Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2752: Merchant loyalty


In the empty main city of the Saint Rune Clan in another world, Wookiris was telling Luo Feng, He Xin, and the remaining eleven Old God Heart owners about the situation on the other side of the earth.

"What? Lu Yang actually killed all the Saint Rune Clan. In addition to his own injuries, most of the members of the Jagged Brotherhood survived, and he also obtained the blood of the Saint Rune Clan?" Luo Feng's expression became distorted.

Wookiris was also extremely angry, and said: "All my clansmen in the human world were killed by Lu Yang, and all the apprentices died. There is only one Balas's wife left, otherwise this information would not be passed on."

"Lu Yang~!" Luo Feng roared like crazy: "I will definitely kill you."

Wu Jilisi said: "This time there is a chance. Lu Yang must have been seriously injured in the battle with the Saint-Run tribe. In order to prevent you from sending other high-level races to the past, he is going to send a batch of low-level races to the human world. We can ambush him while he goes."

He Xin frowned and asked, "Could it be Lu Yang's conspiracy again?"

Wookiris sneered, and said, "You guys were scared out of your wits by Lu Yang, right? That's the Saint Rune clan. Lu Yang's subordinates didn't suffer too much damage, which proves that Lu Yang must have used some secret technique, that kind of damage will not be small."

"If we can't take advantage of the opportunity of Lu Yang's injury to kill him, and wait until he sends hundreds of millions of land races to the earth, if we want to send them again, we will really send blood and treasures to Lu Yang."

Once the position of the transmission channel can be sensed in advance, and a god-king magic circle is set up around it, no matter how strong the enemy is, it will be killed by the magic circle!

Luo Feng clenched his fists fiercely, looked at the dozen or so people behind him and said, "Come with me, how about it?"

The eleven people behind each wore cloaks, and they took them off one after another when they heard the words, and each showed a sneer. Kankilov, the owner of the Heart of Power Fragment, said: "If you don't mind, I will tear Lu Yang's cloak with my own hands. Body."

"We have a fateful battle with the old gods on the earth. If there is one less enemy, there is a chance. Count me in." Mesut, the owner of the Heart of Darkness Fragment, also stood up.

The rest of the people also expressed their participation in the battle, but what no one noticed was that Calixis, who claimed to be the owner of the Dream Heart Fragment, had a strange light in his eyes.

Calixis is the God King of Dreamland. He did not approve of this action, and secretly passed the situation to Young Master Dark Moon, saying, "I suspect this time is another trap set by Lu Yang."

Outside a certain castle of the Dark Moon Department, the young master of the Dark Moon was attacking with the main force of the Yinhui Demon Clan. Hearing this, he cursed: "That idiot, the distance is too far for me to control him, delaying their action time, I will do it another time!" Think of ways to."

"Yes." Calixis ended the call, looked at Luo Feng and said, "I have a suggestion, in order to prevent Balas's wife from being exposed again, we can't sneak attack in the first few low-level race areas on Earth. Better to be in racial areas in other countries."

Wu Kelisi said: "I agree with this proposal. Ballas has seen the races that Lu Yang prepared for the French and Germans. Choose one of their two territories."

Luo Feng said: "Then choose France, I can't wait."

"Let's go to the flower demon race. One of the races that Lu Yang chose for France is the flower demon." Wu Jilis waved his hand and took them to the area where the dark moon system and the ice system intersect.

Futeng and Shengyun had been trapped in the main city of the Saint-grain clan before, and they didn't leave after the Saint-grain clan teleported away, but stared at Luo Feng and the others.

"Is there a way to track it?" St. Cloud asked.

Fu Teng nodded, and said: "Whether you can do business with Boss Lu Yang in the future, I will help with this matter. I have the holy shadow lamp, the tracking secret treasure of the Holy Light Clan, in my hand."

As long as this kind of light shines on the target, within a month, as long as the target passes through the area, it will be illuminated by the holy shadow lamp, and the holder can track it infinitely without being discovered.

"You have this kind of treasure." Sheng Yun said in amazement.

"I didn't expect the rewards I got in the chamber of commerce to come in handy here." Fu Teng secretly aimed the Holy Shadow Lamp at the backs of Luo Feng and the others, and then wrote on the Holy Light Pick Lu Yang gave him. A message was placed.

the other side.

In the French area of the earth, Lu Yang has already called the main Old God Heart owners from all over the world, and told them about the process of attracting low-level races from the world, and got everyone's unanimous approval.

Taking advantage of this time of conversation, Zhuojiu, Baishi, Xia Yuwei and others began to prepare for the battle. This time the battle was different from the past.

