Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau

Chapter 40: gray life


There was no surgery today. Xia Feng and Shao Yifan, who had just finished the outpatient clinic, were rarely able to sit in the cafeteria at mealtime. When An An walked into the cafeteria, he saw the two people sitting by the window at a glance, so he ordered a meal and brought it directly over.

Shao Yifan, who was drinking soup, saw An An sitting across from Xia Feng with a plate, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of soup.

"It's dirty." An An handed over the tissue in disgust.

Shao Yifan looked at Xia Feng secretly while coughing. Seeing that Xia Feng didn't seem very surprised by An An's arrival, he continued to bow his head to eat and did not take the initiative to say hello.

Shao Yifan felt a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to find a topic and said, "Cough, by the way, An An, I remember that Dr. Ryan came over to communicate for a month. When the time comes, will you go back to the United States or stay?"

Dr. Lane is An An's tutor in the United States. This time, it was the city hospital who invited Dr. Lane to come to exchange guidance, and An An followed him as a student.

"Go back to the United States first, after all, it will take another two months to complete the training." An An secretly glanced at Xia Feng as he spoke.

"What about after you graduate? Go back to your original children's hospital or stay in the city hospital?" Shao Yifan asked.

"Both sides sent me invitations, but I'm still thinking about it." An An looked at Xia Feng after she finished speaking.

Xia Feng was almost done eating at this time. He put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a napkin before looking up at An An and said, "An An, did you look for too much winter yesterday?"

Shao Yifan's hand froze, his eyes swept towards Xia Feng.

When An An gave the lipstick to Yu Dong yesterday, she knew that Xia Feng would definitely know it. It seems that Yu Dong went back to make trouble yesterday. An An was a little happy, but said very naturally on the surface: "Yeah, I got it wrong that time. I have always been very embarrassed about the lipstick you bought for Yu Dong, so I brought it back when I returned to China, and just happened to meet Yu Dong in the pediatrics department yesterday and gave it back to her."

"Thank you." Xia Feng said.

"You're welcome!"

"But our relationship is a bit awkward after all. If you take something wrong in the future, you don't have to send it back." Xia Feng said with a smile.

An An's face froze after hearing this, and she looked up at Xia Feng in disbelief.

Shao Yifan was also a little surprised by Xia Feng's attitude. Xia Feng, who has always been a gentleman, rarely speaks so directly to a lady, let alone An An.

"How about that, after all, it's quite precious." An An said with a strong face.

"It doesn't matter, my salary is okay, enough for Donghua." Xia Feng stood up and said, "I'm done eating, I'll go first."

After speaking, without waiting for the two of them to react, they walked directly outside the cafeteria.

Shao Yifan turned his head to look at An An, and found that the other party's face was ashen, and the chopsticks in his hand were about to be broken.

"I'm done eating too, you eat slowly." Shao Yifan ran out of the cafeteria as if he was running away, and An An slammed his chopsticks behind him.

Shao Yifan caught up with Xia Feng and said in shock, "What happened yesterday?"

Xia Feng pushed open the office door and replied, "Don't gossip."

"No, you don't know that you really scared me just now. When have you been so rude to others, not to mention An An, who is still in front of me." Shao Yifan asked.

"So you don't want to be smart in the future to ease the atmosphere in the middle." Xia Feng gave Shao Yifan a sideways glance.

"I..." Shao Yifan pointed to himself in disbelief, "I'm not afraid of your embarrassment, but you blame me."

"I know you and An An have a good relationship, but An An and I are over, and what I like now is Yu Dong. No one will benefit from An An's troubles like this." Xia Feng said, "I thought about it a lot last night. It's good for everyone to make it clear as soon as possible."

"..." Shao Yifan was speechless by Xia Feng's words.

"If you really want to help us, you should persuade her." Xia Feng picked up the stethoscope and said, "And do you think she really likes me that much?"

"Isn't it?" Shao Yifan asked back.

"She's just not reconciled. I gave up first." Xia Feng patted Shao Yifan on the shoulder after saying this and went out. How much does a person like you? When you have a comparison, you will see it very much. clear.

