Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 16


This evening, after the second get out of class of self-study, Zhang Man was called to the office by the head teacher Liu Zhijun.

The reason turned out to be the letter of apology that Li Wei handed in a month ago.

At that time, when Liu Zhijun received the apology letter signed by his parents, he didn't care, and threw it into a drawer and locked it. However, there have been more and more rumors about Li Wei recently, and it even reached the ears of his head teacher. When he turned the letter out again, he felt that something was wrong.

In order to verify the rumors, he made a special call to the orphanage where Li Wei had stayed for seven years. After verification, he confirmed that Li Wei's mother, Lin Hui, died of dystocia when he was born. And the people in the orphanage also told him something about Li Wei.

At first, he also thought that Li Wei just wrote his mother's name just to deal with him, but combined with some things said by the people in the orphanage, the more he thought about it, the more wrong.

Liu Zhijun called Zhang Man just to ask her if there was anything unusual about Li Wei.

Zhang Man was a little wary, not knowing what he meant. After all, there was no such apology letter in the previous life, so even if the school heard the rumor that Li Wei was suffering from schizophrenia, it could not be confirmed.

She shook her head: "I didn't find anything abnormal about him."

Seeing the vigilance in her eyes, Liu Zhijun hurriedly beckoned her to sit down: "Don't get me wrong, only I know about this now, and I won't tell anyone else. I didn't ask Li Wei in person, just worried that if he really If he has any psychological problems, it will cause harm to him. Zhang Man, you are his deskmate. The teacher can see that you usually take good care of him. If you find that he has any psychological problems, you must try to help him and tell him. I."

He added: "Many mental illnesses will eventually be cured through psychological counseling and drug treatment, and from what I know, Li Wei, the child, is devoted to studying physics all day, and usually has no bad thoughts towards anyone. However, after all, there are so many students in the class, if there is an emergency, we can't explain it to the parents. Don't blame the teacher for treating him specially, of course I hope he can grow up healthy. "

Zhang Man nodded and left the office.

She felt a little heavy.

If drug treatment is to be taken, first of all, patients need to be aware of and accept their mental illness in order to actively cooperate with treatment.

What's more, the existing medical conditions are not as advanced as twenty years later. Many psychiatric drugs are not only ineffective in suppressing delusions, but also bring a series of side effects during treatment, such as high blood pressure, drowsiness, slow reaction, forgetfulness, etc. And so on, there is even a certain fatality rate.

With Li Wei's current situation, it is obviously unrealistic. Now she can think of the best way, which is to minimize the damage he suffered after realizing that he was suffering from mental illness, and then through her inner counseling, let him slowly get on the right track.

People with paranoia are often very paranoid and have a hard time believing what others say. They can only find out through themselves.

No one knows why Li Weishi suddenly found out that he had paranoia in his previous life. But the consequences were extremely serious. After that, because he couldn't accept himself like this, he suffered from severe depression and finally committed suicide step by step.

She has yet to come up with a good way to make him realize his paranoia without causing irreparable trauma to his heart.

Zhang Man lay on the railing and calmed down.

No one knew what the cause of his paranoia was. But Zhang Man felt that for Li Wei, this disease might be the only life-saving straw in his more than ten years of life.

Maybe when he was hanged from a clothes pole when he was seven years old and was about to die, maybe it was when his father committed suicide and was ostracized and ridiculed countless times, or maybe it was when he was abandoned by his relatives and thrown into an orphanage.

He wanted so much to have someone who could accompany him when he needed it, care about him, love him, and give him a warm hug.

. …

After returning home, Zhang Man took out a guitar that he had not touched for many years.

This guitar was Zhang Huifang's favorite when he was young. At that time, Zhang Man was in kindergarten. Zhang Huifang went to the bar to sing every night. When there was no one at home, Zhang Man was placed on the bar counter.

How could a five- or six-year-old girl understand any music? She was not as tall as a high stool, so Zhang Huifang carried her up and sat for one night.

She still remembers one time, she drank too much and wanted to go to the toilet, but she couldn't get down from sitting on the high stool. After Zhang Huifang finished her performance, she realized that her face was flushed, and it turned out that she had peeed her pants...

Later, Zhang Huifang left the bar and gave the guitar to Zhang Man.

On some quiet afternoons, she would hide in the room and sing to herself, singing some young minds that she would not usually say, and the ignorance and confusion of sixteen or seventeen-year-olds about the future and life.

But after I went to H City in my previous life, I never touched him again.

For this National Day extravaganza, Zhang Man chose an old English song, "I will always love you". She likes the tune and lyrics of this song very much. That kind of firm and straightforward swearing in love is what she wants to sing to him.

The first few times were terrible, stuttering and forgetting even a few basic chords. Zhang Man stopped, didn't sing along, focused on practicing the piano, and then started to sing along after he became proficient in playing the piece over and over again.

