Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 53: Open the copy


After 2 minutes, Hansk's HP dropped to 80%.

"For the glory of the Fars Empire." Hansk's dagger shone with a silver-white light.

Lu Yang shouted: "Everyone retreats, Hei Jia uses his shield to block."

Xiao Liang immediately activated the shield wall mode, reducing the damage received by 40%. Xia Yuwei, Zhang Zibo and others quickly retreated to a place 10 yards away.

"Reverse Blade." Hansk held the dagger backwards, and shot a cross of white light towards the surroundings.

Xia Yuwei and others followed Lu Yang's command to retreat early and were not hit by Hansk, only Xiao Liang was hit.


Xiao Liang had less than 400 blood points before, and when he was attacked again, his blood was instantly empty. He quickly shouted: "Priest, give me more blood."






It took five blood boosts in a row to bring back the upper limit of Xiao Liang's qi and blood.

"Huh, it's too dangerous." Xia Yuwei and the others broke out in a cold sweat.

"With a shield wall, he can deal such high damage. Isn't his actual output more than 600?" Liquor Qingfeng said.

"Xiao Liang's shield wall can only be used once every 2 minutes, so he won't be able to handle it next time." Zhang Zibo asked.

Xia Yuwei looked at Lu Yang and asked, "What should we do? How should we fight next?"

Lu Yang said: "Everyone is outputting with all their strength. In the next stage, my damage will divert Hansk's hatred. Everyone must listen to my command."

"You want to resist?" Liquor Qingfeng asked.

Lu Yang said: "The black armor can't handle the next output, and I'm the only one who can avoid the boss skills."

"Can you dodge the skill of Backblade?" Liquor Qingfeng asked in surprise.

Backblade's skill release speed is faster than Fireball, and it is a melee skill, so there is almost no room for dodging.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if I die, you don't have to fight for me." Xiao Liang said.

Xia Yuwei said: "Lu Yang, if you need a dead person, let Zhang Zibo do it. This is what we should do."

Zhang Zibo also said: "Yes, master, let me go later."

Lu Yang smiled, and said: "It seems that you have to be dead to fight over, everyone listen to my command, don't mess up, just hide a skill, it's not difficult for me."

It's nothing more than using flicker to hide from the backblade. It's the same as Lu Yang's use of flicker to hide from the warrior's charge at the extreme distance. As long as you use flicker at the moment when the opponent releases the skill, you can perfectly dodge the backblade.

Lan Yu and the others didn't understand where Lu Yang's confidence came from, and they all wanted to continue to dissuade Lu Yang but didn't know how to speak.

Soon, the upper limit of the boss's blood was about to drop to 60%.

"Dodge melee, Hei Jia don't use taunts, I'm going to attract hatred." Lu Yang shouted.

Xia Yuwei, Zhang Zibo and the others immediately ran away to both sides. Lu Yang ran to the corner of the cabin next to Xiao Liang, and aimed at the boss's head to release three fireballs in succession.

"490" (Crit)

"490" (Crit)

"490" (Crit)

Lu Yang's hatred itself was very high, three consecutive critical strikes instantly transferred Hansk's hatred to him.

"For the glory of the Fars Empire." Hansk's blood limit just dropped below 60%, and the dagger in his hand flashed white light, and Hansk rushed towards Lu Yang.

The horizontal distance of the cabin is very narrow, Hansk came to Lu Yang in two steps, and a white cross light appeared in his hand when he jumped up.


Lu Yang's eyes were fixed on Hansk's dagger, just at the moment when the dagger was about to stab him.


A white light lit up.

Lu Yang appeared next to Xiao Liang, but Hansk's Backblade missed.


"Beautiful." Lan Yu, Xia Yuwei and the others were nervous and afraid that Lu Yang would be killed, but seeing that Lu Yang used such a mage to avoid the boss's skills, everyone couldn't help but screamed.

"It can still be done like this!" Liquor Qingfeng felt even more frantic. He found that when he fought the boss with Lu Yang this time, his understanding of the game was completely subverted by Lu Yang.

Xia Yuwei and the others also widened their eyes in surprise, they never thought that Lu Yang could use such a method to avoid boss skills.

"It turns out that the game can still be played like this." Zhang Zibo said.

"The black armor taunts and picks up the monster, everyone returns to their original positions, don't stand still." Lu Yang shouted.

Although Xiao Liang had seen Lu Yang kill Heixue's subordinates one by one before, he was still dumbfounded when he saw that Lu Yang still used the blinking evasion skill when facing the boss this time.

