Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 43


- If you don't have it in your life, you can't touch it. If you have it in your life, you can't escape.

The words of the people around him seemed to be empowering, making Zhang Man get goosebumps all over.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of Li Wei, she desperately suppressed the panic in her heart, and took out her mobile phone to call him.

But there was an indifferent mechanical female voice on the opposite side.

"Hello, the number you dialed has been switched off, please try again later."

She reluctantly called again, still shut down.

Maybe, out of power? Or are you afraid of being disturbed because you are studying

Impossible, just now he said that he was going to send her home, but she said that he agreed to her own return.

Before she left, he also told her to remember to call him when she got home.

Heartbreaking cries, the humming of police cars, the howling of strong winds... Zhang Man's heart was pounding, she turned and walked out of the crowd, walking faster and faster, and finally even trotting.

She reached out to stop a car at the door and said eagerly, "Master, go to Wancheng Sea View."

She has to go back and find him.

When she sat on the seat, she realized that she had been shaking all the time.

-Sometimes, before the nightmare comes, people always have a sense of feeling.

When he got downstairs to Li Wei's house, Zhang Man hurriedly took the elevator upstairs and rang the doorbell of his house.

Unfortunately, there was no response for a long time.

Zhang Man's heart skipped a beat, and he intuitively told her that something had happened.

She frantically rang the doorbell, slammed the door from time to time, and shouted loudly, "Li Wei, open the door, I'm Manman!"

On the way she ran all the way, she sucked too much cold air, her throat was congested and painful, and her voice was a hundred times more hoarse than usual.

After about ten minutes, the boy finally opened the door.

The moment the door opened, Zhang Man knew that her intuition had been verified.

Something happened to him.

His house was completely different from just before she left. On the floor of the dining room, the tables and chairs were lying on the ground, and the fragments of several glasses were very conspicuous; the pillows that were originally neatly arranged on the sofa were now scattered all over the place. All around, one was even thrown on the windowsill.

However, what was even more terrifying was the appearance of the young man at the moment.

His home clothes were wrinkled, the top two buttons were torn off, revealing ferocious threads, and there were several shocking scratches on the exposed neck and collarbone.

It's like it's just been through a fight.

He stepped on the floor with his bare feet, his eyes were red, and the dense dry blood covered the bottom of his eyes.

He bit his lower lip so hard that even blood came out, but he didn't seem to notice it at all. In the eyes he looked at her, there was no longer the tenderness and eagerness of the afternoon, but the constantly changing expression, ruthless, irritable, panic, and collapse-compared to the way he once lost control, at this time, he, It is more like a beast facing extreme danger, with its tail raised, its claws and fangs showing, ready to fight.

Zhang Man's heart skipped a beat, and she already had a very bad premonition.

"Li Wei, what's wrong with you?"

When the boy saw that it was her, he was silent for a while, and put away the frightening aura of violence on his body.

He pulled her in, closed the door, and looked at her carefully, as if trying to discern all the details on her face.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and caressed her face carefully, as light as he was afraid of breaking a precious jade.

"Manman, are you for real? You came up with me, right? You, like my mother and the others, came up with me, right?"

His voice was trembling uncontrollably, hoarse and dry, like the last gasp of a dying person.

He looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and there was a corner in his heart that was completely shattered.

He couldn't accept it.

It is unacceptable.

Janet is fake, Nick is fake, and even his Manman is fake.

He once held the girl tightly on the dimly lit playground and kept calling her name. He had enclosed her in the narrow passage of the hotel and kissed her eagerly and indulgently. He had opened his eyes in the dark, stayed up all night, and covered her with the quilt again and again.

The fallen leaves they stepped on together, the snow they stepped on together, and the sea they watched together, how could they be fake.

His favorite Manman, how can it be fake, she is the good medicine for him to drive away the night from now on, and the only belief in his heart, how can it be fake.

His world, his beliefs, collapsed at this moment.

If she is fake, how can he live if he wants to

The young man just looked straight at the girl in front of him, his throat rolled, but he couldn't say a word. He could only be like a wounded orphan, in the dark world that only he knew, howling in a broken way.

Zhang Man had already burst into tears.

She didn't know what happened, but she knew, maybe he realized it.

Realized that he had been delusional for so many years, realized that his mother and Nick were fake. And, like in his previous life, he was so insane that he couldn't tell what was real and what was fake.

He even thought that she was also delusional by him.

Zhang Man's heart was filled with boundless panic at this moment.

- If you don't have it in your life, you can't touch it, and if you have it in your life, you can't escape.

He turned around, still stepping into the dark vortex with one foot.

She suddenly began to wonder, what could her rebirth change? It was obvious that some time ago, he had stopped thinking about those illusory people. Obviously, after he was with her, his condition gradually stabilized.

She thought that she was his good medicine, but she didn't expect that fate played a huge joke on her.

His outbreak was even earlier than in his previous life.

He can't escape.

"Li Wei, look at me, I'm real, I'm Manman."

With tears flowing, Zhang Man gently patted the boy on the shoulder, caressing his face randomly, trying to appease him.

However, the boy's eyes became more and more empty, and the whole person slowly calmed down.

He even smiled slightly at her.

What they said was right.

Like his father, he was a lunatic.

—However, the girl in front of him is so beautiful, like an angel who does not exist in the world.