The human body, like the brain, has memory. Although it has not been practiced for so many years and is unfamiliar, it is not difficult to pick it up.

She played it over and over again, and the old wooden guitar had a very moving resonance with the precipitation of time and the increase in the hardness of the wood. Sections of soulful melody overflowed from her fingertips, and she continued to practice until the night was thick before she finished work with satisfaction.

The next day, Zhang Man took the guitar to school, and after class ended at noon, she followed Dai Qian to the music classroom of the Literature and Art Department. There were already several people in the classroom. As soon as Zhang Man entered, he saw a boy sitting next to the piano.

He was tall and very handsome, with sharp edges and corners. But unlike Li Wei's stranger, he is the kind of sunny handsome guy who always has a gentle smile on his lips, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze.

She knew this person, and she was fairly familiar with him. His name was Qin Shuai, and he was a senior in the second year of high school.

When Zhang Man saw him, he was a little stunned for a while, but it took a long time to react. It seems that he heard that Qin Shuai was the head of the literature and art department of No. 1 Middle School in a previous life, and he played the piano well.

Qin Shuai heard that there were several programs to be reviewed today, and he came to the department early. He was sitting at the piano playing a tune when he saw Daisy bring someone in.

The girl is small, with fair skin, and almost half of her palm-sized face is covered under thick bangs. She was holding a big guitar in her arms, blocking her thin body tightly.

She looked very quiet, didn't speak when she came in, and stood behind Daisy like a little valet.

Qin Shuai turned around and beckoned to her with a gentle voice: "Xuemei, I heard that you want to sign up for a self-play and self-sing show. We have to make a selection before we can decide whether we can participate in the final show. You can start directly now. ."

Seeing her thin and small appearance, he smiled and reassured: "Don't be nervous, just relax."

Zhang Man nodded, sat down on a chair with his guitar in his arms, tuned the strings according to the piano's standard pitch, and began to play and sing.

She first sang a few lyrics in a low voice, and the guitar accompaniment slowly followed.

Zhang Man's voice is not high, it belongs to the mezzo-soprano frequency band. When singing this song, the vocal cords are deliberately not completely closed, but with a little breath.

She does not sing as straightforward and transparent as the original song, and her slightly hoarse voice makes her voice seem warm, like lying on a furry carpet in the slightly hot sun on a summer afternoon , whispering softly in your ear, gentle and yet powerful.

“… And I will always love you, I will always love you, You, my darling you, hm…”

The afternoon sun hit the girl's thin figure, and the lattice-shaped window frame cast a flickering shadow on her cheek.

She lowered her head and sang softly, her thin body seemed to be full of strength, as if she wanted to tell someone over and over again that I will love you forever.

I will always love you, no matter where you are, no matter what you become...

Daisy, who was standing with her arms crossed, was a little complicated.

Her original intention was to make things difficult for her. No one was asked to be assessed in public as soon as they signed up for the show. It would definitely be too late to prepare in one night.

Unexpectedly, he was moved by her voice.

In all fairness, she sang very professionally and emotionally. She sang a completely different feeling from the original song, much better than the dance they had rehearsed for several weeks.

At the end of the song, the eyes of several literature and art departments in the music classroom were straight, and no one spoke for a long time. It was Minister Qin Shuai who took the lead in applauding, looking at the girl in front of him with undisguised admiration.

"You sing very well, this elementary school girl, what's your name?"

Zhang Man put away the guitar and put it back in the guitar case, stood up and nodded politely: "Hello, senior, my name is Zhang Man."

Qin Shuai narrowed his eyes slightly and turned several corners in his heart, so he thought: "That's it, classmate Zhang, because tomorrow is the National Day holiday, in fact, you have already missed the registration time when you signed up today, so it's not easy for us to directly You put it on."

Zhang Man frowned and looked at Dai Qian. She didn't say that yesterday. Dai Qian spread her hands to her, expressing that she didn't know.

Qin Shuai thought about it for a while, as if he had come up with a good idea: "By the way, there just happens to be a program quota in our department, and I applied for it long ago, but that classmate finally gave up. If you join our art department, You can directly use your program to top it."

He added: "Your show is really good, it would be a pity if you couldn't make it to the show."

Zhang Man heard that he just wanted to join the Literature and Art Department, and agreed without much thought. The so-called student unions and clubs in high school are actually quite good. After this show, it doesn't matter how much she doesn't need to participate.

After Zhang Man left, Qin Shuai stopped Dai Qian, who was also planning to leave, and winked at her: "Dai Xuemei, is this Zhang Man from your class? Is there any contact information? The senior invites you to dinner."

Dai Qian said angrily: "I have a normal relationship with her, no. Senior, let me remind you, they already have a sweetheart."

"Cut, it's just my sweetheart. I care? It's ok if you don't have a boyfriend."