Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 22


After the National Day Extravaganza, the 11th National Day holiday also ended, the short summer began to leave the venue, and the cicadas gradually ceased.

This year's N City officially entered the early autumn in early October.

High school classmates were ruthlessly locked in the "cage" again. Because of the great liberation of nature before, and the sudden loss of freedom, everyone was a little dizzy and could not lift their spirits.

At this time, some campus gossip is often needed to act as a stimulant.

So, it didn't take long for Li Wei to know the answer that had troubled him for a long time.

—The owner of that bunch of lilies is called Qin Shuai. I heard that he is a very good senior, a man of the school, and one of the hosts of the National Day extravaganza that day.

In any key high school that pursues one rate, especially the best city one in N city, students must abide by a strict time management system every day.

Such a boring, day-to-day life makes the students have an extremely keen sense of the sporadic gossip on campus. It doesn't take a few days for many peach scandals to spread throughout the campus.

In the classroom, on the campus, in the cafeteria... Students of different grades are talking about this matter after class.

"Do you know that girl from the first year of high school, her name is Zhang Man, the one who played the guitar at the last National Day extravaganza. Wow, that girl is really beautiful, no wonder even Qin Shuai has fallen."

"Yeah, the boys in our class have been discussing this girl recently. She's really good-looking. The modified black cheongsam she wore on stage was so beautiful! I was stunned by all the girls, Mom, the fairy descended to earth. Why didn't I find out a month ago? This girl is too low-key."

"If it wasn't for Qin Shuai who went up to send flowers and directly expressed his attitude, I guess the threshold for the first and first classes in the past two days would have been broken. But Qin Shuai is also very good. The family background is good, I heard that his father is in business, and his mother is a professor of the Chinese Department of Z University, which is a good match for Zhang sister!"

"Tsk tsk, he has already expressed his opinion. Who else can compete with him... Look at it, maybe in a few days our school will be a couple again. You said that the dean doesn't care."

"Maybe it will work. I sat in the front row last time, and I looked at it carefully. The girl took Qin Shuai's flowers without hesitation, and smiled at him, obviously very happy. "

For these meaningless and nutritious gossip, he originally blocked it automatically, but this time, Zhang Man's name was too sensitive to him.

So the teenager was sitting in the cafeteria eating, but his ears and brain accurately captured a lot of effective information from the discussions of the girls at the next table.

- Fairy, sending flowers, excellent, good match, happy.

The tomato scrambled egg in his mouth suddenly changed its taste. He frowned, thinking that maybe the chef in the cafeteria put too much white vinegar today.

Perhaps it was the strong one, because the sour taste not only raged in his mouth, but even swept his heart.

. …

When Zhang Man returned to the classroom after lunch that day, he felt that something was wrong with Li Wei.

He was reading a book as usual, and he had changed to a new one, "Space and Geometry", the thick original English version. On the page he spread out, there were dazzling large paragraphs of English explanations, as well as a Formulas of various strange symbols.

For ordinary people, it is too profound.

Zhang Man observed him for a long time, and found that he didn't turn the page for more than half an hour, didn't write a derivation, just sat there, his eyes were not focused.

In fact, it seems that something has been wrong with him since October 7th.

The two stayed at the beach late that night before returning home. When she saw Li Wei again the next day, she felt a trace of confusion and confusion on his face.

This kind of expression is rare on the face of a teenager. In the professional field, he has always been determined and confident. Even if he has doubts temporarily, he will calm down and think.

But now, his expression made her feel that he seemed to have encountered some unsolvable problem.

Zhang Man sighed helplessly. The difference between the normal physics major and the serious theoretical physics is too great. The books he is reading now, she has never touched in her previous life. To be honest, she took a look at those formulas and derivations. Just a headache.

So even if you want to help, there is no way to start.

At this time, there was a commotion in the originally quiet classroom. Several girls laughed and screamed. Behind the classroom, a group of boys represented by Liu Chang booed.

Following the direction of everyone's booing, she looked towards the back door of the classroom and found that Qin Shuai was standing at the back door. He looked inside, and when his eyes met hers, his eyes lit up instantly.

He looked at her with a smile on his face, walked into the classroom with long legs, and walked straight to her side.

Qin Shuai has always been a man of influence in N City No. 1 Middle School, not to mention one of the gossip centers in the past two days.

