Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 2


"Zhang Man, get up, report for the first day of school today, don't be late."

Zhang Man opened his eyes in a trance when he heard the voice of his mother, Zhang Huifang.

The brain still needs half a minute of buffer time to remind itself that she has been reborn, back to nineteen years ago.

She sat up from the bed and rolled up the curtains somewhat unskillfully. The warm summer sun outside was already bright in the early morning, and it was warm on the body, and every cell in the body was alive.

This day was the fourth day of her rebirth and the first day of her high school enrollment. On this day, she will meet Li Wei, who was still a teenager, and become a classmate with him.

Zhang Man rubbed his eyes, staring at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery outside the window in a daze.

She really came back, back to N City, back to where he was.

In her previous life, since Li Wei died, she seemed to have changed a person. I don't know the taste of food, I can't sleep at night, and my whole body loses weight like a rapid dehydration.

The insomnia and nightmares that lasted for two months were so severe that I couldn't go to class the next day.

In this way, she quit her job, carried a small suitcase, and traveled all over the world by herself, trying to change her mood. It's just that she didn't expect to encounter a mudslide on the way home. When she woke up, she found that she was back at the age of sixteen, back to the small town full of camphor, N city, nineteen years ago.

Zhang Man picked out a white dress in the closet and put it on, and straightened his hairstyle slightly in front of the mirror. Flat bangs, long black straight hair, is a very common hairstyle for middle school students in this era. The girl in the mirror was slightly pale, her face was only the size of a palm, and her eyes were a little abrupt.

Her looks are perfectly inherited from her mother, Zhang Huifang, with fair skin and small face, and two dimples. This kind of appearance is actually very sweet, but because Zhang Man doesn't like to laugh, it always looks a little gloomy.

Opening the door, Zhang Huifang was sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone. Seeing her come out, she raised her eyes in surprise.

"Yo, the millennium iron tree is blooming. Zhang Man, didn't you say you wouldn't wear it when I bought it?"

Zhang Huifang looked enchanting in a beige knitted wrap dress with delicate pearl earrings. She was thirty-five years old this year, exactly the same age as Zhang Man's previous life. At this time, she has not experienced the heart-wrenching life after that, but she is still the one who loves to dress up and is bright and moving.

When Zhang Huifang was young, she was a well-known bar resident singer in N city. She is chic, willful, and pursues the ultimate romance. She has lived all her life for love, never thinking about life's firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Man doesn't know who his father is, because Zhang Huifang never mentions it. But since she can remember, Zhang Huifang has changed boyfriends one by one, and she has not been married until this age.

Zhang Man ignored her and went to the bathroom to wash up.

To say which pair of mother and daughter in this world is the most dissimilar, she and Zhang Huifang must have a seat.

When Zhang Huifang was young, she was a well-known 18 matchmaker in the small town. She was beautiful, bright, and smiled when she met everyone. I heard her say that the people chasing her used to line up a street.

She is very easy to fall in love and very easy to get bored. As soon as the feeling of being in love disappears, she will break up cleanly and not at all.

However, Zhang Man is a reserved and taciturn person since childhood. She coldly watched Zhang Huifang bring back boyfriends one after another, and she didn't believe in love in her heart.

What kind of love is just a cover for lonely men and women.

She always felt that way.

But it was not until the death of Li Wei in her previous life that she realized that in essence, she and Zhang Huifang were the same kind of people, and they couldn't handle it. It's just that she showed that extreme and obsession so silently that she didn't even notice it herself.

. …

N City No. 1 Middle School was only ten minutes away from their home. Zhang Man took breakfast, hurried downstairs, and walked towards the school based on memory.

There are already many freshmen and parents around the downstairs of the first year of high school, and they all look for their own or their children's names according to the class schedule on the bulletin board.

Zhang Man didn't need to look at the class schedule, and went directly to the third floor, the first and first classes. Her high school entrance examination results were not bad, and she entered the science experimental class at the end of the crane, while Li Wei was the top student in the senior high school entrance examination in N city this year.

Before entering the door, she met several high school classmates she had known in her previous life, and she habitually wanted to say hello to them, but withdrew her hand.

Like him, they don't know themselves yet.

She stood at the door, took a deep breath, walked in, and looked straight at the corner by the window at the back of the classroom.

