Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 23



The low, hoarse voice came from the quiet alley at the corner, like a ghost coming out of hell, terrifyingly cold.

The sudden answer surprised everyone present.

Zhang Man turned around in shock when he heard the familiar voice.

Under the dim street lights, the ground was covered with yellow leaves, and the young man came from not far away, and the footsteps were clear and powerful. He put away his casual tone, as if he had suddenly changed into a person, with a stern and cold temperament.

He walked to her side step by step, grabbed her hand, staggered to block her, and protected her behind him.

Zhang Man shook his hand nervously. Her palms were already sweaty. Now that she was held by his big dry and warm hand, the feeling of stickiness and tension was greatly reduced.

She tilted her head to look at his profile, the boy's face was hidden in the dark night, and he couldn't see his expression clearly. But just hearing his voice just now made her heart tremble.

He is angry.

When the delinquent teenagers saw someone coming to fight the injustice, they surrounded them with great momentum, and the two blocked the corner and surrounded them tightly.

At this time, the ear-studded boy who took the lead recognized Li Wei, and he laughed loudly: "Oh, isn't this Li Wei's classmate from the first class of high school? A celebrity in our school. Why, you are a lunatic who wants to come with Lao Tzu. Steal a woman? Why? Take it home and hang it?"

After he finished speaking, he laughed sarcastically, even with the other delinquent teenagers behind him, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

In their opinion, although Li Wei is tall and looks strong, there are four of them after all. Besides, fighting is not for everyone. The comparison is who is more ruthless. He is a good student and nerd who reads books in school every day. How can he be more ruthless than them

As for the claim that he is a lunatic, they are even less afraid. Crazy so what, do you still want to find a rope to hang them all on the clothesline

Seeing that neither of them spoke, the young man with earrings thought they were afraid, so he continued to provoke, and his tone became more and more arrogant: "I advise you to stop meddling, hurry up, and don't hinder me from loving my woman."

He smiled again and added in a long tone: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, it's not suitable for children."

Zhang Man nervously stretched out his hand and took Li Wei's arm, because she found that after hearing this, the boy squeezed her hand so hard that she almost cried out in pain. The blue veins on his forehead began to bulge, and his temperament became more and more fierce.

Just like when he stopped her at the school gate in his previous life, at this moment, he became a vicious lone wolf, which made people shudder.

Zhang Man panicked, and his heart began to beat violently.

-What should I do, he seems to be out of control.

For some reason, she knew that the other party had four people, but looking at him like this, her panic was not at all because she was worried that the other party would hurt them.

Just then, her hunch came true.

The young man quickly pulled her hand away, without saying a word, he took something and smashed it into the face of the young man with earrings, making a muffled sound of "bang".

The ruthlessness and hesitation at that moment made Zhang Man unable to help exclaim.

When she came back to her senses, the tragic mourning sound of the ear-studded boy tearing his throat and the blood all over his face tore a hole in the night.

The blood from his forehead gushed out violently, dripping on the ground, making a "tick, tick" sound, making people creepy in the quiet empty alley.

Zhang Man's heart skipped a beat, and the blood all over her body rushed to her head. The uncontrollable fear made her tremble all over. There was only one thought in her mind, run.

So she took advantage of Li Wei's hand before she could react, and started running frantically, as if there were evil spirits chasing her.

She dragged him and ran vigorously, crossing the streets, until she ran to the main road far away from the alley, saw the bustling crowd and vehicles, and confirmed that they could not catch up again, Zhang Man dared to stop.

She was panting against the glass wall of a convenience store, her legs were trembling because of the previous tension, and when she closed her eyes, she could think of that scene - the boy with earrings screamed and stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, blood flowing from his fingers It flowed out of the middle and dyed half of his face.

She trembled uncontrollably, and the fear of the rest of her life and the deeper fear and despair that followed were overwhelming.