He only reacted after hearing Lu Yang's words, and quickly used only the taunting skill on the boss who was running towards Lu Yang, and pulled Hansk back to the corner.

Xia Yuwei and the others also reacted and started to output to the boss again.

"Master, you are too powerful."

"How did you do it?"

"Can you teach us, please advise!"

Taking advantage of the output gap, the four mages including Banshi Chenguang couldn't help asking, this technology was too important to them.

Liquor Qingfeng, Zhang Zibo and others also looked at Lu Yang, and they also wanted to know how Lu Yang did it.

Lu Yang said: "There is no technical content in this, it's just a fast reaction speed. If you want to learn, you can practice more reaction speed in the future."

In the PK between players in the previous life, it has become a norm for mages to use the blinking skill to dodge. However, although Lu Yang said it is easy, if you want to master this skill, you will definitely not be able to do it without a few months of hard work.

This is not something that thieves can dodge by relying on agility, but really rely on the player's own reaction speed.

At the moment when you see the opponent's skills approaching, that is, within a few tenths of a second, you must use blinking.

Slow down, die on the spot, hurry up, the boss will stop casting spells, and re-activate skills at you.

Banshi Chenguang and the others couldn't help swallowing, and said, "Master, I didn't understand."

Coincidentally, the boss' blood volume has been reduced to 40%.

Lu Yang said: "You still have two chances, watch it, I'll show you one more time."

Three more fireballs hit the boss's head, and after causing a critical blow, Hansk's hatred aimed at Lu Yang.


Lu Yang stood there, waiting for the moment when Hansk approached and stabbed his chest with a dagger.


Lu Yang jumped aside again to avoid the boss's skill, Xiao Liang quickly followed up and used the taunting skill to pull Hans back to the corner.

"Do you understand?" Lu Yang asked.

The four of Chenguang Banshi looked at each other and shook their heads one after another, but they still didn't understand the flashing point of Lu Yang.

When the boss had 20% HP remaining, Lu Yang demonstrated it again, but unfortunately, no one could understand it.

There is no way to do this. If you want to learn this skill, you can only comprehend it by yourself. After all, when everyone is facing an enemy attack, the timing of flashing is ever-changing.

Soon, Hansk's vitality dropped below 10%.

Lu Yang said: "Everyone step up the output, the equipment is in front of us."

Xia Yuwei, Zhang Zibo and the others were instantly motivated by Lu Yang's words, and everyone tried their best to output the boss. Hansk is the final boss of the death cave, and the equipment given must be silver.

"Shadow Attack"

"Arcane Arrow"

"Shadow Bolt"


"Heroic Strike"

Various skills hit Hansk's body, and Hansk's blood volume bottomed out.

"Could it be that the Fars Empire has no future?" Hansk fell to the ground clutching his chest.

World Channel: Players Lu Yang, Xia Yuwei, Liquor Qingfeng and other team members successfully cleared the epic death cave copy, honor value +100


"We really got through the epic dungeon!"

Everyone looked at Lu Yang excitedly, and it was an unimaginable miracle for them to get through the epic dungeon.

Looking at the news posted by the system on the world channel, they felt a trance, as if they didn't do all of this.

Xia Yuwei looked at Lu Yang, and couldn't help feeling admiration in her heart. Along the way, Lu Yang relied on his own ability to lead the team through the dungeon.

The violent output of the first boss.

God-level dodge for the second boss.

The third boss's flashing dodge will kill.

Xia Yuwei couldn't help but walked up to Lu Yang, and said respectfully: "Thank you, we would never have gotten through this dungeon without you, and we owe you another favor."

Lu Yang looked at Xia Yuwei, there was no trace of arrogance on Xia Yuwei's face at this moment.

Lan Yu also came to Lu Yang's side, and said happily: "Master, thank you so much this time."

Lu Yang looked at the two and smiled. It was a complete accident to bring Xia Yuwei and the others to the dungeon this time. Originally, he wanted to ask Chi Mu to ask his elite team to help. Lu Yang didn't care about this dungeon at all. What I care about is hiding the boss.

"Don't be polite to me, I have to ask you to help me in a while, everyone will open the boss with me first, and look at the equipment." Lu Yang said.

"Look quickly, if it belongs to a thief this time, it will be fine if it belongs to a thief."

"Impossible, it's definitely a warrior's. The damage of this Hanks is too high."

When they heard about opening the equipment, everyone gathered together. Xia Yuwei originally wanted to ask Lu Yang what he could do for him, but seeing this situation, he didn't ask any more.