Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 25


In a crowded bar, colorful, low-level lights fly across the dance floor, but beyond the dance floor is a dim, safe environment.

Bass drums, loud music, frantic dancing, hot liquor... Young men and women enjoy the unique carnival and unrestrainedness of the night under the influence of alcohol.

And in a dark corner, on a large leather booth, a pair of young people are embracing affectionately, and people passing by are throwing ambiguous eyes at them, but it is not surprising.

Here, such forgetfulness and indulgence are not uncommon, more than this exaggeration.

The teenager's chin rested on the top of the girl's hair in his arms, and the corners of his lips hidden in the dim light showed a smile that no one could see, and his eyes seemed to be slightly drunk.

He hugged her tightly, feeling her warm and soft body, feeling her breath gushing through the thin knitted sweater to the skin of his chest. Such a hug relieved the inexplicable intolerance in his heart.

The rich smell of alcohol in the air seemed to be absorbed by the body along the pores. He clearly didn't drink a drop of alcohol, but he felt that he was drunk.

This feeling is very strange.

In fact, he hated the touch of others since he was a child.

—For example, the group of children in the orphanage.

When he first went to the orphanage, he suffered a lot of touches. There was a group of children a little older than him who heard that he was a "madman" from nowhere, and since then there have been objects of teasing and entertainment. They had caught earthworms and threw them into his collar, poured ink on his clothes, or surreptitiously burned his hair with a lighter.

The calmer he was, the angrier the kids seemed to be.

People are like this, trying hard to do one thing, always wanting to achieve the desired effect, what they want is to watch him go crazy.

Later, rumors spread to the elementary school he attended, and the same thing continued.

Until one day, he locked one of the boys into an abandoned toilet on the second floor of the school, and taped his lips to prevent him from calling for help.

He shut him down all day.

After that, curiosity and teasing turned into fear and fear, everyone avoided him, no one came to trouble him again, and no one came to touch him again.

He always felt that the touch between people was as uncomfortable as the earthworms that were put into his collar, but after meeting her, it changed completely.

—It was like having a soft dream of lying on a cloud, surrounded by clouds.

The boy quietly hugged the girl in his arms, smelling the fragrance of her origin, and counting his heartbeat, which was getting faster and faster.

Four hundred and ninety-eight, four hundred and ninety-nine, five hundred... Dream, it's time to wake up.

His voice had a slightly drunken hoarseness, as if it were the base of the bass.

"Zhang Man, get up, your mother is gone."

When Zhang Man heard his words, he let go of him with difficulty breathing, raised his head, and glanced nervously at the door of the bar.

Sure enough no one.

She breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhang Huifang caught this, she really didn't know how to explain it.

When a person relaxes, the body's memory begins to flow back.

She remembered the hug that lasted for a few minutes just now, and her face suddenly blushed.

His embrace is really warm... His heartbeat has been accelerating frantically from just now, almost suffocating.

She let out a sigh of relief and adjusted her breathing. Fortunately, Zhang Huifang didn't stay for a while, otherwise she might die of a heart attack.

Zhang Man's cheeks were hot, but because the light in the bar was so dim, he... shouldn't have noticed. She raised her eyes and peeked at the young man beside her, but saw that his eyes were light and his expression did not fluctuate at all. His beautiful fingers held a transparent glass to his mouth, as if he wanted to drink water.

Zhang Man was stunned for a moment, but suddenly his heart was balanced.

- There is no water in his glass at all.

Zhang Man's heart is a little funny. He looks so calm, and he must have feelings in his heart. After all, she is also a good-looking girl.

In order to ensure that they would not meet Zhang Huifang on the road, the two waited for a while before leaving the bar. Li Wei didn't speak, and walked straight to the station, apparently planning to take her home.

The two stood under the stop sign and waited for the bus. The station in N City this year only had a simple stop sign and seats, unlike the closed ones that were built later, which could keep out the wind and rain.

It's nearly nine o'clock, and winter, plus the night, combine to be the most harsh cold.

Zhang Man rubbed his cold fingers and looked at the young man's profile with some doubts in his heart: "Li Wei, what did you just tell the security guard, why did he let you in?"

"I said I came to find my friend."

"Ah? I said this before, but he didn't let me in."

The teenager paused and explained patiently, "I'm talking about the owner of this bar."

Zhang Man was surprised: "Do you still have such a friend? When did you meet?"

She seems to have heard someone mention that the bars in this area are run by the most powerful people on the road in N city, and he actually knows these people...

How could she never know these things

Hearing her question, the young man pursed his beautiful lips, and his Adam's apple moved slightly.

"It's not really a friend, I met when I was in the orphanage."

It's just a person who doesn't hate him and exclude him as much as others, not a friend.

When Zhang Man heard him take it lightly, he felt like a cat scratched in his heart.

So she didn't give up and continued to ask: "Li Wei, tell me, how did you meet?"

The boy was silent for a while: " really want to know?"

Zhang Man nodded vigorously, she wanted to know everything about him.

The teenager said a few words concisely, with strong generalization ability, as if he was summarizing some physical formulas.

"The owner of this bar was seven or eight years older than me, and he was also living in a welfare home at the time. I did him a favor when I was young, and the relationship was not bad. He left the welfare home when he was still young and lives in N city. There is also a career in Z City. When I was in junior high school, he went back to the orphanage to look for me once. Seeing that I had no friends, he asked me if I wanted to follow him. I didn’t agree, and the differences were different, but , I heard that he is doing well now."

"Then... why did you come out of the orphanage and live on your own?"

The teenager lowered his eyes, without much expression: "... The welfare home is too lively, I don't like it. I applied for several years, and it was not until the second year of junior high school that the hospital recognized my ability to live alone and issued a certificate. "

That is to say, if the orphanage had approved it sooner, he would have wanted to come out and live alone.

Zhang Man's heart clenched tightly, how unhappy was he that he would rather stay alone than flee that place? He said it lightly, but she seemed to have a storm in her heart.

Who doesn't like the excitement, but the most uncomfortable thing is that all the excitement and carnival around him have nothing to do with him.

She felt conflicted.

It was clear that she wanted to know everything about him, but she dared not continue to ask, because every time he said something, her heart felt uncomfortable. She suddenly felt that it would be nice if she could go back a little longer. She wanted to be by his side since he was very young, hold him in her arms, and say to him, "Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side and never leave you.