Zhang Man thought of the resolute and unhesitating sternness of the young man just now, and crouched down sadly. It was as if a big stone had been blocked in her heart, and she couldn't help crying out.

Why does this happen? Why is he still out of control because of her, even worse than in his previous life.

She had been so careful all her life, carefully restraining her feelings for him, even trying to get close to him and stay by his side, she had to think of all kinds of excuses, worried that it would hurt his psychology.

She didn't want him to be like this, she just wanted him to be good, and never get involved with these dark and paranoid things for the rest of her life. His clean and beautiful hands are going to deduce the most cutting-edge breakthroughs in theoretical physics in the future. How could he beat someone for her

She obviously just wanted him to live in the sunshine forever, but he lost his mind again because of her.

Zhang Man couldn't help but start a strong self-doubt. Wouldn't it be better if Li Wei had never met her? She made him so sad in the past life, and in this life he made him crazy and out of control for her.

What if there was something wrong with that person just now

She was crying out of breath, thinking desperately, it was all over.

"Zhang Man... don't cry."

The boy's red eyes and boiling blood all over his body gradually calmed down after seeing the girl who was collapsing and crying in front of him.

The sanity that had been completely lost before began to return.

This is the second time that she has cried in front of him. She squatted on the ground, hugged herself, choked with depression, her shoulders twitched and twitched, and her small body cast a thin smack on the floor tiles next to her. shadow.

Unlike last time, he could see that she was really sad this time.

Although he didn't know why she was sad, it seemed that when she was sad, he would also be sad.

It was as if his heart had been pinched, and it had been hurting badly from just now to now. The pain was followed by a huge panic, in case... in case he didn't show up today...

He couldn't remember how he felt at the time. Seeing that she was surrounded by several people, her face was pale and trembling with fear, and she stepped back. He also saw that the man was holding her chin without pity, so close to her.

He only felt that all the sanity of his body had left him, his heartbeat was racing, his blood was boiling, and his world seemed to have turned black at that time.

It's a bit like when his favorite race car got trampled when he was a kid. No, it was a million times more serious than that, so serious that he couldn't control himself at all.

There was a beast in his heart that was constantly roaring and clamoring, trying to tear the group of people to shreds.

In fact, he did too.

-Before he approached them, he picked the sharpest and strongest stone on the ground, and he struck very hard and mercilessly.

She is so sad, doesn't it... he just scared her

"Zhang Man... Zhang Man, it's all my fault."

The boy squatted down beside her, patted her on the back, and comforted her at a loss.

For the first time, he completely lost his sense of proportion in front of her.

The collapse and despair in Zhang Man's heart was like a Wangyang Reservoir blocked by a giant dam. At this moment, he was comforted in a low voice. All his emotions found a breakthrough and poured down through the dam.

She pounced on him sadly, hugged him tightly, buried her crying face in his chest, and cried fiercely.

. …

That night, Zhang Manshu nervously checked the contents of juvenile delinquency, negligent injury, over-defense, etc. in the bed. When he found out, he was taken away by the police.

The next day, she arrived at the school with two huge dark circles under her eyes and began to inquire about Yan Hui from the people around her.

Yan Hui was in the third year of high school, and he didn't usually study. He was considered a high school tyrant. Many people knew him.

There were several people in Chen Feier's class who were very close to him. I heard from her that Yan Hui seemed to have a fight with someone outside yesterday.

But there is no mention of Li Wei.

Hearing this, Zhang Man was slightly relieved. It seems that he did not call the police, nor did he tell anyone who the person who beat him was. Maybe it's hard for a bad boy like him to be beaten, so he didn't say anything.

She calmed down, thought for a long time, and gradually calmed down. This matter is that Yan Hui was wrong in the first place, and Li Wei at best was just defending her in order to protect her. Furthermore, as a bad boy with a lot of criminal records, Zhang Man estimated that Yan Hui didn't have the confidence to file a complaint with the school.