The beige curtains fluttered with the morning breeze. The sixteen-year-old boy was wearing a simple and clean white T, with short, crisp hair, sitting in his seat and reading a book.

In a group of freshmen who escaped the excitement, he seemed too different.

He lowered his head, so quiet, and his body exuded a depressing aura that no strangers should approach, so that within a one-meter area with him as the center, it seemed like another world.

His profile face was coated with a layer of warm yellow light by the soft morning sun, with a full forehead, a straight nose bridge, slightly pursed lips, and a tough Adam's apple.

The lines from top to bottom seem to be perfectly crafted.

Zhang Man stood at the door and watched for a full minute. She raised her hand to trace his silhouette against the light, and grinned, her throat suddenly choked.

She actually saw him alive again, not the cold corpse covered in white cloth on the big picture of Weibo.

I still remember this day in my previous life, she came early and just sat next to her. The teenager walked into the classroom, as if he had already seen the window seat, so he came over and asked if she could sit next to her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Man took a deep breath and walked towards him firmly.

It was the opening remark when we first met, but this time she took the initiative: "Hello, classmate, may I sit next to you?"

Her voice trembled slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little ugly.

The boy looked up at her.

He has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, which seem to hide the sea and the starry sky, although they are so dazzling in such bright sunlight.

His gaze stayed on her face for a while, he nodded lightly, moved the open book in his direction, and freed the entire table for her.

His fingers are clean and slender, and the schoolbag in his hand is covered with a dark green paper book cover, with neat edges and corners.

Seeing him nodding and agreeing, Zhang Man breathed a sigh of relief. With all his strength, he resisted the urge to immediately come forward and hug him. She put down her schoolbag and hung it on the back of the chair, and sat down beside him.

"Classmate, my name is Zhang Man, what's your... name?"

Maybe he was too fascinated by reading books and ignored her.

So Zhang Man took the book in his hand on his own and turned to the first page. It is a textbook on Quantum Mechanics. Below the title of the book, he wrote his name in dark blue ink.

Zhang Man stretched out his index finger, clicked on his delicate and neat handwriting, and read out after a slight pause: "Li, Wei."

Then he repeated it again: "Li Wei, your name sounds nice."

Li Wei, Li Wei. This name, which I had read thousands of times in my dreams and had been hidden in my heart for more than ten years, can finally be said in a fair and open manner.

The boy frowned because of her abrupt behavior, but after a while, he returned to his previous expressionless face, nodded slightly at her, and continued to read the book.

His face was full of wanting to ignore her.

Zhang Man let out a sigh of relief, this situation was what she expected.

He has always been a withdrawn and difficult person, in a world of his own, out of tune with all his peers around him.

Although she and Li Wei were also at the same table in the previous life, they were both dull characters and used to be quiet, so in the first semester they were as alienated as two strangers, so that when did he fall in love with her? I really don't know.

But it doesn't matter, you can take it slowly, she has time and energy.

. …

N City No. 1 Middle School is very unique. The freshmen of high school have no military training, and the military training is before the start of the second year of high school. So after the report was over, the school officially started.

After nine o'clock, the head teacher Liu Zhijun came in and ordered a few boys to go to the textbook department downstairs to carry books. He ordered Li Wei.

"The tall boy in white by the window over there, go downstairs and get some English books and listening materials."

The boy put down the book in his hand, nodded and stood up, looking at Zhang Man.

Zhang Man immediately understood and moved the chair forward to make it easier for him to go out.

After about ten minutes, the classmates who took the textbooks came back one after another, but Li Wei never came back.

Zhang Man stared at the back door of the classroom for several minutes without seeing anyone. At this time, something suddenly came to her mind. It seemed that he was going to move books this time. When he came back, he was disheartened, and he took more than a week's leave after that.

I actually forgot about this before, what happened to him downstairs at this time in his previous life? Something bad must have happened that caused him to take a week off. She was not familiar with him at that time, and did not pay much attention to his whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Zhang Man felt a little flustered and stood up suddenly.

She was a little dizzy the moment she stood up, she pressed her eyebrows, suppressed her anxiety, and hurried to the door of the classroom.

Perhaps the shadow of Li Wei in her previous life was so heavy that as long as something happened to him, she would involuntarily think wildly.

Zhang Man ran downstairs and saw the person in his heart as soon as he reached the stairs.

However, the scene in front of her made her heart skip a beat.

Something disturbing had happened to her.