Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau

Chapter 5: You owe me a slap


When Yu Dong got home, he felt a little thirsty. When he opened the refrigerator and saw that it was full of water, he couldn't help but complain, "As expected of the doctor's refrigerator, it really doesn't have any flavored drinks."

Yu Dong took a bottle of water and drank a few sips. He habitually found out that he wanted to order some junk food from a mobile phone. He only remembered when he saw the whitish keyboard. year.

"Jingle Bell!"

If it weren't for the fact that the phone was in his hand, Yu Dong would definitely not have realized that it was because his phone was ringing. When he saw the caller ID - Xiang Xiaoyue, her roommate in college, had a good relationship when she was in school, but she got married later. Showing affection every day, as a single dog, Yu Dong consciously stayed away from harm, and the contact gradually diminished, so I haven't seen each other for three or four years.

"Hello?" Yu Dong answered the phone.

"Fish jelly!!!" A sharp female voice made Yu Dong almost throw her phone away, "Help, help!"

"What's the matter?" Xiang Xiaoyue is a typical city girl, with a superior family background, an only daughter, and a high emotional intelligence. Usually, there are people who pave the way for doing things. Even if it's not good, it's especially exaggerated when encountering some things. Of course, boys seem to be Compared to this set, what Yu Dong admired most about her when she was in college was that her ex-boyfriend could come to help whenever there was something wrong, which showed her ability.

"Are you in Shencheng?"

"Yes." Yu Dong replied.

"That's great, I took over the dubbing of an idol drama some time ago, and the female second dubbing actor who was originally scheduled suddenly quit, come and help me." Xiang Xiaoyue said.

"Will you be paid?"

"Yes, of course." Xiang Xiaoyue said loudly.

"Okay, give me the address!"

"Then I'll send it to your mobile phone later, come here right away, take a taxi, and I'll reimburse you." Xiang Xiaoyue instructed.

It seemed that he was really anxious, and he really needed money recently, so Yu Dong packed up and went out again.

You don't even need to check the balance of your own ***, Yu Dong knows how much money there is in it, because ten years ago, he relied on the 2,000 yuan in Cary to take root in this city alone.

But for Yu Dong ten years later, these two thousand dollars are not enough for her to buy clothes, not to mention the taste of Yu Dong ten years ago.

He took a taxi and arrived at the place quickly. Yu Dong stepped on his small high heels to buy a glass of watermelon juice, squinted his eyes and took two sips before going to Xiang Xiaoyue's studio.

It's not a big place, but it would be nice to have a 50-square-meter dubbing studio in a place like Shencheng.

The decoration style is good, and it is not outdated even after a few years. It must have been designed by her ex-boyfriend from the design school.

"Oh my aunt, you've come." Xiang Xiaoyue was dressed in a capable professional dress, and seeing Yu Dong was like seeing a savior.

"Wait!" Yu Dongxian swallowed the watermelon juice in his mouth, took out a taxi from his pocket and said, "First report the fare for a total of 50 yuan!"

"Can I lose your 50 yuan?" Xiang Xiaoyue took the pill angrily and urged, "Come and read the script first."

Yu Dong walked into the conference room unhurriedly, and saw that there were two people sitting in it, a little girl who was very cute, smiled sweetly when he saw Yu Dong, and the other was a handsome young man with sunshine, I don't know. Why does Yu Dong always feel a little familiar.

"Okay, now there are one female and two females, and all the male protagonists are here." Xiang Xiaoyue said, "This drama is the one with the most conversations between you, so let's discuss it together first."

Yu Dong nodded, found a chair and sat down, and began to read the script.

Just watching, Yu Dong always felt that someone was peeking at him.

Yu Dong raised his head and was stunned when he saw the handsome guy on the opposite side, then immediately lowered his head.

Is it my suitor

Yu Dong thought for a while, straightened his hair, put on a beautiful pose, and continued to read the script.

