Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 65


This evening, after self-study, Zhang Man led Li Wei on the way home.

The young man was a little silent along the way.

Zhang Man thought of how he just glowed, his heart was still hot, and he didn't say much.

He was just really, so handsome... Confident, serious, and strong, compared to those 16- or 17-year-old hairy boys, he was much calmer.

It made her heart beat, so mad, she couldn't bear to look away from his face for a second.

What moved Zhang Man even more was that this young man, who was indifferent to everything, has now gradually stepped out of his own world.

—Not only because of her, he made these actions, not only because of her, but also because of the entire competition class.

He even promised to tutor everyone.

The corners of Zhang Man's mouth gradually curved up. From now on, the boy she loved most also had friends—not illusory friends like Nick, but real friends with flesh and blood.

Turn another corner and you will arrive at Uncle Xu's residential area. His community was very close to Zhang Man's original home. After they got married, Zhang Man moved into his house with Zhang Huifang.

The two usually say goodbye at the next intersection.

Just as Zhang Man was about to walk past this corner, the boy suddenly stopped.

She was still holding his hand, and when he stopped her, she couldn't help but look back at him with bright eyes.

"Boyfriend, what's wrong?"

Her voice was especially soft - her heart would melt in front of him, who was so high-spirited and like a god.

However, the next second, the gods descended to earth.

The boy carefully took the girl's hand and turned her body.

"Manman, I am like this today, will you... don't like it?"

He was… too pushy today.

He also knew that he had changed a lot. Although he was still calm on the surface, in fact, what he said to Lin Pingzheng was the proof of his inner anger.

He became an emotional young man.

He knew Zhang Man's character. She was used to being taciturn, not the kind of person who likes to be noticed.

Of course he could really feel that she loved him very much, wholeheartedly, like him.

But sometimes, because of too much care, liking and love, it is easy to become a bondage. He will be afraid of change, and hope that he can stay in the way she likes forever.

Feelings are really much more complicated than the derivation of a lot of formulas he wrote on the blackboard today, and there is no definite answer.

At least by derivation alone, he couldn't come up with that answer.

Zhang Man's heart was still pounding.

She knew that he was sick. A depressed patient would always be more sensitive and vulnerable than ordinary people. He needed her to prove again and again that she loved him.

Sometimes actions are often more direct than words.

She took the boy's hand and put his palm on her heart: "Boyfriend, have you felt my heartbeat? It's beating wildly because of you."

She smiled with frowning eyes: "My love for you will not fade because of your changes. I like what you become."

The emotional expression was so warm that Zhang Man completely forgot how amazing her actions were now.

Dark corners, fluttering moths, and whole crawlies resuscitated on the wall. The boy and girl stood face to face, her hand holding his palm, flattened, and placed on her chest.

On a warm spring day, there is only a thin knitted sweater under the open school uniform jacket.

She is thin... but it seems, not as thin as he imagined.

Through the thin knitted sweater, her body temperature was mixed with indescribable softness and elasticity, and it was transmitted directly and violently to his palm.

Her heartbeat, as she said... so fast, but it seems, not as fast as his.

The boy gave a vague "um", and withdrew his hand in embarrassment, as if he had been scalded.

He quickly turned around and walked forward, unable to ask any more questions, only the tips of his ears were quietly red under the faint street light.

Only then did Zhang Man realize.

Her face flushed red, and the warmth of his palm remained on her chest.

With hindsight, she felt how stiff the generous palm just now was when it touched her. It seems that even the five fingers are embarrassed to spread.

So tonight's farewell seemed very hasty - no one wanted to stop for more, for fear that the other party would see that they were uncomfortable.

Zhang Man flew upstairs, leaned against the door of Uncle Xu's house, and gasped back and forth against his chest.

In fact, sometimes she herself can't say why.

She is not a real teenager. It stands to reason that even if she has never been in love in her previous life, at least she will not be so shy and unable to let go of the intimate contact between these couples, right

But he is deadly, he doesn't need to do anything, a smile can kill her.

Zhang Man scolded herself a few words in her heart—it must be that she subconsciously wanted to get close to him too much.

After calming down his heartbeat for a while, Zhang Man opened the door and walked in.

There are only Uncle Xu and Zhang Huifang at home.

The old lady is used to living alone, and only comes here during the festivals.

Well, Zhang Huifang, no matter where you change it, a soft sofa, a ball of wool, two knitting sticks, and a TV can make a living.

