Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 46


The next day, N City, which had been snowing for a whole week, finally cleared up.

Zhang Man got up early, and she made an online appointment with the psychiatrist she consulted last time.

Since Li Wei already knew about his delusional disorder, even if he doesn't use drugs at this stage, it is still good to receive psychological treatment.

She was still worried that he was traumatized by something she didn't know about.

After Zhang Man made the appointment, it was a bit difficult to speak, for fear that he would resist.

After all, no one wants to admit that they have a mental illness.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Li Wei, will you go to the hospital with me today? I've already contacted me. That doctor is an expert in this field. He's very good."

The boy was a little low after listening to it.

He thought about it for a while, as if he had done enough psychological struggle, and then he smiled helplessly: "Well, then you go with me, okay?"

Zhang Man was relieved when he saw his smile.

Finally laughed, it seems that his condition is still improving.

No matter what, as long as he is willing to overcome, she can accompany him through the difficulties.

But she was still a little uneasy in her heart. After all, this incident was too big a blow for him, and she had to be careful everywhere.

Zhang Man shook his head, no matter what, go to the hospital first.

The two brought their documents and appointment registration form and went to the hospital last time.

At the entrance of the hospital, many off-duty doctors and nurses worked together to clear the snow and thick ice on the road - they had to ensure that the ambulance's route was unobstructed at all times.

Zhang Man took Li Wei to the office where she had been last time.

The doctor should have known her, but it was too revealing. She did not accompany him in, but sat at the door waiting for him.

About an hour later, the boy walked out calmly.

Zhang Man hurried up to meet him: "How is it? What did the doctor say?"

The teenager raised his hand and pinched her face, his expression was impermanent: "Well, she said it was fine."

I knew it was useless to ask him. After talking for an hour, just one sentence was okay

Zhang Man stuffed the following checklists into his hands: "You sit at the door and wait for me, I'll ask myself."

She knocked on the door of the doctor's office.

"Please come in."

Zhang Man pushed open the door and went in. The female doctor was not surprised when she saw her, and nodded at her with a smile.

"I heard the symptoms described by the boy just now, and I guessed that it was probably what you said last time, your friend."

"Doctor, then... How is my friend's condition? He only found out yesterday that he has paranoia. He collapsed yesterday, but he seems to have calmed down a lot today."

The doctor took out several large diagnostic notes that she had written during the conversation with Li Wei just now.

"First of all, your friend's symptoms are indeed delusional disorder among schizophrenia, and it has reached a very serious level. Second, his thinking and logic are clear and quick, there is no dementia, and there is no social function impairment."

Zhang Man listened and asked emphatically, "Then, based on your judgment, has he been depressed?"

In the previous life, Li Wei suffered a severe depression after this.

The doctor thought for a while and shook his head.

"After this hour of conversation, he did not show any depression."

She said and nodded approvingly: "His mental state is much more optimistic than I imagined, and he hardly looks like a mental patient. Maybe it is also related to the care of your friends. He also admitted that although he collapsed at first, but Now he has accepted his mental condition and is willing to actively cooperate with the treatment. We are very happy to see such a situation. However, during this time, his mood may still be unstable, irritable, or willful. I hope you can Be more understanding and tolerant.”

Zhang Man breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and his tense mood relaxed a lot.

No one can tell Li Wei's depression in his previous life. At that time, he endured all this alone, and maybe even for a long time, he was unconscious and didn't know what was true and what was false in this world.

In this life, because she has been with him all the time, she told him in the simplest way that he was just sick.

The symptoms he showed and the mental damage he suffered after that were definitely much less than in the previous life, and maybe he could really endure it.

Zhang Man was suddenly very fortunate that he went back to find him last night.

After several other tests were done, the two walked out of the hospital.

After a tense morning, Zhang Man felt a little hungry just now.

"Li Wei, are you hungry? Let's have lunch first."

She turned around and found that the boy was standing at the traffic light at the intersection, looking at her with a dazed expression.

There seemed to be too much emotion in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Man touched his face.

The expression on the boy's face flashed, and then he smiled warmly, came over and held her hand: "It's okay, let's go."

Zhang Man remembered what the doctor said just now that he may still be emotionally unstable during this time.

She squeezed his hand: "Well."

Just across the street from the hospital is a crowded small noodle restaurant. This noodle restaurant doesn't even have a name. The storefront is very small. There is a big shed in front of the door, and there are seven or eight small tables.

Simple folding tables and plastic chairs are not clean.

It was noon now, and there were many people inside and outside the store, and it was almost full.

Typical fly restaurant.

This kind of small restaurant hidden in the streets and alleys with many customers generally tastes good.

Zhang Man just wanted to sit down, but suddenly heard the boy speak.