After reading less than two pages, he was stared at by another gaze, Yu Dong raised his head again, and the other party lowered his head again.

After repeating this a few times, Yu Dong couldn't help it anymore, but since others may like to be ashamed to confess, Yu Dong's tone is still very gentle: "What's the matter with you?"

The handsome guy saw Yu Dong and asked himself, but he stopped talking.

"What's a big man doing hesitating, just say something." Even if you confess, I will gently reject you.

The handsome guy hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Frozen, how have you been these two days?"


When I was a child, my family was poor. In winter, in order to save money for grocery shopping, my mother always made several bowls of fish jelly with a fish and saved it for dinner. Later, I was born. Once my father came home drunk and pointed at him and kept shouting at him. Frozen fish jelly, since then his name has been settled, called Yu Dong, nicknamed fish jelly.

But only my family and a few roommates in college knew about this.

Who is this person

"I didn't dare to tell you more when I saw how sad you were crying that day, but when I saw you today, you seem to be in good shape." The handsome guy smiled.

The sweet girl who was watching the script silently seemed to smell the gossip, and suddenly stopped flipping the script.

Yu Dong's thoughts gradually returned to the cage, a man, good-looking, looking at his age and just graduated from college, and knowing his nickname, he cried in front of him a few days ago!

"Scumbag!!!" Yu Dong finally recognized it as soon as he slammed the table, I wiped, this is not the first love scumbag that I haven't seen in ten years.

Oh, I'm going, I haven't seen you for ten years, I almost don't recognize it.

"Long Dong, I know you're very sad now, but how can you scold people!" Fang Hua, Yu Dong's ex-boyfriend, glanced at the sweet girl uncomfortably.

After breaking up completely ten years ago, Yu Dong never thought that he would still have a relationship with Fang Hua. At this time, as soon as he saw someone, a nameless fire began to arch upwards, pulling out the chair and pushing Fang Hua step by step.

"You, what are you doing?" Fang Hua took a step back, frightened by Yu Dong's aura.

Yu Dong smiled, and suddenly became angry, raised his hand and slapped the other party: "I wanted to slap you for a long time."

To say that Yu Dong's only regret about this bad relationship is that when he was in the Civil Affairs Bureau, he only cried and didn't slap the scumbag. Today is finally complete.

"What are you doing!!" Fang Hua was caught off guard and was slapped, and the whole person was not well.

The sweet girl was shocked by this sudden change, her eyes lit up.

"Humph!" Yu Dong sat back in his original seat after beating people, took another sip of the watermelon juice he had not finished drinking, and then began to call people: "Xiang Xiaoyue, come here for me."

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Xiang Xiaoyue, who was busy, came over inexplicably. Seeing that the atmosphere inside seemed a little wrong, she wondered, "What happened?"

Fang Hua did not speak angrily.

Sweet girl silently reduced her sense of existence.

Yu Dong snorted and asked, "Xiang Xiaoyue, are you still my friend?"

"Of course it is!"

"You said you wanted someone to help, and I came without a word. Is it interesting?"


"Then how could you treat me like this!" Yu Dong asked coldly.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Xiang Xiaoyue was really confused.

"You asked me to co-voice with the scumbag who just abandoned me. You are deliberately disgusting me."

As soon as Yu Dong's words fell, Xiang Xiaoyue became dumbfounded, glanced at Fang Hua with an ugly face, and asked, "You guys, you broke up?"

"Yu Dong, let's go out and talk about something." Fang Hua didn't want to discuss this matter in front of outsiders.

"Ha!" Yu Dong glanced at him mockingly.

Fang Hua's face became even worse.

Xiang Xiaoyue looked back and forth, this scene didn't seem like a quarrel, but she still couldn't believe it: "You two really broke up? Didn't you say you're going to get married?"

