Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 60


After dinner, Zhang Huifang had to take the guests back, Zhang Man said hello to Uncle Xu, and took Li Wei and Chen Feier out of the hotel.

Chen Fei'er didn't bother to watch them show their affection, so she quickly climbed on the bus and left.

Zhang Man held the boy's hand, and the two walked along a path next to the hotel, planning to take a walk first.

Today is the Lantern Festival, and it is very lively outside. You can see the explosion of fireworks and the flying Kongming lanterns in the sky.

The tall French plane trees on both sides of the road have already lost their leaves, and they look bare. Maybe they will have to wait until the weather is a little warmer before they will grow new leaves.

Zhang Man tugged at the boy's sleeve.

"Boyfriend, you ate dinner, played mahjong, and received a red envelope today. Are you happy?"

Since he started receiving psychotherapy, asking him if he is happy has become her daily work.

I had made an appointment with him for three chapters before, happy is happy, unhappy is unhappy, and you are not allowed to lie to her.

The boy nodded honestly.

"I am very happy today, especially..."

As he spoke, he led her past a street lamp, and suddenly lowered his head and kissed her.

A shallow kiss fell on her lips, and it was instantly parted.

After he kissed, he looked at her with his eyes wandering, affectionate and tender, with nowhere to hide.

Zhang Man's heart was pounding.

She thought he was going to have a love story, but who knew the young man smiled.

"—Especially after receiving a red envelope."

Zhang Man slapped him angrily, but he hugged him, wrapped him in his arms, and kissed him deeply.

- In fact, sometimes, it is still very sad.

Depression at the mental level is uncontrollable. For example, until now, he can't taste anything when he eats, and he can't be interested in many things.

Fortunately, loving her is a pleasant enough thing.

As long as I think of her, I want to pluck up the courage to do a lot of things, and get my spirits up to find a happy feeling from all the unpleasant things.

Here, the young couple was walking slowly, while Zhang Huifang saw off the last guest over there, sitting in the car so tired, rubbing her calves.

They clearly stated that they would not accept any money for the banquet today, but after all, the Xu family were all well-heeled relatives. They did not send money, and they also prepared expensive gifts.

The most expensive of them, of course, was the pair of watches that Li Wei gave. When Xu Shang received it, he was a little stunned.

- This stinky boy compares the diamond ring he bought for Zhang Huifang.

Xu Shang put all the gifts in the trunk and locked it, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, rubbing his wife's shoulder diligently.

"Xiaofang, you said that this child Li Wei gave such a precious gift, what should we give him back? Half-old children, it is not very good to give luxury goods, I can't think of a suitable return gift for a while. "

Zhang Huifang gave him a strange look and raised an eyebrow.

"You're still out of breath when you say you're stupid. I'll give him a gift? He kidnapped my daughter, and I'll give him a gift? Humph..."

Especially when she thought of the scene in the last video that made her drop half of a dumpling, Zhang Huifang's cold snort became more and more vigorous.

I heard that this stinky boy is still mentally ill, and he can't beat him or scold him. Zhang Huifang swallowed it in one breath, and wanted to give him a gift in return

Just let him spend money, what's the matter

While rubbing her shoulders, Xu Shang said amusingly, "Do you really hate him so much? Then let him come today?"

Zhang Huifang made a "hum" sound in her nose: "It's not that I am short of people, just to make up the scene."

Xu Shang shook his head: "You, never tell the truth."

It's not because of the Lantern Festival that I want to invite him to have a meal together.

It's a big holiday, the child is too lonely to be alone, there are many people, it's more lively.

After the Lantern Festival, the high school party was forced to return to school immediately.

In fact, the first year of high school is really happy. The second and third year of high school can't pass the Lantern Festival, and the third year of high school seems to be the eighth day of school.

Originally, Li Wei asked for school leave this semester, but Zhang Man considered that he was too lonely at home alone, so he discussed with him whether to go back to school and go to the hospital for psychological counseling two days off each week.

Anyway, going to the competition, usually the course is not nervous.

In this way, she can spend more time with him every day.

Because Zhang Man's physics results in the final exam last semester were too good - Li Wei was absent from the exam, so she directly took the first place in the class, and the head teacher took the initiative to find her when the school started and asked her if she had any intention to take the physics competition later.

Zhang Man hurriedly nodded in agreement.

The head teacher selected ten top-ranked students in the class, and asked them about their intentions. Seven of them are relatively well-rounded and still don’t plan to participate in the competition. If they don’t get the prize, they will delay the results of other subjects. , so he said that he only participated in the competition exam, and usually focused on the college entrance examination; the other three, including Zhang Man, were all good at physics, so they decided to be students.

Li Wei is the fourth one who made an exception. He wants to be a student of competition, and Liu Zhijun of course agrees with both hands.

The competition in No. 1 is very systematic.

The time to train competition students also starts earlier than other schools, especially the students who compete in physics and mathematics. The evening self-study every day in the first semester of high school is used for competition tutoring classes, and there will be special teachers to lead them. Competition students.

