Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 67


The second night of the evening self-study.

Taking advantage of the teacher's absence, the three idiots of Wujing skipped half of the evening self-study after completing today's quizzes and began to discuss their plans.

Chen Jun erected his collar and led the two to the empty basketball court.

It had just rained, and there was a basketball on the wet ground. It might be that I forgot to take it back from gym class in the afternoon.

He picked up the basketball, took a shot with ease, frowned in frustration, and sighed.

"Hey... You said, Goddess Zhang's birthday is in two days, what should we give? It's been almost three months since we've been in the little black house together, and I don't have any contact information, alas... Does Goddess Zhang hate me? ."

The basketball drew a graceful arc, hit the basket straight, and then fell heavily to the ground. After a few bounces, it rolled lonely into the grass on the side of the playground.

Deng Nian and Cao Zhixue looked at him like that, and they did seem quite disappointed.

Why is it that I can't bear to pit him all of a sudden.

The two looked at each other, opened their mouths and hesitated.

Or, tell him

It's just a lovelorn, if you make a fool of yourself in public, it seems to be pitiful.

When Cao Zhixue's words reached his throat, he was about to blurt out.

As a result, at this moment, Chen Jun, the big fool, suddenly patted his thigh and laughed wildly.

"Pfft hahahaha Cao Zhixue, I almost forgot, did you watch that video yesterday?"

Cao Zhixue's face was stunned, wasn't he still sad a second ago? The topic jumps so fast

"Hahahahaha, fool Cao, you didn't watch the video seriously. Did you hear that when Goddess Zhang scolded Lin Pingzhi yesterday, she spoke for you?"

"Of course I heard, Goddess Zhang is also very kind, gentle and kind."

Cao Zhixue recalled with a foolish expression.

He almost lost his confidence yesterday, and if Goddess Zhang hadn't praised him, he would still be mourning.

Alas, such a beautiful, excellent and kind girl, why does she have a famous flower

Still in full swing, like glue like paint, lingering...

Thinking of the scene in the alley that time, he could not wait to poke his eyes out.

Heart hurts.

"Hahahahaha..." Chen Jun was still laughing, he even ran over and pointed at his face, smiling smugly and wildly.

"Then did you hear what she said?"

Cao Zhixue shook his head in confusion again.

What, isn't it just praising him for being smart

Why did he laugh so unpleasantly? So... badass

"I went back and listened to it four times, and it's absolutely true. When Goddess Zhang mentioned you, she said 'in my opinion, he is a very smart kid... classmate', before she said classmate, she wanted to say 'child' of."

"Pffhahahahaha, Cao Dasha, you are finished, in the eyes of the goddess, you are just a child! Hahaha... child, I laughed so hard, although I didn't ask for the contact information, but in her eyes, at least I am a child. Man! Grandson Cao, be good, do you want grandpa to buy you ice cream? Hahahahaha…”

He shivered while laughing, wiping away the tears from the laughter, unable to straighten his back.

Cao Zhixue: "..."

This big, silly, fork!

... He just couldn't bear to cheat on him just now? Damn, you have to go to hell! If you don't kill him, he doesn't even have the surname Cao!

He walked over with a dark face and gave Deng Nian a look.

Deng Nian: "..."

Mom, why does fool Cao seem a little scary today

Just when he was shaking his head, he heard Cao Zhixue smile very kindly, and sighed with pretense of sadness: "Yes, Chen Jun, I can't catch up, the three of us depend on you. By the way, Do you remember, the goddess only yelled at him after you and Lin Pingzheng got up yesterday, isn't she helping you?"

The tone is very sincere.

After Chen Jun heard this, his smile froze, right!

Makes sense!

He started to recall in silence, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible. At that time, when he was about to walk away, Goddess Zhang looked at him soothingly, and then came forward and reasoned with Lin Pingzheng.

If it wasn't for the fact that she liked him, how could she stand up at such a cold time

Cao Zhixue smiled in his heart, the fool was about to take the bait.

Make you laugh at me, point your nose at me, and burst into tears.

I don't fuck you, who is it

He poked Deng Nian.

Deng Nian must have wanted to watch the fun when he said that.

So he also began to help: "Don't say it, I seem to feel the same way when you say it. Chen Jun, our class is your most passionate, and you dared to argue with the teacher from the very beginning yesterday, I listened to the first class. The classmates said that Goddess Zhang's ideal type is a hot-blooded boy."

He said, patted Chen Jun's back: "Brother, you are very entertaining!"

Cao Zhixue continued to add fire: "I didn't run away, I must like you, go on it bravely, girls are thin-skinned, after this village there is no such shop."

Chen Jun: Lying in a… trough? Happiness comes too suddenly

The spring breeze is so fucking gentle, and the splendid wildflowers on the playground are fragrant.

Spring is here!

