Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 91: Lu Yang is strong


Lu Yang also saw the number of ghosts, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Everyone continue to output bosses, don't worry about ghosts."

After speaking, a white light flashed on Lu Yang's body, and he appeared beside Alfred.

"Resist the ring of fire."

As soon as the 24 ghosts landed, they were scattered by Beng. When they landed again, although they were not harmed, the 24 ghosts aimed at Lu Yang at the same time, and quickly floated towards Lu Yang.

The movement speed of the epic monsters was 1.5 times that of the player, and soon they came to a position 10 yards away from Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was not afraid at all, a ball of flames suddenly appeared under his feet, he turned on Blazing Speed to increase his movement speed by an additional 125%, turned around and ran towards the back entrance.

"I'll pull these ghosts away, you all output with all your strength, and wait for 30 seconds for me to come back." Before Lu Yanglin ran out of the inner hall, he gave the boss another burn, and then ran out like flying.

Seeing that Lu Yang still has such a skill, Silver Wolf felt even more admiration and shame in his heart. If Lu Yang had used this skill from the beginning, Silver Wolf wouldn't know how he would step down.

Luo Siyu and the others thought they couldn't beat them, but they didn't expect Lu Yang to have such skills, so their confidence increased a lot, and everyone put all their strength into attacking the boss.

From the inner hall of the castle to the castle garden outside, Lu Yang led the ghosts and ran all the way. When he ran to the wall on the right side of the garden, Lu Yang stopped.

Evernight Castle has experienced wars, and many parts of the city wall were severely damaged. The section where Lu Yang ran just now has no female wall.

Lu Yang turned his head to look at the ghost behind him who had been pulled together by him while he was running.

The ghosts have no entity, but when they are crowded together, they have the appearance of a human being. Following the stairs of the city wall, the ghosts chased to the top of the city wall. Seeing Lu Yang in front, the ghosts collectively chased after Lu Yang with a scream. .

However, just when they came to the area without parapet walls, white light flashed on Lu Yang's body, and suddenly appeared on the side of the ghost group.

"Resist the Ring of Fire"

24 phantoms that were almost stacked on top of each other were hit by the resisting fire ring at the same time, and the violent flame force pushed them to the outside. There was no parapet to stop them, and all the phantoms fell down the city wall and into the moat.

This is a famous bug in the previous life, but it can't be considered a bug. The players just used the game rules reasonably. Lu Yang still remembers this bug, because both players and officials had a long discussion about it.

Looking at the ghosts struggling to climb ashore in the river, they want to go back to the inner hall from the moat, they need to go around to the main entrance and then run in, it will take at least 2 minutes, Lu Yang has enough time to return to the inner hall at this time .

"How is the boss fight?" Lu Yang sent a message to the old man Chi Mu.

"It's only 25% of the last qi and blood. Qingfeng has already died. The boss is chasing and killing everyone. The violent boss is too difficult to fight. You should quickly make a copy, this time will definitely not pass."

Lu Yang knew this would happen, so he hurried to the inner hall. At this time, the boss was chasing and killing Huofa. After killing two Huofa in a row, the boss aimed at Luo Siyu.

Luo Siyu hurriedly flickered to dodge, but in her panic, she forgot that there was a city wall behind her, and the flicker hit the wall. Luo Siyu only flickered back 10 yards.

Alfredo came to Luo Siyu in three steps, raised the double hammer and was about to smash it down, Luo Siyu had nowhere to hide, just when she was about to accept her fate, Lu Yang ran to the inner hall.

He changed the cloak instantly, and hit the boss's head with the instant spell Flame Blast.

"500" (Crit)

Without the anti-war, when the others were chased by the boss and ran around, everyone's hatred was quickly reduced, and almost dropped to 0 points. At this time, Lu Yang hit a critical strike and instantly produced a damage overload, causing the hatred to shift.

The double hammers Alfre raised did not fall, he left Luo Siyu and turned his head and ran towards Lu Yang.

"Damn intruder, I'm going to kill you." Alfred's double hammers appeared black light again.

Lu Yang was not afraid at all, and while releasing the burning, he shouted to everyone: "The mage stands up to output, and everyone else don't panic and use long-range attacks. The priest is optimistic about the people who are infected by the disease."

Luo Siyu saved his life, and when he saw that it was Lu Yang who helped him, he immediately had a good feeling in his heart.