Back in the classroom, the teenager sat quietly reading a book, seemingly unaffected by this incident.

Zhang Man was not angry.

Her tone was quite serious: "Li Wei, you promise me that if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, don't fight with others for me."

The boy did not speak, and continued to turn the book.

Zhang Man was anxious and pulled his sleeve: "Did you hear what I said?"

Then he put down the book in his hand, turned around, and shook his head.

Zhang Man thought he didn't hear her, so he repeated it again: "I said, don't worry about me in the future when you encounter this kind of thing, don't go up and fight by yourself, do you hear?"

The boy still shook his head, very stubborn.

Only then did Zhang Man react. He shook his head to mean that he didn't want to.

He looked into her eyes with an irrefutable determination.

- "They said they were going to bully you."

Zhang Man was slightly startled, seeing his serious and serious look, a sour and warm feeling spread, and his heart suddenly became soft and messy.

Yeah, he was just there to protect her. Seeing her being bullied, how could he stay out of it

Zhang Manmon asked herself, if she saw him being bullied, she couldn't be calm. For example, when Liu Chang accidentally bumped into him, her first reaction was to step on his feet.

Comparing her heart to her heart, perhaps she was embarrassing him.

She sighed and bowed first: "Okay, then I promise that I will never encounter such a thing again in the future."

She must be more careful in the future, and would rather go a little farther than go that way.

After the whole person is relaxed, he has the energy to think about other things.

"No, Li Wei, how did you know I was there yesterday?"

The boy answered after a while: "You didn't get the practice set. I called you, but you didn't answer."

A jelly melted in Zhang Man's heart, she couldn't help laughing, and poked his arm: "So you went in the direction of my house? Are you worried about me? How do you know which direction my house is heading? "

The young man was succinct and did not have much expression: "I'll see you go over there."

"Then... what did you hit him with yesterday?"

"Stones picked up on the road."

After that, no matter what Zhang Man asked, the boy ignored her.

Zhang Man ate a few closed doors, so he kept his mouth shut, lying on the table thinking about what happened yesterday.

Thinking about it, her cheeks started to get slightly hot.

She held his hand yesterday and ran down street after street. And in the end, she seemed to hold him and cry for a long, long time.

At that time, she really didn't think too much, she was so sad, she just wanted to vent her emotions, and she didn't have any crooked thoughts at all. But now that I think about it, my face is still red.

Her heart was pounding, and then it turned into a puddle of water. At least at that time, he didn't push her away, but gently patted her on the back, coaxing her carefully.

Such a gentle voice can soothe all her sadness and grievances.

Zhang Man thought, how could it be so different if it was said by the same person? At that time, the phrase "No" he said in the alley was like an evil spirit that climbed up from hell. But then he squatted on the ground and hugged her, coaxing her, so light and soft, like a feather.

- He actually likes her, even if he didn't realize it himself.

She lay in her arms and gradually curved the corners of her mouth.

Then she waited patiently for him to find out.

Let him gradually rely on her, trust her, and think about her all the time, so that he can stop thinking about those illusory relatives and friends, and can truly live in this turbulent world and feel the life on earth Taste, beauty and grandeur.

. …

After that day, Li Wei began to wait for the bus at the bus stop next to Zhang Man's house every day. In fact, there is a station in front of the school, which leads directly to his house.

Zhang Man knew that he was afraid that she would meet someone like Yan Hui again, so he wanted to accompany her back.

But he didn't say it, and she didn't reveal it, of course she was stealing the fun.

Things were going more smoothly than she had imagined.

Regarding Li Wei's paranoia, she now knows two people, one is his mother Lin Hui, and the other is his friend Nick. Zhang Man doesn't know if there is a third person, but at present the division of labor between the two is very clear.

The appearance of Lin Hui is often when Li Wei encounters some setbacks in life, or when he feels very lonely and autistic; while Nick is when he is alone in learning and facing difficulties and no one can discuss with him.

