Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 64


- "Do you know what physics is?"

The boy's voice was slightly hoarse, not too loud, but the rebelliousness and confidence in his tone managed to silence the audience for a moment.

His question was so instructive that almost everyone present was thinking along the way.

So, what is physics

Next, everyone heard some aspects they had never touched in their entire lives, and they almost dropped their jaws in shock.

"Do you know what an analytical continuation of a Kerr black hole is?"

Lin Ping was in a fit of anger when he suddenly heard a somewhat familiar term and successfully choked.

Kerr black hole? Seems to be the stuff of advanced general relativity.

He only spent four years in college, and his freshman year in mechanics and electromagnetism was not bad. In my second and third year, I chose applied physics. After four years, I failed several subjects. My GPA was too low to read, and I was almost dropped out of school.

I have been learning in a daze, how can I see these things.

Without giving him much time to react, the teenager continued to ask him.

"Can you explain what spontaneous symmetry breaking is?"

His voice did not fluctuate at all, nor was he angry, even because of the hoarse and low tone, it made people feel a little Su and gentle.

But everyone present could hear it clearly.

- Rolling.

It's not the kind of contempt that looks down on each other between the same classes, but the kind of ignorance that the boss treats ordinary people, the kind of ignorance that doesn't take you seriously at all, the kind of thorough crushing.

After the young man asked this sentence, he was quiet for half a minute, as if giving Lin Pingzheng some time to think.

Of course it's impossible to answer...

Seeing him blushing and stuck there, he asked the last sentence with a smile.

"Don't know any of these? Then another one... Do you know how to calculate non-Abelian norm renormalization?"

Lin Ping was getting blood on his face by his three consecutive questions.

Renormalization of non-Abelian gauges... This time he hadn't even heard the term, renormalization... It seems to be the content of quantum field theory for theoretical physics majors.

They don't study professionally.

He closed his eyes and his head was buzzing, as if he saw that when he was in B University, he failed every time he took an exam, that self-abased and strong self.

I also saw that later, because of poor grades, I became withdrawn and inferior, doing nothing all day, becoming more and more depraved, and wasting my time by playing games.

I also saw myself, who was approaching graduation, who saw the students who were insured for postgraduate studies, and those who went abroad to go abroad, but because of the mistakes of failing the course and completing the study, I shamefully postponed my graduation for a year.

A sixteen- or seventeen-year-old stinky boy actually reminded him of the physics bigwigs in the department with stable GPAs and scientific research skills, the group of people who truly have ideals and walk on the road of physics research—the same group that he is so jealous of. Damn, the most disgusting person.

He's no match for them, but what about him

But he is a high school student, how can he be

Just a joke.

The more inferior a person is, the more conceited he behaves. He asks in a hostile tone, "What renormalization? I won't, do you?"

It's just bragging, thinking that if you pile up these terms, you can scare him

At this moment, the young man suddenly stood up, walked up to the podium, took the hand of the girl who was still standing on the podium, and pulled it behind him.

"Manman, give me a chalk."

When he turned his back to the crowd and faced her, his expression was suddenly gentle and soft.

Zhang Man dazedly handed him one from the chalk box.

The boy tilted his head, thought for a few seconds, and glanced at his watch.

"If I start with the basics, I'm guessing that I won't be able to finish writing it until after school.... Forget it, I'll start with the Green's function, anyway... "

He turned his head and glanced at Lin Pingzheng.

"Anyway, you shouldn't understand either."

He shook his head and began to write down one long and complicated formula on the blackboard, which soon took up a small half of the blackboard.

This is the real physics. It combines the beauty of mathematics with the meticulousness of physics. I don't know how many times more complicated than the derivation of the Coriolis force just now.

The classmates who watched him write eloquently, including the other ten people in the Wujing class, were stunned for a long time...

what is this? Is this physics

What about my F=ma? What about my V=at

Woohoo mother, I'm embarrassed to tell others, I'm a science student and I've studied physics...

On a spring night, with the breeze and the floating curtains, the classroom was extremely quiet at this moment, except for the rustling sound of the chalk and the blackboard in the hands of the teenager.

There are also the repressed breaths of everyone who dare not disturb them.

His profile is exquisite and unparalleled, his clean and powerful fingers are white, and even the movement of holding the chalk seems to have a different look.

Zhang Man was completely stunned, and his heart was pounding.

While Lin Ping was looking at his appearance, he gritted his teeth gloomily, clenched his hands, and the jealousy and inferiority in his heart swept over again.

In this young man, he felt the feeling that he never wanted to recall.

That's what it feels like.

This is the feeling of being crushed and unable to resist.

Looking at the formulas on the blackboard, he suddenly panicked. With red eyes, he picked up the blackboard and wiped it forward, frantically erasing the half-written formulas.

He hates physics.

These formulas made him want to vomit, making him recall the four years of humiliation and powerlessness for him all the time.

