Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 70


Under the bleak light of the projection hall, the boy's skin was as white as jade, and the red blood on the corner of his lips was breathtaking, just like the red and black blood that dripped from the corner of the smiling mouth of the little girl at the end of the film.

- "Ah ah ah!"

The plot of the movie is too scary and the effect is too realistic. As soon as Zhang Man saw this scene, the line began to echo in his mind: You never know, whether the person sitting beside you is a human or a ghost.

He... He can't be a ghost, can he

Reason was suppressed by fear, she screamed and jumped from his arms like an electric shock, shrank in her seat and shivered, far away from him.

The two girls in the front seat were terrified at first, but when their minds were extremely tense, they suddenly heard a scream, and they were so frightened that they screamed immediately.



"… "

So, in a few seconds, one by one, hoarse screams sounded one after another in a small area of the projection hall, and some girls even had broken voices in their hoarseness.

The auntie, the cleaner who was in charge of the closing cleaning, walked in with a bucket and a mop: This audience is timid enough.

The girl in the red dress in front was so frightened that her heart rhythm was irregular. She vaguely remembered that someone screamed in the back seat just now. She turned around and searched, and she immediately pinpointed the culprit.

She patted her violently throbbing chest and looked at Zhang Man badly: "...Scare me, what are you talking about."

Only then did Zhang Man react, and he lowered his head in embarrassment.

The young man raised his hand gently, wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, and hugged the person with a smile in his voice: "I'm sorry, my girlfriend is relatively timid."

That girl was so frightened that she wanted to say something else, and glanced at her... eh, what the fuck, this guy is too handsome

So I swallowed the blame that came to my lips, forget it, don't care about the handsome guy.

Zhang Man also apologized embarrassedly, then took the boy's hand and walked out of the cinema quickly.

When she walked to the brightly lit street, she raised her embarrassed face.

Wait, she screamed just now because she saw blood on the corner of his lips.

She pulled the man under a street lamp, patted him on the head, and made him bend over.

When the two of them were almost tall, she raised her right hand, with her index and middle fingers folded, lifted the boy's chin, and gently touched the corner of his mouth with her thumb.

There was blood on his fingertips.

"Li Wei, why are you bleeding from the corners of your mouth? It really scared me just now..."

The corners of the boy's lips were aching, and he felt a little helpless: "...What do you think?"

Zhang Man recalled carefully.

Whenever the movie put some scary plots just now, she seemed to bite down on something subconsciously to vent her inner fear.

What did you bite into

Soft, elastic, and hot... and her hands around his neck, the sight that was blocked for a long time, and the movie scene that can only be seen clearly by tilting her neck...

Uh... She actually bit his lip bleeding.

Zhang Man's face immediately blushed.

She hugged the boy and buried her head in his chest, daring not to look at him, nor to let him see her face, which was too cruel.

"Boyfriend, does it hurt?"

Make a mistake, don't dare to call him by his first name.

The boy's chest vibrated happily, and his hands were loosely wrapped around her back: "Well, it hurts."

Zhang Man muttered in his heart, and was embarrassed to ask, why didn't he scream in pain

Did she just bite him for at least a few minutes? She has been biting a lot, if he reminded her at that time, it would not have been bitten and bleeding.

She rubbed against his chest angrily.

The teenager dug the person out of his arms and looked at her seriously: "It hurts, I want to blow it."

Zhang Man: "…"

Saying these words with such a blank face and no fluctuations is really inconsistent, isn't it

But as the culprit, she didn't have the right to refuse, so she had to lean up and gently blow on the wound on the corner of his lips.

After blowing for a long time, seriously but online again.

"I heard that saliva can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation..."

After he finished speaking, he leaned forward with a smile.

Spring night is charming, and N City has entered its busiest season. People who don't like to go out for activities in the winter are dispatched in batches in this soft spring night, and there are many people crowded in the square outside the theater.

The square is close to the sea, and from the stone platform is the beach.

People were walking barefoot on the beach, and a group of children with small shovels and plastic buckets played with the sand.

In a small area, loud music was played, and a group of aunts neatly danced their red fans, twisting their waists vigorously.

The two walked down the steps holding hands and strolled along the beach.

There was a vendor on the beach selling kites—the kind with many small strings of lights on them, so you could see them clearly in the dark.

There are already several people flying kites by the sea.

In the four seasons of the year, there are always lightning, thunder and storms in summer, the air is too quiet in autumn, and the winter is too cold... Spring is the most suitable season for kite flying.

On the side is a half-year-old boy in his teens, flying a kite in the shape of a peacock. The peacock is opening a green screen and shining in the sky.

Zhang Man quickly attracted attention.

The spring breeze held the peacock steadily, getting higher and higher, until finally, the little boy's hand was all finished.

To be honest, she has grown so big that she has never really played a kite.

