Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 59


After Li Wei delivered the gift, he went straight to Zhang Man. Zhang Man immediately picked up his schoolbag from the empty seat beside him, which was originally reserved for him.

She glanced at the old lady with some embarrassment.

She herself has never been so enthusiastic about things to come, and she always has a bad grasp on the relationship between people. Let him call someone, it's a bit strange that he is separated by a floor, and he is even further apart.

It's strange not to shout... After all, Zhang Huifang just said that this is her boyfriend.

Li Wei probably asked Zhang Huifang just now. Knowing the identities of several people at the table, Li Wei stood up voluntarily without discussing it with her. He called her grandma, two aunts, and some cousins.

The smile is gentle and standard.

Zhang Man was slightly startled.

He shaved his beard carefully today, dressed neatly and decently, and has been smiling ever since he came in. Like a sunny boy who is upright, polite and tutored.

I can't see it at all, I was diagnosed with moderate depression a few days ago.

And the well-prepared meeting ceremony just now, she didn't even know.

In fact, when she told him to let him come before, she didn't tell him too much. After all, she felt helpless with Zhang Huifang's coquettish actions.

I just didn't expect him to be so serious.

Zhang Man knew that he probably wanted to leave a good impression on her "new family" so that she would not be out of place in the new family.

Her heart was sour and soft, and the hand hidden under the table gently grabbed the hem of the boy's clothes.

It's not an intimate gesture, but it's intimate and reliant.

A withdrawn and lonely person like him always learns to adjust many things for her.

Hearing this "grandmother", the old lady smiled until her eyes narrowed, stood up nimbly, and changed from the seat two positions away to be next to them.

The old man earnestly took out two thick red envelopes from his pocket and gave one to each of the two children.

Zhang Man opened her mouth slightly, she really didn't expect the old man to give red envelopes, and even gave two.

She was still in a daze, Li Wei reached out and took the red envelopes, put one of them away solemnly, put the other in her arms, and touched her head: "Manman, why are you in a daze, don't you thank grandma?"

Zhang Man thanked them blankly, and saw the old lady wink at them.

"Manman, is this guy the third peace talisman?"

After listening to her words, Zhang Man was stunned for a long time before she could react. She was talking about the three peace talismans she gave Zhang Huifang that time - originally only two, but Uncle Xu thought of Li Wei and asked his mother to make more. took one.

The old people these days are more powerful than the last.

Zhang Mansan smiled and nodded, a little embarrassed.

The old lady was very happy.

Manman was a child, she saw it at first glance, she was not very familiar with things, her temperament was dull, but like her mother, she had a solid eye.

She has liked children all her life, but she has few children and grandchildren. The younger son has no children until now. As for the eldest daughter, one son was awarded to her ex-husband, and she hardly ever came back. She also has a second daughter and a daughter. I live in the next city with my daughter and son-in-law, and I am not very close to her.

I thought this was the case with my son and grandson.

Who would have known that this old man was old, his son was so good, he married a beautiful and generous daughter-in-law, and he also had two and a half older children.

Zhang Man was actually a little embarrassed. She wanted Li Weilai to come together and said she was her classmate.

Who knew her mother's heartless and loud voice.

After all, she had been a high school teacher in her previous life, and she had also been a class teacher for a while. The most talked about issue with parents, in addition to children's studies, was puppy love... She knew that most parents hated puppy love deeply.

But embarrassment is embarrassing, she doesn't care too much, anyway, Li Wei and her are not just puppy love.

In the future, they will have to go to college together, get married, and have children. Since they are all a family, they will meet sooner or later, and it doesn't matter if they are sooner or later.

The old lady guessed her embarrassment when she saw the unbearable smile on Zhang Man's face.

The old man, after living for so many years, may not be as eloquent as young people, but there is always her own way of expressing kindness.

She came over and held Zhang Man's hand, pulled her and asked.

"Manman, let me introduce you to grandma."

"Uh... Grandma, he's Li Wei, my... , boyfriend."

As soon as the old man heard her awkward words, he laughed, the wrinkles on his face appeared more because of the smile, but suddenly there was a feeling of radiance.

She looked at Zhang Man, then at Li Wei, and said with a smile, "The two children are really good, childhood sweethearts, and the two children are perfect match."

"Your grandfather and I have been together since we were sixteen or seventeen years old. We met when we were studying in London. At that time, I had just arrived abroad, and my English was not good, so I couldn't integrate into the circle of international students. They were chatting and dancing. I was so bored that I hid on the balcony and cried. Your grandfather was a famous socialist at the school. After drinking a round of wine, he came out of the reception hall to breathe, and saw me here alone. , without saying a word, and handed me his handkerchief."

When the old lady said this, she couldn't hide the gentle smile on her face.

"At the time, I really thought he was like a god. Later, your grandfather practiced oral English with me every day, and taught me the European history he learned.

"Time flies so fast. More than 50 years have passed in a flash. Young couples are old friends. I didn't expect this old man to leave alone when he is old."