"Yeah, I brought all my household registration books with me, but they broke up with me at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau and threw me 10,000 yuan and said it was a breakup fee." Yu Dong's face seemed to be talking about other people's affairs, but he didn't see him. A little sad, just full of ridicule.



Two consecutive scumbags sounded, and Sweet Girl and Xiang Xiaoyue looked at each other for a moment.

"Yu Dong!" Fang Huaqi's facial features were distorted.

"Why? You want me to pay you back?" Yu Dong said excitedly.

"It's not like this." Fang Huachong explained to Xiaoyue.

"What's that like?" Yu Dong mocked, "Why don't you say a version."

"You..." Fang Hua said angrily, "Look at what you look like now."

"Does it matter to you what I look like?" Yu Dongchong smiled at Fang Hua, and took another sip of watermelon juice.

One was sitting calmly drinking watermelon juice, the other was standing in a state of anger and anger.

"I don't have the same knowledge as a woman!" Fang Hua picked up the sunglasses on the side, slammed the door and left.

The meeting room quieted down.

Yu Dong tapped the script on the table and said, "How about it? I definitely won't cooperate with him, why don't you find someone else?"

"Uh..." Xiang Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment and returned to God, "It's alright, you match first, we don't need a scumbag!"

"Enough friends!" Yu Dong said with satisfaction.

Xiang Xiaoyue smiled, suddenly recalled it, and asked, "We haven't seen each other for a month, why did you suddenly change from a silly white sweet to a poisonous-tongued sister."

"You should treat it as a sequelae of lovelorn!" Yu Dong said indifferently.

Xiang Xiaoyue slandered, and then went out to do her own business. The male protagonist has to find it after running away. It's really not easy to start a business.

Yu Dong glanced at the sweet girl in the corner, thought of the scumbag just now, smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Tao Tao!" Sweet girl blinked her watery eyes and smiled.

Tao Tao? Holy crap, isn't this the queen of idol dramas a few years later? I wipe it, it looks much better before plastic surgery!

"Sister, promise sister that you will never have plastic surgery in the future!"



Xia Feng was busy with the last patient and planned to go back after writing the medical record.

At this time, Shao Yifan just came back from the operation. Seeing Xia Feng, he asked, "Why don't you leave? Auntie's surgery tomorrow, you should accompany her more."

"It's enough for my mother to have my father. I'll go there tomorrow when the operation is performed." Xia Feng replied.

"Although there is only a 50% success rate for the heart repair operation tomorrow, Director Wang said that Auntie's mentality is much more optimistic today, which is a good sign." Shao Yifan and Xia Feng are university classmates who came to the city hospital together after graduation. Emotions are not ordinary.

"I hope so!" Xia Feng was still a little worried.

"By the way, I heard that An An went to the United States?" Shao Yifan has always known the relationship between An An and Xia Feng. Shao Yifan is also puzzled that An An insists on going to the United States at this time.

"We broke up!" Xia Feng felt that there was no need to hide this kind of thing, and after thinking about it, he said it calmly.

"Break up?" Shao Yifan was taken aback, "You have been obedient to her for so many years, but you bought a house and renovated it some time ago, why did you break up suddenly?"

"I proposed to her last week and she refused." Xia Feng smiled wryly, "I told her that if we didn't get married, we would break up, and she ended up going to the United States."

"No, how can you propose marriage like that. Isn't this a threat?" Shao Yifan was speechless, "But An An doesn't need to hide in the United States."

Xia Feng closed the medical case and did not speak.

"It's alright for you to be calm," Shao Yifan said after thinking about it.

"Yifan, you should know that I'm not an impulsive person." Xia Feng took off his white robe and hung it on the chair and said, "I'll go back first."

"Oh!" Shao Yifan was stunned.

Xia Feng has never been an impulsive person, so what he said to An An was after careful consideration, although the result was not satisfactory.

If there is one thing in Xia Feng's life that Xia Feng made when he was impulsive, it should be picking up a daughter-in-law and going home the day before yesterday.