I can't remember much when I was a child. Maybe I didn't want to run with everyone. When I grew up, I thought it was a child's play.

It didn't take long for something to be stuffed in his hand.

She bowed her head, it turned out to be a swallow kite.

With a gentle smile, the young man's voice rubbed the top of her hair: "Manman, if you keep reading, people think you are going to grab a kite."

Zhang Man was slightly startled, how could he always know what she wanted to do

Ten minutes later, Zhang Man, who was almost exhausted, dragged the swallow that fell to the ground and returned to the boy in despair.

"Mom, look at that sister, she's so stupid. I think she can't let go after running back and forth for a long time. Her swallows have worn out several lights on the beach."

"… "

Zhang Man took back the kite and handed it to him, his eyes depressed.

The swallow had several LED lights missing from half of its wings. It looked like it had broken wings and was ugly.

The teenager took the kite with a smile, stretched out his finger and tapped her forehead: "Stupid."

He said, stretched out his hand to feel the direction, pulled the kite string out by about three meters, stood up against the wind with the string in hand, and gently tossed the swallow into the air. When the swallow got up, he slowly walked in the opposite direction. , while walking and turning the spool to pay off, without even running.

Then, the swallow really flew higher and higher.

Zhang Man raised his head and looked at the kite, which almost became a small dot, and opened his mouth.

... so easy? how can that be possible

He felt the strength, and pulled the line one by one. When the kite was stable, he put the spool into her hand.

"Manman, try it."

Zhang Man held the spool carefully, and he could feel the strong pulling force when the kite was flying.

The long kite string is very thin and translucent, so you can't see it in the night. Can such a thin string really not break

She suddenly felt that it was the same between her and Li Wei.

He seemed to be a kite, blown to a very high place by the wind, and she took the line carefully and pulled him back little by little, back to her side.

If she pushes too hard and the line breaks, then she will lose him forever and can only watch him fly further and further away, without any remedy.

It's okay, it's okay, in the end he finally came back to her safely.

"Boyfriend, how did you fly just now? You didn't even run, the kite flew."

As she slowly released the line, she turned back.

The boy bent down, looked at her, and pointed to his lips.

"Kiss and tell you."

Zhang Man blushed, and quickly leaned up and kissed him.

The boy kissed her again before fulfilling his promise.

"In the beginning, the length of the line is preferably two or three meters. Look at the wind direction and go against the wind. When you feel the wind rising, immediately raise and lower it, and then adjust the direction and line length according to the pulling force while walking..."

He said that he took back the line, lowered the kite, and took her with his hands to let it go again, patiently, as if he was teaching a child.

Sure enough, according to the steps he said, the kite flew high into the sky again.

Zhang Man tilted his head to look at him: "Wow, that's amazing, have you ever flown a kite before?"

The boy smiled and nodded without saying much.

Forget it

When I was a child, I was in a welfare home. One spring, the home organized an outing to the seaside. The teacher gave everyone a kite, but when he got it, he found out that the line was broken.

Maybe someone cut it off.

But that day, he finally remembered that he flew a kite.

Janet suddenly appeared by the sea and taught him how to fly a kite, hand in hand, which he remembered seemed to be a blue seagull kite.

He remembers happily flying kites all morning with Janet.

Then the line broke and the kite flew away, and by the time he recovered, Janet was gone.

Looking back on it now, it's really funny, how did Janet teach him, probably because he was watching the other kids put it off, watching the wind flow, and he naturally felt how to put it off.

Today is the same gentle spring.

The boy hugged her from behind the girl, her waist was slender, her body was warm, and her smile was flying. Only her made him feel the truth and hope of this world.

In the soft spring breeze, the teenager looked at the sparkling sponge and quietly curved the corners of his lips.

This girl gave him a steady stream of strength to live.

After the psychological treatment yesterday, the doctor evaluated and scored again. She said that his condition was much better than before.

He began to believe more and more that maybe he could really live his whole life like this and be by her side all the time.

After flying the kite, the night was already deep, and the boy sent her home as usual.

The two said goodbye downstairs, and Zhang Man suddenly felt a little reluctant, holding him for a long time and didn't let go.

"Remember to apply medicine to your lips when you go back, be careful when washing your face, the wound can't be inflamed..."

She rambled on and heard the boy's helpless chuckle.

He raised his hand and gently went around her neck, and something along with his fingers brushed the side of her neck coolly.

"All right."

He said, gently pushing her shoulders away.

Zhang Man lowered his head subconsciously, and found a silver pendant hanging under his collarbone. It was very small. It was a little angel with two wings. Under the bright street lamps in the community, there was a soft and beautiful light.

She raised her eyes, and the boy's kiss was caught off guard and landed on her trembling eyelashes.

- "Happy birthday, my angel."