Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 26


When Zhang Man got home, as soon as he entered the door, he heard Zhang Huifang calling in the room, probably calling one of her best friends.

She narrated indignantly, occasionally accompanied by sobbing.

Zhang Man frowned, just seeing her elegantly and decisively pouring Zheng Zhi a glass of wine, he thought she didn't care at all.

But also, how could Zhang Huifang show her vulnerability in front of people with such a strong and face-loving temperament, and she had to hold back and cry when she went home.

Zhang Man was a little worried, tiptoed to the door of her room, and listened to their phone calls against the door.

On the other end of the phone was one of Zhang Huifang's best friends, Xu Yan, who used to form a band with her, and Zhang Man had also met. Although Xu Yan didn't study when she was young, and played in bands and bars, her temperament was much calmer than Zhang Huifang. She married and had children in her twenties, and later changed her career to become an accountant. She lived a good life.

"Yan Yan, I really didn't expect that he is this kind of person."

Zhang Huifang shed tears while smoking a tissue, and turned on the speakerphone for convenience, so Zhang Man could hear the other party's voice clearly.

"Fang, I didn't tell you, you are thirty-five this year, not fifteen. You see several wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, why haven't your eyesight grown? After so many years, you are still so sloppy when looking at people?"

Xu Yan paused and sighed again: "But this time, I really don't blame you. Zheng Zhi usually pretends to be a dog-like person, and everyone has a smiling face when he sees him. I didn't expect to be so scumbag."

Zhang Huifang sobbed a few times and calmed down a little: "Yes, I have been in contact with him for a while, and he has always acted like a gentleman."

She paused, and her voice was much softer: "And... He has made it clear before that he doesn't want children in the future. If I'm with him, he will help me take care of Man Man... You know, I have Man Man. I'm too sick, and I won't have any more children. So I really thought about it this time. I wanted to try it for a while, and if I could, get married. I didn't expect it... Yan Yan, you didn't even know I had one today. What a shame."

After listening to Xu Yan, she suddenly remembered her last relationship that ended without a problem, and took a deep breath: "You don't want children... So, you broke up with Xu Shang because he insisted on having children after marriage? Xu Shang is an honest person. Ah, good to you, I have been divorced from my ex-wife for so many years and haven't been able to find them, and I don't have a child. There is a lot of pressure at home, isn't it normal to want a child?"

Zhang Huifang's voice was a little anxious: "I know, Xu Shang is very good to me, and to be honest, I like him very much, even more than those boyfriends before, he... is a very attractive person. But that didn't work either. The way, his mother is old and must have a child, if she wants a child, what will happen to my Manman?"

Xu Yan stopped for a long time, and then asked again: "Then there were two or three that I thought were good, and it was a good match for you, and it was also for this reason that they broke up?"

Zhang Huifang calmed down for a while, her voice less excited.

"Not all of them. Although one or two said they didn't want children, I felt that they didn't care about Manman, and they couldn't really treat her as their own daughter. Yan Yan, although I have made a lot of boyfriends, But I'm not that particular, and I've always kept my distance until I've made a decision. I think I'll try a few more, and I should be able to find the right one... I'm just unlucky."

As she spoke, she looked in the mirror and removed the crying flower's eyeliner.

"...You know me, I was willful and irresponsible when I was young, and Manman was an accident in my life."

"When I gave birth to her, I was a child myself and would not have children at all. What's more, for me at that time, love and youth were everything, and I didn't care so much about her. But now... I can't help but think about spreading the word. vine."

"She hasn't seen her father since she was a child, and she doesn't kiss me. With her temperament, I, the mother, have to take most of the responsibility. I have always wanted... I have always wanted to find someone who loves me, love her more, and give it to her. A father she wanted when she was a child. But after so many years, it's really difficult. Yan Yan, do you think I won't find a father in the future? Without a father, there is no father. Although my mother is not good, I can still take care of it. she… "

She choked and finished speaking. She was in her thirties and suddenly burst into tears, as if she was the same girl who was sitting in the corridor of the hospital sixteen years ago and broke down and cried with a test sheet.

When Zhang Man heard this, he was already extremely shocked, and when he came back to his senses, he found that his face was already cold.

She covered her mouth, tried not to make a single sound, and walked out quietly.

The corridor was dim, and one or two voice-activated lights were broken. She walked down the long stairs numbly and pushed open the unit door.

Oncoming, is a gust of cold wind.

The howling wind at night became more and more fierce, and when it passed through certain objects, it made a sharp whine. Zhang Man slowly crouched down at the door. This temperature made her thoughts much clearer.

It is impossible to say that she has never complained about Zhang Huifang.

She couldn't stand her chaotic private life, and hated that she had been living a restless and stable life, today and tomorrow. In her long childhood memory, the word "Dad" was the most painful pain in her heart.

She didn't know who her father was at all, only that her mother had changed boyfriends one after another. Gradually, she never asked this question again, looked at her various relationship entanglements with cold eyes, and kept herself out of it.

Even because of Zhang Huifang, she has always been skeptical about marriage and love.

She still remembered Zhang Huifang's predecessor, Xu Shang. The two had been in love for a year, which was longer than many of her boyfriends before, so long that even Zhang Man thought it was time to settle down. But a few months ago, the two separated peacefully, and when she asked her, she downplayed it as a personal incompatibility.

She vaguely remembered several people, and it seemed that a few were suitable, but they all died.

She always thought that it was Zhang Huifang who loved the new and was unwilling to follow through, and that she was bored without the novelty, so she changed boyfriends one by one.

Unexpectedly, there are many times because of her

It turned out that the truth has always been the opposite, it was she who had been dragging her down.

How could she never understand how difficult it would be for an unmarried mother with a child to live in this society.

