Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 38


Li Wei paid the money, the old man pushed the presbyopic glasses that fell to the tip of his nose, picked up the money and looked at the lamp for a while, then took out a key from the drawer, and slowly opened the list for them: "The third room on the right , hot water, air conditioning, hair dryer.”

He raised his eyes and glanced at the two of them again, and said very naturally: "The bedside table is also available, but there is an additional charge, thirty-one boxes."

Zhang Man: "…"

She took the list and key, dragged Li Wei and hid into the room as if she were fleeing, and closed the door, only then did she feel less embarrassed.

However, the next second, she felt even more wrong.

This hotel is very simple, the whole room is cramped, the passage is very narrow, except for the bathroom at the door, there is almost only one bed left.

A... white double bed.

Next to the bed, there is a wooden bedside table, which is slightly discolored, and a glass cabinet is placed on it. Inside...

Zhang Man tilted his head, not daring to look at the bedside table again.

The young man was very at ease, he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger by the door.

He was wearing a thin beige V-neck knitted sweater, revealing a sexy and beautiful collarbone. Such a simple and basic style would not be out of fashion even after nineteen years.

A boy of 16 or 17 already has a tall figure that many adults can't match. His shoulders are wide and his waist is narrow, so he looks good no matter how he wears it.

Zhang Man secretly swallowed, not daring to look at him. The air conditioner was not on in the room, but she felt a little hot.

Li Wei took the remote control from the bedside table, turned on the air conditioner, and reached out to try it. It was indeed hot air.

Long legs walked over to her again and looked down at her: "Manman, are you shy?"

Zhang Man has always been stubborn: "No, why am I ashamed?"

There was a smile in the boy's voice: "Then... can you stop standing straight at the door like a doorman?"

Zhang Man's body was tense: "I don't have it, I'm just tired, I lean against the door to rest for a while."

The boy touched her hairy head lightly, and didn't embarrass her: "Manman, rest for a while, I'll try hot water."

He walked into the bathroom as he spoke, turned on the red hot water, and waited quietly until a slight tingling of hot water came from his fingers, and then he turned off the faucet with satisfaction.

Zhang Man had been standing outside the door looking at him, and when he turned around and came out, he happened to meet his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a little hot. The teenager gently touched her furry head: "Manman, I'll go downstairs to buy something, will you wait for me in the room? Don't open the door when you hear a knock, I'll take the key."

Seeing the way he treated a child, Zhang Man rubbed his head against his palm in dissatisfaction: "I know..."

When he put on his coat again and went out, Zhang Man leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the two of them had always been alone in the same room when they made up lessons at Li Wei's house before, but his house was so big and had floor-to-ceiling windows, which never gave her such a cramped and suffocated feeling.

She touched her hot cheeks, silently despising herself in her heart.

Maybe her own thoughts are not pure. When she saw him, her heart beat faster, and she wanted to get close to him involuntarily...

She thought, and felt a little uncomfortable, why is he so comfortable

She just waited for the station in the blizzard for so long, and then tossed for a long time to find the hotel. She was really tired. She took off her coat and walked to the bed, throwing herself on the quilt.

Fortunately, the quilt is still clean.

There was an LCD TV hanging on the wall opposite the double bed. Zhang Man was bored waiting, took the remote control from the bedside table and turned on the TV.

I don't know if it's a bad connection or a bad signal. The screen of each station has some snowflakes, and the sound is also very noisy, with a slight electric current.

Talking is better than nothing, Zhang Man leaned on the mattress and watched a popular variety show in this era. The four hosts, two men and two women, were full of vigor and youthful looks. Zhang Man can't help but miss it. The jokes of this era seem a little old to her, but everyone's smiles on the screen are very sincere and natural, and there are not so many advertisements and publicity in the show.

But unfortunately, the show was canceled after ten years, and several hosts have their own lives.

One of Zhang Man's favorite hostesses retired, married an outsider, and had two children. Another female host turned into an actress, and later acted on the big screen, and even won several international film festival actresses, and her career skyrocketed.

The two male hosts are still doing their old jobs, and they are also very famous. They often host the annual Spring Festival Gala of various David TVs.

Just the time for the test to tell a bad joke.

One of the guests thought for a while: "...a stag, it walked and walked faster and faster, and finally it became a highway!"

Zhang Man looked at it and couldn't hold back, "Puchi" laughed out loud.