But now, there is one more person watching TV with her.

Xu Shang heard the sound of the door opening, stood up and took a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them at the door: "Manman, are you back? Your slippers are washed today, so wear these first. I heard that you will finish your evening self-study next semester. The time has been adjusted? Is it half an hour later than this semester?"

Zhang Man smiled and nodded at him, pulling his slippers and walking in.

Uncle Xu's community is very new, much larger than the house they used to live in, and her room is nearly double the size.

On the dining table in the restaurant, there is a late-night snack, which is Uncle Xu's specialty pan-fried salmon and asparagus. Next to it is a small plate of Zhang Man's favorite chopped pepper sauce and spicy fermented fermented bean curd - this strange combination of Chinese and Western food. , Zhang Man really thinks it is very delicious.

She naturally put her schoolbag on the sofa, walked to the dining table and sat down, and started to solve the salmon without being greeted.

In all fairness, Uncle Xu's income is much better than that of Zhang Huifang. In the past, most of her supper was wontons bought outside, or noodles she cooked.

While eating, Chen Feier called.

Zhang Man answered the phone and heard something she was chewing, apparently eating a late night snack.

She tried to swallow the food in her mouth, and said to her vaguely and anxiously: "Manman, look at the school post, it's crazy! Damn it, your boyfriend is too handsome, no, you boss It's your boss."

She ordered a few more words to let her go to the school post bar, and hung up.

Zhang Man took the phone off his ear and opened the post bar.

Sure enough, the most popular post was published in less than two hours, but the number of likes has already reached thousands.

The title of the post is "Kneeling to the boss, the knee is broken".

Zhang Man clicked the title and entered, it was a video.

The video was not clear. She and Cao Zhixue were standing on the podium. She was fine. Cao Zhixue held the chalk tightly, lowered his head, and his face was flushed, obviously being scolded.

In the video, the first sentence is Lin Pingzheng's words: "... I got a B major with a gold medal in the physics competition. I'm really amazing. If I don't understand, I admit that my IQ is low... "

Arrogance and superiority are particularly clear across the screen.

Then when the camera turns, it may be that the owner's hand is very unstable, and the whole picture is shaking.

After that, Chen Jun and Lin Ping quarreled head-on, and Wujing San stupidly packed up and planned to leave.

It's a video after all, and everyone's expressions are clearly recorded.

It turned out that although several other classmates had not argued with Lin Pingzheng before, they were also packing their things angrily, as if everyone would leave when they left.

Then came her exhortation, her voice was gentle, but her eyes were sincere.

Then Lin Pingzheng scolded her fiercely: "I'll spread it out today and say, as far as the IQs of your classmates are concerned, you should stop doing physics as soon as possible. You are insulting the word 'physics'."

Next, is the climax of the entire video.

The cold and indifferent teenager, the profile of his face is extremely delicate under the light, the rough environment in the classroom, and the blurred pixels of the mobile phone, but when the camera is turned to him, the audience always feels that they have crossed into the studio.

And this young man is more than just a skin.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was crushed.

The three casual and terrifying questions made Lin Pingzheng, who was swearing with a thick neck on the stage, hoarse.

After that, under Lin Pingzheng's provocation, he stepped onto the podium and wrote down one long and beautiful formula derivation one after another.

The entire video is less than 20 minutes, except for the quarrel in the front and Lin Ping cleaning the blackboard and slamming out the door, there are ten minutes in the middle of the teenager quietly writing formulas.

During this period of time, the discussions and noises that had always existed in the video were all gone. The camera zoomed in, and the boy's fingers and the formula on the blackboard could be clearly seen.

[Ronghuai Yizhihua]: When did such a fairy brother appear in No. 1 Middle School? I've watched it three fucking times! This is too handsome, right? Ah, my aunt couldn't stop laughing, and my mom asked me if I was crazy.

The first floor is actually not a middle school.

Zhang Man casually flipped through the comments below and laughed at first, but then turned completely black.

Although the vast majority of the comments are screaming, the proportions are still appropriate.

She has seen no less than ten floors, and is calling "husband". Most of them are Rong Huai or the group of unrestrained and enthusiastic female students from No. 3 Middle School.

Huh, husband

Zhang Man was so angry that he turned to the bottom and built the first floor by himself.

"The previous ones are invalid, my husband is the most handsome!"

As if she forgot, since she never used Post Bar, the name of Post Bar is her real name.

Zhang Man.