Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 71


Time always keeps the same pace, but sweet love and a fulfilling study life can give people the illusion that time flies by quickly.

At the end of June, N City entered the long summer of the year. The air was quiet, and the occasional gust of sea breeze blew gently on the cheeks of pedestrians, leaving behind a little warm and scorching moisture.

The sultry heat in the air reached its peak on the last day of the final exam. In the classroom, the noise of the big fan and the heat and humidity that were difficult to dissipate made every student who took the exam irritated.

The final exam is Biology.

Zhang Man took the draft paper and fanned the fan, but it was of no use, and the hot air fan was also hot air. She struggled for a long time, gritted her teeth when the bell rang, changed a multiple-choice question, handed in the exam paper, and walked out of the exam room.

The first-year high school students who passed the final exam also ushered in a two-month summer vacation.

Zhang Man walked out of the classroom and stopped abruptly.

The sunlight in the early summer was extremely violent. She checked the weather forecast in the morning, and there should be heavy rain in two days, so it was extremely hot today.

The teaching building was very noisy. The students who came and went, because of the upcoming holiday, couldn't hide the excited smiles on their faces. There were also a few who walked while answering the answers, showing an annoyed look from time to time.

The biology teacher collected all the test papers, packed them in a special cowhide bag, sealed them, rolled them up at will, tucked them under his arms, and hurried into the office.

The students are on vacation, and they have to change their exam papers.

It's all so familiar.

Except that the air conditioning system in the classroom is different, all this seems to be no different from the day nineteen years later.

It was also the beginning of the summer when the school year had just ended and the heat was bubbling. There was a four-story teaching building with similar differences, and a group of students who entered the summer vacation mode like flying birds.

But the difference is that today she was a student who had just finished the last exam, and that day, she was a high school physics teacher in the office who finished correcting the last paper.

The nodes of memory suddenly became a little blurry, and some fragments appeared in my mind. That day, after changing her exam paper, she received another call from Zhang Huifang to urge her to marry. She walked downstairs with her bag, and met Zhou Wenqing, the dean of education, at the entrance of the stairs, and he invited her to dinner.

Then halfway through the meal, she received a message from Chen Feier and opened the hot search...

The dull pain in his heart came as expected, and Zhang Man was stunned by the sun, but Zhang Man shuddered violently.

It turned out that there was such a night when she completely lost him...

Life is going so smoothly now, especially after the start of this semester, as the relationship between the two continues to heat up, she unknowingly began to deliberately avoid this memory.

But now, similar scenes, similar times, and similar people made her suddenly think of the night buried deep in her memory, the night she squatted at the door of the convenience store and cried.

The pain in his heart came to his heart again.

Zhang Man couldn't help but feel dizzy, and couldn't help holding onto the handrail of the corridor.

Time flies so fast, it's been almost a year since she came back, she got to know him again, even fell in love, and felt all the shyness and throbbing he brought her about her youth.

Zhang Man's heart beat suddenly, and a terrifying thought came to his mind.

- Is all this a dream for her

Could it be that she actually lost him, and then, in extreme grief, had a long dream

Feeling flustered, Zhang Man raised his hand subconsciously and touched the angel pendant under the collar of the school uniform. The cold metal touch made her heart suddenly settle.

She no longer stopped, and followed the crowd briskly downstairs.

However, just after going down a flight of stairs, she lowered her head and caught sight of the boy she loved at the entrance of the stairs.

He leaned against the wall, lowered his head, and looked distant and indifferent.

He seemed to have grown a little taller than when she first met him a year ago, when the custom school uniform pants looked a little small now.

Among a group of students who were not fully developed in their first year of high school, his stature was really conspicuous, not to mention his flawless handsome face hidden in the sun.

Zhang Man was stunned, the boy immediately noticed her gaze, raised his head in the next second, his gaze met her, and the starlight lit up.

Her eyes turned red.

Not a dream.

She was very sure that it was not a dream now, it was a dream before.

The throbbing in her heart and the sudden boundless emotion made Zhang Man forget that this was at the entrance of the stairs where people came and went. She endured the soreness in her heart and quickly went downstairs, walked over, and held the boy's hand: " Boyfriend, have you handed in the papers ahead of time?"

When asking, she leaned over gently, rubbed her eyes on his school uniform, and rubbed off some warm steam.

His eyes were still red.

"Well, fifteen minutes earlier, come here and wait for you."

With a smile in his eyes, he didn't care about the sound of gasping around him, and hugged his girl in full view of everyone.