How could he think that the angels would belong to him? Like him, someone who is hated by everyone.

Zhang Man saw that he didn't respond, so he threw himself up and kissed him warmly. It seemed that only a kiss could vent her urgency.

Her voice was trembling, and her kiss was filled with salty tears: "Li Wei, if you don't believe me, kiss me. Feel it, am I real?"

Her lips were soft and warm, burning the last shreds of sanity in the boy's body.

His body froze, and before his mind could react, his body had already reacted. He raised his hand to embrace her, pressed her against the door, and kissed wildly.

No more tenderness and lingering, he sucked her lips without pity, bit her lips gently, and recklessly indulged in this falsehood.

Even if it is fake, he wants to keep this unreal delusion.

Zhang Man has never felt this kind of him, like a violent storm, like a man who is about to drown trying his best to grab the last straw.

His kiss made her feel a little bit of pain, and even tasted a tinge of blood on the tip of her tongue.

But she didn't let go. She held him firmly, kissed him tenderly, and frankly let him feel the most authentic self.

But the young man seems to be not satisfied with this.

He densely kissed her cheeks, ears, buried his head on her neck, and nibbled lightly. He pushed his hands to the sides, took off her heavy down jacket, and untied her top two buttons even more.

His movements were trembling, but when he saw her white and delicate collarbone, he collapsed and stopped.

The boy staggered back, squatted on the ground, holding his head and wailing in pain.

- Li Wei, you are a piece of trash. She is your angel.

Zhang Man felt uncomfortable, squatted down, and gasped with tears in his eyes.

At this moment, she didn't even know how to prove the authenticity of this world. She didn't know how to prove that she was real.

She remembered her previous life, the boy whose worldview collapsed. The collapse of the worldview is an irresistible storm for him, who originally existed alone in this world, enough to destroy all cognition and persistence.

She was worried that he would become like the previous life again.

Zhang Man looked out the window of the living room, the snow filled the air, and there was a sense of despair before the apocalypse.

She wiped away her tears suddenly and took the boy's hand.

- "Boyfriend, I'll show you the world, okay?"

She said, took a coat from the door and put it on him, put on his shoes, and pulled him out.

On the street, the snow is blowing, and even in such weather, there is no shortage of pedestrians returning home at night in the city.

She took the boy with empty eyes and strode aimlessly on the street.

The cold wind blew through their hair, and the snow fell on their clasped hands.

She picked up a snowflake and put it in front of the boy.

"Look, it's snow."

She took him and walked past the street lamps that glowed one by one.

She pointed to one of them: "This is the street lamp, it illuminates the darkness at night, it is the night watchman of the city."

The boy's eyes gradually became less empty and confused than before. He looked at the dimly lit street lamp without saying a word.

Zhang Man bit his lip, not enough, still not enough.

She pulled him and continued to walk, the wind and the snow were blowing, and they crossed the streets that criss-cross the city. The huge city did not stop its operations because of the wind and snow. It has long been ready to meet one test after another from nature.

At the noisy traffic light, a few pedestrians held their heads against the wind and snow, rushing in a hurry; a bus full of passengers, blaring a harsh horn, seized the remaining two seconds of the green light and rushed across the road.

"It's people coming home from get off work."

"This is the bus..."

"This is the store..."

"This is the liveliest bar in the city with the strongest drinks and the hottest dancing..."

She introduced it to him line by line, as if she wanted to spread the world apart, tear it apart, and show it to him.

Zhang Man looked at the young man beside him, and in his eyes, the lights of the city at night were reflected.

Still not enough.

In this vast and great world, in addition to the traces of human society, there are boundless and magnificent natural scenery.

Zhang Man held the boy's hand and ran like crazy in the freezing snow.

When they stopped again, there was an empty beach in front of them, the sea roaring in the blizzard.

Zhang Man faced the sea and shouted loudly and firmly: "Li Wei, look, this is the sea, the most mysterious and broad sea. Do you hear it? The sea is ebbing, and that is the sound of the waves. I was here once. , sang to you, and you painted a whole rose for me on this beach."

"Beach in spring, suitable for walking, couples, families playing here..."

"When the tide is low in the summer evenings, people take baskets and small shovels to dig for scallops and oysters."

"In autumn and winter, there will be strong sea breezes like today."

"Unfortunately, we can't see it today. On an ordinary clear night, the sky above this beach will be full of tiny stars, your favorite stars and the universe."

She turned around and looked into his eyes.

- "Do you trust me? Don't be afraid, this world, this snow, this beach under your feet, this sea in front of you, including me, are all real."

At this time, she gently and tenderly hugged him, buried her head in his chest, and let the tears flow.

The boy's expression finally broke at this moment, and the person he loved tried his best to wake him up in the most clumsy and crude way.

The world is vast and magnificent, full of rich and authentic details.

The mottled paint peeling off the signs of the street shops, the hurried look on the faces of passers-by, every strand of her hair flying in the snow... Everything was something he could not simply imagine.

He thought, he believed it.

The sea roaring fiercely in the blizzard, the golden sand wet by the waves, and the cold snowflakes falling on him, the soft and warm girl in his arms.

It does exist.

Not the vanity that frightened him.

The corners of the boy's lips were bent, and tears fell in embarrassment.