Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2736: High Mountain Hurricanes


On the grassland to the north of the imperial capital, millions of creatures of the wind race have landed. They are three meters tall, have gray-white skin, and a jet-black hurricane swirls inside their human-like skin.

This race is called the Gaoling Hurricane Clan. Facing the strong wind on the grassland, when Lu Yang arrived on the grassland with De Buchangshi and others, he happened to see the lower god-level powerhouses of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan jointly releasing the Hurricane Formation .

Thousands of tornadoes formed on the prairie, and the snow on the ground was blown all over the sky by the hurricane. Under such strong winds, Lu Yang and the others not only could not see the situation ahead, but their combat effectiveness was also reduced sharply.

"The wind speed here is too small, too small, let the wind blow up."

"The remaining human beings are not far away, let the world be full of hurricanes, and let the hurricanes bring us glory again."

"The Ancient Ice God King will take you down, and the Gaoling Hurricane Clan is willing to follow you loyally. Thank you for giving us this land."

Gorner Death Hurricane, the patriarch of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan, transformed into a 100-meter-high wind element avatar. Standing in front of Lu Yang, he said playfully, "Let me introduce myself. The person who killed you is called Death Hurricane. Enjoy it slowly." It's like being torn apart by a hurricane."

Lu Yang looked at the laughing wind element avatar, and the anger in his heart had reached the extreme. He had already sensed the strength of this wave of enemies. The strongest one was the death hurricane—the mid-level god, but he used the secret technique to descend, and now the His strength is only at the demigod level, and he hasn't even recovered at the god level.

"Let me do it." The white lion put on the Ghost Face Roar cloak and said while holding the Goreroar battle ax in his hand. With the strength of the white lion, it is not difficult to smash the hurricane in the sky with one axe.

Lu Yang restrained the white lion's impulse, and said: "Let the gain outweigh the loss and let them sneak through the ground. Just kill them all. Don't waste your energy casually."

When the next batch of enemies will come, I don't know! It is not clear what the strength of the next batch of enemies will be! It is not clear how many enemies are around and what strength they are!

There are too many unpredictable things, Lu Yang needs to let the white lions preserve their strength, and can't easily waste their divine power on head-to-head encounters.

"Bosses, just leave it to our wood elf mage group, let's see what we do." De Buchangshi said with his hands clasped.

In the vast prairie, it is impossible to move above the ground, but no matter how strong the wind is, it will not affect the ground. The wood elf mages are all demigods at the last time, and the two ancestors of the wood elves helped to get in and destroy the enemy's wind. With the magic circle, this battle will be much easier.

Lu Yang said: "Quick battle and quick decision."

"En." De Buchangshi nodded fiercely, disappeared in place with 20,000 wood elf mages, and got into the ground.

Behind the hurricane barrier, Gornar Death Hurricane is gathering his warriors, 1.35 million tribesmen, including women and children, and the strength is more than 700,000 among quasi-gods and demigods.

Although they had just come from the teleportation channel and their bodies were still weak, Gorner believed that human beings were vulnerable, as long as they attacked, all human beings could be wiped out.

"I want to see the terrified faces and desperate cries of the enemy, warriors of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan, let me see your glory." Gorner shouted loudly while inspecting the team.

"Roar~!" Hundreds of thousands of soldiers preparing to attack roared loudly, and the women and children behind also roared loudly, as if they were about to reproduce the former glory of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan, but at this moment, they The entire land where it was located was violently shaken.

Accompanied by loud rumbling noises, countless deep pits appeared on the ground, and countless big trees grew out of the soil under their feet. Each big tree was about ten meters in diameter, and countless vines protruded from the trunk. Captured countless Kaolin Hurricane warriors.

The warriors of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan never thought that the enemy could attack from the ground, and they wanted to release the wind blade to cut through the vines in panic, but just as they were about to cast spells, the magic power in their bodies ran around uncontrollably, and their spirits became even more intense. It was crazily swallowed by vines.

"There is something wrong with the vines. My divine power is disappearing." Gorner's wife, Nulia, is the head of the French Legion, but at this moment, dozens of vines are entangled all over her body.

The crazy suction inside the vine made Nulia unable to break free even with all her strength, and her body gradually shriveled, so she had to call out to her husband for help.

"I'm here to save you." Gorman rushed towards Nuria with a sword made of hurricanes, but a white light penetrated his body halfway.

Gorman stared blankly at the unchanged chest, but his body began to gradually collapse, becoming upset and launching a killing blow, which took away all his life while penetrating his body.

Nulia could only watch her husband's body shatter, and her husband could only watch Nulia being gradually sucked into a shriveled shell by the vines.

The patriarch and legion leader of the Gaoling Hurricane Clan are like this, but the others are even more miserable. This kind of war has no distinction between old people, children, women, and men, and they all have a unified name—enemy!

No matter what race it is, if you dare to set foot on the territory of China, you must be prepared to die. If you don't taste the corpse and become upset, the 20,000 wood elf mages can't bear it anymore, and they dare not let them go. Make more vines and end this war as soon as possible.

The hurricane circle gradually dissipated, and the dust fell all over the sky. Lu Yang, Zhuojiu and others saw the situation ahead.

The million people of the Kaolin Hurricane Clan have almost been killed. The Wood Elf mages are all demigod-level powerhouses, who can move mountains and fill seas with a wave of their hands. A million people seem to be a lot, but they are difficult to kill. It's just the souls of the dead under countless vines.

Chu Xiao rushed over with the Dark Ice Legion. Seeing the tragic situation on the battlefield, he said excitedly: "That lunatic Luo Feng, this is letting a race from another world come here to die."

Lu Yang said: "The key question is that we don't know how many people he will send to die, and where he will secretly teleport a powerful race. If there are a few more god-level masters coming over, it will not be possible before their strength recovers." If we find it, then we will really exterminate the family.”

"He's really a lunatic." The white lion scolded.

The earth is too big, and there are too many no-man's lands. Even if everyone is sent out, they may not be able to check every area. What's more, Luo Feng is still sending low-level enemies over all the time. Don't kill them. The strength of these people It will also be restored to above the god level.

"Go to Haishi, kill the enemies there, and patrol the area within 2,000 kilometers around Shanghai City at all times, and go immediately." Lu Yang ordered.

"Yes." Chu Xiao flew towards Haishi with 20,000 Dark Ice Legion.

Lu Yang dialed Liu Ruohuai's phone number and asked, "How is the battle on your side?"

Liu Ruohuai was having a good time killing, and said: "Boss, my enemies here were originally low-level gods, but their real strengths are all demigods. It's too easy for us to kill, but now there is a big problem."

"What's the problem?" Lu Yang asked.

"Resentful souls, there are too many resentful souls on us, it won't take a few days if this goes on, brothers will not be able to bear it anymore." Liu Ruohuai said.

Lu Yang shook his head with a broken smile, and said, "I have taught them how to be dead, so I'll go to your place and persevere."

The luck in the misfortune is that these brothers of mine can learn the original martial art of the Demon God Art. In the future, if they can use the Demon God Art in the same line as him, there will be no race that can compete with them.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Luo Feng and the Dark Void God King did another good deed."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders. After the battle ahead, all the corpses were burned with red flames. At the same time, he began to teach everyone how to learn the original combat body.