So when Li Wei came back from shopping, he saw the girl sitting on the big bed, staring at the TV, smiling with crooked eyes. The yellowish light in the room hit her face with warm tones. Her long black hair came down and spread on the backrest, in stark contrast to the white quilt.

Small room, old furniture, dim lighting.

It was obviously simple and outdated, but because of her in the picture, he felt that this small hotel that cost 100 yuan a night was even warmer than his home.

The young man stood at the door, shaking off the rain and snow on his body, and didn't go in for a long time.

- Such a scene made him feel unreal. He was afraid that if he walked in, he would find it was just a dream.

"Li Wei, are you back?"

Zhang Man laughed until his stomach hurt, and when he came back to his senses, he saw him standing at the door carrying something, so he quickly got off the bed and walked to his side.

She took the boy's hand, pulled him in, and closed the door.

Seeing him stunned, Zhang Man stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him: "Why are you standing at the door and not coming in, stupid?"

The teenager shook his head with a smile and opened the bag, which contained two new towels and two blankets: "I'm worried that the towels in the bathroom are not clean."

He said, squeezed her face again, and his voice was a little apologetic: "Manman, I'll be here today."

Zhang Man was slightly startled.

In fact, she didn't care that much about it. In her previous life, when she had just graduated from university, she was assigned to a rural school. At that time, the teachers' dormitory where she lived was many times more rudimentary than the conditions here, and even when she slept in a daze at night, she reached out and touched a long centipede.

After all, she is not a real girl raised in a greenhouse.

But then she had a sore nose again.

He is a very careful and mature person.

It takes a long time for people to grow up. Some lucky people may not need to learn to take care of themselves when they are in their twenties. Take Chen Fei'er, for example, when she gave birth to her second child in her previous life, she never cooked or washed clothes.

Li Wei is different. At this age, he can not only take good care of himself, but also learn to take care of her.

In such a blizzard night, a simple room, and limited conditions, he wanted to give her the best.

In every possible way.

She took a step forward, hugged the boy's waist lightly, and buried her head in his arms.

His coat was cold, and the hard zipper slammed into her face, and she sniffled and hugged him tighter.

"Boyfriend, happy birthday."

Her voice was soft and nasal, and just after she finished speaking, she heard his heartbeat.

The boy let go of the bag he was holding, and the bag fell to the ground with a soft sound of "bang".

He freed his hands and hugged her.


This hug lasted for a long time. When Zhang Man finally let go of him, she found that she had just pushed him behind the door, and her whole body was on him, and her posture was quite ambiguous.

Because the room is small, the heating from the air conditioner has already filled every corner. In winter, the rare heat spreads all over the body.

Originally, the two were alone in the room, and the atmosphere was enough... She was nervous, and her embrace directly heated up the atmosphere to a boiling point.

The boy gently loosened his arms around her, took off his coat and hung it up, his voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't dare to look at her directly: "Manman, watch TV for a while, I... go take a shower."

He quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door. The heartbeats of the two of them were getting faster and faster across the door.

Zhang Man touched his chest and sat back on the bed. At this time, the variety show came to an end, and the hosts proficiently said the closing remarks, sponsors, and title providers.

She turned off the TV and lay on her back on the bed.

After lying down for a while, the phone rang. She picked it up and looked at it, feeling a little headache.

It is Zhang Huifang.

If she didn't answer, she would definitely be worried. Listening to the "rushing" flushing sound in the bathroom, Zhang Man took the call.

"Hey, mom..."

"Zhang Man, are you back? There is a blizzard in N city. I just checked the weather forecast. Is it also down in Z city?"

"Well..." Zhang Man walked to the window, tried to stay away from the bathroom, and said with difficulty, "Mom, I can't come back today, the heavy snow blocked the way."

"Ah? Where are you now?"

"… hotel."

"… "

After a terrifying silence, Zhang Huifang asked lightly, "Is that kid next to you?"

Zhang Man coughed lightly and lied: "...No."

"I heard the sound of water in the bathroom, he's taking a shower?"

"...", her mother is really invincible.

Zhang Man muttered weakly: "Mom, today's big blizzard is full. There is only one room in the hotel. Besides, wouldn't you be happy for me to come out to play with him?"

"Hehe, I didn't say that I would like you to open a room with him. When he comes out, let him call me." After Zhang Huifang finished speaking, she hung up the phone with a "pop".

Zhang Man opened his mouth and listened to the "beep" sound after the other party hung up, giving him a headache.