"Manman, let's go to a better place to eat today, okay?"

Zhang Man decided to listen to him in everything today, so he took his hand and said with a smile, "Okay."

N city is close to the sea. At the end of the 19th century, the Germans leased a large area to build railways and ports. Therefore, there are many German and Italian restaurants in the European style street in the city center.

The teenager took her into a historic German restaurant in the center.

The Gothic architectural style in this area is also very European - straight walls, towering spires, and large areas of stained glass windows are also one of its characteristics.

The restaurant is located in the most central and prosperous part of Fengqing Street.

The receptionist at the door was very cultivated, and did not show the slightest negligence because the two were young.

The two were guided to a position by the window.

The boy walked to her side first, and pulled a chair for her in a gentlemanly manner. Zhang Man was a little unaccustomed to it.

The decoration style of the restaurant is very old and elegant. The large floor-to-ceiling windows allow the sunlight to shine in without reservation, hitting the whole piece of colorful glass on the wall, reflecting rainbow-like light.

Although it was lunch time, there were not many tables in the restaurant—obviously, most people in N City are more accustomed to casual and rich Chinese flavors than Western restaurants that are expensive and well-mannered.

The two of them didn't take the menu, they directly asked for today's chef's recommendation.

The main dishes are traditional German sausages and grilled pork chops. The taste is slightly heavy, not as delicate as French dishes, but it is actually more in line with Zhang Man's taste.

The salad after the meal was very refreshing, neutralizing the spicy and greasy texture of the sausages and pork chops before.

The price of this meal, even though it was 19 years ago, was still too expensive for Zhang Man to see.

After the two finished their meal, Li Wei proposed to go for a walk by the sea.

Zhang Man felt a little strange in his heart.

Today, he seems to have made a lot of proposals. Usually, he is very indifferent to these details of life, so basically the two of them listen to Zhang Man when they are outside.

And when she was just eating, she always felt that he was always looking at her, but every time she looked up, she found that he was concentrating on eating with his eyes down.

She shook her head, letting herself ignore the strangeness in her heart.

Maybe the doctor was right, he was just emotionally unstable.

The exit of Fengqing Street is the sea.

Unlike the sea next to Li Wei's house, the coast is pure golden sand.

The seaside here is full of rugged reefs.

The sun in winter is not as dazzling as in summer, and the two of them strolled among the reefs, with large pebbles under their feet.

Zhang Man was a little unsteady, but fortunately, the boy was holding her all the time.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, at the corner of the coastline, there is a pile of reefs towering on the beach.

The two climbed to one of them along the tortuous stone cracks sharpened by the seawater in the middle.

The top is a flat stone platform.

The boy jumped up on the stone surface with one hand, flipped it up nimbly, and turned around and extended his hand to her.

"Manman, I'll pull you up."

Zhang Man nodded, stepped on a protruding stone on the reef, was pulled by him, and sat beside him.

As soon as he sat down, Zhang Man let out a burst of exclamation.

"so beautiful."

It is very high here, the view is very good, and a straight coastline at the junction of sea and sky can be seen clearly.

In the distance, some large and small fishing boats sailed by. Except for the fishing moratorium in the year, even in winter, the fishermen who depend on the sea for a living will go out to the sea to fish without stopping.

Under the reef they were sitting on was the roaring sea, and the waves rolled up and beat on the rock.

There is really a feeling of being embraced by the sea.

"Li Wei, it's so beautiful here, have you been here before?"

is very beautiful.

Such a seaside is suitable for saying goodbye.

The teenager hugged her and looked in the direction of the sea: "When I was bored at home alone, I occasionally came here to see the sea. In fact, thinking about it now, it's not bad when I'm alone."

Zhang Man didn't understand what he meant, and sighed sincerely: "This world is always in some unknown corners, quietly exuding its beauty. Li Wei, after your illness is cured, we will Can we go on a trip together? We can go to Sanya to spend the winter in winter, where the winter is as warm as usual, far less difficult than N City. In spring, we can go to Jiangnan to experience the rainy season and the sea of flowers in Jiangnan. And autumn…”

She babbled, and the more she talked, the more excited she became.

Even if he is ill, as long as he can actively cooperate with the treatment, there will always be a day when he will recover. She wants to accompany him all the time, go with him to all the beautiful and romantic corners of the world, let him have someone to accompany him all the time and feel happy.

She said it seriously, but did not realize that the teenager beside her was looking at her profile so intently and greedily.

In his eyes, there is a wider sadness than the sea.

In the future, he also really wants to be with her, there will be a future.

The young man didn't let her say any more. He slammed her head off and kissed his angel for the last time on the roaring sea and the towering rocks.