Seeing Lu Yang's return, the others breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing Lu Yang's instructions, they seemed to have found a support, and resumed their positions to deal with the boss.

Alfred's blood dropped rapidly, and in a blink of an eye there was only 20% left, but at this moment, Alfred had already rushed in front of Lu Yang.

"Lu Yang, run quickly." Luo Siyu shouted anxiously: "You can't hold him."

Silver Qingwu also shouted loudly: "Quickly flash."

Lu Yang remained unmoved, and waited until the moment Alfred rushed in front of him, raised the double hammers and smashed down with evil force, a white light flashed on Lu Yang's body.


Alfredo hit the ground, and 30 yards behind him, Lu Yang appeared from the white light. Just as he landed, the movable dummy in Lu Yang's hand was released, and then he quickly ran to the side.

Alfredo missed Lu Yang with one blow, causing even more hatred. He didn't look at other people, but turned to chase after Lu Yang.

Luo Siyu and the others saw that Lu Yang would rather use such a dangerous way to dodge than to attract hatred. They didn't understand Lu Yang's intentions, so they used all their strength to output. In a blink of an eye, the boss's HP dropped to 15%.

At this time, the boss chased after Lu Yang for the second time, but Lu Yang had already run 30 yards away from the movable dummy.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yang would die this time, Lu Yang gave instructions to the mobile dummy.

The movable dummy made of bronze immediately launched a taunting skill at Alfred. Alfred had already chased in front of Lu Yang, but he immediately turned his head and chased after the movable dummy after being taunted.

Lu Yang shouted: "Everyone put out all the effort, the Silver Wolf stands 30 yards to the right of the dummy, and Junlin Mietian stands 30 yards to the right of the Silver Wolf."

Both Yinlang and Junlin Mietian were top players, and they instantly understood Lu Yang's instructions. A position exactly 30 yards away from Lu Yang.

It took Afrey 5 seconds to run in front of the mobile dummy, and the double hammer fell on it, causing the mobile dummy with only 300 blood points to shatter in an instant.

The mobile dummy was placed by Lu Yang, and Alfred aimed at Lu Yang again, but at this moment, Lu Yang shouted: "Silver Wolf mocks."

Silver Wolf had been prepared for a long time. The moment the boss smashed the movable dummy, he followed Lu Yang's words and released the taunting skill at the boss.

Alfred was ridiculed by the silver wolf and ran towards the silver wolf. The moment Lu Yang finished speaking, he released 6 fire wall spells in a row on the way Alfred ran towards the silver wolf. To more than 3000 damage.

Lu Yang was injured too much, Alfred left the silver wolf and ran towards Lu Yang, and ran over the firewall again, Alfred suffered more than 3000 injuries.

Old Man Chi Mu, Luo Siyu and the others saw Lu Yang's technique, and couldn't help shouting "beautiful" at the same time.

When Lu Yang saw that Alfred was about to run out of the wall of fire, he shouted to King's Landing Mietian: "King's Landing releases the taunt."

The moment Lu Yang finished speaking, Jun Lin Mie Tian launched a taunting skill on the boss. The taunting can control monsters for 5 seconds. Now Lu Yang's hatred is much higher than that of other players. After 5 seconds, the boss will no longer be surprised. Run to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang also knew that it was the last moment, and looked at the last 8% of the boss's HP and shouted loudly: "Output at full power, brothers, the equipment is right in front of you."

Luo Siyu and the others wanted to let the fireball technique release one every second, but they would not simplify the spell, they could only do their best. At this time, even Silver Wolf put on bows and arrows and started shooting at the boss.




When it was time to taunt, Alfred's whole body was blood red, and he ran towards Lu Yang furiously, and the double hammers appeared black light again.




Alfred's vitality dropped rapidly, and at this time, he had already come in front of Lu Yang, just when he was about to hit Lu Yang with the double hammer, Luo Siyu and others' fireball technique hit Alfred.


There was only 1% of blood left, that is, 800 points. At this moment, a sharp bird cry appeared, and a big blood-red bird appeared from Lu Yang's hand.

"Blazing Bird"

Lu Yang pointed at Alfred, and the fiery red bird slammed into Alfred's head.

"1084" (Crit)

Alfred's double hammers stagnated in mid-air, and then Alfred fell to the ground unwillingly.

"My lord duke, I have failed your expectations." Alfrey finally said.

System prompt: You have successfully killed Steward Alfred

You gained 4533 experience points