Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 63


Gentle spring, sweet love, and intense competition training do not conflict.

Lin Pingzheng taught them three classes a week for two hours each time.

The pace of his lectures is very fast, and the content is very jumpy, and he does not follow the textbook at all.

Tonight is another night of lectures, and several classmates in the competition class are lying on the table, waiting for him to come.

I really don't want to take this old dog's class. Anyway, I don't have to study it again after class.

But it should come.

Lin Ping walked in from outside the teachers with an expressionless face, and without looking up at them, he opened the lecture page: "Today I will talk about Coriolis."

All the students below: "???"

What? So the angular momentum theorem has already been covered

The Angular Momentum Theorem and the Rotation Theorem are a very difficult part in the mechanics competition, and he actually finished it in one and a half months. The practice questions are also piled down casually, and he doesn't give them any homework assignments, but let them complete the correct answers by themselves.

Everyone didn't study very well, and they stuttered in doing the exercises.

This confused, began to talk about Coriolis force? It's too jumpy...

Lin Pingzheng briefly introduced a few sentences, and took the chalk to copy the formula on the blackboard.

When everyone was studying rigid body mechanics, they reluctantly accepted a lot of cross-multiplication, differentiation and shallow integral operations. At this moment, looking at the derivation of formulas full of blackboards, everyone was stunned.

Even Zhang Man felt a headache and looked dizzy.

For the first-year high school students, it is basically a knowledge point like a book from heaven, and he actually spent fifteen minutes from beginning to end to finish.

And the thinking is very jumpy.

Lin Ping was drawing the derivation diagram of the Coriolis force, and wrote the formula lightly, giving them five minutes to comprehend.

Although Cao Zhixue couldn't understand it, he planned to write it down first.

"v=dr/dt=v'+wXr'+vr... "

"Then a=dv/dt..."

As a result, half of the formula was written and wiped.

Still let people not learn


He put the pen down, couldn't hold back, and scolded softly.

Unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by Lin Pingzheng. He glanced at him contemptuously, wiped off the last vector symbol on the blackboard, and pushed his glasses.

"Why, my brain is slow, and my hands are not long? Cao Zhixue, Zhang Man, come up and re-derive the formula I just wrote."

This is the end of the talk, and someone needs to repeat it? how is this possible…

After Cao Zhixue listened, he stared at Lin Ping angrily for a few seconds with his neck stuck in his head, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Zhang Man also put down his pen and shook his head helplessly.

She hadn't figured out the Coriolis force when she was studying mechanics at the university, and in fact, she wouldn't let the students deduce it in the competition exam.

Although it is not too difficult in physics knowledge, it is too complicated and obscure for high school students.

She stood up and was about to walk to the podium, but the teenager gently pulled her sleeves.

"Teacher, I will write for them."

The boy's voice did not fluctuate, and he looked at Lin Pingzheng with a dark look, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

Not very happy anyway.

Lin Pingzheng sneered: "You write for them? Okay, then you will pass the test for them in the competition."

Cao Zhixue turned around and gritted his teeth: "Li Wei, it's fine, I'll write it myself."

The big deal is to sneer and sneer like before, and I can't ask him to help every time.

Zhang Man also gave him a soothing look, and gently opened his hand that was pulling her sleeve.

She took a piece of chalk from the podium and walked to the blackboard on the right.

The Coriolis force describes the displacement of a particle moving in a straight line in a rotating system due to inertia.

She thought about it for a long time, but didn't recall what Lin Ping said just now - what he said was really fast and messy.

So she plans to calculate and differentiate hard based on the coordinate system. She followed her own train of thought and wrote a few formulas, but how could she figure out the knowledge points she had not understood for so many years.

Halfway through writing, still stuck.

Cao Zhixue's side was even worse, so he wrote a formula for dr/dt at the beginning, but he couldn't write the next one when he blushed.

Lin Ping was looking at their embarrassment. He didn't have the urgency or concern for the students as a competition coach at all. Instead, he looked ridiculed and disdainful.

The sense of superiority in his eyes seemed to pierce the faces of the two.

Zhang Man took a deep breath, turned around, and put the chalk into the chalk box: "Teacher, I won't."

Holding on to it any longer is a waste of time.

But Cao Zhixue was choked in his chest and couldn't swallow. Although he couldn't, he just stood on the podium and didn't speak.

A face was already flushed red.

Lin Pingzheng sneered disdainfully at Zhang Man's show of weakness, but didn't say anything, and focused his firepower on Cao Zhixue.

"Cao Zhixue, I advise you to really think about it, whether you want to take this road in the future. I've called you up to answer questions quite a few times, right? Everyone can answer a little bit more or less, how about you? You haven't once. answered."

Cao Zhixue's neck was red because of his spray. Young people of this age need face the most. Usually in the class, physics is always one of the best, and often in the top ten in the grade.

What's more, he came out of the ordinary class, the class teacher and the physics teacher have always looked at him with the eyes of an excellent student.

Where have you been hit like this

He blushed, clenched his fists tightly, lowered his head, and seemed to have lost most of his energy.

Even he himself began to doubt whether he was studying physics or not

Is it really that he is too stupid

At this time, Chen Jun, one of the three fools, couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up in a hurry.

The words were quite polite: "Teacher, according to the scope of the competition in previous years, Coriolis force should not be tested for derivation, but only for direction judgment and some applications, right?"

