Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2744: Extremely thrilling


Wookiris also knew that he couldn't hold it for too long, but he didn't believe that Lu Yang could hold it longer than him.

As a god king, he has killed countless god-level powerhouses with the move of Qianhuan Bingji in countless tens of thousands of years. He has his self-confidence.

Except for the god-king who couldn't be included in the illusion of Qianhuan Bingji in an instant, the rest of the enemies were all absorbed in an instant, and then died of a mental breakdown within a few days.

Now the two sides will see who can't hold on first. To be on the safe side, Wujilis no longer observes the situation of the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince, and instead uses all his strength to recover his body, striving to have more divine power to supply Qianhuan Bingji .

the other side.

In the main city of the Saint Rune Clan, Luo Feng is urging the teleportation array. It is not as easy as Lu Yang and Fu Yun imagined to create a super-large-scale teleportation array. Luo Feng needs to use the power of the void to create it. It usually takes about half a month for such a channel to create a stable space-time tunnel and then connect to the coordinates of the earth.

Fu Teng and Sheng Yun were in the main city of the Saint Rune Clan at this time, looking at this huge teleportation circle, both of them took a deep breath in their hearts.

"We have to tell the boss about this," Forten said.

Sheng Yun said: "You stay here, I will inform, we keep in touch at all times."

"Alright, let me see what else is going on. You must pay attention to safety." Fu Teng's reputation still has a certain weight among the Holy Light Clan, and he can find out a lot of information that Sheng Yun can't.

Sheng Yun nodded, turned around and walked towards the city gate, but as soon as he got near the city gate, a large number of merchants were blocked. He squeezed into the crowd curiously and came to the city gate. He saw hundreds of middlemen The god-level fighters stopped there under the leadership of ten high-ranking god-level saint pattern clan powerhouses.

"From now on, everyone is not allowed to leave the main city of the Saint Rune Clan. Merchants, please wait for 15 days. After 15 days, our race will all go to Earth. At that time, you can go wherever you want." A middle god of the St. Mark clan said loudly.

"Why, we are in a hurry to do business, you are not detaining you on purpose..." a businessman roared, but before he could finish speaking, the upper god of the St. Half.

"You..." Many businessmen panicked.

The upper god of the Saint Rune Clan snorted coldly, and said: "We are about to leave, and we will no longer care about the rules of other worlds. Whoever makes a noise to leave, we will be punished as spies and killed without mercy! Now, please return to the merchant gathering rest area."

Many merchants were fooled. The big clans like the Saint-grain clan didn't even speak the truth, and they didn't dare to say anything. Everyone knew that the Saint-grain clan had the secret technique of burning blood. A high god could be promoted to the main god by relying on burning blood. The strongest person hired by the merchants present is the High God, but which High God would dare to risk his life with the High God of the St. Mark Clan!

Sheng Yun was grateful to Lu Yang for helping him avenge the murder of his father, and wanted to encourage everyone to leave together, but the businessmen left in a blink of an eye, causing Sheng Yun to dare not speak out, so he had no choice but to go back to the hotel and talk to Forten explained the situation.

"Damn it, we still have to find a way to get out of here, don't worry, let me think about it..." Before Futeng finished speaking, a terrifying coercion came from outside the city, and this pressure made Futeng's heart thump Jumping, he almost fell to his knees.

"God King Stage~!!!" Fu Teng and Sheng Yun said in horror at the same time.

"Impossible, isn't the Holy Light God King in the outer battlefield? Why has another Holy Light God King appeared?" Sheng Yun said in fear.

Resisting the urge to kneel down, Futeng opened the window and looked at the distant sky. In the sky where countless holy light elements were scattered, countless white-clothed Holy Spirit warriors were shining with golden light, flapping their wings behind, towards the holy sky. Wen's direction flew over.

"Could it be that they are attacking the St. Wen clan? Blame them for going to Earth without permission?" Sheng Yun asked.

Fu Teng also had this idea, but what surprised them was that the fighters of the Holy Spirit Tribe in white flew over the main city of the Holy Pattern Tribe. Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of Holy Light chariots were dragged by the Holy Light Dragon Tribe. Pass the main city of the St. Wen clan.

One of the chariots is more than 20 times larger than the other chariots. The shell of the chariot is extremely luxurious, with more than a dozen flags on it, each of which is incompatible with this holy chariot, but Forteng and Shengyun But everyone knew that the owner of this carriage belonged to the Holy King himself.

Those banners are all hostile races that were wiped out by the Holy King in white. The worst one has a half-step god-king powerhouse. Now the strength exuded by the white-clothed saint king has reached the god-king rank. The two know that the saint The world illuminated by the stars is about to fall into chaos!

Fu Teng sat slumped on the ground, looked wryly at Sheng Yun who was not far away, who was also in distress, and said, "Don't think about reporting to Lu Yang, they are going in the direction of the Arctic wasteland, the ancient gods are finished, at least Bronze and his millions of people are finished!"

"Ah~!" Sheng Yun hammered hard on the ground, cursing: "That idiot Tonggu, why didn't he listen to Boss Lu Yang's persuasion, he is a sinner of the ancient god clan!"

"I hope Boss Lu Yang can survive, but don't take this route." Fu Teng said helplessly and anxiously.

The two of them are the Saint Rune clan who came from the teleportation array, and their speed is much faster than Lu Yang who escorted Aiguda back to the arctic wasteland.

Now the two can confirm that the goal of the white-clothed holy king with millions of strong men in the clan is the ancient gods, and Lu Yang's goal is to persuade Karim and more than one million ancient gods to leave.

If Lu Yang can't persuade Karim to leave before the white-clothed holy king arrives, then it will be difficult for Lu Yang to escape from the white-clothed holy king's attack.