In the past, Lu Yang always took the initiative to find others, each time after making complete preparations, this time they waited for others to ambush them, and it is not clear how many enemies will come, the preparation work needs to be done some more.

The Void God King taught Fu Yun, Xia Yuwei, Li Mao and others to depict a special void circle with the mid-level god-level female insect soul crystal.

"The special feature of this magic circle is that it will destroy the surrounding space and prevent the enemy from teleporting, unless the opponent's strength far exceeds this magic circle, but don't think that this magic circle is of the middle god rank, not the peak of the main god. The strength is absolutely invincible." The Void God King said proudly.

The Sword Elf King also participated, looked at the white lion and said, "After the magic circle is set up, quickly smash the masonry pots and seal all the magic elements. Later, you, Kuai Bansheng, Liu Ruohuai and the others will fight against each other with close combat. Can kill those false gods."

"You don't need to tell me about my apprentice, I'll give it to the three of us." Gorman and Pei En said unwillingly when they came out of the mason jar.

The Elf King of Sword didn't bother to talk to the two of them, looked at the eldest prince, and asked, "Where did that younger brother of yours go after that, do you know?"

The eldest prince shook his head and said, "After the battle between you and me, I haven't heard from him for millions of years."

"Don't let me see him, I'll chop him if I see him." The Sword Elf King cursed.

The eldest prince shrugged his shoulders, why didn't he want to, the whole treasure of the palace was stolen by that bastard, otherwise how could he be beheaded by the sword spirit king.

Lu Yang walked back to them, just when the Holy Light pick in his hand was fluctuating, he looked at the words on it, and couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Fu Teng and Sheng Yun can still help him at this time, which proves that these two are not only businessmen, but also loyal friends. He replied with a sentence of following carefully and keeping in touch, and then showed the content to everyone, saying: "Luo Feng and the others Hooked."

"Let's go now." The Void God King flew back into Fu Yun's body excitedly. He wanted revenge on Luo Feng the most.

Lu Yang immediately opened the passage to Bandarsberg and said, "Let's go."

"Hmm." Malthus, the Sword Elf King, Gorman and others returned to the bodies of Zhuojiu and others, and walked into the transmission channel with them.

Liu Ruohuai, Dao Jin Tian Ya Gu Chou, Li Mao and others also brought more than 8,000 lower gods into the transmission channel.

Lu Yang was the last one to go in, and then, he walked alone through the passage of Bandalsburg, and came to the mine where the dark demon was.

Luo Feng and the others came from the area of the Holy Light Clan, and it is not yet possible to determine their route. Lu Yang is not in a hurry to ambush, but to transfer the population according to the plan.

Although he had spent all the dark demons in this area, the blade demon group was still there, and he came to the sky above the blade demon camp in the distance in the form of a middle god, and shouted: "The patriarch of the blade demon clan comes out. "

"The gods are above, Kabaqi, the Patriarch of the Blade Demon Clan, is waiting for your will." A two-meter-tall warrior from the Blade Demon Clan, covered in bone blades, ran out in a panic, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed repeatedly.

This is the situation of the inferior races, facing the superior races, they can only bow their heads and obey orders, without any ability to choose independently.

"Gather all your clansmen and send you to Earth to obey the orders of the humans on Earth." Lu Yang's words were like an imperial decree.

When Kabbage heard that his mission was not to fight against humans, but to help humans detect magical anomalies in the surrounding area, he happily accepted the order and said gratefully: "There are three million people in my family, so I will gather them. "

"The teleportation starts tonight, and you only have half a day to prepare." Lu Yang said solemnly.

Fu Yun walked out of Bandalsburg, and created a teleportation array using the lower god-level mother insect soul crystal.

Among the blade demons, the strongest are the spiritual ranks, not even the lords. This low-ranking race can go directly through the gap in the void. Fu Yun only needs to open the coordinates of the two worlds connected by the gap in the void.

After opening the void coordinates here, Fu Yun teleported back to the Italian area on the earth, found Ballas, and opened the void coordinates in front of them.

After Ballas waited for Fu Yun to leave, he immediately notified his wife, and his wife passed the news to Aisha who was hiding.

Wujilis, Luo Feng and the others were rushing towards the Flower Demon Clan camp in the middle area between the Dark Moon Element and the Ice Element, and they all showed excitement when they heard this.

"Lu Yang really came, I must kill him." Luo Feng said grimly, now he either has grudge against Lu Yang, or simply wants Lu Yang to die.

"Speed up, now we are in the dark, and he is in the light. You must not miss this opportunity." Gilbert, the owner of the Fragment of Fengshen's Heart, used all his divine power. Originally, their speed was twice the speed of sound, and it was directly increased to three times. .