Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau

Chapter 26: Let's fall in love (6)


Must wait until you

Twelve midnight, midnight on Friday.

Yu Dong's familiar voice began to float in the night sky of the city.

"Hello everyone, this is FM fm9666. Welcome to our Midnight Phantom at twelve o'clock at midnight. I'm DJ Yujing." Yu Dong coughed a little unnaturally and said, "Today, Yujing is going to talk to you about the topic. It's a confession!"

"The confession can be a pair of unfamiliar men and women, or it can be a secret love confession to the other party." Yu Dong's voice was extraordinarily gentle after the transmission of the radio waves, "Of course it should happen between two people who are already in love. ."

"Confession is the catalyst of fate. A pair of unfamiliar men and women will go from knowing each other to falling in love because of their confession. A person who is secretly in love will gain sweetness and beauty because of their confession. Of course, success or failure is half and half." Yu Dong added the next sentence with a smile and then continued. .

"Then why do I say that confession should appear between two people who are already in love? For example, couples, such as husband and wife, such as husbands."

"A person starts from having a good impression of one, confessing, and then you fall in love and get married. You are both convinced that you love each other, but in married life, love is no longer spoken as often as before."

"Time will change our appearance. Maybe one day you will no longer be sure that the light you see in each other's eyes also contains your other half's love for you."

"But when you have a family and a responsibility, you will think that's it. Then you will grow old step by step, and love will become a family. Finally, on the bench in the sunset, relying on each other, you chat. The old man will ask the old man Too, did you stop loving me when you gave birth. The old lady will also ask the old man if you had an affair during the years when you were busy with your career?"

"Looking back on the past, you will find a lot of things, a lot of things, a sentence I love you, a simple confession, will resolve a lot of misunderstandings, and make our life less regretful and lost in the sunset."

"So Yujie feels that confession is suitable for young and frivolous years, and more suitable for a long life." Yujie took out the paper prepared in advance and continued. "Today, Yujing will set an example first. I want to confess to the person I like here."

"This is a love poem, written by Pushkin to his lover Kane, I present it to you now, to my lover"

Yujie's beautiful and emotional voice has stirred countless lonely souls.

I remember that wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting phantom,

Like a spirit of pure beauty.

In the torment of despairing sorrow,

In the haunt of noisy phantoms,

Your gentle voice rang in my ears for a long time,

Now the soul has begun to awaken:

So you appeared in front of me again,

Like a fleeting phantom,

Like a spirit of pure beauty.

My heart leaps in ecstasy,

For it all wakes up again,

With fascination, with inspiration,

There is life, there are tears, and there is love.

After Yu Dong finished reciting this poem, she accompanied a piece of quiet and soothing music, as if to bring all Midnight Phantom listeners into the charming atmosphere she created.

After a piece of music, everyone came back to their senses, and a row of messages began to appear on the SMS channel again.

There is simplicity.

(The poem is so beautiful, and the host's voice is nice.)

(The host is right, you should confess more to the people around you.)

(Host, is the person you like also listening? He is so happy!)

There is also truth.

(I have a guess, Yujing is so sensational as you said earlier, isn't it just to read this poem?)

(Fish jelly, are you showing your love?)

(Host, you are so scheming!)

(Catch off the dog food!)

Not only the comrade who texted the radio station, but also Shao Yifan, a loyal fan of fish jelly, ate the dog food.

Nima? Do you want to tell Xia Feng

tell him

But I have already been abused by your wife, do I have to be abused by you again

Don't tell him

Shao Yifan felt a little immoral in his heart.

Jealousy on the one hand, morality on the other, it's so hard to choose!

"What are you doing?" Xia Feng looked at Shao Yifan who was standing in front of him, dumbfounded.

Shao Yifan couldn't control his own steps towards Xia Feng, he struggled for a while and said, "When you are free, go online and re-listen to Yu Dong's program today."

"Heavy listening? Don't be so deliberate, I usually listen to Yu Dong's shows when I'm not busy." Yu Dong's shows are available every day, and Xia Feng doesn't listen to them every day, but he will listen to them whenever he is free. .

"I said it anyway!" Shao Yifan turned around and went to the emergency room. Nima will never go back to eat dog food.

Xia Feng shrugged inexplicably, and then went to explain the precautions to the nurse.


Although the series of words in front of Yu Dong was indeed to pave the way for this love letter to Xia Feng, Yu Dong would never admit it.