Shao Yifan was stunned for a long time before swearing swearingly: "It's none of my business about the three of you, so I'm not a human being inside or outside."

Yu Dong naturally didn't know what Xia Feng said to An An in the hospital, because she was also very busy recently.

The squeezing work in the dubbing studio began slowly. In addition, Ren Xinxin was hospitalized and could not help. She and Xiang Xiaoyue were both working alone. In addition, they had to visit Ren Xinxin in the hospital every day. Also preparing for the radio broadcast, Yu Dong felt that he was tired and thin these days.

In fact, the income of the dubbing studio last year was good, and Xiang Xiaoyue was generous and did not treat her two good girlfriends badly. Yu Dong could quit her job in the radio station and go full-time to help. Xiang Xiaoyue had mentioned it several times, but Yu Dong still Refused.

Because she likes this job, through a radio wave, she knows that her voice will accompany many people.

"Hello everyone, this is FM9666. You are welcome to continue listening to our Midnight Phantom after the commercial. I am DJ Yujing." Yu Dong likes to smile when she broadcasts, because she knows that even if the audience can't see it, they can feel it from the sound. Come out, "It's our hotline segment again, now we'll take the first call."

After a few beeps, the call was connected.

"Hello, I'm Yujie." Yujie said with a smile.

"Hello Yujing, I'm Meimei." A soft female voice came from the other end of the phone. This Meimei's voice was very pleasant, and people could feel the gentleness of the owner as soon as they heard it.

"Then what story does Meimei want to share with us tonight?" Yujie asked.

"I..." Meimei's voice showed some hesitation, and finally said timidly, "I said, will you look down on me?"

"Uh..." Yujie blinked suspiciously, looking down on her, did she do something bad, but Yujie still said, "Do you know the confessional room in the Christian church? You can treat me as a priest, Telling your story in the confessional at night may make you feel better."

"Like in American blockbusters?" Meimei asked.


Meimei hesitated for a while, and finally slowly told her own story.

"Actually... I'm a junior... Maybe I should be called a mistress or a mistress."

This beginning made Yujie stunned for a while. She thought about many possibilities, but she really never thought of this one. As a female fish jelly, she also despised Xiao San, but she did not interrupt Meimei's narrative.

"I met the original wife of my sponsor when I was shopping some time ago. At that time, I swiped her husband's card and bought clothes in the same clothing store as her. She didn't know me, but she was very friendly to me. I liked it. I bought a haute couture dress in the store, but because the membership level was not enough, the clerk refused to sell it to me. She saw me and borrowed her membership card. I was a little embarrassed, but she smiled and said to me, you are so beautiful It suits this dress very well."

Perhaps the most difficult thing to say has already been opened, and Meimei said smoothly afterward: "Actually, on the first day I became a mistress, I knew her existence, but I never felt guilty, because I didn't think I wanted to rob Taking her place, I just want to be a mistress that no one knows about."

"Because of this, my sponsor was very satisfied and generous with me, but after that day, I don't know why, I kept thinking about why I became someone else's mistress."

"I had education, beauty, and youth. I could find a decent job to support myself like most people, but I ended up being a mistress." Meimei recalled, "I remember when I graduated from college, looking for I got a job as a clerk, and the salary is less than 3,000 a month. The people around me live a careful life, thinking about how much money they can afford to buy a house, but when I first met him, he gave me a set directly. apartment."

"I think, what others can afford after working for thirty years, I can get it by just reaching out and nodding." Meimei sighed, "Then why can't I consider this a job?"

"He gives me 100,000 pocket money every month, and occasionally gives me valuable bags and cars. Maybe I will be disliked in two or three years, but I have accumulated other people's savings for most of my life." Meimei said, " At that time, if I wanted a family, I could sell my house, go to a place where no one knew me, find a man my age, and we were in love and married, and we were going to be fine."

"Some people say that mistresses are shameful and immoral. I thought the same thing at first, and I was a little embarrassed to go out. After a long time, I think it's nothing, I think I'm talking about a love that will never end. , I don't destroy his family, his wife doesn't know, she will still live happily."