Obviously, when he entered the B University, he was considered to be the group with the best foundation. He won the gold medal in the competition and entered the national training team... When did the deviation start to appear

When did you start getting trampled on by others

He quickly wiped the formula on the entire blackboard.

It wasn't until after I wiped it all that the distorted sense of shame in my heart was slightly relieved.

He threw the blackboard eraser with a "bang": "Very good, I'm too lazy to teach you, disobeying the teacher, I don't know how to respect the seniors, Li Wei, you are so capable, will you bring it to the competition class in the future?"

The young man chuckled again.

"Your proposal is a good one."

"Also, please, in the future, don't insult B University, and don't insult physics."

Return the original.

Grumpy and calm, irritable and determined.

Stand tall.

Lin Ping was looking at the classmates who were onlookers. He could no longer hold back the shame and anger in his heart, and slammed out the door without looking back.

In that way, he was extremely embarrassed, and even ran away.

After Lin Pingzheng left, the competition class was quiet for a long time.

Everyone looked at the boy with the chalk.

Now that the blackboard was clean, they doubted that what they had just seen was a dream.

After the terrifying silence, Deng Nian, one of the three idiots, the calmest one, reacted first and ran to the door to chase people away.

"What to look at, go back to do your homework, what's the matter with you?"

Then he found that he didn't move.

The group of girls at the door, who were most blocked, were now looking at Li Wei with their hands on their cheeks, the corners of their mouths raised, and stars were shining in their eyes.

Those eyes were like a group of female monsters looking at the delicious white and tender Tang monk meat.

This... Deng Nian is full of black lines. Didn't someone discuss the big guy two days ago? Aren't you all scared to death

How did it become Tang monk meat

Although the other boys are not so crazy, after this dispute, the wind is completely one-sided.

"Is Li Wei so good? It's like rubbing that coach under his feet?"

"That's right, although I usually know his grades are good, but I haven't heard that he is so good? What did he just say? What renormalization? My god... my knee is broken."

"Is this the big guy? No, the big guy among the big guys!"


The girls at the front were so excited that they wanted to squeeze in, and those eyes reminded Deng Nian of his cousin who was crazy about chasing stars.

Deng Nian's scalp went numb, and he closed the door under their serious protest with a blank face.

This group of little girls, as well as the two girls in front of him, he knew, obviously belonged to the liberal arts class, and they looked up to them when they understood something

Or they are more rational in physics.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that Goddess Zhang, who studied physics, was the second in the competition class, and was usually calm and rational, was also holding her cheeks at this time, with a warm and excited smile, looking at the profile of the boss.

Even more serious than the group outside, almost drooling.

Deng Nian: "..."

Fuck, mom, my heart hurts so much.

At this moment, Jin Ming stepped up and hooked Li Wei's shoulder hard.

Normal words could no longer express his excitement, so he could only do it. He was half a head shorter than Li Wei, not like hooking his shoulders, but hanging on him.

"Li Wei, you were too handsome just now, weren't you? Crushing, definitely crushing! Hahaha, did you see Lin Pingzheng's face just now? It's definitely ashen. If you go back, you'll probably beat him to death."

Cao Zhixue also came up and patted the boy on the shoulder: "This is too damn cool, hahaha, that old dog compares, let him look down on us, and it's not worthy to hand chalk to our brother Li! It's a fucking big B, I guess That is, a big bad student, who can only pretend in front of us."

Zhang Man's physics class representative Xu Haosi also walked over, and threw Li Wei's shoulders diligently, with a relieved smile on his face: "I think he has been upset for so long, today is a thief relieved, Li Wei, boss, hard work, hard work already."

Although the other people didn't speak, they also looked at Li Wei with excitement and admiration, without a trace of fear and rejection.

After that night, they regarded him as their good partner, good buddy, from the bottom of their hearts.

even role models.

This young man is neither indifferent nor emotionless. He has his own bottom line, blood, and things he wants to maintain.

He is more capable than them.

After a while of rainbow fart, someone asked, "Li Wei, is what you just said true? If the old dog Lin stopped teaching, you really promised to give us a competition class?"

It's actually not easy to prepare for classes. They all know that he has to go to the hospital two days a week to see a doctor, and... Will this kind of mental stress have any bad consequences for him.

The boy frowned and looked at the three hands on his shoulders, his eyes cold.

The three of them numb their scalps and withdraw their claws embarrassedly.

"It's not difficult anyway. He won't be worse than him if he doesn't teach me to teach."

He usually looks at his own books and papers by himself, and is too lazy to review the knowledge of the competition. After a long time, he may be born by hand.

While teaching them, take the time to review.

The young man still didn't speak much, but his plain tone revealed strong determination and confidence, which made everyone instantly reassured. Several boys who always asked Li Wei questions cheered excitedly.

What he taught was obviously much stronger than that of Lin Gouqi, and judging from today's situation, in terms of physical attainments, he was properly crushed.

Chen Jun was also too excited, and even had the feeling that he wanted to follow the big boss.