So, as always, the text messages of some truths were ignored, and the program went to the hotline link again.

"Hello!" Yu Dong answered the phone.

"Hello Yujing, I'm Zhuangzhuang No. 1." A rude male voice came.

"Number one?" Yu Dong wondered.

"Hello host, I'm Zhuang Zhuang No. 2..." Another smaller male voice came from the other end of the phone, followed by several voices shouting No. 4 and No. 5.

"Haha, you guys are so lively there." Yu Dong smiled.

"Yu jelly, we are Zhuangzhuang No. 1-5, we are calling just to ask you something." Zhuang Zhuang No. 1 said.

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong was also a little curious.

"We just made a bet, and No. 3 and I think that you came here on purpose to show your love to your partner today." No. 1 Zhuang Zhuang said, "But Zhuang Zhuang of other numbers thinks that you did it to read that love letter on purpose. Set up the theme of such a confession. Who are we right?"

"..." Yu Dongheixian, "Is there a difference?"

"It doesn't seem to be, let's share the supper money equally, 50 yuan per person, exactly 250 yuan!" Zhuang Zhuang No. 1 said to the other Zhuang Zhuang around him.

Yu Dong hung up the phone speechlessly.

(Hahaha, a group of two hundred and five from No. 1 to No. 5!)

(The truth is the truth, why didn't Number One ask again! I also called, hoping to get through to me!)

(Hahaha... I just want to let Yuji know that I'm laughing!)

Yu Dong was tired and answered another call.

"Fish jelly!!!" Yu Donggang answered the phone with a hoarse voice, "It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

"What, what's wrong? Meimei?" The women should all be Meimei.

"I just listened to your broadcast, and I was so excited that I confessed to the senior I had a crush on, and then he said he had a girlfriend, wow, I'm broken in love!" Meimei cried even more sadly.

"Then what, at least you can change your goals, maybe a better one is right in front of you!" Yu Dong persuaded awkwardly.

"Really? But there are so many people in front of you, which one is?"

Only then did Yu Dong hear that something was wrong, this Meimei seemed to be drinking.

"Where are you, Meimei? Are you drunk?"

"I was at the food stall outside the school and I had a beer!"

Sure enough, Yu Dong was about to persuade the other party to go back, when Meimei suddenly shouted loudly, "Ah, the school grass of our school is here, I'm going to confess."


"Berry, I like you, you can be my boyfriend!"

So the world is quiet!

Five seconds later, the phone beeps.

□□ Be active again.

(Tonight's Mino Girls' Heroes.)

(The school grass will follow!)

(Host, you may be a matchmaker!)

(The school grass has revealed her identity!)

(I rub, my school, go out to watch the fun!)

Yu Dong felt very tired, but he still turned on the microphone and said, "If there is a classmate who recognizes the voice of the female classmate just now, please help pay attention to her. The place is at the food stall at the entrance of a certain university, and I just confessed to the school's curator. The school grass is named Bai Rui. If anyone knows her, please contact her roommate, or send her back to the dormitory."

I have been working for more than half a year, and Yu Dong felt the most tired tonight.

At the end of the live broadcast, Brother Yu looked at Yu Dong and laughed, obviously watching a joke all night.

Driving back home, it was clear that the house was deserted, and Xia Feng did not come back.

Yu Dong habitually turned on all the lights in the living room to make the house look warmer.

I changed my slippers and got my pajamas to take a shower.

Since Xia Feng said it last time, Yu Dong has not washed his hair at night. At this time, Yu Dong took a shower, soaked a glass of milk and sat cross-legged on the sofa. Except for the sound of the power of the air conditioner, the room was quiet.

(When will you be back tonight?) Yu Dong sent a message.

(There are several emergencies tonight, it may be later, go to bed earlier!) Xia Fenghui.

"But I have something to do tomorrow morning!" Yu Dong blinked, and finally ran to the bedroom to grab a blanket and pillow.

Then spread it out directly, lying on the sofa and falling asleep.

On a quiet and quiet night, there is only one light on the top floor of the dark residential building, like a beacon in the night sky, illuminating someone's way home.

Four thirty in the morning.

Xia Feng turned the doorknob and walked into the house gently, almost as soon as he looked up, he saw Yu Dong sleeping on the sofa.

Why are you sleeping in the living room again? Xia Feng has some headaches and Dong Dong's disobedience.