Zhang Man suddenly remembered the last break between Zhang Huifang and Zheng Zhi in his previous life.

The house they bought in City H was secretly sold by Zheng Zhi for gambling. Later, the three had to rent a very dilapidated house. That house was very far from the center of city Z, almost to the suburbs, and it was a small house with two bedrooms and one living room, with a total area of less than 70 square meters.

It was Zhang Huifang's choice, close to her school. At that time, Zhang Huifang went to work in the city center and took the bus for more than an hour every day.

She still remembered that the house was really old, and the locks on the door of her room were rusted and could not be locked. At that time, Zhang Huifang was too busy to pay off her gambling debts, so she didn't bother her with this matter.

Zhang Huifang was not at home that day, Zhang Man was changing clothes in the room, but Zheng Zhi entered her room without knocking on the door. Zhang Man just put on his underwear, when he saw him coming in, he screamed in fright, and hurriedly put on his shirt. However, the man didn't feel embarrassed or apologetic at all, instead he stood at the door and looked at her with a disgusting look in his eyes.

At that time, he was her nominal father.

This happened several times, and it even got worse.

Zhang Man finally couldn't bear it any longer, and once told Zhang Huifang while Zheng Zhi was away.

She still remembered that Zhang Huifang's face instantly turned ashen at that time, his lips were about to bleed, and he was shaking while clutching the door frame, looking terrible.

She locked herself in her room for hours that afternoon, wondering what she was thinking.

At night, Zhang Huifang asked her to go into the room to do her homework, and don't come out no matter what happened. Seeing that she seemed calm, Zhang Man nodded and entered the room without saying anything.

However, when Zhang Man heard the huge movement and opened the door, he saw Zhang Huifang with a kitchen knife chasing the drunk Zheng Zhi, from the kitchen to the living room, her eyes were scary red, like a real to hack him to death.

Zheng Zhi was so frightened that he ran away. After that, he didn't come back for several days. Later, the two agreed to divorce.

On the day the two divorced, Zhang Huifang sat on the ground tremblingly and told Zhang Man that she should never tell others that Zheng Zhi once wanted to harass her.

At that time, she thought that Zhang Huifang couldn't afford to lose face, but now she realizes that she is actually protecting her.

She was afraid that if the incident spread to her school, she would be laughed at.

So this is ah.

So even when Zheng Zhi gambled the most, she didn't mention divorce, but after hearing that Zheng Zhi had offended her, she wanted to kill him with a kitchen knife.

After that time, Zhang Huifang seemed to have aged many years overnight. The person who used to love to go out every day, locked herself at home for more than a month. Later, she never fell in love again. Zhang Man always thought that she was hurt by Zheng Zhi and no longer believed in love.

It turned out that she did not believe in love, but did not believe that there would be such a man who could love her as his own daughter while loving her.

It's not because she is willful and unwilling to follow through, but the love she wants is double, which man can afford it? That's why it's been walking on thin ice for so many years.

Zhang Man covered his face, tears streaming down his face.

She didn't know until today that it wasn't just when she was a child that Zhang Huifang called her "Manman" when she mentioned her to her best friend.

As she said, when she gave birth to her, she was still a willful and squeamish child.

- She is the first time to be a daughter, and she is also the first time to be a mother.

The next day, Zhang Man went to Li Wei's house to make up lessons, but he was obviously absent-minded.

What happened yesterday shocked her too much. She began to wonder, why does life always go around in circles like this? People who are clearly in love, why can't they directly convey their thoughts to each other, but there must be layer after layer of misunderstandings, thereby alienating them.

It is as if there is a hand that no one can see, behind the back smilingly manipulating people who are working hard to live, teasing them, making them separate, and making them feel sorry all the time.

She and Zhang Huifang were like this, and so were she and Li Wei in their previous lives. You have to go around in such a big circle to understand the other person's mind.

She was depressed, lying on her stomach, not wanting to do the question.

Seeing how uncomfortable she was, the young man also stopped the book he was reading and turned around with a questioning look in his eyes.

Zhang Man suddenly had the desire to talk, so he slowly told Li Wei about the relationship between her and Zhang Huifang, and he couldn't help crying.

After she finished speaking, she poked the boy's arm: "Hey, Li Wei, why do we sometimes want to know the truth of a thing, and we always have to go around so many detours? Sometimes some things, why can't we directly convey it to the other party?"

The young man looked at her seriously, with infinite tenderness in his eyes, such water-like eyes gave Zhang Man great comfort.

He thought for a while after hearing her question.

"Zhang Man, do you know what is the shortest distance between two points?"

Zhang Man said without hesitation, "Of course it's a straight line."

The teenager shook his head: "Only when the space is flat, the shortest distance is a straight line, if the space is curved, then the shortest distance will be a curve - there is no straight line in curved space. So sometimes life is not intentional Circling the ground, because for emotion, that may be the shortest distance."

Zhang Man was stunned for a while, knowing that he was trying to comfort herself, and her heart was pounding after the teenager said that.

At this time, others may tell her not to be sad, and then use their own life experience to enlighten her, and comfort her relationship with her mother will definitely get better in the future.

But he didn't.

Regarding feelings, he has nothing to do with it, and has no experience in this area. She complained to him about this, but he didn't even have any relatives.

Still, he clumsily, trying his best to soothe her with his physics-filled worldview, telling her that everything is actually the best arrangement.

Zhang Man's heart suddenly brightened.

Well, if there is no separation and twists and turns, perhaps the emotions will not be so deep. What's more, she has been reborn, and the people she loves and the people who love her are all by her side now.

All the misunderstandings have been solved, and none of them will leave each other again. All this is not a detour, it is the shortest distance and the best arrangement.

Zhang Man looked into his eyes and said softly, "Li Wei, you are so kind."

He is the best man in the world.