Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 66


Zhang Man quickly finished the post, glanced at the ID at random, and instantly became petrified.

Only then did she realize that something was wrong, so she hurriedly planned to delete it. Since she has been diving in Tieba, she has never posted a post, and she didn't even know how to delete it for a while.

After tossing for a long time, I finally deleted the top post, and the half-bitten pan-fried salmon became cold.

Zhang Man looked at the post and wanted to change the ID and repost it, but after such a tossing, he calmed down a lot.

She shook her head and smiled.

Now I actually learned to compete with a bunch of little girls on the post bar to be jealous.

Why is she less and less like herself.

So too lazy to post again, she started to eat supper again, looking at the thread slowly.

In addition to the group of little girls in other schools who didn't know the truth, many people who knew Li Wei in No. 1 Middle School also began to change their views on him because of this video.

[Strange and Strange]: Ah, ah, ah, I'll go, the boss is too stupid, right? It was the first time that I could not take my eyes off someone to write about physics for more than ten minutes... The teacher's face turned blue hahaha, being forced to do this by a high school student is unique.

[Bantou]: I find it very relieved for some reason. This teacher is too arrogant. This time I choose to stand with Li Wei.

[Zou Zou Zou Zou stingy]: Yes, yes, the upstairs makes sense. Is that what the teacher said in the video? Also insulting physics? Moreover, he obviously looked down on girls in the middle of the sentence, what does it mean 'the first semester of high school is easy, you girls, you can make up for it with a little hard work and a little hard work? 'WTF? There are also many female physicists, right? Haven't seen the news two years ago? Zhuang Xiaowei of the University of Science and Technology of China became a double-appointed full professor at Harvard at the age of 34.

[Strawberry Milk]: Yes, I'm a liberal arts student, and I'm angry. It is also said that their IQ is low in the competition class, and each of them is a high school physics tycoon. If they say that their IQ is low, doesn't they look down on our school? B University is amazing, our school can also produce B University and Q University every year.

[Iced Black Tea]: That's right, it's so irritating! The boss is very good. Due to excessive physical and mental relaxation, I have been cured of constipation for many years.

[KKKz]: The upstairs is poisonous... By the way, didn't Li Wei beat Yan Hui to protect a certain girl in our school last time? How do you feel that he is actually a good person? Moreover, I heard from class 1 that they are now receiving psychological and drug treatment honestly, and they usually behave in a low-key manner. After a semester has passed, they have never heard of any behavior that hurts their classmates.

[Small stool and small table]: Well, I heard from my junior high school classmates that Li Wei was really miserable. He spent seven years in an orphanage since he was a child... In fact, many geniuses in history have mental illnesses. Other than that, Ben Yangou said that he is really handsome! ! ! Such a blurry video can't cover that beautiful side face at all. I'm dying…

Most people began to change their views on Li Wei.

In fact, the exclusion, rumors or rumors among middle school students are all like this, and there is no deep hatred. Sixteen or seventeen-year-olds are immature in their minds, and their judgment of a person is very unstable. They can hate a person because of some small things, and they will easily change their minds because of another thing.

Zhang Man put away the phone, his heart was full, and he was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

Her favorite boy, he is not only excellent, he is also so nice and gentle.

She never wanted to be so selfish, she was the only one who knew his goodness.

She wants the whole world to know how good he is, and she wants the whole world to treat him kindly.

The next day, Lin Ping wrote an explanatory letter to the school, saying that he would not bring the competition in the first year of high school, and he would only bring the second year in the future. Of course, the rhetoric in the explanation letter is of course that the students do not respect him as a coach, it is too arrogant, and he does not want to continue teaching.

He is such a proud person, how could he continue to teach when such a thing happened.

Originally, the school leaders read his resignation letter and were still angry.

Everyone is a teacher, and it is easy to think from the teacher's point of view without understanding the situation.

Today's students really don't know how high the sky is, and even the coach can get angry.

You know, the previous coach had just left, and they managed to hire Lin Pingzheng with an excellent resume.

The school leaders held a meeting with the physics teaching and research team and Liu Zhijun, who was in charge of the competition, and decided to seriously criticize the students who were making trouble.