He simply took off his jacket and changed into slippers, Xia Feng planned to take Yu Dong back to the bedroom first.


As soon as he approached the sofa, Xia Feng found a sticky note under the glass on the coffee table.

(If you come back, remember to wake me up! Definitely!)

are you waiting for me

Xia Feng was stunned for a while, then turned and squatted beside Dong. After watching it for five minutes, she couldn't bear to wake her up when she saw Yu Dong's sleeping red face.


Xia Feng looked at the note in his hand again, and finally decided to wake up Yu Dong.

"Yu Dong!" Xia Feng gently pushed Yu Dong.

"Hmm~" Yu Dong opened his eyes in a daze.

"Why don't you go back to sleep? Let me wake you up?" Xia Feng asked.

"I'll wait for you!" Yu Dong struggled to sit up.

"Is something wrong?" Xia Feng helped her wrap the fallen blanket.

"I have something to tell you!" Yu Dong smiled.

"What can't you say when you wake up?" Xia Feng laughed.

"When I wake up, you will fall asleep, and I have a lot of things tomorrow, so I may not have time to talk about it." Yu Dong shook his head.

"Then talk about it later."

"I must say it today!" Yu Dong smiled sweetly in Xia Feng's doubtful eyes, "Xia Feng, happy birthday!"

This is my first birthday with you!

Must wait till you!

34. You are my sun and I am your home

The sun is shining today, and the small park downstairs is full of children coming out to play.

The weather in Shencheng is like this. As long as the sun is out, even winter will give people a feeling of spring, or maybe spring has come quietly.

When Yu Dong went out, he glanced back at Xia Feng's room, the corners of his eyes and brows were warm.

Sometimes when I think of the details of how the two get along, it seems that Yu Dong prefers the former when it comes to giving and being paid.

Does everyone meet such a person, and you are happy because you are happy

Like sunflowers chasing the sun.

Yu Dong glanced at the bright sun outside through the car window, and couldn't help thinking, when will the heat I radiate become your sun.


Yu Dong first went to the studio to help Ren Xinxin review the final dubbing, and then drove to the Radio and Television Building after lunch.

"Director Ma!" Yu Dong was notified yesterday that Director Ma had something to discuss with her, so he came over this afternoon.

"Yu Dong is here, have you eaten yet?" Director Ma asked kindly, putting down the documents in his hand.

"Thank you Director for your concern, I have eaten it!" Yu Dong replied with a smile.

"That's good, you have to pay attention to your body. Although you are young and healthy, you still need to pay more attention to hosting a midnight show and sleeping so late every day." Director Ma said with concern.

"I will, thank you Director for your concern!"

"Sit down and talk!" Director Ma walked out of the desk and sat on the sofa beside Yu Dong and continued, "I specially listened to your show last night."

"Ah?" Yu Dong was a little surprised.

"I have to say that I am very energetic and very youthful!" Director Ma praised, "Especially the love poem of Pushkin, it seems to have brought me back to when I was young again. To tell you the truth, I used it to chase me back then. Mrs."

"Really, that's such a coincidence!" Yu Dong laughed.

"By the way, my wife listened to your show with me yesterday. She asked me to inquire about the follow-up of the school grass and Meimei." Director Ma waited for Yu Dong to answer.

"This... I don't know about this either." Yu Dong was suddenly embarrassed, "Or, if there is any more news, I will definitely tell you!"

"Oh..." Director Ma said disappointedly, "Hotline audiences are really hard to find."

"Haha..." Yu Dong could only laugh awkwardly.

"Oh, off topic, I'm mainly looking for you this time to ask you how your preparations for the New Year's Eve party are going?" Director Ma just remembered the business.

"I'm going to sing a song at that time." Yu Dong had already thought about it, and he would just come on stage and sing a song at that time.

"Sing well, sing well, have you chosen the song?" Director Ma asked again.

"I'll make a decision today and tomorrow!" There are still five days left for the New Year's Eve, and the rehearsal is the day before the party, so Yu Dong is not in a hurry.

"Then you sing well, you must sing the style of our radio station!"

What's the point of a radio station? Yu Dong nodded while thinking.

"By the way, in order to support this event, Taili has specially allocated a modeling fee." Director Ma took out a business card and handed it to Yu Dong and said, "You go to this studio to do a modeling, don't save money. ."