"And I'll leave at the right time..." Meimei calmed down after saying this.

Yujing ignored a bunch of text messages scolding Meimei for being shameless, and hesitated for a while before asking, "Then why did you want to call?"

"Actually... I don't know... Maybe I just want to find someone to chat with." Meimei said again, "You don't need to comment, I'll just finish talking."

"Have you ever really liked anyone?" Yujing asked.

"I..." Meimei said after being silent for a while, "I don't think I will like anyone in the future, because no matter how loving couples outside are, there is someone like me behind them. If this is love, I think My patron should love me too, and I love him too? Right?"

"You called because you weren't happy." Yu Dong said with almost certainty, "because even if you are rich now, you have a house and a car that ordinary people have worked hard for 30 years to own, but you can't own it. Their happy smiling faces. You often feel lonely, lonely, empty because you don't have the people and things you love."

"I can start looking now, with the material base I already have," Meimei said.

"When you really find it one day, everything today will become another kind of pain for you." Yujing said, "If you don't, then you must not really find it."


Meimei didn't answer any more, just hung up the phone, Yu Jong was stunned and didn't say anything, there were swear words in the ***, but Yu Dong couldn't read it out.

Today's phone call made Yu Jie a little uncomfortable. This should be considered a gray area. The law will not convict and morality cannot be restrained. It seems that the mistress can benefit from it. Her little 3 is the theory of a job. Maybe it will impress many mentally immature people. Yu Jong feels unprecedented distress and wants to say something to remedy it, but she can't find more suitable words.

"I can't judge your right or wrong, but I sympathize with you, because you have regarded yourself as a business item."

This phone call made Yu Dong a little uncomfortable. She thought that the leaders of the station should find her tomorrow, but she actually let such a person finish her story.

Yu Dong couldn't figure out why some people would sell themselves for money and sell themselves as an item at will. When one day they earn enough money and want to return to a peaceful life, can she really feel at ease

After Xia Feng took a bath, she saw Yu Dong was still sitting on the bed in a daze, lifted the quilt and leaned over, hugged Yu Dong gently and said, "Don't think about it, go to sleep first."

"I just can't figure it out, if it's really like what she said, she has been a junior for a few years, earns enough money, goes to an unfamiliar city, finds a suitable partner, and lives a happy life, then this is a big difference to the world Most of the people who work diligently, is a kind of irony." Yu Dong asked.

"She has this kind of thought, which is already very sad." Xia Feng said, "Even if one day she really finds someone she likes very much, when she has a family and children, then this experience will be her whole life. Nightmare. If money could bring everything, there would be no depression in the world.”

"But I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart." Yu Dong raised his head and said.

Xia Feng smiled, bowed his head and kissed Yu Dong's rosy lips.

Yu Dong blinked blankly.

"Is it better?" Xia Feng asked.

"A little bit." Yu Dong said.

Xia Feng turned over and pressed Yu Dong directly under him, and gave Yu Dong a slight squeeze twice. Yu Dong opened his mouth slightly, Xia Feng's lips and tongues pierced straight in, sucking the oxygen in Yu Dong's mouth, and gradually the oxygen in the air began to flow. The atmosphere became ambiguous, and Yu Dong's eyes slowly piled up with a layer of mist, feeling Xia Feng's messy palm under his pajamas, and gave him a shy look.

"Is it any better now?" Xia Feng lightly bit Yu Dong's earlobe.

"Lust, wolf." Yu Dongjiao said angrily.

"Haha..." Xia Feng's hands had already peeled off the pajamas under Yu Dong's quilt, and the two of them wanted to stick to each other without restraint. This primitive rhythm was also the most violent expression of soul contact.

Perhaps in today's society, sex has become more and more open, but Yu Dong still feels that it is not the pleasure brought on the surface, but the sublimation of the soul.

It can be nasty and it can be beautiful!

The author has something to say: Well, this chapter has been written for a long time. I have seen many such people in my life, but the crabs don't know how to evaluate them, so I can only write here...