Now, she can be sure that he has gradually accepted her in his heart. And all she can do now is to accompany him quietly and fill his life as much as possible to alleviate the delusional symptoms.

The two walked to the intersection downstairs of Zhang Man's house, and the boy nodded at her as usual, indicating that he was going to the station.

But today Zhang Man didn't know what was wrong with him, and suddenly wanted to pull him to talk for a while.

"Li Wei, are you afraid of being at home alone at night, your family is so big."

The boy glanced at her with a strange look in his eyes: "I'm not afraid."

Zhang Man changed the subject again: "Well... Then have you learned to draw before?"

The rose he painted for her on the beach last time was so well drawn that it seemed like it was real.

"...No, I draw and play by myself. I didn't borrow any physics books after high school when I was in the orphanage before."

Zhang Man tried to keep up with his train of thought. That is to say, he can't borrow more books after finishing high school physics, so he draws and plays when he is bored

She was a little amused, but also sour.

After his father died, Li Wei was sent to an orphanage in N city, and he stayed there for seven years until he came out to live independently. The reason why he was feared and excluded was not only because of his father's schizophrenia, but also because he went to the psychiatric department of the hospital for an examination before entering the orphanage.

The diagnosis given by the doctor at the time was that he had inherited brain damage at a young age, which is schizophrenia. No one knew what the diagnosis was based on.

And it was his biological grandfather who took him for this verification and threw him into the orphanage after he was diagnosed.

Li Wei's grandfather was also an entrepreneur in N city. He married three wives before and after. His first wife, Li Wei's grandmother, was mentally ill. There are many descendants in their family, all of them are excellent and normal, and there is no shortage of him.

He donated some money to the orphanage, put him in, and never asked again.

I heard that after Li Wei became a professor at Princeton University in his previous life, his grandfather wanted to recognize him, but Li Wei did not agree until he committed suicide.

Zhang Man bit his lip, his fingernails tucked into his school uniform jacket digging at the palm of his hand.

She could hardly imagine his childhood.

Such a small child suddenly lost his father and was cruelly abandoned by his only relative. When he was still ignorant and ignorant, how scared should he be in the face of those cold instruments and those strange doctors who asked him over and over again

You must be scared, you must cry, right? It won't be like now, whether he is alone or being excluded, he is so indifferent.

Boys of that age are the most skinny and cry the most.

She still remembered that before her rebirth in the previous life, Chen Feier's son was only seven years old, the same age as Li Wei at that time. He likes to play with all kinds of toys. Once Zhang Man and Chen Fei'er took him to the mall, he saw a whole set of Transformers, and he cried and cried and lay on the ground and refused to leave. Chen Feier had no choice but to buy it for him.

Zhang Man still remembers the little boy holding the big Transformer with a snot-bubbly smile.

People are like this, they are arrogant when they are favored, and they are arrogant only when they are favored.

So he won't be afraid at home alone. He's used to it, how can he have the right to be afraid.

Zhang Man felt gloomy in his heart, but wanted to know more, more about his childhood.

"Li Wei, how was the environment of the orphanage you were in when you were a child? Are there many children with you?"

"Well, it's good, there are a lot of people."

The young man lowered his eyes, there are many children of any age.

Someone younger than him chased after his ass and called him "mental". Bigger than him, taking the lead in excluding him, wanting to constantly stimulate him and drive him crazy, so as to see what a lunatic is like.

The management of the welfare home is very chaotic. They are all a group of children who are not wanted. Their family members are not distressed, and there is no need for others to be distressed. Therefore, most managers turn a blind eye to the friction of children.

But he didn't want to talk to her so much.

This girl, he wants her to be carefree every day, and can't let her get half of his darkness.

. …

Back home, Chen Feier called her.