Teacher Ding, the head of the physics teaching and research team and the head teacher of the experimental class of senior three, pushed his glasses: "Mr. Liu, you go back and ask each of them to write a letter of review and apology, and I will take it to Teacher Lin tomorrow to see if there is any chance of easing. If he doesn't teach now, who will bring the competition class in the first year of high school? No physics teacher in our school has this level."

What he hates most is the students who are ignorant of the sky and the earth, how can they drive away the teacher? It's a wonder of the world.

Lin Ping is leaving, how are they still learning to compete? Do things without regard for the consequences.

Liu Zhijun didn't hear a word, touched his nose, silently took out his mobile phone, connected it to the projector in the conference room, and played the video.

He watched it with passion last night. In all fairness, Li Wei's physical attainments were not even a tad stronger than his class teacher.

Several physics teachers, plus two school leaders, sat in the conference room and quietly watched the video for twenty minutes.

Teacher Ding was silent after reading it.

The students are indeed very arrogant, but this time... He was actually a little at ease

The physics team leader of the second grade in high school is a young teacher with a very high level of teaching. After reading it, he immediately applauded.

There's nothing wrong with him, he also fights, and fights to death, that Lin Pingzheng, at first glance, is not a good person.

"Mr. Liu, is this classmate from your class? It's too strong, isn't it? I didn't learn this in college, he taught it all by himself? It's not easy at such a young age, look at how beautifully written the formula is. "

When Liu Zhijun heard him ask, his face was quite bright: "Yes, it's not that bad."

After watching the entire video, the school leader was silent for a while, and asked a question: "I don't know physics. Let's take a look at a few teachers. Can Li Wei be able to serve as a tutor for the first year of high school competition? Now find a new teacher. , there may be a few months in between, and the next preliminaries will be four or five months away from now. Also, will this matter affect his own learning? This child must be Be stable at Q big B big."

Liu Zhijun took the phone back: "The level must be enough, he is too relaxed... But as for whether he can spare time to tutor his classmates, I have to go back and ask him himself."

Anyway, no one mentioned Lin Pingzheng anymore.

That afternoon, Liu Zhijun called Li Wei to the office for the first time and asked his opinion. After getting a positive answer, he and the teaching and research team reported it.

So that night for self-study, Liu Zhijun came to the little black house in person and announced the news to all the students in the first-year material competition class.

The new sports coach, Li Wei.

This program continues until the school hires a new physics coach.

After everyone got the news, it was an ecstasy, and the cheers almost overturned the roof.

Zhang Man was also very happy, sitting on the seat, the corners of his mouth raised.

At least he has something to do every day after that, a full life and full study, which will relieve depression to a certain extent, which is very good for his condition.

After Liu Zhijun left, the students of the competition class began to brush the questions together.

During the break, Xu Haosi and other classmates asked questions and went to Li Wei with his mobile phone.

No, I can't help it anymore, I've been gossiping for a day.

"Brother Li, let me ask you a question."

The boy nodded, raised his eyebrows, and seemed to be asking him why he didn't bring a workbook.

Xu Haosi smiled and turned on his phone: "It's not about studying..."

"Yesterday I was browsing the post bar, and I happened to see this post, and by chance, I saw this reply... This Zhang Man, isn't it the Zhang Man I know?"

He said, and gestured with his eyes to the girl on the side of the aisle, who was writing with her head down.

It feels like a big melon... Goddess Zhang doesn't really like Li Wei, right? He had heard Liu Chang say before that when Si Jin Xiaohua confessed to Li Wei, Zhang Man must be jealous, and he didn't believe it at the time.

But he is not sure now... This reply was deleted two minutes after it was posted. It is estimated that few people saw it. Fortunately, he immediately took a screenshot when he saw it.

The boy's slender and clean knuckles took over his mobile phone, and his eyes stopped at the bottom of the screenshot.

The last floor of the post.

[Zhang Man]: The previous ones are invalid, my husband is the most handsome!

The boy pressed his index finger against the back of the phone, his thumb lightly placed on the ID, and Mosuo back and forth twice.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he smiled happily.

"I'll add you later, and send me the screenshot."