Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 71: Valley fight


At this time, the three bloody Overlords had just stood firm, and seeing the situation in the field, the three of them were stunned.

"How is this possible?" The Bloody Overlord said in horror.

In just a few seconds, 4 of the 8 of them who came were killed, and the only ones left in the venue were the three of them and Ye Guxing who was secretly looking for an opportunity to approach Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sneered, chanted a spell, raised his hand and hit a mage with a Pyroblast.


The mage dies instantly!

"Quickly use spells to counter, quickly counter him." The bloody overlord shouted in horror to the only remaining magician beside him.

"I can't counter him, his casting speed is too fast." The mage shouted in horror.

Lu Yang sneered. He could count on one hand the people who could counter him in his previous life, but this mage in front of him was not included. He raised his hand and killed the last mage with a Pyroblast. Afterwards, he did not speak to the Bloody Overlord With no chance, another pyro-explosion shot killed him on the ground.

At this time, there was only the last thief left in the field. Ye Guxing saw that the 7 people he had brought had been killed by Lu Yang.

His equipment is the silver-grade equipment that Bloodthirsty Batian bought from other players at a high price. If it explodes, he can't explain it to Bloodthirsty Batian.

However, it is simply impossible for a level 5 thief to escape in front of a level 10 mage.

The difference is 5 levels, the thief's invisibility in front of Lu Yang is the same as if he had no invisibility, and Lu Yang can clearly see Ye Guxing running away with his body bent.

He came to Ye Guxing's side in a blink of an eye, and said with a sneer: "Do you think you can run?"

"Resist the Ring of Fire"

A fiery red ring suddenly appeared from Lu Yang's body, sending Ye Guxing flying upside down, hitting the wall heavily to reveal his figure.

"You dare to kill me, I'm a member of the Bloodthirsty League." Ye Guxing looked at Lu Yang sternly.

Before dying, Gu Xing wanted to use the name of the Bloodthirsty League to show off his face, Lu Yang sneered and said, "What kind of thing is the Bloodthirsty League?"

A ball of fire ignited in his hand, and a Pyroblast hit Ye Guxing's body.


"Our Bloodthirsty Alliance will not let you go." Ye Guxing only had time to let out an unwilling scream, and was beaten to death by Lu Yang on the ground.

From Lu Yang's surprise attack to the end of the battle, it took less than a minute. It can be seen how powerful Lu Yang is now.

He looked at the equipment that Ye Guxing's eight people had dropped. There were 2 pieces of silver-level equipment and 6 pieces of bronze-level equipment.

"The bloodthirsty Batian must be so angry." Lu Yang thought.

These equipments are not a matter of money, but that there are too few people selling them, and it will take a lot of time to get these equipments together.

Lu Yang put these equipments into the backpack, suddenly, a sharp hiss sounded from behind.

System prompt: You have gained 6000 experience points by killing the three-headed black snake

Lu Yang looked back, just in time to see the three-headed black snake being hacked to death by the sword guard's big knife. At this time, the sword guard of eternal sin still had 3000 blood points, which was equivalent to only spending 200 points. Killed the three-headed black snake with a little blood.

He had to admire the ability of the Eternal Sin Sword Guard's blood recovery, which increased his confidence a lot. In his previous life, he only heard people say how powerful the Yong Sin Sword Guard was. Now that he saw it, he was really sure, the Eternal Sin Sword Guard Wei is indeed very domineering.

Lu Yang came in front of the three-headed black snake, looked at the exploded equipment, and among the many potions, a skill book was placed in front of Lu Yang.

He hurriedly picked up the skill book and took a closer look.

"Blazing Bird"

Type: Fire Spell

Cost: 45 mana

Casting time: 3 seconds

Distance: 30 yards

Description: Intermediate mage skills, the mage transforms magic into a huge flaming bird and throws it at the enemy, causing 225 points of magic damage to an area with a diameter of 3 yards around the target.

Lu Yang finally had his first official area attack skill. Although the casting time of this skill is 3 seconds, this skill also has simplified spells, which can be simplified to instant casting.

The second item is the snake venom sac. There is no explanation for this thing on the surface, but it is actually used to increase the power of the snake venom beads. It is recorded in the Raiders of the previous life.

The other items were some instant recovery potions. After Lu Yang put everything into the backpack, Lu Yang did not go out of the Viper Valley, but went back the same way. It took 6 hours to arrive at a crossroad on the level 20 map.

The north direction of the intersection indicated Baiguang Town, but this time he was not going here. Lu Yang looked at the sign on the left, which showed a small island by the sea. He turned around and walked towards this place.

After 4 hours, Lu Yang came to this small island, which is a level 25 map.

However, this island is rather special. There is only one fishing village on the island. Players can't get here by teleportation, they can only walk.

The reason why Lu Yang came to this small island was because in a cave on this small island, there was an artifact he had dreamed of, a level 30 sub-legendary weapon——Shenhuo staff.

In order to enrich the fun of the game, "Second World" adds a special effect called no level limit to some high-level epic weapons.

This type of special effect is only available on epic level weapons, but it is not appropriate to classify them as epic level, and it is not qualified to be counted as legendary level. Players named them sub-legendary level for the convenience of distinguishing them.

Although it is only a sub-legendary weapon, this kind of weapon is very rare in the game. If you can get a sub-legendary weapon in your previous life, no one will announce the location where you can get it.

The reason why Lu Yang knew there was a small island by the sea was because in his previous life, a studio leaked the news due to internal financial strife.

He had previously completed the challenge of the Clown King to obtain the Dream Ring, and he had spent more than 10 hours of hard work upgrading the Eternal Sin Blade Guard, all for the purpose of this sub-legendary divine fire staff.

Lu Yang rested for a while in the fishing village. After the fourth rebellion of the Eternal Sin Sword Guard, he used the Dream Ring to subdue the Eternal Sin Sword Guard again, and then ran out.

Passing through the rainforest on the southeast side of the island, an ancient ruin appeared in front of Lu Yang.

The majestic blue city wall has become dilapidated under the erosion of wind and rain. Green moss is all over the city wall. In the middle of the ancient city, there is a huge palace.

According to the game's official records, in ancient times, this place was originally the royal city of the humanoid Neil tribe.

For some unknown reason, the Nier tribe disappeared, leaving only a bloodbathed empty city and a slain king.