Her original intention was to ease Zhang Man's embarrassment, but to be honest, she felt sad.

At such an old age, life and death, ups and downs, going through every turn of life to the present, is not the kind of sadness that makes me cry when I think about it.

Just looking at them, I suddenly remembered the past, when I was a young boy full of high spirits and throbbing.

Zhang Man looked at the old lady and was startled by her two words.

Young couples, old companions.

She felt pain, warmth, and discomfort in her heart. For a while, Li Weiqingjun's youth appeared in his mind, and for a while it was in the newspaper. When he attended an international academic conference, he looked like a young man in a suit and leather shoes, and... in his previous life before he died.

She knew his youth and youth, but she couldn't figure out what he would have been like when he was an old grandpa, was he like an ordinary old grandpa, with mostly white hair, many wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and age spots.

Will it be like now, calm and restrained, but looking at her eyes, there is a gentle light.

Zhang Man regained his senses, looking at the vague longing in the old lady's eyes, she felt a little uncomfortable. She wasn't very good at speaking either, so she patted the old lady's hand soothingly.

But from another point of view, a big stone fell in my heart.

Zhang Huifang's life is really good. She is sincere, not so sensitive, and easily offends people. Although the old lady has a delicate mind, she seems to be a generous and understanding person.

Since the banquets were available at noon and at night, no one left after the meal, and the adults stayed in the box to chat and brag. A few juniors were not pressed, they got into the small private room next door, moved two square tables, and played mahjong.

Zhang Man can also play mahjong, but it is far from being proficient.

Among the young people, except for Li Wei, there were exactly seven people, and there was still one short of two tables, so a few cousins pressed Li Wei's shoulders and had to ask him to support one.

Their table is her, Chen Fei'er, Li Wei, and the grandmaid of the cousin's uncle's house.

My cousin is four years older than them, and is now attending college in City Z.

Where does Li Wei know how to play mahjong? Fortunately, Chen Feier is a master. The first few games taught him the rules while playing, and he quickly got started.

There is no automatic mahjong machine in the hotel. Everyone has to manually stack the cards. Young people are used to playing and stack the cards quickly. Chen Fei'er and her cousin's hand speed made them dazzled.

Zhang Man and Li Wei seemed to be in a hurry.

She secretly raised her eyes to look at him, the boy's jawbone was tense, and in order to keep up with everyone's rhythm, his slender hands quickly and carefully folded the mahjong tiles.

- Every time they are neatly stacked into eighteen pairs.

After he folded, he did not forget to help her fold two, as if he was afraid that she would be disliked by Chen Feier again.

Zhang Man felt a little funny in his heart.

It's even more interesting to play cards. When he shouts "Shi Peng Kong Hu", he is a little more serious than others, as if the mahjong tiles in front of him are serious and need to be treated seriously.

Zhang Man suddenly felt that he should explore more about him in the future. He used to be alone, apart from reading and sleeping, he didn't even have a mobile phone, let alone socializing. His life is too monotonous, and he has not tried many things. She will have to accompany him to try them one by one in the future.

"... Manman, can you stop staring at your boyfriend? I just said touch, put the piece in your hand down... "

Chen Fei'er didn't get angry when she saw her like that. She picked up the one that her cousin had just typed out from the table, matched it with her two, and turned it over on the table.

Zhang Man angrily stretched out his claws and put back the card he just grabbed.

Unexpectedly, the boy also expressed his opinion.

He smiled lowly, arranged the cards with his right hand, and reached out to touch Zhang Man's hairy head with his left.

"Manman, you have to concentrate on things. You always look at me, and I can't fight well."

Zhang Man was anxious, grabbed his hand and poked the back of his hand: "You can't rely on me if you can't fight well."

Chen Fei'er was not used to the level of conjugal love between the two of them, she just rolled her eyes, while Zhang Man's cousin, who had been single for many years, swallowed her saliva calmly.

On the surface, of course, she has to maintain the style of the lady in the hall, but she has been howling for several rounds in her heart.

Lying in a groove.

This guy is too fucking handsome, just that gentle to death touching his head... 嘤嘤嘤嘤.

Are all high school students so flirtatious now

And her new sister, who originally thought she was a beautiful and cold girl when we first met, how could she become a little white rabbit in front of this boy? She looked at him with too much love, didn't she


How fat four

Why do I watch two high school students fall in love and see my aunt smile full of heart

No, no, my cousin coughed twice and decided that she still had to show her cousin's aura and use the terrible college entrance examination to sound the alarm for the two high school kids.

You can't be abused by a dog in vain.

"Manman, are you a freshman now? Do you have a target university? Do you two plan to go to the same university?"

Before Zhang Man could answer, Chen Feier played a card dashingly and said it for her.

"North Wind! Yes, they plan to go to B University together."


B... B is big

Just about to recommend a wave of their college cousins to their juniors, I swallowed.

Sorry to bother you.