Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 32


It was noon after the penalty stand.

After lunch, Zhang Man and Chen Feier went for a walk in the playground a little farther from the cafeteria in order to digest their food.

The weather outside today is not bad, the snow has stopped, and the temperature has risen a lot from the previous two days. The cinder track was cleaned up, but there was still snow on the lawn next to the track.

Every winter, the thick snow is pure and beautiful only for a few days, and soon it will be mixed with mud or some dirty things and become turbid.

There is a basketball court in the middle of the cinder track. There are many boys who can't be free to play during their nap time. A few sharp-eyed students see the school girls walking and whistled several times at them.

Chen Fei'er took Zhang Man's arm and said worriedly: "Manman, I heard that Si Jin is chasing Li Wei these days, and it is so fierce, do you think he will like her? Si Jin seems to be pretty."

Zhang Man remembered Li Wei's reaction just now and was in a good mood, so he rolled his eyes: "No."

Chen Feier was a little puzzled: "Manman, when you first started school, you said that you wanted to chase him. Now that a semester has passed, the two of you should have a good relationship, right? Then when will you confess?"

Zhang Man sighed in his heart.

Originally, her plan was to go with the flow, and when both of them felt that the timing was right, they would be together one day.

After all, Li Wei's situation is special. He has suffered so much, and he doesn't believe in feelings at all. She worries that if she confesses too soon, he will think she is too hasty and not serious.

She just wanted to use practical actions to make him feel her love for him, and then integrate it into his life little by little, so that he could get used to her existence, so as to not delusional about those illusory family and friendship.

However, the appearance of Si Jin sounded her alarm and stimulated her desire for exclusiveness. She knew that she should speed up the process.

While chatting, they walked back.

Outside the playground are two rows of evergreen firs, which are the only turquoise in the desolate campus in winter. The fir is very tall, and the tree shape becomes narrower from bottom to top. It is often used as a Christmas tree in the West. At this time, it is covered with snow, and it really smells like a Christmas tree.

The two walked out of the stone path between the two rows of tall firs, and met a tall, beautiful girl.

"Hey, your name is Zhang Man, right? Get to know me, Si Jin."

Time to go back to before a class.

It has been a week since Si Jin transferred from Ronghuai. She came to No. 1 Middle School, of course not to study, her goal was very clear.

She thought very well at first, first to deliver breakfast to get familiar with each other, and then to reminisce about the past together, maybe it would take less than a week to take down the little brother.

Who knew that things didn't go so smoothly - the little brother couldn't get in the oil and salt at all, and refused the breakfast she sent every day. Even she doubted that she brushed her face for a week, maybe he still didn't remember her.

For the first time in her life, Si Jin, a beautiful girl who met once in three thousand years, started to have a headache for a man.

On the podium, the teacher was talking about mathematics that she could never understand in her life.

Si Jin scratched his scalp, sneakily took out his mobile phone, and flipped through it boringly.

As a result, she turned to the post that had just been spread wildly on Tieba. There is a photo in it, her little brother Li Wei, stretched out his left hand to rub a girl's head, but was avoided by the girl.

Si Jin zoomed in and zoomed in on the picture, and the pixels of the phone taken by my dear friend are not bad.

She was crazy for a while at first, she was so handsome, and her expression was so gentle.

It took me a second to react, and I gritted my teeth and thought, this girl

So she asked a girl in the class who she was.

The girl hurriedly showed her the "Bunny Earmuffs Ice Beauty" post last time, with a photo in it.

Si Jin squinted his eyes, this one is a close-up, it looks... It's really pretty. Wait... Wasn't this girl the one standing beside Li Wei last time she met Li Wei in the mall? And she went to deliver breakfast to Li Wei these days, as if she was still at the same table as him.

Are the two already together? So gentle and beautiful little brother, was robbed

No, she was already a step too late when she came

As proud as she is, she won't do anything like interfering in the feelings of other people's young lovers.

She has to ask first.

After lunch, she heard that some boys in the class didn't watch Zhang Man on the basketball court, so she rushed over and blocked her at the exit.

"Hey, your name is Zhang Man, right? Si Jin."

The girl was not wearing a school uniform, and her long curly hair was tied into a high ponytail, looking fashionable and youthful.

Zhang Man felt that Chen Feier next to her raised her head and raised her chest all of a sudden, as if she could roll up her sleeves and start tearing in the next second.

She pressed her hand, nodded and looked indifferent: "Yes, I'm Zhang Man, we've met."

Both of them were looking at each other. After all, Zhang Man lived a new life, and it was his personality, so he looked at it calmly.

But Si Jin is a lot more presumptuous. She is almost a slow-motion version of the movie, looking at her from head to toe, and finally giving her evaluation.

"'re fine."

