Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2749: Dance of the Temporal Spirits


Lu Yang was not afraid at all, and took the initiative to meet them. The two 100-meter-tall giants clashed crazily in mid-air, causing a huge wave of energy that alarmed the Saint Rune clan tens of kilometers away.

"The patriarch is fighting, hurry up and help." The second elder roared, and he was about to charge with 600,000 teleported clansmen.

"You can't go anywhere." Bai Shi sneered, and appeared in the midair at the same time with Xia Yuwei, Zhou Tianming, Kuai Bansheng, Liu Ruohuai, Chu Xiao and others. Behind them were more than 8,000 members of the Jagged Brotherhood a lower god.

The second elder was stunned. Before coming here, Luo Feng said that the strongest person on earth is Lu Yang. Comparable to a middle race.

"High-ranking warriors of the Saint Pattern clan, for the continuation of the clan, sacrifice your souls." The second elder roared, the Saint pattern on his forehead flickered wildly, and his strength reached the upper god rank in an instant, but he didn't wait for him to release it. Kung Fu, a blue-black upper god-level soul crystal shot towards him.

"Conspiracy against me?" The second elder showed a mocking look on his face, and punched the flying soul crystal with his confident right hand.

When the blue-black soul crystal touched the second elder's fist, it didn't make the sound as he imagined, but passed through the second elder's fist with a bang.

The second elder looked at this scene in disbelief, followed by a piercing pain, but this kind of pain made him unable to even make a sound, and only when the soul crystal passed through his arm did he fight hard. Turning his head with all his might, he roared, "King of the Void God, the dance circle of the space-time elves of the Void God King, everyone run~!"

Countless warriors of the St. Mark clan looked blankly at the second elder. None of them had ever seen the dance circle of time-space elves. After all, it was the ultimate move of the previous generation of god-kings, and none of their clansmen had participated in the last time. The war of the god kings does not know how terrifying the dance of the space-time elves is.

Blue and black soul crystals flew in front of them, not only this one, Xia Yuwei, Liu Ruohuai and others also threw out the soul crystals in their hands.

The Void God King taught Xia Yuwei that they made more than a thousand crystals, and this time they threw out a third, but even if there were only more than three hundred, when the soul crystals gradually cracked, they would surround the camp of the Saint Rune Clan.

Everyone saw dense black cracks appearing in the space within a kilometer around the soul crystal. That kind of weird feeling made people tremble all over, and the Saint Rune Clan who knew what it was had already fallen into panic .

"Blast those soul crystals, we can't let them continue... run, they can't fight, run." The third elder smashed a soul crystal with a punch, and the result was a huge wormhole in front of the third elder. Appeared, sucked half of his body in, and directly crushed it. The word "run quickly" was the third elder's last words.

"How powerful is it?" Bai Shi and the others were a little confused.

Fu Yun appeared next to Bai Shi and the others, and the God King of the Void showed his true body, and said proudly: "Otherwise, I would dare to challenge the Blazing Demon God one-on-one. It’s not clear who wins or loses.”

Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei and the others were speechless for a while, but they all gave a thumbs up to express their admiration. This power is really terrifying. It is the upper god level that Bai Shi and others can only reach with their best efforts, and it can only last for a while , in front of the dance circle of time and space elves, there is no ability to resist at all!

A deep sense of powerlessness reverberated in everyone's hearts. Seeing their expressions, the Void God King said with a smile: "Don't worry too much, I will teach you a few of these tricks. I have practiced for tens of millions of years. You are stepping on our shoulders to practice, it is not that you have no chance to catch up."

"Thank you, God King." Xia Yuwei, Bai Shi and the others said gratefully.

"Let's kill them first. If you can't kill them once, you have to throw the soul crystal again. The recovery ability of the holy pattern clan is very strong after burning the soul. Be careful." The Void God King suddenly appeared in front of the second elder. , After blasting his body with a punch, he returned to the team with his head in his hands.

Everyone didn't see how the Void God King made a move, but on the other side, Davyn sensed the death of the second and third elders, and hurriedly wanted to check in fear.

Lu Yang didn't give the other party a chance, even though the demon god's body was covered with bruises and eight out of sixteen arms were broken, he stared at Davyn and said: "You can't go, even if you go, you can't stop the death of the tribe, accept this Be realistic."

"We are the St. Marks, you worm-like garbage race, why kill us." Davyn was furious, and slashed at Lu Yang's body with sword after sword.

Lu Yang resisted with all his strength, and was cut off two more arms, but he looked at David with a sneer, and said, "Insects also have the right to live. As long as you die, we can live."

"Then I'll kill you..." Davyn was about to attack, when suddenly his body trembled violently, and when he looked around again, he appeared in a world of magma, scorching hot flames continuously his body.

Daveyne quickly mobilized the divine power in his body, but found that his soul was completely separated from his body, and now he could only rely on willpower to survive.

Outside the illusion, the Blazing Demon God and the First Prince flew out of Lu Yang's body at the same time, looking at Davyn who was standing in mid-air with his eyes closed, the Blazing Demon God said in surprise, "Have you learned the Thousand Illusory Bingji?"

The eldest prince asked excitedly: "How did you do it?"

Lu Yang said: "I'm going to try it too. This is the method of simulating the Thousand Illusion Ice Pole. The soul I created burns. I can't maintain it with my divine power, so I use the Devouring Magic Art to absorb the energy of the earth instead of me to release it." , coupled with the flame space as an illusion, it seems to work well."

The Blazing Demon God sensed Davyn's state in the illusion, and said, "He won't be able to get out, and his soul will perish soon."

Lu Yang walked up to Davyn, pulled out the long sword in his hand, smashed Davyn's soul with a backhand sword, and said: "If it's not that this move is too wasteful of the origin of the earth, I really want to see how long he can last .”

The Blazing Demon God and the First Prince laughed for a while. They found that Lu Yang's comprehension in illusion was too high.

"The next time you meet Wookiris, you use this trick to sneak attack him, and he might die in your hands." Blazing Demon God said.

"I really want to meet him." Lu Yang was still brooding over what happened last time, and he flew towards Zhuojiu.

The strongest of the St. Mark clan is Davyn, and the second is Bliss. He is afraid that there will be mistakes on the side of the wine, but when he comes to the place where the two are fighting, what he sees is another one that makes the Blazing Demon God and the big The prince couldn't help being surprised.