Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2777: Weird sound


Continue to walk along the pitch-black forest, and from time to time, a blood-red monster with a height of 30 to 40 meters will appear in front of it. Their arms are like orangutans, exuding the breath of a high god.

Lu Yang didn't want to get entangled with them. It's not easy to kill these high-ranking gods. Their strengths are similar to those of the primary gods. They have to use Demon God Art and Wuji Yanyang Dafa. These two skills will expose him to position, so he Changed the road, although it took a longer detour, but still headed northwest.

On the way, Lu Yang felt a little emotional in his heart. Ever since he was promoted to the god rank, the Blazing Demon God told him that the enemies he meets in the future will no longer despise you because you are not a god rank powerhouse. Above the god level, the law, secret technique, and the strongest form will all be used, and the highest criterion is killing.

Lu Yang lived tremblingly and cautiously. Even under the protection of the ancient gods, he didn't feel too much sense of security, but today is different. In this land of gods, the young masters of the ancient family dare to belittle him like this. he.

Young Master An Yue had already seen Lu Yang's strength, but he couldn't follow because of the Blazing Demon God, and he also thought that Lu Yang was no longer a threat to them.

If the first batch of people who came in was not Lu Yang, but the young masters of other ancient families, the four young masters of Dark Moon would not have dared to make such a big deal, and would not have placed a few defensive circles around Hai Huanmo.

Just when Lu Yang was a little proud that he could pretend to be weak and fish in troubled waters, several double-headed demons appeared in front of him.

Lu Yang was going to continue to avoid them, but just as he was about to fly to the right, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Since the first demon he encountered, he has been avoiding to the side of the ring sea.

Now I have avoided more than 30 times, how come the two-headed demon I met is still forcing him to fly in the direction of the ring sea, as if something is deliberately leading him there.

Lu Yang stopped immediately, and carefully looked at the two-headed demon in front of him, but apparently, the two-headed demon was not controlled by anything, and this thing couldn't be controlled either. His eyes were terrifyingly chaotic, and he must have completely lost his mind.

However, no matter how unreasonable anything is, there must be a reason for it. Lu Yang decided not to fly in the direction of the ring sea, but retreated 500 meters. While the double-headed demon on the right was looking in other directions, he turned into a A flame flew into the forest on the side.


Before Lu Yang could go five kilometers deeper, a slight and strange sound came into his soul, and the sound of horns and war drums, which had disturbed his soul, suddenly doubled in size.

It's a pity that the Demon God Art is a two-way restraint. After the resentful souls are stabilized around Lu Yang's soul by the Demon God Art, the resentful souls tend to merge into a whole, and they will take the initiative to help Lu Yang resist the power of resentment.

After Lu Yang got over the initial discomfort, with the help of the resentful soul, he easily walked into the depths of the forest and stopped at the entrance of a cave.

The three upper gods in the form of demons were standing there with dull eyes. Lu Yang walked over to check carefully, and found that their souls had been destroyed by this strange voice, and the demons were about to enter their souls and replace them. consciousness.

Lu Yang had never encountered such a situation before. He opened the Yanhuo space, threw the three of them into the Yaowang Furnace and refined them with blood flames. Afterwards, he frowned and looked into the cave.


The roar suddenly became urgent, as if the creatures in the cave had also discovered that Lu Yang was not under control.

Lu Yang sneered, stepped into the cave, and reached the dark area. Flames shot out from his right hand to light up the cave, but when he saw clearly the situation inside the cave, there was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Two hound-like creatures that looked like huskies, but had four sharp horns on top of their heads, and were burning black and red flames all over their bodies were staring at him. An older one was seriously injured, and the other one was young and made weird noises. small.

"Angry Soul Beast~!"

Lu Yang suddenly remembered that he had met him when he released the chaotic beast in the Emerald Forest.

Later, when Blazing Demon God and Malthus taught Lu Yang the knowledge of the different world, they specifically talked about the chaotic beasts, and deliberately took out the angry soul beasts to explain them separately.

A fierce beast like Rage Soul Beast is extremely weak in its own combat power, and its only role on the battlefield is to double the power of illusion-like skills, and it is an auxiliary beast.

This kind of ferocious beast also has a characteristic. It especially likes to be close to places full of evil thoughts, especially resentful souls. They can tame resentful souls.

Lu Yang's whole body was full of resentful souls, just in line with the preferences of the angry soul beast, so when Lu Yang got closer and closer, the angry soul beast in front of him didn't bark so fiercely, but he was still very vigilant towards Lu Yang.

"Little guy, can you speak elemental language?" Lu Yang asked.

"Yes." The little angry soul beast whimpered.

"How old are you?" Lu Yang couldn't help stroking the hair on the head of the little angry soul beast. Suddenly, the little angry soul beast was unhappy and was about to struggle, but the power of resentment on Lu Yang made him very fond of it. Instead, he took the initiative to rub his head against Lu Yang's hand.

"Ah, what a shame, what are you, why are you approaching me." The little angry soul beast was anxious.

Lu Yang smiled speechlessly, and said: "You still know shame, I still have to ask you, why are you and your mother here, and what's going on with your mother."

"I was injured by that old Ice God King on the outer battlefield, and said, what is your relationship with them, if you are in the same group, I will kill you." The little angry soul beast said angrily.

"Enemies." Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "I and them are mortal enemies. Have you forgotten who I am? I was the one who released you from the Emerald Forest."

"You? You belong to the group of the Blazing Demon God?" The old angry soul beast woke up and looked at Lu Yang with a trace of vigilance.

"You won't be so forgetful." Lu Yang's body erupted with a chaotic demon flame, which was the kindling seed that was given to him by the chaotic monster Langjes who exchanged with him at the beginning.

The old angry soul beast immediately remembered, and said: "You really belong to the group of the Blazing Demon God. Can you protect me and my child? We are willing to fight with you."

Lu Yang asked curiously: "Are you two alone here, or are there other Chaos monsters in this area, can you let me meet them?"

The old angry soul beast shook his head and said: "On the battlefield of the Outer Worlds, our Chaos Beast Race died and scattered. I came here because I sensed that this land is suitable for me to recover my body. Others I don't know." I don’t know, but if you want to find them, I can help you in the future, there is a special breath connection between us Chaos Beasts.”

Among the chaotic beasts, the most powerful one is also the middle god, which is comparable to the upper god. If the participating chaotic beasts can be brought under their command, it will also be of great help to the human race.

Lu Yang said: "Okay, but I hope your children can sign a contract with me, otherwise, I dare not take you away in this area."

"Okay, we Raging Soul Beasts already like your breath, and your strength is also qualified to sign a contract with us, so let's use the phantom beast contract." The old Raging Soul Beast said.

The phantom beast contract is a contract of equality, and Lu Yang has no objection to it. He nodded, stretched out his right hand and put it on the head of the little angry soul beast, a ray of light flashed, and the contract was signed.

"Hey, this angry soul beast also has brothers." The little angry soul beast stood up proudly on two legs.

Lu Yang found that this guy really looked like a husky, and said, "What's your name?"

"Langfusi, it means the roaring sword." The little angry soul beast was very proud.

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, opened the Demon God Temple and put the old angry soul beast inside, leaving Langforth behind and said: "Come with me, tell me specifically, what function does your cry have."

"No problem." The little angry soul beast quickly shrank to 20 centimeters, jumped onto Lu Yang's shoulder, and explained in detail.