng said.

The Ancient Ice God King snorted coldly, and said: "That idiot has always been on guard against you. If you were with me, how could such a thing happen? You absorbed the origin of the Void God King as soon as possible, and this magic circle is considered to be a blazing flame!" It will take a few months for the Demon God to fuse half of the Demon God's Heart, so don't worry about it for the time being."

Luo Feng said: "Be careful. If Lu Yang dares to come in, please kill him yourself."

The Ancient Ice God King laughed and said: "If Lu Yang and the Blazing Demon God dare to enter the ice fog, I will definitely do it myself. I am very willing to do such a happy thing as killing the God King."

2,520 mid-level gods, using a magic circle built with more than 100,000 high-level god-level mana crystals, even if the king of gods comes in, he will be hurt by the ice fog, not to mention the impossibility of Lu Yang and the blazing demon god To the rank of God King.

The Ancient Ice God King's current strength is the peak of the upper god, and he is confident that Lu Yang must not be as good as him, so as long as Lu Yang dares to come in, he will dare to sneak attack.

Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't think Lu Yang dared to come in, but he still had to plan for the worst, but since the Ancient Ice God King was willing to help, he didn't worry anymore.

In the magic circle around Tokyo, the 2520 middle gods are not worried, nor do they believe that someone can break through their magic circle on Earth.

Before Lu Yang flew over just because their magic circle hadn't closed yet, now that the magic circle has been fully deployed, no matter who comes in, it's like courting death.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that there is a group of people who are sent to die!

In an area five kilometers outside the mist, 504 Void Warriors of the lord rank are already in place, each holding a flame feather in their hands, and violent flame runes are already entwined around the flame feather, as if it is about to explode in the next moment generally.

One hundred and fifty thousand soldiers stood behind them, ready to attack. Fu Nian stood at the front of the team, looked back at Wu Binhui and the others, and blew the charge horn in his hand.

The sharp and progressive melody has already been filled with an indomitable spirit of killing. Wu Binhui shouted: "The moment that belongs to us has finally arrived. Brothers, kill with me~! Send~!"

One after another faint blue lights lit up, and the first batch of 252 void warriors activated their teleportation abilities, and landed precisely in front of each magic circle. The closest distance was only 1 meter, and the farthest was only 5 meters.

"The first position is right, you bastards from another world, go to hell." Wu Binhui crushed the fire feather in his hand with all his might.

The midgods in the magic circle reacted quickly and released icy beams one after another, killing Wu Binhui's soul and turning his body into dust, but at the same time, the fire feather was also successfully detonated.

Accompanied by the rise of a mushroom cloud, the ear-piercing sound of explosions spread to the outside of Tokyo and the center of Tokyo.

Lu Yang, Fu Nian and the others instantly felt that the power of the magic circle had been weakened a bit, and then the second and third explosions came, and the power of the magic circle dropped rapidly.

In some places, the magic circle was not shattered, and the substitute Void Warrior quickly launched a teleportation and flew over. As soon as it landed, the violent flame power triggered the fire feather's martyrdom, and shattered the remaining magic circle.

It took less than 2 seconds from the first Wu Binhui to the last Void Warrior throwing the fire feather.

Before the Ancient Ice God King and Luo Feng could react, 252 magic circles were breached at the same time, the ice fog barrier disappeared instantly, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

The glare of the sun returned to the human world, which made the Ancient Ice God King and Luo Feng show terrified expressions at the same time.

"What happened outside? Why is the ice fog circle gone?" Luo Feng asked angrily.

"I'll go and have a look." The Ancient Ice God King turned into a white light and appeared above the city. When he looked at the area of the magic circle, he found that all the magic circles had been destroyed. I can't feel it at all.

Tens of thousands of Jagged Brotherhood and the Void God King Army rushed towards them from all directions. The furious ancient Ice God King was about to release his divine power, but found that he had been locked by a breath.

"Blazing Demon God?" The Ancient Ice God King looked towards the sky, and Lu Yang was standing not far away holding a fire feather.

"Ice God King, your opponent is me." Lu Yang said solemnly.