"Hua Que?" Yu Dong was dumbfounded when he saw the business card. The stage was full of money. This Hua Que Studio is the leading modeling studio in China, and many big-name celebrities' red carpet styles are made by them. But the crux of the matter is that this styling studio is all about glamour.

"I heard that many celebrities are looking for them to do their styling." Director Ma said proudly.

"Director, look, the hosting style of our station is mostly light-hearted, humorous, casual and entertaining. Isn't this not in line with the style of our station with such a grand appearance?" As a cameo and cross-border performance Distinguished guests, when you are on stage, you dress like this. Isn't that telling people clearly that I'm here to attract attention

And most of the singers who are seriously invited don't wear too exaggerated clothes at this kind of party. It's inexplicably embarrassing to go to the red carpet.

"Isn't this just to tell everyone that in addition to being light-hearted and humorous, our radio station can also be dignified and elegant?" Director Ma said.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Look, Director, I'm a guest performer. If I dress too grandly to overwhelm the host of the party, wouldn't this be a show of power? After all, it's a brother stage."

"Don't worry about this!" Director Ma sneered, "the leader of their program told me that there were no beautiful women in our radio station two days ago, and this time it was just for them to take a look. He thought the female host of their TV station was good-looking? I put on makeup and turned off the lights, and it's not as good-looking as the girl who sells fruit across the street from my house."

"… "

So this is the truth

Also, why do you pay so much attention to the girl selling fruit across from your house

After leaving the radio station, Yu Dong went directly to Hua Que.

Yu Dong never thought that one day he would come here for styling.

"Hello!" The receptionist at the front desk was a sweet girl who asked Yu Dong politely, "Do you have an appointment?"

"Hello, I'm from the music radio station. I should have made an appointment in advance." Yu Dong said.

The girl at the front desk checked and confirmed that Yu Dong did have an appointment, so she took Yu Dong to the VIP area and said, "Wait a minute, I'll let the stylist come over."

"Okay!" Yu Dong nodded and sat down.

"Yu Dong?" Suddenly, a voice that was not sure yet with some joy rang from the side.

Yu Dong turned around suspiciously, and found on the other side of the sofa, a baby-faced beauty with black hair smiled sweetly at him, Yu Dong was stunned and exclaimed, "Tao Tao?"

"Mmmm!" Seeing that Yu Dong still remembered himself, Tao Tao immediately ran over from the sofa and sat beside Yu Dong.

"What a coincidence, you are here too." Yu Dong smiled.

"My agent brought me here to make a look to attend the awards ceremony." Tao Tao said.

"Looks like you're on fire!" For the future queen of idol dramas, although Yu Dong no longer watched idol dramas, he had to say that he had followed a few dramas before his rebirth.

"Where, the subject matter of the TV series I just finished is a bit cold, and many TV stations broadcast it during the day or at midnight, and the ratings are not high." Tao Tao sighed, "Recently, the agent introduced me to another drama, but that one The director of the show said that my baby face was not suitable for the heroine, and then my agent asked me to have plastic surgery."

Yu Dong blinked, the original reason for Tao Tao's plastic surgery before his rebirth was here.

"You agreed?" Yu Dong asked.

Tao Tao shook his head and said: "I didn't really want to agree, but the agent kept saying that I would definitely be popular if I took over this drama, and everyone in the circle had plastic surgery, so I was a little hesitant. Later, I thought of you and me. I said that I must never have plastic surgery. I thought about it for a long time and finally didn't go. I think my acting skills are not bad, and I can grow well, and I am young. The big deal is that I will film well, and I will always be popular in the future. "

Yu Dong couldn't help but smile, I saved a zombie face.

"Trust me, you will be popular soon." Yu Dong remembers that Tao Tao's first TV series was not popular in China, but it was not popular in Korea and Japan, but Tao Tao's cosmetic surgery has since become a topical queen.

"Excuse me!" A nice male voice interrupted the conversation between the two, "Is it Ms. Yu Dong?"

"I am!" Yu Dong stood up.

"Hello, I'm your stylist, Adi." Adi is a fair and somewhat girly man.


"Please come with me to choose a dress, I will design your style according to your dress." Adi gave a sideways.

Yu Dong said hello to Tao Tao and followed Adi to the costumer. Seeing the room full of sparkling dresses, his eyes hurt.

"Do you have any other clothes?" Yu Dong asked.