Then in the second semester of high school, the school will let them participate in the preliminaries one year in advance to test the waters.

Most people are unlikely to win the award in the second year of high school, so it is just to accumulate experience.

But Zhang Man didn't plan that way. In his previous life, Li Wei won a gold medal in the national final in the second year of high school, and she was recommended to be a big B, so she couldn't hold back. It's hard to be together, and she doesn't want to be in another place for a year because she didn't get a referral.

So Zhang Man set a big flag for herself on the first day of school. She must study hard this semester. Even if she is not top smart, she doesn't know much about competition, but after all, she has been teaching high school physics for so many years. A lot of problem-solving experience and intuition are not covered.

What's more, she also has the plug-in Li Wei.

In the hard-working high school party, the competition students were undoubtedly enviable at the beginning.

There is no need to participate in the boring evening self-study in the classroom. The teachers of each subject will also appropriately release the water for their homework completion. Some liberal arts courses can even be skipped directly and go to the small dark room next to the teaching building to brush the competition questions.

This particularity is enviable.

However, those who really engage in competitions will not feel relieved. Engaging in competitions really requires desperate courage and very clear self-planning.

If you don’t succeed, you will become a benefactor. If you don’t get the first prize in the competition, you won’t be able to participate in the finals, and you won’t be eligible for self-enrollment, which will delay your studies. Even if most people go back to the college entrance examination later, it won’t be of much use.

And because of the particularity that is different from the normal system of the school, when I compete in high school, I really need a lot of self-control, and I have to accept so much knowledge that others can only learn in college every day, so many theorems, formulas, brushing endless questions...

These have to be controlled by themselves and require very strong motivation.

Therefore, most people who have the courage to engage in competitions are deeply in love with this subject.

The dark room of competition is the place to go crazy for the subjects they love.

After a few days of screening, there were eleven people in the competition class. In addition to their four classmates, there were seven from another experimental class and a regular class.

Several classmates were studying on their own that night, and they were taken to the little black room by Liu Zhijun, who was in charge of coordinating the competition class. After that, they had to get along for a long time for several years.

The few students who studied physics were not as opposed to Li Wei as the average classmates.

People will always worship and fear the strong in the same field.

No matter how crazy you are, no matter how gregarious you are, you are still a physics boss! The boss is not an ordinary person. If he is ordinary, can he be a boss

Every physical exam is either full marks or close to full marks. That's not the point. The point is, people don't care about physics in high school at all right now? I heard from a class of people that they have completed their self-study of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and now they seem to be studying quantum field theory and group theory, as well as cutting-edge academic papers.

The level of the third year students majoring in physics in the B major is still extremely good.

What qualifications do these scumbags have to discriminate against bigwigs

Therefore, their lack of enthusiasm for Li Wei is not because of rejection, but because of their trembling restraint in front of the boss.

Among the eleven people, apart from Zhang Man, there is only one girl, Qi Lele, who is a girl in the ordinary class. Her grades are usually worse than Zhang Man, but she is outstanding in physics.

Qi Lele's name is sweet, but people are not so sweet. He is about the same height as Zhang Man, but 1.5 times his size. He wears thick glasses and is very introverted. Find a seat and sit down.

The other nine were all boys and engaged in physical competitions. This kind of male-to-female ratio is very normal.

One of the two boys in the first class is Zhang Man's front desk, Jin Ming, and the other is Xu Haosi, the representative of the physics class. Several people were originally from the same class, and they were very familiar with each other, but they didn't say anything. On the contrary, several boys from other classes came up to chat with Zhang Man as soon as they entered the door when they saw Zhang Man's excitement.

It's a day-to-day operation to make a phone call.

After all, she is the school girl, and she attracts attention wherever she goes. I finally have the opportunity to drill into the little black house together. Maybe if you drill, you will be able to get sparks.

Jin Ming glanced at a few boys who were just about to move, and then glanced at Li Wei, and the light of eating melons appeared in his small eyes.

The front desk for a semester is really not for nothing. Although there are no eyes on the back of his head, it does not prevent him from hearing a few words that make his teeth sore... Whisper.

Chen Jun, the representative of the second class of physics class, at the encouragement of his companions, took out his mobile phone with a smile, and asked Miss Xuehua to enter a phone number for him.

As soon as I handed out the phone, I suddenly felt a chill on the back of my neck.

There is a feeling that the hairs are standing on end.

He turned around and found that the boss was leaning against the window, holding a bound English paper in his hand, and looked at him with a blank expression.

Chen Jun suddenly trembled a little.

It seems that I heard that Li Wei was chasing after Zhang Xiaohua.

He shook his head, decided to ignore the boss's subtle eyes, and continued to chat with the young lady.

"Student Zhang Man, please lose your mobile phone number, what activities will we hang out with in the future?"

"Sorry, I don't have a phone number."

Goddess Zhang had an iceberg face and coldly rejected him.

Chen Jun: "..."

other people:"… "

So, is that phone on your desk a mascot

No one noticed that the young man leaning against the window suddenly lowered his head, curled the corners of his lips, and slowly turned a page of the thesis.