Before Zhang Man had a chance to fight back, she said again: "I ask you, are you Li Wei's girlfriend?"

Zhang Man shook his head and nodded again: "It will be soon."

Si Jin was overjoyed.

She raised her eyebrows: "In other words, not now? That's good, and it won't be in the future."

She said waving her goodbye to her, and walked away gracefully.

Zhang Man pursed her lips, she was very straightforward and clear, and she was a pretty good girl.

But when she thought of that cold and indifferent young man, she was not worried at all.

How could it be possible to fall in love with others, Zhang Man silently blamed himself in his heart.

That young man, no matter in the previous life or in this life, once hugged her so tenderly, in the eyes he looked at her, he hid all his distrust of the world and the darkness in his heart. one side to her.

Almost a semester has passed since the beginning of the school year.

He really changed a lot.

At the very beginning, he didn't even bother to care about other people's injuries. There was nothing else in his world except physics. It was as if nothing in this world could make him stop for a moment.

But such a person, for her out of control, beat the person who wanted to bully her to the ground. Every night, I accompany her through dim yellow street lamps and fallen leaves, and take her downstairs. Accompany her to the bar to solve the mess, and accompany her to Uncle Xu's house as a lobbyist.

He took the trouble to lecture her on topics, patted her on the back to comfort her when she was sad, and bought her a Christmas present.

In just one semester, there have been so many memories and intersections between her and his teenager. Because of her, he stepped into the mundane world step by step.

At this moment, Zhang Man was extremely convinced that the boy she loved must also like her in her heart, and she only liked her.

How could she suspect that he would be taken away so easily.

Li Wei had no appetite after being punished for standing at noon, so he sat in the classroom and reviewed some contents of "General Theory of Relativity".

It is a derivation about the Lundler space that would have been done earlier.

The tip of the pen pierced the thin scratch paper.

He closed the book irritably and looked out the window, his mind was full of tears on the girl's white face. His heart seemed to be clenched tightly again, and the dull pain made him almost suffocate.

He thought hard about whether he had done something wrong to make her so sad, so sad that those tears seemed to be worthless.

He thought about why he was even more sad when she was sad. How can one person's emotions be controlled by another person

These questions are more difficult to solve than the derivation of the blockbuster, and he can't find the only answer.

"Li Wei, no, Brother Li, please ask me."

The boy turned his head when he heard the voice.

It was Liu Chang who spoke, and he still had some impressions. The two were classmates in junior high school.

Liu Chang rubbed his hands together and sat on Zhang Man's seat with a smile.

Perhaps because of guilt, after he bumped into Li Wei that time, causing his arm to fracture, his hostility to him was much lessened.

When he was in junior high school, he also heard a lot of rumors about him, and it was very uncomfortable to see him being independent and keeping away from strangers, so he always had a bad face towards him.

But after getting along for a long time, he found out that this guy really doesn't care, or it may be that the mentality of a psychopath is different from that of ordinary people.

Anyway, no matter what everyone's attitude towards him, whether they like it or be isolated, he has always been alone and focused on his own business.

Li Wei nodded expressionlessly: "Say."

"That... Brother Li, I want to ask you, you have such a paralyzed face, and your reputation is... so bad, why did you get our two school beauties? Goddess Si Jin buys you breakfast every day. You are so jealous, I just saw her standing there after class, her eyes were red, she must have cried."

The boy's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while he asked, "Jealous?"

"That's right, Si Jin came to bring you breakfast just now during the big break. I saw that Sister Zhang's eyes were about to burst into flames, staring at that breakfast and was about to stare out a hole. She must be jealous."

As soon as Liu Chang's voice fell, he saw the boy who had been expressionless before, and it seemed that the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He rubbed his eyes, his smile had disappeared, almost to the point where he suspected that it was his own illusion just now.

Well, it must be an illusion. He strongly suspects that this guy has a problem with his laughing nerve. He and his junior high school classmates haven't seen him laugh for three years.

Just as he was about to continue to dig deeper, his cheap roommate shouted at him, and what he said was terrifying: "Hey, Liu Chang, haven't you written your math homework yet? Do you still have time to chat there? The lunch break is over. It's about to be delivered."

Liu Chang was stunned for a moment, remembering the math teacher Yang Min's same face as Shi Tai, and his voice trembled: "Fuck, I forgot! You borrow me?"

The other party rejected him coldly.

At this time, the boy he had hated for three years suddenly put an exercise book into his hand.


Liu Chang opened his mouth and picked up the highly valuable homework, flattered.


The boy turned his face to look out the window, the corners of his lips gradually raised.

The most gentle thing in the world is the light rain in March and the warm sun in winter. At this moment, the sunlight outside is just right, and it slants into the windowsill. On the windowsill, a handful of falling snow melts silently in the sunlight.

It was so gentle, as if it could melt the ice in his heart.