"The person in charge of the radio station has specially communicated with us, be sure to use shiny clothes." Adi declined politely.

"Don't you think it's too exaggerated?" Yu Dong grimaced.

Adi smiled and said nothing.

Director Ma, is your aesthetic stuck in the Shanghai Tang era? Yu Dong felt that his face was turning green. Believe it or not, I'll go up and sing Sweet Honey.


City Hospital.

Shao Yifan went to buy afternoon tea, brought a cup of coffee to Xia Feng, and said, "Today is your birthday, please drink coffee!"

"Coffee for your birthday? You are too perfunctory." Xia Feng took a sip.

"I can remember it well!" Shao Yifan said.

Xia Feng didn't know what to think, and suddenly smiled.

"Why are you laughing like this... with a heart of spring?" Shao Yifan asked.

"Nothing." Xia Feng replied.

"By the way, the hospital sent a notice just now, asking each department to sort out the New Year's shift schedule." Shao Yifan asked, "Is it still the old rule of three days for one person?"

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment, and murmured thoughtfully, "It's almost New Year's Eve!"

"Isn't this nonsense!" Shao Yifan said, "When it's not your birthday, it's almost New Year's Eve!"

"Yifan," Xia Feng said after a pause, "you are on duty for six days this year!"

"Six days? Are you crazy? You are killing me!!!" Shao Yifan shouted excitedly.

Xia Feng looked at him without speaking, and his eyes were a little flattering.

"Don't look at me so disgustingly, give me a reason first." Shao Yifan couldn't stand Xia Feng's eyes.

"I might be going to Dong's house!"

After hearing what Xia Feng said, Shao Yifan was a little surprised, but also felt that it should be the case.

"You... Are you sure?" Shao Yifan couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah!" Xia Feng nodded heavily with a smile in his eyes.

"Oh, my God, don't you laugh like that, you can't beat up!"Shaw feels like he's been hit by 10,000 hits, Nima.

Xia Feng picked up the coffee and turned around to take a sip, but the smile in his eyes didn't go away at all.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Shao Yifan's mind flashed, "Did you listen to Yu Dong's live broadcast last night?"

Xia Feng glanced at Shao Yifan in surprise. This was the second time Shao Yifan mentioned Yu Dong's live broadcast last night.

Xia Feng thoughtfully returned to the role, turned on the computer, found Yu Dong's official radio station website, Midnight Phantom, and clicked it.

Shao Yifan followed, and when he saw the computer page, he couldn't help but complain, "Are you still listening? Yes, if I were, I would have downloaded it as a ringtone and listened to it all the time."

Xia Feng ignored Shao Yifan. He was wearing headphones, and in his ears, he was filled with Yu Dong's affectionate and gentle voice.

So, is this the birthday present you gave me

Xia Feng considers himself to be a rational person who can analyze anything objectively, calmly, and from multiple perspectives.

But Yu Dong seemed to be standing among thousands of flowers, no matter from which angle you looked at it, all the flowers were in full bloom.

Every word, every hug, every kiss, I can gain strength from it.

If home is a harbor, a charging station, and a safe haven.

Xia Feng thought, then Yu Dong is my home.

35. I only tell you now

It was rare for Xia Feng to get off work early today. For some reason, he couldn't wait to see Yu Dong, so he drove his car to the door of the Radio and Television Building and listened to a complete live broadcast.

When Yu Dong in the radio wave finished his concluding remarks, Xia Feng kept his eyes on the exit of the building until he saw the sound and shadow of Yu Dong walking out while wearing a scarf.

"Yu Dong!" Xia Feng got out of the car and waved at Yu Dong with a smile.

Yu Dong first looked around suspiciously, and when he saw Xia Feng, he ran over quickly.

"Why are you here?" Yu Dong asked.

"It feels like I haven't picked you up from get off work for a long time." Xia Feng adjusted Yu Dong's scarf that was a little messy because of running.

"I drive to and from get off work by myself, where do I need you to pick me up." Yu Dong smiled.

"But I think so!" Perhaps because of the night, Yu Dong felt that Xia Feng's eyes were extraordinarily gentle.

Yu Dong didn't know if Xia Feng wanted to tease her at this moment, or if she simply said unambiguous words, but she lowered her head a little uncomfortable and kept scratching the ground with her shoes.

Women's feelings are very strange. When you don't like a person very much, you can flirt with him boldly, but when you really like him, you will be very nervous and shy again.

