Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2781: decisive battle


"Damn it, the eight of them are all using artifacts. There is no way to stay in this place of God's War, so hurry up and leave."

"It's too late to die here, and even eight of them may not survive."

"Hurry up and get out with me."

The upper gods who knew what the artifact was fled towards the entrance of the Land of Gods War, and at the same time, issued a warning to all the gods present.

The gods who cultivated from some small families have never seen a divine weapon, they just heard that this thing can release spells of the god-king level, so they are still not reconciled to seeing the divine blood fruit below.

"The opportunity is rare, let's grab it first." The high god of the Nine-eyed clan brought more than twenty high gods from the alliance and suddenly flew towards the small island in the center of the ring sea.


The holy light clock in Zemora's hand suddenly rang loudly, and the bodies of the upper gods of the Nine-Eyed Clan and more than twenty other upper gods were suddenly enveloped by the holy light, and then, before they could react, they were squeezed by the holy light at the same time It became a piece of paper, and more than 20 high gods died instantly on the spot!

The more than 400 high gods present were all stunned, and they flew towards the distance in horror, trying to avoid the eight of them, but the eight of them seemed to have made an agreement, and they dispersed at the same time. Mars from the Stele Temple, Locke from the Hermit Alliance, and Mohan from the Dark Blood Legion flew in the direction.

"Three brothers, hide behind our ancient family, and you will get half of the sacred blood fruit." Young Master Dark Moon said loudly.

"The three brothers hid behind our God King's family. In view of our past friendship, we will not only protect you, but also give up more God Blood Fruits." Si Boling's voice became very soft.

Three of the four major homeless organizations are now in the sky, but the three of them are not stupid. When the individuals flew over, they kept hitting each other with the artifacts in their hands. They didn't dare to let the eight people approach, and turned around and ran away in other directions.

"Frozen Treasure Wheel"

"Ice Seal"

Two piercing cold lights shot out, directly fixing the three gods in mid-air. Young Master Dark Moon and Si Boling didn't use their artifacts at the beginning, and what they were waiting for was that everyone rushed to the central island and stayed away from them. The moment when the Land of Gods War exited.

Now none of the three of them can run away. The power of ice at the god-king level is not something the upper gods can resist at all, unless they are of the fire department, but these three have nothing to do with the fire department.

"Let go!" The purple flame lamp in Mingyan Tianzun's hand burst into flames and hit Westerster.

"Holy Light Clock!" Zemora blocked the flames for Westerster, while the twelve gray fire pillars in Frick's hands burst out blue flames at the same time and went straight to the Lord of Extreme Cold.

Warmaster Jin Guang hurriedly blocked the flames with his golden epee, and shouted: "Hurry up and grab him."

"I know." Young Master An Yue flew towards him, but before he could get close, Si Boling met him in mid-air, and Young Master An Yue dodged left and right when he was hit by the Scepter of Xinghe.

After all, the Xinghe Scepter is a heavy weapon, and the magic silver thread is a soft weapon. The repeated dodging made the young master An Yue very embarrassed. Finally, when he failed to dodge one time, the young master An Yue pulled out the magic silver thread and entangled the Xinghe Quan. stick, but the back was still hit by a heavy hammer.

"Galaxy Cyclone"

Si Boling snorted coldly, and the scepter ejected a high-speed rotating hurricane to cut off the magic silver thread. She rushed towards Young Master Dark Moon again, and said coquettishly, "I will kill you today."

Young Master An Yue spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Si Bo Ling with a smirk, and said, "You are the one who died! Take it~!"

With Si Boling as the center, a huge silver spider web suddenly appeared a hundred meters away, and it tightened inward instantly. Fortunately, the weapon in Si Boling's hand was the Galaxy Scepter, and countless galactic cyclones burst out suddenly, wiping the silver spider web. The spider web was interrupted, but part of the spider web still trapped Si Boling's body, and he pulled it hard with Young Master Dark Moon.


Half of Si Boling's body was twisted and shattered, accompanied by hysterical cries of pain, silver moonlight emerged from Si Boling's whole body, and with half of her body, she entered the main god level, frantically killing the surrounding gods indiscriminately.

"Are you the only one who can enter the Lord God Rank?" Young Master Dark Moon shouted, opened the Moon Night Seven form to the fifth floor, turned into a huge silver demon, and rushed towards Si Boling.

"Hurry up and save people." How could Frick, Zemora, and Westerst let Siboling be killed by the young master of the dark moon like this? Excited, they no longer cared about the three people in the freeze, and each entered the main god's room. step, rushed towards Young Master Dark Moon.

"You all have to die here today." Mingyan Tianzun, Extreme Cold Demon Lord and Golden Light Warlord all entered the main god level with grinning grinning, and stopped the three of Frick.

The strong masters of the main god rank still hold artifacts. This kind of battle is no longer for the upper gods to participate in. Moreover, Siboling has fallen into madness, and his attacks on everyone are indiscriminate.

When Young Master Dark Moon and the others used their artifacts to fight against each other, they couldn't protect the other upper gods anymore, which caused the god-level spells to fly all over the sky.

At this time, more than 400 highgods have already escaped, and the last sliver of greed of the remaining 200 or more has disappeared, and they all flew towards the exit of the Land of Gods War, but the real Less than one tenth of them could escape, and the rest were all dead!

Outside the Land of Gods War.

The main gods of the major families are still not far from the entrance. They are waiting for their own clansmen to come out, so as to protect them and snatch the blood fruit from their opponents, but suddenly a large number of high-ranking gods run out, causing All the main gods don't know whether to do it or wait.

"What happened?" The main god of the stele temple grabbed a high god and asked loudly.

"Don't mention it, the four great ancient families and the four great god king families all came with artifacts. The descendants of the three of you have been frozen by them with the artifacts. Now they are fighting around the three of them."

"Are they in danger?" asked the main god of the Hermit Alliance.

The high god said in a word: "It's not certain whether you can come out alive."

The three main gods of the Wanderer Alliance were stunned. They wanted to go in but couldn't get in because their grades were too high. As fewer and fewer highgods came out, they suffered more and more injuries, and their hearts sank. to the bottom.

In fact, as the three of them had guessed, in the Land of Gods Battle, above the Sea of Rings, the battle had entered a fierce stage.

Si Boling's lower body was shredded by the artifact, and he couldn't recover with his own strength. Therefore, he was hunted down the worst, and the other three members of the God King family fell into absolute passivity in order to protect him.