Chen Jun wiped his face, picked up the basketball that rolled to the corner of the playground, stood outside the three-point line in high spirits, and threw it handsomely.


He didn't care at all.

The goddess actually... likes him

No wonder, in fact, there are already signs.

Let's just say, when he went to the boss to ask questions yesterday, Goddess Zhang seemed to be looking in their direction. Her eyes were tender and adoring, and a little affectionate. As a result, his eyes just met hers, and she He hurriedly looked away.

He must have caught her peeking at him, I'm sorry.

God, since the goddess also likes him, are they just in love? The goddess was shy even looking at him, she must be thin-skinned, and the arduous task of confessing must be handed over to him!

Chen Jun puffed out his chest. At this moment, he felt that he had grown up and was a responsible man.

He looked at the two good brothers: "I plan to confess this Friday and become a goddess on Saturday for her birthday, so I can spend it with her, buddy, help me!"

After hearing his words, the two looked at each other and nodded heavily with solemn eyes.

Chen Jun couldn't help but feel a sore nose and patted the two of them on the shoulders.

Worthy of being a good brother who was in a wave together, he was willing to help him even if he reluctantly gave up his love.

During their self-study on Thursday night, Li Wei gave them the first class in the small class of the competition.

He revisited the angular momentum and rotation theorems of rigid bodies.

Lectures for the first time, but he doesn't seem to feel any strangeness at all. The boy was standing in front of the blackboard. He was much taller than Lin Pingzheng. The classmates sitting below suddenly felt that the blackboard was a little short in comparison.

The boy's sleeves were rolled up, his clean and strong hands were holding chalk, and he wrote a few formulas on the blackboard—all the variables that will be used in this topic and the relationships between them, momentum p, angular momentum L, torque M, moment of inertia I...

When he was done, he drew neat circles after each formula, numbering them in order.

After marking, Zhang Man seemed to smile when he saw him turning back and looking at her.

Next, the boy summed up the questions that the boys had asked him some time ago, as well as his own basic question types, into several corresponding types.

Then, he began to decipher the questions and pictures.

Directly extract the valid information in each title stem and the corresponding position in the picture, and write the variable label in each corresponding position.

After that, each variable is linked according to the known conditions of the topic, and a series of corresponding formula labels are written down.

Whether it is a thin rod, a spring, a string, a small ball or an inclined plane, different properties make them have different force modes. Soon, several topics were analyzed, and these objects that gave everyone a headache were directly transformed into physical symbols.

In this way, a complex and complete physics problem is abstracted into a type problem, and divided into a bunch of physical variables and the relationship between them.

Simple, clear, clear.

Chen Jun opened his mouth, and the words "Fuck" expressed everyone's feelings.

Can you still do this? Those pictures still have questions. At this moment, they have been stripped of their coats, and they are scrambling to shout, which knowledge point, which variable, that formula, and all the complex and changing question types, all return to the formula area at the top corner of the blackboard.

Nothing was missed.

This... This kind of feeling is as if you had a huge messy ball of hair on your hand, and what he just did was to find the ends of the thread, and then easily smooth out all the dead knots.

It's too comfortable, isn't it

The whole classroom was very quiet, just like when Lin Ping was there. But the difference is that when he was there, he was dead and quiet, but now, everyone's eyes are shining and they are copying the summary on the blackboard, and there is no time to speak.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone who finished summarizing looked at the big guy in front of the blackboard with bright eyes.

"Just now these are mathematical analyses for several basic types of problems. Of course, the real physical model is very complicated, and this set of methods is not suitable for all problems. So I hope that everyone can really understand from a physical point of view, each formula meaning."

"This discipline doesn't just exist in computing."

As the boy spoke, he began to explain the physical meaning of each question and each formula with the help of various models.

The relationship between angular momentum and torque, the relationship between angular momentum and momentum, how to understand the differential and integral processes involved in the middle in the real model, and what kind of property the moment of inertia is for a particle system...

The formulas that were originally rote and rote, suddenly became vivid and vivid under his narration. It is no longer a mathematical derivation that is forbidden in writing, but a living physical image, beating out from each of his words, intuitively rotating and dancing gracefully in front of everyone's eyes.

This is physics.

It is not only necessary to use mathematics as a derivation tool, but also to understand the deeper physical meaning.

Many years later, Chen Jun, who was well-known in the academic field of physics, talked about angular momentum when he taught Mechanics to his students in a university class, and suddenly remembered that he used to sit in a small classroom when he was a teenager. The class I took.

The young and promising young professor suddenly got stuck in front of the more than 100 students in the lecture hall.

Years later, he can still feel the feeling of his heart racing at that time.

In that era when only taking exams, that genius boy put aside derivation and told them the physical worldview in plain language, constructing a vivid physical image and framework.

It seems to be a very basic and simple content today, but it made him feel at that time—

The original physics, so beautiful.