Yu Dong knew that this was because he cared, so he began to worry about gains and losses.

Yu Dong also once worried that he liked Xia Feng more and more little by little, if one day the outcome of things did not meet expectations, would he be sad.

It's just this idea, Yu Dong didn't go any further, because just thinking about it made her feel a little uncomfortable.

So Yu Dong thought, just like all the cases won before, I used all my strength, as for the result, we don't need to care too much.

I don't want to be pessimistic, I don't want to lose you, and I don't want to take you as a goal to attack. I just want to be happy with each other when we are with you.

"What are you thinking?" Xia Feng tapped Yu Dong's head.

"Ah..." Yu Dong raised his head, there was light in his round eyes, "I didn't think of anything."

"Then why are you keeping your head down?" Xia Feng obviously didn't believe it.

"I'm snickering."

Xia Feng looked at Yu Dong suspiciously.

Yu Dong smiled playfully: "I'm glad you came to pick me up. But I don't want you to know that I'm so easy to coax."

"You..." Xia Feng couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to hold Yu Dong's hand and asked, "Are you cold?"

Yu Dong shook his head.

"Then let's go for a walk!" Xia Feng said.

Yu Dong was taken aback, but she still did not refuse, because she knew that Xia Feng should have something to say to herself.

The streets are quiet in the early morning, and the more the city center is, the more empty it is. Occasionally one or two taxis pass by, and they will deliberately slow down to see if the two want to take a taxi.

Xia Feng held Yu Dong's hand and walked straight and aimlessly along the road.

"I haven't walked like this for a long time." Xia Feng suddenly said, "It's so quiet here!"

"Do you like this quiet?" Yu Dong asked.

"It feels very peaceful!" Xia Feng likes this kind of tranquility.

"But I don't like it very much." Yu Dong looked at the neon in the distance, his voice was a little lonely, "This will make me feel lonely."

For some reason, at this moment, Yu Dong felt a sense of bleakness, like a lost wild goose, trying to find his way home, while wandering alone for a long time.

Tightening the clasped palms, Yu Dong turned his head with a feeling, Xia Feng said, "I will accompany you."

"Yeah!" Maybe it was Yu Dong's emotions from the past, and his voice was a little far-fetched.

"Today, the yard asked us to submit the duty list for the New Year." Xia Feng changed the topic, "I am not on duty this year."

Yu Dong said happily: "Then you can rest."

"Well!" Xia Feng nodded tentatively, "So... can you take me to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Yu Dong was stunned for a moment and stopped walking forward, with shock, joy, and disbelief in his eyes, staring at Xia Feng with a complicated expression.

"What's wrong?" Xia Feng asked gently, "Are you not willing?"

Yu Dong quickly shook his head: "I've been waiting for you to bring this up."

This time it was Xia Feng's turn to be stunned, and then Xia Feng said with some guilt: "I'm sorry, I wasn't careful enough, I should have gone."

Yu Dong shook his head again.

"If I don't think of anything in time in the future, you must remind me." Xia Feng said.

"I'm afraid you haven't made up your mind yet!" Yu Dong said. After all, we don't talk about getting married because we fell in love. I'm not sure if your feelings for me have reached this level.

Haven't made up your mind yet? It was only at this moment that Xia Feng realized that Yu Dong had already discovered the thoughts he thought he had hidden very well, but he didn't take the initiative to reveal them.

Yes, she has always been an atmospheric girl, trying to do what she wants to do, but she has never forced herself.

"Yu Dong, now... do you want to ask me anything?" Xia Feng held Yu Dong's with both hands, and the two stared at each other face to face.

Perhaps it was the clenched hands that gave Yu Dong the courage.

"Are you... in love with me?" Yu Dong's eyes were filled with apprehension.

Since Yu Dong found out that he really likes Xiafeng, Yu Dong has become less and less afraid to ask this question. If the answer is no, then Yu Dong will no longer be able to stay with Xiafeng.

But so terrified of going back to the past ten years.

Rebirth has made Yu Dong's body younger, but his soul still bears the mark of those ten years of loneliness. Sometimes people become more fragile as they grow up!

"Look at me!" Xia Feng held up Yu Dong's face with both hands, Yu Dong's eyes had neon lights in the distance, but more of his own reflection.

"I like you!" Xia Feng said seriously, "I admit that I have been confused, stunned, and even worried. But you are... a girl who can't help but be liked."

