Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 90: Alfred's Rage


A group of people came to a place 50 yards away from Alfred, and Lu Yang began to allocate positions. The distance between people was 5 yards, and every three players formed a small triangle, and all remote occupations formed an arc.

Lu Yang stood in the middle of the arc, and standing in front of him was Liquor Qingfeng.

"Qingfeng ran over to start the monster, and the others waited in place. After the boss arrived in front of him, Qingfeng turned the monster's back to us." Lu Yang said.

"Okay." Liquor Qingfeng ran over to charge the monster, pulled the boss to a position 30 yards away from Lu Yang and the others, and then turned the boss's back to everyone.

Lu Yang shouted: "Output at full power, the priest will watch the MT, and I will be responsible for increasing the blood if other people are infected."

After 5 consecutive layers of burning, the output damage of Luo Siyu and other 10 fire spells appeared again. In less than 1 minute, Alfred's blood volume dropped to 60,000 points. During this period, Alfred wanted to The blood increase was interrupted by Lu Yang's countermeasure.

"Damn intruders, I want you to be punished." Alfrey's double hammers emitted a black light, and at the same time raised it to hit Qingfeng, the spirit.


"Quickly add blood." Liquor Qingfeng shouted.

The 5 priests added healing spells to Liquor Breeze at the same time, but the healing effect was reduced by 50%, and the 5 priests only restored more than 200 qi and blood to Liquor Breeze.

Just as they released the healing spell, a green light appeared from Alfred's body, and the three mages around Lu Yang were simultaneously contaminated by the disease.


"I'm going to die, the damage is too high." A mage player shouted, his total blood volume is only over 200 points, and he will die in 2 seconds.

The other two mage players also shouted, but at this moment, Lu Yang raised his hand and hit them with three consecutive healing spells.

The three of them saw their qi and blood go up and down for a while, and they were extremely nervous. After five seconds, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they were still full of blood.

"Thank you, master." The three said to Lu Yang gratefully at the same time. They will lose 10% of their experience when they die, which is very uncomfortable for them.

Lu Yang said: "Concentrate on fighting monsters, and quickly beat him to the second stage."

"Okay." The three of them nodded and started outputting with all their strength. After 1 minute, the boss entered the second stage.

"Come out, my servant, and kill these damn intruders for me." Eight white ghosts flew out of Alfred's body, and after landing, they floated towards the player.

Lu Yang shouted: "All long-range occupations attack ghosts, watch me output burn marks, and continue to output bosses in melee combat."

Each white ghost has 8,000 blood and more than 80 attack power. Their attack method is to release pale rays, which will be refracted after hitting the player. A total of 4 units can be refracted.

Melee blood is thick and can withstand it for the time being, but long-range is not good. Once two or three ghosts fly to the long-range side, one attack can kill 4 long-range occupations.

Liquor Qingfeng and the others felt a little headache when they saw these ghosts. They almost failed at the expert level, and the reason was that they were in a hurry from here.

On the one hand, the ghosts have more blood and they can't die in seconds. On the other hand, when the ghosts approach the player, they need to disperse and avoid being refracted. In this way, the player's output will slow down.

Alfred releases evil strike and disease pollution at any time. Once they are disturbed by the ghost, when Alfred releases his skills, they will definitely destroy the group.

Lu Yang also knew this, but he didn't worry, it was just 8 ghosts with 5000 HP, he burned the ghosts as fast as possible.

He just goes up to Burning, and immediately changes to Ghost after 5 layers. Luo Siyu and other 10 fire spells can deal more than 2,500 points of damage in one attack, and can kill 1 in 5 seconds with 5 layers of Burning. only ghosts.

In this way, in less than 40 seconds, all 8 ghosts were killed. Just in time, Alfred raised the double hammer again to release evil power and disease pollution.

"No, I'm contaminated with disease." A priest player shouted.

Everyone thought that the boss's move would be fine if he continued to fight like this, but they didn't expect the boss to choose 3 priests as targets this time.

The three priests panicked immediately, and habitually used the healing technique to heal themselves first. As a result, Alfred's evil power hit Liquor Qingfeng's body for 566 damage in the first hit, and the second normal attack was about to smashed down.

Liquor Qingfeng has a total of more than 700 qi and blood. Once he is hit, he will definitely die. Lu Yang is adding blood to the priest. When he sees the priest adding blood to himself in a panic, he knows that it will be bad. It is at the time when the boss's second attack is about to fall. for a moment.

A white light flashed from Lu Yang's body and appeared in front of Liquor Qingfeng, and changed the attack mode to all attack.

"Resist the Ring of Fire"

Liquor Qingfeng realized that the treatment did not add to him, and he closed his eyes resignedly, but suddenly there was a huge thrust from his body, and he couldn't help but retreated more than 10 steps in a row. It happened that at the moment he retreated, Alfrey's double hammer fell.


Alfredo didn't expect that he would miss the shot, and chased after Qingfeng, the strong wine.

Lu Yang was worried that Qingfeng's hatred would not be stable, so he immediately shouted: "Everyone stops the output, the priest returns to add blood to Qingfeng, and Qingfeng breaks through three layers of armor to build hatred."

Liquor Qingfeng didn't expect that Lu Yang could save him in such a situation, so he roared excitedly.

"Look at mine."

Seeing that the boss was still 8 yards away from him, Liquor Breeze activated his second charge skill to intercept, and charged in front of Alfred with a phantom.

Old Man Chi Mu, Luo Siyu and the others thought that the group was about to be wiped out this time, and they were all ready to give up, but when they saw Lu Yang operate, everyone felt crazy.

What kind of reaction speed is it to do this? Moreover, they don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional when Lu Yang resisted the ring of fire just now. Beng's backward retreat just happened to allow them to avoid the blow of the boss's hatred deflection due to the sudden loss of the target.

"This move is so cool, everyone, come on, we will definitely be able to defeat this boss." Luo Siyu encouraged everyone.

Members such as Yinlang and Junlin Mietian also admired it. With a team leader like Lu Yang, this boss is not a problem at all.

Immediately, the momentum of the team increased, and everyone's output was extremely hard. After 2 minutes, Alfred's blood volume dropped to 30%.

"Intruder, you have angered me." Alfred's body suddenly turned red.

"No, he went berserk."

"It shouldn't be, the expert didn't go berserk when he was here."

The team is in a commotion, and the boss's rage will bring an additional increase in strength and speed, and their confidence in fighting the boss has dropped a lot.

"Damn it, come out and kill these enemies for me." Suddenly 24 white ghosts appeared behind Alfred.

"No, I can't beat it. Why are there so many ghosts?" Jun Lin Mie Tian shouted.