Seeing him walking straight to Zhang Man's seat, the classmates in the first class stopped what they were doing, stared at them with piercing eyes, and began to coax.

A few girls even whispered: "Together, together!"

Qin Shuai walked up to Zhang Man, put a box in his hand on her table, and said with a smile, "Xuemei, I brought you a box of chocolates, which my dad brought back from abroad the day before yesterday, and it tastes good. You try it."

Before Zhang Man could react, he took out two more movie tickets from his pocket: "Tomorrow Saturday, a new movie will be released. I bought two tickets. Would you like to go with me?"

Zhang Man opened his mouth, and it turned out to be a movie ticket again.

She smiled bitterly in her heart, because of this National Day extravaganza, things that only happened in the second year of high school in the previous life have been brought forward.

In the previous life, Qin Shuai had not seen her at this time.

She glanced at the boy sitting quietly reading a book beside her with a conditioned reflex.

The book that had not been touched for half an hour was suddenly turned by him at this time, and the sound of the page rubbing against the air had a slight tearing feeling.

Zhang Man was a little disappointed in his heart. Unlike his previous life, he didn't seem to have any reaction.

But this time, she will never agree to be angry with him like she did in her previous life.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I have something else to do tomorrow."

Qin Shuai is obviously a person with strong psychological quality. After listening to her words, he was not shocked at all. Instead, he took back the ticket naturally: "It's okay, I'll talk about it when you are free."

Zhang Man reached out and pushed the chocolate box on the table again, and said in a flat tone: "Senior, I have a toothache and can't eat sweets."

Qin Shuai laughed again, but didn't take back the chocolate: "You can give it to your classmates. It's not just for you, everyone in our Literature and Art Department has it. Accept it. Don't forget that you have joined the Literature and Art Department before."

The good family background and good upbringing allow him to grasp these proportions well, and at the same time, he will not be embarrassed by the temptation.

Zhang Man had no choice but to nod to accept it.

He didn't know, and she couldn't speak too frankly, so she had to give up.

After Qin Shuai left, Zhang Man continued to do half of the papers he had done before.

The bell rang for lunch break, and the classroom was quiet again. Most of the students were doing homework and reviewing. The rustling sound of writing and the occasional sound of flipping books became rough background sounds in the quiet afternoon.

Of course, there were also a few people who slept. The boy at the table in front of Zhang Man lay down on the table and fell asleep, and there was a regular and slight snoring.

Throughout the lunch break, she was doing her homework, and the boy was by her side, looking at her book, but neither of them spoke.

However, when the lunch break was over, she saw that the boy turned over a page of a book that had not been touched for a long time, and then a very soft voice sounded in her ear.

-"why are you not going?"

His tone did not fluctuate, as if he was just bored from reading a book, he asked such a question casually.

Zhang Man was stunned for a moment before realizing that he asked her why she didn't agree to Qin Shuai and go to the movies with him.

She stopped writing, and a fine pain rolled up in the tip of her heart.

She will always remember that she was at the school gate in her previous life. He looked at her almost paranoid, and his voice was low in the dust: "Can you not go?"

Some things cannot be recalled, because no matter how many times you recall, the feeling of pain will not decay, but will involve you and fall into a vortex that cannot be escaped.

She came back to her senses, raised her eyebrows, and gently tugged at his sleeve.

"I don't have time to go, you forgot, I'm going to your house to cook for you tomorrow."

After her voice fell, the boy's straight back relaxed a little, and the whole figure seemed to suddenly clear up.

He bent the corners of his mouth almost imperceptibly, and his beautiful eyes blinked twice. He nodded, but still didn't speak, turned back to continue reading.

But this time, he lightly pressed the spine of the book, spread out a piece of white paper, and began to calculate carefully on the paper while reading.

It seemed that the problem that had been bothering him before suddenly had an answer.

. …

A week later, the results of this year's National Day Extravaganza, which was highly talked about in the school, came out.

Almost every year before, the top three performers of the show were contracted by several major literary and art clubs such as the school rock band, Western orchestra, and dance club. The self-playing and self-singing program of classmates Zhang Man ranked third.

Zhang Man has become the only one who has won the top three in the individual registration program in recent years.

For a time, she was the best at school.