"You are only twenty-two years old, and it should be the best time in your life, but I don't know why I can't help but feel sorry for you. Especially when you sleep on the sofa in the living room with all the lights on by yourself, and you curl up , hug yourself tightly."

The light spots in Yu Dong's eyes turned into tears and burst out, as if a lonely wandering soul had finally found a warm harbor.

"Don't cry!" Xia Feng wiped Yu Dong's tears with his hands in a panic, but the tears grew more and more, and Xia Feng had no choice but to hug Yu Dong into his arms.

Yu Dong, who was only crying at first, lies on Xia Feng's shoulder and weeps like a child at this moment, for love, for loneliness, for the past ten years of waiting.

There are always some people in this world who insist on their own desire for love and their other half. I believe that somewhere in the world there is another half soul that has been separated from me and is also looking for me.

So they waited and searched year after year, and the years were lost during this time, but they still couldn't find it. So in the crowd, in the censure in the lonely forward.

"Okay, cry!" Xia Feng finally gave up coaxing.

Xia Feng actually didn't know why Yu Dong suddenly cried, but at this moment, he just wanted to hold her and accompany her.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Dong felt as if he had returned to the day he was reborn, crying as if he was about to faint from dehydration.

After venting, Yu Dong wiped his face a little embarrassed, his eyes were flushed red like a shy rabbit.

"My face is swollen!" Xia Feng's eyes were full of doting.

"It's swollen and beautiful!" Yu Dong's voice was still crying.

"Okay, you are the prettiest!" Xia Feng seemed helpless, and took Yu Dong's hand again, Xia Feng said, "Let's go back!"

"Wait a minute!" Yu Dong said while holding Xia Feng, "I have something to tell you too."

"Huh?" Xia Feng looked at Yu Dong and stopped walking back.

"You should know that I like you!" Yu Dong blushed, but still firmly said, "I like you too, I want to tell you."

From the series of performances of Yu Dong just now, how could Xia Feng not know that Yu Dong likes him, but when he likes it clearly from Yu Dong's mouth, Xia Feng's heartstrings still tremble.

This is not the first time Xia Feng kisses Yu Dong, but it is the one that the heart desires the most, as if through the tender lips and the lingering tip of the tongue, it will reach the deepest part of the other party's heart.

Silent streets, dry tree trunks, dim street lights, and kissing couples are the last scenery of this street at night.

Love from others is easy to get because you don't know if the other person is really in love.

It's hard to find your own love because you know if you love the other person or not.

There are so many couples in the world who are married because of sex, and there are so many couples who live together with others because of missing out.

Human beings are the simplest, most complex, most compromising and most persistent contradictions in the world.

No matter which kind you belong to, I hope you have, or will have, such happiness!


On the way back, Yu Dong fell asleep again, perhaps because he was too tired from crying just now.

Xia Feng stared at the road ahead, and his mind was full of Yu Dong crying.

Yu Dong seems to have a story that does not belong to her age, not from lovelorn and setbacks.

It is a unique temperament condensed over the years.

I don't know what ever hurt you, but I will protect you in the future.

Xia Feng gently took Yu Dong out of the passenger seat, the change in temperature difference made Yu Dong consciously shrink into Xia Feng's arms. Xia Feng hugged him a little tighter. Step lightly and slowly walk towards the elevator.

When he arrived at the door, Xia Feng found that he couldn't open the door, and he didn't want to put Yu Dong on the ground. I had to wake up Yu Dong.

"Yu Dong." Xia Feng shouted softly.

"Hmm~" Yu Dong asked in a daze, opening his eyes, "Are you home yet?"

"It's here, you come down and lean on me, I'll open the door first." Xia Feng said.

Yu Dong rustled for a while, took out the key from the pocket of his down jacket, and said, "I'll open it!"

Xia Feng carried Yu Dong into Yu Dong's bedroom, pulled the quilt, put the person in, and covered it again.

Turning around, seeing Yu Dong staring at him with his eyes open, he smiled and reassured: "Go to sleep, you're not sleepy!"

"Xia Feng, I suddenly felt a sense of belonging here today." Yu Dong said.

Xia Feng's hand in tidying up the quilt froze, and his heart slowly felt distressed. It turns out that these days, you have been so uneasy because I gave you too little.

"How long can this sense of belonging last?" Xia Feng laughed.
