Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 61


The competition life in the first semester of high school is in full swing.

Li Wei had to go to the hospital every Wednesday and Saturday for a morning of psychotherapy, and Zhang Man could only accompany him on Saturday.

During the rest of the week, both of them attended the normal classes during the day and received competition training every night, together with the students from the small class of Wujing.

Of course, in general politics, history and geology classes, everyone will skip it and go to the small black room to brush the questions together.

In fact, Li Wei did not receive the competition training arranged by the school in his previous life, so it was not necessary for him.

But now that Zhang Man is here, he follows along to listen.

Liu Zhijun randomly arranged fixed seats for eleven classmates, so the only two girls, Zhang Man and Qi Lele, became the same table.

The other eight classmates were at the same table, and Li Wei was assigned to sit by the window alone.

The competition training in the little black room is undoubtedly very hard. Accepting new and difficult knowledge is very difficult for high school students who have just learned some basics in mechanics and kinematics.

Therefore, the courses of the competition classes in previous years are generally set up from the shallower to the deeper, so that every student can keep up with the progress as much as possible and not fall behind.

The physical competition coach hired by No. 1 Middle School resigned, and the school found a new teacher for them named Lin Pingzheng. He is very young and graduated from B major in physics. I heard that high school is also taking the path of physics competition. gold medal.

At the beginning, of course, everyone admired this new teacher very much. He competed for the national gold medal, and graduated from the Physics Department of University B. For these passionate young people, he was simply a role model for them.

However, Lin Pingzheng's curriculum was very unreasonable from the very beginning, and did not consider the students' ability to accept. As soon as the first class came, a group of students who had not fully consolidated their mechanical analysis were forced to accept rigid bodies, rotations A bunch of core concepts of university mechanics such as inertia, moment, and angular momentum.

Except for Zhang Man and Li Wei, the other nine people in the class were stunned throughout the whole process, and they all had deep doubts about life after a class.

Lin Ping was finishing his class, looking at the discolored classmates below, a slight snort came out of his nose, he raised his hand and pushed his thick glasses, and picked up a copy of everyone's grades for the physics exam of the first semester of high school from the table. .

"I don't know if there is a problem with the mechanism of your school's selection competition. You are selected only by one selection test. I don't think it is very scientific. There are a few students who still need to pay attention to themselves, especially some students. , In every previous exam, my performance was mediocre or even extremely poor, so the last one or two exams suddenly came out on top. I won't name the name, the competition is not a child's play, don't take any chances."

Zhang Man was a little embarrassed to hear this, but fortunately no one else seemed to be looking at her.

Isn't that what the teacher said... At the beginning of the last semester, her physics grades were almost failing, and then slowly drifted up to the passing line, that is, the last two or three weekly exams, monthly exams, and the final selection exam. come to the fore.

After talking about the individual, Lin Pingzheng began to talk about the whole.

"The source of students in your No. 1 Middle School is not very good, and the quality of teaching is also average. I have seen the competition history of your school in the past few years, and I can only say that the results are very average. Although it is OK in a few small cities next door, compared with The national competition level is still far behind.”

After he finished speaking, he packed up his things and walked out without looking at them.

After hearing this sentence, the self-confidence of the classmates took a hit, and their eyes were also slightly angry.

After all, he was still a half-year-old. No matter how bad his school was, he couldn't allow others to say that Chen Jun, who was more irritable, stood up and tried to reason with him, but Deng Nian, who was behind him, pressed him.

This is only the first day, so there is no conflict.

But everyone was a little uneasy.

Although No. 1 Middle School is the best key high school in their city, it is completely unknown in the province, and the key rate of the annual college entrance examination is also average. Lin Pingzheng himself came from the best high school in the province and graduated from B University majoring in physics. It is normal for him to look down on No. 1 High School.

But every word he said revealed a strong sense of superiority, which was really annoying.

Zhang Man pouted a little unhappily.

Unlike some applied homework majors, the threshold for basic physics research is extremely high and requires years of study.