In particular, someone posted a few pictures of her playing and singing quietly on the stage on the day of the show, which suddenly became a sensation on the post bars of several high schools in N city.

In the past two days, she has received a lot of love letters, and even on the road, some unfamiliar classmates will always strike up a conversation with her.

At noon that day, as soon as the two arrived at the cafeteria, a senior boy came to ask her for her mobile phone number, but Zhang Man coldly refused.

She looked at Chen Feier who was gloating at the misfortune in front of her, and felt very helpless. She blamed her for her bad idea. As a result, Li Wei did not catch up with the show, but attracted a number of idlers.

"... Manman, you can't say it, you're a blockbuster. I went to our school post bar to read it. Recently, many posts have been inquiring about you, and some senior seniors even asked you in the post bar. Showing love. And there was a voting post a few days ago, you are now the school flower of our school this year with a high vote!!! Manman, you are going to be popular."

Zhang Man made a "pause" gesture with an expressionless face. He really didn't want to hear her continue. She had been talking in high spirits for more than ten minutes.

But her blocking was obviously useless.

Chen Feier dug out a large spoonful of the double-skin milk bought at the second window: "If you want me to tell you, Manman, why don't you give up Li Wei, you see that you are diligent every day, and no one says no, so many big A good young man crawls under your pomegranate skirt for you to choose, why hang on a tree?"

She said and put the spoon of double-skin milk into her mouth, her brows stretched out: "Well, it still tastes delicious red bean!"

Zhang Man swallowed a mouthful of rice angrily: "Don't worry about me, take the mid-term exam next week."

Chen Fei'er wilted like an eggplant hit by frost in an instant, leaning on the dining table with her head supported, her two furry eyebrows formed a figure-eight shape: "I'm done, I've been watching stars and gossip this semester, what am I? I didn't learn it."

Zhang Man laughed and smoothed her hair: "Okay, I'll take you to review with you then. You're just too bad at math and physics, and the rest are still a bit basic, so don't worry too much."

In fact, she is not very worried about Chen Fei'er. She has a carefree personality. People who are optimistic and laughing are often better than others. She has never suffered any hardships in her life and lives smoothly.

In the previous life, Chen Fei'er did not get into the first-tier college entrance examination, and went to a second-tier school, but as soon as she graduated, she was arranged by her family in a public institution in N city, and her job was stable. Later, she met her future husband through a blind date. The two fell in love at first sight, and soon got married and had children.

Her husband took care of her in every possible way, and listened to her in everything at home. In Zhang Huifang's words, Chen Fei'er is so lucky, she jumped out of the ivory tower, turned around and entered another ivory tower.

In November, some deciduous trees on both sides of the road began to become bare, and only the camphor was still green, and even the greenness of the leaf tips became more and more intense with the change of seasons.

The mid-term exam came as scheduled, and Zhang Man played the "due" level after making up the class for a period of time. After the results came out, although her physics score was much better than when she first entered school, she was barely above the passing line, and her overall score was in the middle and lower reaches of the class.

In fact, it is much better than this time in the previous life.

Zhang Man carefully planned the future in his heart.

In the future, Li Wei will take the path of walking the physics competition. In his previous life, he won the national gold medal in the second year of high school, and got the recommendation qualification of the Department of Physics of the B University, so he did not continue to study in the third year of high school like ordinary people. After the second year of high school, he entered B directly. big.

With Zhang Man's grades, if she takes the ordinary college entrance examination route, she will definitely not be able to get into B major. Her poor chemistry and biology will not change because of her rebirth.

But her advantage is that she has been a high school physics teacher for so many years, and she has also studied mechanics, thermals and electromagnetism within the scope of high school competition, so her physics is definitely a lot stronger than that of high school students of the same age.

In this way, the only way is to participate in the physics competition like Li Wei. She is very familiar with middle school physics competitions. In her previous life, each class of students she brought with her would select a group of top students to take part in the competition exam.

The high school physics competition is divided into three stages, preliminaries, retests and national finals. The preliminaries are held at the beginning of September every year. The questions are basically the same as the college entrance examination questions. Only a very small part is beyond the outline. The difficulty is roughly equivalent to the most difficult questions of the college entrance examination.

After passing the preliminaries, there will be a rematch in early October, with only one month in between. The difficulty of the questions in the rematch is not comparable to that in the preliminaries.