"Manman, I heard that the person who beat Yan Hui last month seems to be Li Wei... You asked me about Yan Hui last time, didn't you already know about it? I heard that Yan Hui was beaten badly. Sad, concussion, a large piece of forehead was broken, and it was directly disfigured, and now he is still in hospital."

"I heard from them that the reason was because Yan Hui wanted to harass a girl in our school, Manman, isn't that girl you?"

Zhang Man frowned, but he didn't expect this to spread.

She comforted Chen Feier a few words and hung up the phone.

Didn't Yan Hui tell the public about this before? Why is there another rumor coming out now... If something like this happened, I'm afraid the students in the school have a worse impression of Li Wei.

I opened the Yizhong Post Bar, and I saw several posts related to this matter.

[lz]: Have you heard that Ba Yanhui, our third-year high school student, was beaten last month. He stayed in the hospital for more than a week, and is still recovering at home. Do you know who hit it

[I want to be quiet]: Who do I rely on to be so ruthless, to act for the heavens. No wonder the school has been cleaned up a lot recently.

[Yoyoyo]: Squat.

[lz]: It was accidentally revealed by the gangsters under Yan Hui's hands. The news is absolutely reliable. The one who beat him was Li Wei from the first class of high school, that is... you know.

[Yo-Yo-Yo]: Damn, that's not the devil fighting... Isn't Li Wei supposed to have something like that? Has he had a seizure

[lz]: It was scary anyway. Those little gangsters were scared and stunned, saying that Yan Hui had a crush on a girl and was chatting with people. As a result, Li Weiyi came up and patted a stone on his head without saying a word, directly smearing blood all over his face. They said that Li Wei's expression at that time was absolutely crazy.

[Where are Fantastic Beasts]: Blood on your face... It's too scary, so scary.

[Yo Yo Yo]: It's a bit scary, but I'm standing against Li Wei this time. Even if I'm a lunatic, I'll give us a sigh of relief, right? I heard that Yan Hui was on the Tao. There were several such incidents in the past, and the school didn't care.

[Who took my May 3rd]: I'm going, big news, no wonder Yan Hui didn't come to class these days. Upstairs, this time I stand Li Wei. What's wrong with schizophrenia, people's three views are at least positive.

[Banana Milkshake]: Be careful upstairs, don't think that the devil is an angel just because he did a good deed... You should stay away, or you will be the one who will be hit with bricks next time.

. …

Although there are still many people who are afraid of Li Wei's madness, there are also a small number of comments related to Li Wei that are positive. After all, there are not a few people who were bullied by Yan Hui before. Unexpectedly, this incident made Li Wei's reputation in the school better than before.

She was a little happy, he was a very good person, why should he be hated because of some innate things? If they don't know him, they will be afraid of him. As long as they can get closer to him, they can find his goodness.

Zhang Man closed the post bar and sent a text message to Li Wei.

【Are you home yet】

He returned one shortly after.

【Um. 】

Zhang Man looked at the short sentence he sent, and was somewhat dissatisfied with such a small number of words, and asked again: [Then what are you doing now] The young man quickly replied: [Reading. 】

No matter how short his sentences were, he would write punctuation in a regular manner, as old-fashioned as an old man out of touch with the times.

Zhang Man couldn't help but chuckle. In addition to being ignorant of people, he is actually very disciplined, much like a traditional good student. It is obvious that he is taking the path of competition, but he writes homework in each subject. He wears school uniform every day when he goes to school, and he does not arrive late or leave early.

But when he lost control, it was like a different person.

Zhang Man was lying on the bed, biting the knuckle of her index finger. After she suddenly remembered that incident, her nerves were tense, and she hadn't thanked him properly.

If he hadn't come to protect her that day, she might really be over.

Zhang Man picked up the phone again, swiped to the dialog box with him, and typed out word by word: [Li Wei, thank you. 】 She also imitated him, solemnly adding punctuation.

This time, it took a long time for the young man to return, and it was still a word.

【Um. 】