It's really unnecessary to fight in this place. If you really want to explore the derivation of the principle, at least give them some time to consolidate it

Lin Pingzheng smiled and looked at him: "Are you a teacher or am I a teacher? Do you need to teach me what to learn and what not to learn?"

Chen Jun was completely angry at him, and the backlog of dissatisfaction for many days broke out: "Lin Pingzheng, you don't know how to teach at all, don't look down on people just because you are a B major, who the hell can listen to you when you teach like this. Do you understand?"

Lin Pingzheng didn't expect him to be so arrogant, and his temper also came up. He said a lot of things that he usually hides in his heart, but he would not say it in public: "The competition of things is only for talented people to read, I will tell you today. You, I got a B major with the gold medal in the physics competition, I'm really amazing. If you don't understand it, you admit that your IQ is low, and some things can come without force."

Chen Jun choked, but he was strong, and he had nothing to refute.

"Fuck, I quit."

He was so angry that he threw his pen, put away the book and notebook, and walked to the podium to talk about Cao Zhixue.

This big fool was scolded like a piece of wood.

Cao Zhixue was pulled down from the podium by him. Even Deng Nian, the calmest among the three fools, did not persuade him this time. He followed the two buddies to pack up and planned to leave.

It was the end of the evening self-study get out of class, and students from other classes came to watch the fun when they heard the movement.

As soon as everyone heard the little black room of the competition class, it seemed that the coach and the students were quarreling, and the high school classmates who were already boring and bored immediately became interested, and they gathered around to watch the fun.

Lin Pingzheng was already very proud. When he heard that someone was going to leave, he sneered and let go of the pointer: "Okay, the three of you should quit the competition class today, and don't come back to participate in the competition, let's go to the college entrance examination. ."

Chen Jun turned his head: "If you don't participate, you won't participate. The competition for things is amazing."

Having said that, his aura was still a bit low, and he knew that he might not be able to finish by walking away in a daze, but his blood had already come to his head, and he couldn't care so much.

The classmates who were watching the lively around probably understood what was going on, and began to talk about it.

Some people look down on Lin Pingzheng's actions: "Damn it, this coach is awesome, what a dog, is he so arrogant? Do you really think that you are a big B?"

But after all, it is a key high school, and there is always an inexplicable awe for people who come out of the top 2 universities in China, so there are people who speak for him.

"B is big, people are crazy and have capital, maybe they are still young and energetic."

"You know the shit, I heard Jin Ming say that this teacher doesn't do human affairs at all, and the lectures are terrible. Every day I feel like I'm awesome."

"That can't be helped. Our director Liu Zhijun can't do the competition questions at all. We still have to rely on others."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Man sighed in his heart.

The three of them were about to leave with their necks tied, and Lin Ping was standing on the podium furious, with fire in his eyes.

What is this called.

She intends to persuade both parties to calm down, so even if she is angry, her tone is still objective and calm: "Mr. Lin asked us to do the derivation, maybe there is his reason."

- "But, are you giving us too little time? I have read Cao Zhixue's workbook, you said he can't do every question, but it's not. In my opinion, he is a very smart man. Boy... Classmates, as long as you go back and read the notes carefully, you can basically grasp the problem. The problem-solving ideas are clear and the brain can turn quickly. I think it is a bit unreasonable for you to ask us to do the problem every time you finish class. This will not only fail to consolidate knowledge, but will also seriously dampen the enthusiasm of students. Not only will it not play a positive role in teaching, but it will also cause serious resistance among students. I hope you can change the teaching mode a little. "

Her speech was neither fast nor slow, but a little oppressive. There is no way to do this. I have been a high school physics teacher for many years. When it comes to education, the "teacher's voice" naturally comes out.

Although she was not competent enough to teach competitions in her previous life, she usually did well in physics classes, but she was awarded as an outstanding young teacher for several years.

Lin Ping was so angry that he couldn't listen at all, not to mention that in his eyes, Zhang Man was just a poor student and a little girl with little knowledge.

Still keep telling him about teaching methods

"Zhang Man, right? Don't think I didn't tell you, you'll be fine. I've seen your transcripts. When you were in high school, you failed the physics test? Yes, the physics in the first semester of high school is simple. , you girls, you can make up for it with a little hard work, but don’t underestimate the competition. Competition is not something that hard work can make up for, and IQ is a tough hurdle.”

As he said that, his anger was completely overwhelmed, and he began to speak out: "I will spread it out today and say, as far as the IQs of your classmates are concerned, you should stop doing physics as soon as possible, you are insulting the word 'physics'. ."

Cao Zhixue had just heard Goddess Zhang speak for her, and was very moved. At this moment, when he heard Lin Pingzheng scolding her like this, he wanted to rush up when he dropped the book.

His eyes were red with anger.

But just as he was about to go up, someone reached out and grabbed him.

He turned his head, and the big guy who had been silent all the time sat quietly in his seat, pulling him strongly with one hand, making him unable to break free at all.

The boy's body leaned back a little irregularly, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and in his dark eyes, a haze that he had never seen before, stared directly at Lin Ping.

He was clearly laughing, but Cao Zhixue had goosebumps all over, and the arrogance of rising up to attack him immediately gave up.

This old man thought he was scarier when he was usually expressionless, but he didn't expect it to be scarier when he laughed.

Moreover, he was clearly sitting, but looking at Lin Pingzheng's eyes, how could he be so condescending

Everyone was looking at the boy, only to hear him chuckle and ask, "Physics?"

- "Do you know what physics is?"