Those who are really engaged in physical research, whether it is condensed matter, particle physics or quantum physics, not to mention postdoctoral fellows, a doctorate must be studied. He came out to teach competitions after graduating from his undergraduate degree. It is very likely that he did not get along well in the Physics Department of University B.

Perhaps the national gold medal he won that year was his peak.

Zhang Man has been a physics teacher for more than ten years in his previous life. Although he is incapable of leading competitions, he has met no less than ten coaches. Some of them are senior physics professors in universities. During the training camp, he was hired to speak once or twice. class.

The higher the seniority, the more modest and restrained.

It's not like Lin Pingzheng, his teaching is not very good, but his temper is not small, and he will give them a slap in the first class.

She didn't participate in physics competitions in her previous life, so she wasn't familiar with them, and she didn't even know who the school's physics competition teacher was. I didn't expect this teacher to be so disappointing.

The teenager had not attended the class, and read his own thesis. When he was tired, he turned his head to look at Zhang Man. At this time, seeing her pursing her lips unhappily, she frowned, and habitually wanted to hold her hand.

It was only when he reached out his hand that he realized that they were not at the same table now.

—There is a two-person aisle in the middle.

He retracted his hand, lowered his head, and pursed his lips displeasedly.

The physical competition training has been tried for more than a month, and Lin Pingzheng's attitude has become more and more bad.

He never called Li Wei, but always called Zhang Man and other "poor students" he thought. Fortunately, Zhang Man has been studying rigid body mechanics for the last period of last semester, so most of them can handle it, but a few other students can't.

Especially Qi Lele, whose foundation is not very good. Every time he can't solve a problem on the podium, he is ridiculed by Lin Pingzheng.

Zhang Man could only pat her shoulder to comfort her.

She sighed inwardly.

If this goes on, the enthusiasm and self-confidence of the students are almost wiped out.

Everyone in the small competition class was very angry. They reported to Liu Zhijun in private that Liu Zhijun quickly consulted with the teaching and research team, but did not get any effective reply. They only said that Lin Ping was a very experienced and powerful competition coach, and asked them not to treat him. bias to.

N City is a small city, and No. 1 Middle School is not a big school after all. The former coach of the sports competition suddenly resigned. It is not easy to invite Lin Pingzheng in a short period of time.

The crowd had to give up.

At noon that day, Chen Jun, Deng Nian, and Cao Zhixue dissed Coach Lin from the black room again.

Of course, the "Three Handsomes" were sealed by themselves.

Cao Zhixue is in the ordinary class. Except for physics, all other classes are a mess, and he is always a fool. Anyway, he is not "zhixue" at all: "Have you noticed that Lin Pingzheng is vain every day, his eyes are dull, and his eyes are dark now. , I bet he must have watched too many small movies at night... "

Chen Jun wanted to agree, but he suddenly caught sight of Zhang Man walking into the classroom, so he coughed and exaggeratedly said: "Wow Cao Zhixue, are you too dirty? My pure little heart has been stained, it is too much to be your classmate. Shameful."

When Cao Zhixue heard his sudden disgusting tone, he was stunned for a while, but when he turned to look in the direction he was aiming, he knew that he had been tricked.

The fool didn't even remind himself when he saw Goddess Zhang walking in.

He secretly glanced at Zhang Man, and shouted his respect: "Why is it dirty? People who are not pure in heart will listen to everything. I just think that Teacher Lin may prefer to watch movies, such as "Alive", which is an excellent movie that criticizes social reality. ."

Chen Jun: "..."

you are vicious.

Deng Nian was much more witty, pretended not to see Zhang Man coming in, and praised a wave of goddesses: "Don't say, Lin Pingzheng was definitely too miserable when he was engaged in competitions, and now he has come out to take revenge on society. Every day We are not as smart as Zhang Man, and we are scolded by him every day."

Qi Lele and Jin Ming, who were eating melons after brushing the questions: "..."

This rainbow fart is too blunt, right

The competition class is about the same as the three fools.