The two people who fell into despair didn't know what to do at all, but Luo Feng, who launched the teleportation array, was secretly happy in his heart. The attack of the white-clothed holy king was just the beginning. The king and the holy king in white are acting together.

The battlefield outside the sky has already had a decisive result. After the two main god-level armies of the Void Zerg were deceived to the arctic wasteland, the legions led by the four great god kings fought more and less, and only three points were left in the Void Zerg's peak period. One of the troops, it is only a matter of time before it is wiped out.

The Chaos Beasts were also beaten and retreated, some of them were imprisoned, and the rest of the Chaos Beasts couldn't last long.

Under such circumstances, the four new god kings, including the Flame God King and the Ice God King, learned that the ancient god race had become so powerful. Return to the planet and attack the ancient gods.

Luo Feng and the Void God King of Darkness, what they asked for from Xiaguang Turang before can open the teleportation array leading to the earth, but that is only an incidental function. The troops quickly sent back.

A month ago, the four major families had returned with millions of soldiers. After recuperating for a full month, they finally had their chance, that is, Ai Gulie entered the secret realm of the ancient gods to attack the god-king rank.

Now Karim, Bronze Bone and others have led their clansmen to the hinterland of more than a thousand kilometers in the four regions. This is the trap set by the Holy King in white. The purpose is to uproot the ancient gods and kill them all at once!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, various races in different worlds can see their strength in white clothes, and then force them to stand in line again. God-king decisive battle!

"Wait, Lu Yang, if the ancient gods are gone, you will die." Luo Feng looked at the rows of holy light chariots flying past in the sky, but the expression on his face became more ferocious.

Lightning flashed, and a Nordic man appeared in front of Luo Feng, and said in a panic: "Something happened, the Ice King of Silent Night did not ambush the ancient gods of Aiguda, they were persuaded by Lu Yang, and Su Ya refused to listen to my advice." , determined to assassinate Lu Yang, and now I don’t know where.”

"What?" Luo Feng was shocked, and said excitedly, "Why don't you go with him, how can he fight Lu Yang alone."

The man's name was Atoskun, and he said depressedly: "How can I accompany you? Don't you know how strong the perception ability of the Blazing Demon God and Lu Yang is? If it wasn't for the heavy snowstorm, Su Ya wouldn't have been able to follow me. As long as the past has to be exposed."

"Bastard, you always come to me when something happens, and no one consults with me in advance." Luo Feng cursed furiously. He knew what the purpose of Atoskun's coming was. With the coordinates set, their locations can be quickly found.

Atoskun was worried about Su Ya's safety, so he could only lower his posture and ask for help: "There must be nothing wrong with Su Ya. He is the only person who knows the situation on the earth. I will try my best to persuade him in the future."

Luo Feng snorted coldly, restrained his anger and searched Su Ya's location, but after he searched, Luo Feng was so frightened that he almost stopped casting the spell.

"This idiot actually fought Lu Yang on the way to the arctic wasteland from the holy king in white. He wants to die." Luo Feng didn't care about explaining to Athos Kun, and released a clone to disappear on the spot.

The next second, Luo Feng's avatar appeared beside Su Ya. Seeing that Wu Jilisi was occupying his body, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Stop casting spells and leave with me."

Wu Jilis opened his eyes and looked at Luo Feng, and said: "Don't disturb me to kill Lu Yang, I will succeed soon."

Luo Feng said in a cold voice: "The Holy King in white is on his way here, and there is still half a day at the earliest. If you feel that the Holy King in white sees you, what will he do?"

"Bastard, why did the holy king in white come here?" Wookiris growled.

Luo Feng said angrily: "Go and kill Ai Gulie, what are you doing on this road, how did you kill the younger brother of the Holy King in white back then, have you forgotten? Why don't you hurry up, you Courting death."

"You, I... I have already let Lu Yang enter the Thousand Illusionary Ice Pole. Give me a while, and I will definitely be able to trap him to death. Why didn't you come here with your body? What are you doing?" Wu Jilisi said unwillingly .

Luo Feng said: "I'm helping the Saint Rune Clan to open up the passage to the earth. How can I get here? All the efforts before stopping for a while are in vain."

"This... oh~!" Wookiris was so aggrieved that he could only accept Qianhuan Bingji and followed Luo Feng to teleport back to the main city of the Saint Pattern Clan.


Lu Yang was enduring the cold, when he suddenly felt a warm current return to his body, and looked around, the world of ice had disappeared, and the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince were protecting him.

"How did Wookiris go?" Blazing Demon God asked with a frown.

The First Prince frowned and said, "I didn't leave after running out of divine power, but was picked up by someone. I felt the fluctuation of space spells."

Lu Yang looked at the two angrily, and said, "I don't care about me either, I'm still alive."

Blazing Demon God said: "Knowing that you are still alive, I will ignore you when you die."

The eldest prince said: "It seems that you have to undergo the next stage of training, otherwise you will have to be recruited next time."

Lu Yang asked: "What kind of illusion is this?"

Blazing Demon God said: "Don't discuss this yet, I feel flustered inexplicably, as if a very powerful enemy is approaching, leave here quickly."

The eldest prince said: "I also have this feeling, let's go back to Earth first, in your current state, you can no longer look for copper bones."

Lu Yang's consciousness is very weak, the power of Qianhuan Bingji is too strong, it will take a long time to recover.

I have already encountered an old god of ice along the way. If there are other strong men who intercept, Lu Yang's life may be confessed here. Moreover, the perception of the Blazing Demon God has never been missed. He dare not delay, open Bandalsberg, back to the human area.