Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2772: Mass production of the next god


An extremely distorted and hateful killing intent enveloped Lu Yang's whole body, and more than a dozen purple rays shot out from his eyes, each one as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

The rock blocking Lu Yang's body was shot through like paper, and then shot on him.

"Blood Alchemy Silver"

A dark silver color emerged from Lu Yang's body. He only had time to cover his head with his arms when he felt a sharp pain, and his body involuntarily retreated thirty meters away.

When he stopped, he felt severe pain in his arms, chest, abdomen and legs, and every place hit by the purple light had been sunken inward by about a centimeter. The depression entered into the soul.

"Purple Sun Divine Fire"

Violet flames emerged from Lu Yang's body, and he easily eliminated the hatred in his body. Looking at the multi-eyed monster who also showed surprise, a sneer appeared on his face.

With the blow just now, he has revealed the depth of the multi-eyed monster. The purple light emitted by each eye is from the early stage of the main god level. About half of the more than one hundred eyes on the head can look at the same target every time. , if you are hit by the purple light from half of the eyes, the damage you suffer is comparable to that of a god king.


Seeing that Lu Yang was not dead, the multi-eyed monster sneered at him, and suddenly felt provoked. The mouth under the head let out a growl, and rushed towards Lu Yang. Lu Yang shot out purple light at the same time.

Accompanied by a loud bang, Lu Yang's body exploded without a trace, and the multi-eyed monster stopped blankly on the way of charging, thinking he had killed Lu Yang. His eyes suddenly saw Lu Yang appearing above him, and dozens of pairs of eyes gathered light quickly.

"The second stage of the Promise of the Great Law of the Sun - Divine Flame Explosion"

Lu Yang let out a low growl, centered on himself, and compressed the release distance to less than 100 meters. Before the covered multi-eyed monster could figure out what the light was, it was like dozens of extremely flaming fireballs shooting at the multi-eyed monster at the same time. It was as if his body exploded, blowing him to pieces.

"Sure enough, he's strong enough. You can't kill him without a special move." Lu Yang said with some regrets. Originally, he wanted to use Ji Yan Fireball, but this move doesn't matter which direction he hides after using the Great Nirvana Technique to sneak attack. The multi-eyed monster's head is full of eyes and there are no blind spots, so he can't sneak attack at all.

The Jiyan fireball is likely to be exploded by the purple light of the multi-eyed monster before it hits the target. The air waves created by the explosive power will spread to more than ten kilometers and will definitely be discovered by others. Therefore, in order to end the battle as soon as possible , he can only use the unique skill of Shenyan Tianbang, but the price is nothing left.


Violent noises came from the far horizon and other directions around. Lu Yang looked over. It should be the noise made by Young Master Dark Moon and people from the other three ancient families. The purpose was to inform each other Location.

Lu Yang knew he couldn't waste time, so he let out his consciousness, and after confirming that there were no more eyed monsters around, he continued to move forward.

Passing through a forest, a huge cave with a height of 100 meters appeared in front of Lu Yang. Beside the entrance of the cave, there was a huge stone tablet with seventeen characters engraved on it:

Anka, the god king of the god-eyed demon clan, was killed by the blazing demon god here!

This is where the Blazing Demon God asked him to find. After confirming that there was no one in the cave with his perception again, he hurried into the cave.

The cave was not deep, only about five kilometers. From the moment he walked in, he found that what he was stepping on was the corpse of a god-king-level god beholder. This was a giant god beholder with a diameter of five kilometers.

On the body of this god beholder, there are giant purple eggs that cannot afford to lose. Each egg is 100 meters high and more than ten meters in diameter, and one of the eggs is broken. The multi-eyed monster was killed.

That multi-eyed monster is the fighting power of the main god level. Obviously, every egg contains terrifying energy. As long as these unbroken eggs are absorbed, the dragon worm and the ancestor of thousands of flowers will definitely produce a lot of lower god level Warrior, he immediately summoned the two.

"Master, what are your orders?" The upper body of the dragon worm is still a three-headed dragon, and the lower body is a void mother worm. Now he is very respectful to Lu Yang, and his consciousness is also awake. Although he still doesn't know who his predecessor is, but he Know that the owner is Lu Yang.

The ancestor of Wanhua also came to Lu Yang and said, "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Lu Yang pointed to the giant purple egg and said: "Absorb their energy, and then absorb the remnants of the god-beholder on the ground, and produce a large number of three-eyed magic flowers and dragon insect warriors."

"Of order." The dragon worm and the ancestor of the myriad flowers each found their own side and sat down, stretched out the tentacles and roots in their bodies, drilled into each of the purple giant eggs, and frantically absorbed the energy inside.


It didn't take long for the first dragon worm warrior to be produced. Like the dragon worm, the lower body is a void mother worm, the upper body is a three-headed dragon, and there are wings behind it, completely obeying the orders of the dragon worm.

There was a smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth. He didn't believe that the contracted beasts in the hands of the four ancient families were stronger than his dragon worm and the ancestor of thousands of flowers. Maybe the lower god-level legion they summoned was not inferior to the three-eyed magic flower, but It must be inferior to the warriors summoned by the dragon worm.

The dragon worm fighters have the powerful vitality like the void zerg, the ice spells like the ice dragon king, and the agile flying ability, and the general lower gods can't beat them.

It has been unable to mass-produce Dragon Worm Warriors before, because Lu Yang did not have enough energy for him to produce them. Now he has finally found an opportunity. He plans to produce more, and then install them in Bandalsburg, and bring them back to another world to fight in the future. use.

"Master, I sense that a stranger is approaching here. He seems to know you are here." The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Flowers said in his consciousness.

Lu Yang was a little surprised, he hurried to the outside of the cave, probably the other people who came in saw the battle just now, but now that he can come in, the identity of this person is questionable.

The Void God King told him that when the restrictions were opened in the Land of Gods War, no one else could enter right away, and it would take three days to wait. Now the only ones who took the shortcut to enter should be Lu Yang, Young Master Dark Moon and the other three. People from ancient families.

Furthermore, the people who joined the young master of the dark moon were probably also sent in by the young master of the dark moon, that is to say, the person who came must be an enemy, who came to help the young master of the dark moon to lock Lu Yang's position .

Lu Yang hurried to the outside of the cave, absolutely not to expose the three-eyed magic flower and the dragon worm. For safety's sake, he took out the six-kill magic circle and placed it around the exploded corpse of the multi-eyed monster, pretending that there were twelve The god was killed here, and he turned into a fire element and hid in the nearby lava.

With just one blow, the surrounding vegetation had already ignited raging fire, and even the stones had turned into lava, which was just enough to hide his figure. At the same time, he was always ready to release the Phaseless Tribulation Beast.