In the rematch results, the top 50 in the province are the first prizes, and it is very likely that they will get the qualifications for independent enrollment of major colleges and universities. Further, if you can reach the top ten in the province in the semi-finals and join the provincial team, you will be able to get the qualifications for self-enrollment of Q and B universities.

After joining the provincial team, it was the national final in early November, which Li Wei participated in in his second year of high school in his previous life.

In his previous life, he easily won the national gold medal, and in his sophomore year of high school, he was admitted to the physics department of B University. And she transferred to H City, because of family changes and a series of life torture, her grades became more and more ordinary, and finally she was able to reach the top.

The fate of the two began to be different here.

In this life, no matter what, she wanted to be by his side all the time.

. …

After the evening self-study, Zhang Man was walking home alone.

The night wind in November was still a little depressing, and the withered and yellow leaves all over the ground were rolled up, and some even flew to the eaves of the houses on both sides.

The road from the school to her house was a bit remote, and the street lights on the street had broken down last month, making it extremely dim. The street lamps cast a faint beam of light in the air, and in the beam of light, shreds of fallen leaves fluttered in the autumn wind.

There was no one in the alley, except for the rustling sound of leaves being blown by the wind, there was only the sound of her own footsteps, which was eerily quiet.

After all, Zhang Man is no longer a little girl, so he won't be afraid if he gets used to it.

But today something happened.

She had just passed the corner of the alley when she was blocked under the telephone pole on the corner.

In front of her were several boys in school uniforms like her.

The one with the head is not bad looking, but looks airy. He was smoking a cigarette, burning his yellow hair, and wearing black studs on one ear.

The collar of his school uniform was cut open, revealing a piece of collarbone, which was not too cold in such weather.

Zhang Man noticed that he also had an exaggerated totem tattoo on his right collarbone.

There are three other people behind the earring boy, all of them are dressed in similar clothes, they should be the bad boys in the school.

She didn't speak, because since the other party stopped her, she would definitely explain her intention.

Sure enough, the few people faced each other quietly for a while, and the boy with earrings smiled.

"Damn, this girl sounds courageous. I'm afraid I'll scare you into peeing your pants. As expected of the newly elected No. 1 middle school girl, I like it."

Hearing his foul language, Zhang Man frowned dissatisfiedly. If this was a previous life, she would have dragged the student with this kind of problem to the office for tea.

Seeing her, the young man with earrings still didn't speak. He spit the cigarette in his mouth on the ground and rolled it with the toe of his shoe: "Hey, school flower, you didn't receive the love letter I wrote to you? Why didn't you reply? Look down on me, eh? "

Zhang Man received the few love letters, and threw them away without opening them. Where did he pay attention to whether there was this person.

She had a headache, how could she have invited such a person.

Seeing that she seemed to be thinking, the young man with earrings pointed to himself and said word by word, "Remember, my name is Yan Hui. If you don't give me an answer today, don't think of this alley."

Yan Hui? How does the name sound familiar.

Zhang Man suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a number one person in his previous life. In the end, he was expelled from the school for sexually harassing girls.

She clenched her bag and took a step back.

This kind of student is the most daring and can do anything, not to mention that this road is usually quiet, and no one will pass by at all.

Her heart was pounding, and fine cold sweat broke out from her forehead, and she began to panic.

She is no longer the high school teacher in her previous life who had to behave properly when she met her students, but the most ordinary 16-year-old girl. If they really wanted to do something, she couldn't resist.

The young man with earrings watched her retreat, sneered, stepped forward, raised Zhang Man's chin, leaned in, and stared at her playfully.

"What? Are you afraid?"

As he spoke, the heat sprayed onto her cheeks, giving her goosebumps.

His jaw hurt so much that Zhang Man squinted his eyes, not daring to look at him. He was too close, almost against her, Zhang Man could clearly smell the pungent smell of smoke and sweat on his body.

She felt an obvious discomfort in her stomach. It turned out that the intimacy of boys other than Li Wei would make her so sick.

It was so close, but the girl's skin was flawless at all. The jade was magnified, and it was still a piece of jade.

The boy with earrings became more and more interested, and let go of her: "Just one sentence, be my girlfriend, okay or not?"


A low, hoarse voice came from the quiet alley around the corner, like a ghost coming out of hell, terrifyingly cold.