The three idiots performed their own daily performances, and then began to go out to the restaurant for lunch to replenish their brains, and also asked Zhang Man if he would go.

Zhang Man declined, Sansha was a little disappointed, but didn't say anything, and walked away.

She opened the book, brushed the topics that Lin Pingzheng assigned yesterday, and waited for Li Wei to come back in the classroom.

This Wednesday, he went to psychotherapy alone in the morning.

Every time he went to psychotherapy, he would spend one night in a relatively silent state of depression.

This is also the only time when Zhang Man can see that he is clearly depressed. Usually, he always suppresses her very well. He smiles at her intimately, and it is almost impossible to see that he is unhappy.

Only during this time, he basically did not speak much.

Zhang Man was so distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

This is unavoidable. To cure mental illness, it is necessary to break out the backlogged emotions in the heart, and then channel it. This kind of behavior is tantamount to using a knife to cut the rotten flesh on the wound. While treating the disease, it will first hurt.

Everyone went to lunch, and there was no one in the small classroom.

After Zhang Man finished half the paper, she saw the boy walk in from the back door of the classroom. She happily greeted him, and pulled him to sit in the seat, while she sat in the empty seat next to him.

"Boyfriend, have you made any progress today?"

After each psychotherapy, the doctor will give him a psychological assessment for the week.

The teenager looked at her, and she asked the same question as last week with bright eyes.

He nodded.

Zhang Man knew that he didn't want to talk much, so he stopped disturbing him, held his hand under the desk, and gently scratched his palm.

Make him feel her presence.

She stayed with him for a while, went and poured a glass of water in front of him.

"Boyfriend, will you take your medicine obediently today?"

The doctor prescribed him antidepressants last time, but he never liked them.

Sure enough, the boy shook his head, put his head on the desk, and said nothing.

His eyes were full of exhaustion and alienation, and the whole person was a little sad.

Zhang Man felt a pain in his heart.

Every time he did this, she was really distressed.

She bit her lip and looked around, no one was there anyway.

She leaned up, kissed his cheek, and approached his ear: "Dear, will you be rewarded with a kiss after eating?"

This trick is still very effective.

The teenager raised his head, and with his slender and clean fingers, he took out a white pill, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it with a sip of water.

He raised his head and drank water. The smooth lines of his forehead, nose bridge, lips and Adam's apple made Zhang Man swallow his saliva.

The profile of his face is so beautiful that she is thrilled - no matter how many times she looks at him, she can feel boundless throbbing.

After the boy finished taking the medicine, he put down the water glass and turned to look at her.

His eyes were dark, and the meaning could not be clearer.

Zhang Man grabbed his sleeve and bit his lip.

After all, it's in the classroom, even if no one is there, it's still...

Zhang Man couldn't hold back and blushed, but she had to keep her promise. She gritted her teeth and bit her head and kissed it. As soon as she touched the boy's soft lips, she heard a crisp sound at the door of the classroom.

She opened her eyes and saw at the front door of the classroom, Deng Nian, one of the three idiots of Wujing, looked at the two of them with his mouth covered, and a bunch of keys dangling in his hand fell to the ground in horror.

Deng Nian: "???"

Mom what did I see? The goddess has been arched... No, the goddess has arched someone else... woo woo mother, I want to go home...

Zhang Man still pressed against the boy's lips, and Deng Nian looked at each other for a second, then his scalp was numb with embarrassment, and his face flushed red.

She immediately let go of the boy, lying on the table holding her breath and not wanting to speak.

Sure enough, she can't do bad things in the classroom, it's too embarrassing... Can she disappear in place

Deng Nian was so frightened that his hands were shaking, only to find that the boss was gently touching the goddess' long hair and trying to comfort her, while turning his head and looking at him coldly.

Those eyes were so terrifying, it was like a death stare, he saw goosebumps all over the place.

Deng Nian swallowed his saliva and took a step back tentatively.

"Uh, you go on, go on, I don't see anything..."

After speaking, he picked up the key tremblingly, with tears of lovelorn in his eyes, turned around firmly and walked out.