The classmates who suddenly saw this scene: "..."


"Lying in a trough..."

One after another, the air-conditioning and exclamations instantly overwhelmed the original noise in the corridor. The slow-flowing crowd at the entrance of the stairs was stagnant because of this sudden situation. All the students who hurried back to the classroom stopped and looked around the corner one by one with strangely bright eyes.

This kind of campus gossip can quickly arouse the interest of all high school students who are immersed in hard work.

Some of the students upstairs originally wanted to go downstairs, but because of the stagnant crowd, they were blocked on the stairs and stuck their heads down in dissatisfaction; and those who had already gone downstairs heard the loud noise behind them and wentssips. Look to the stairs.

At the corner where people come and go, there is a snow-white wall, and the young man who has always been close to strangers smiled and hugged a girl, while the iceberg beauty, who was originally cold, hid in his arms with red eyes.

Mom... What's the matter with this thick sour smell of love

The onlookers took a closer look and were even more frightened.

Those two people holding each other... Aren't they Li Wei and their goddess Zhang

Everyone was stunned for a moment. After the gossip in their hearts, they all flashed three times and asked, "What's the matter?" What's the matter? How can this be...

Are they actually together? how can that be possible? It was not discussed in the post bar before, Li Wei has been chasing Goddess Zhang, but Goddess Zhang seems to hate him? There are also photos of the penalty stand in the corridor as evidence.

Why are they suddenly together, and why are they hugging them

The reputation of these two people in Yizhong is too great, especially in the first year, almost no one does not know them.

Since the video went viral on the post bars of the major campuses in N City, the people in No. 1 Middle School called Li Wei from "that madman" to "big guy". Most people agree with him, and even have some courage The older sister also wrote him a love letter.

Not to mention Goddess Zhang, who has been a hard-working school girl since the first semester of high school, a famous iceberg beauty in the first year.

There are countless boys in the school who like her. Basically, there are several people in every class who have written love letters to her, but there are very few who know that she has a boyfriend.

Zhang Man has always been very careful before, never having any intimate actions with the teenager in front of everyone. The material competition class and a small group of classmates who know their relationship are too lazy to gossip, so most people don't know that they are together.

Onlookers: Ooooooooooooooooo, in broad daylight, the world is bright, and in the public, you two are still wearing school uniforms!

Everyone just kept their eyes open and blocked the stairs. Some people even took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures. Some people even started to edit a new round of "Yizhong Post Bar".

Even if Zhang Man was immersed in her own emotions, she realized that something was wrong at this time. She raised her head and looked around for a week.

Memories and sensationalism are really bad, killing people.

Here, Chen Jun, Deng Nian, and Cao Zhixue were also successfully blocked in the crowd, and they watched the two of them embarrassedly embraced - in fact, Li Wei said that in front of the crowd in the competition class. After the relationship between the two, the two became more and more shy in the small dark room. Every time the boss came down from the podium and passed by Goddess Zhang, he would pinch her face...

The sour smell of love.

Cao Zhixue: If you eat too much dog food, it's a little tasteless.

Deng Nian patted Chen Jun on the shoulder sympathetically: "Fool Chen, are you okay?"

Chen Jun firmly blinked away the tears in his eyes: "Don't say anything, let's make an appointment with the Red Police later, I'm going to kill the Quartet..."

what else can we do? Woohoo, who can be worse than him? It was hard to summon the courage to confess, but as a result, he was fed a bowl of dog food.

However, the fate of the three fools of Wujing was really bumpy. He rushed to the Internet cafe and just brushed his ID card, and before the seat was hot, he received a statement from Liu Zhijun in the Wujing group of the first grade.

The summer vacation of the competition class was canceled. Every day from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, the school's small black house training camp lasted for one and a half months.


The cause of the incident was the physics competition paper in the physical competition class exam a few days ago.

In fact, that paper was originally made for the high school physics competition class. As a test, they will officially participate in the preliminaries of the physics competition in September.

As for the first year of high school, the original intention of the school was to let them try the water in September this year, and it is not too much to hope to win the award. The second year of high school is the focus of attention. Therefore, the school did not arrange summer training for them. After all, it was still early, so there was no need for that.

A few days ago, Liu Zhijun happened to read the test questions of the competition in the second year of high school, and felt that the questions were not bad, so he took it over, printed eleven copies, and also did a test for the competition of the first year of high school.

It was originally an insignificant test, and he didn't take it seriously at all. After the test, he shoved the papers he handed in under his desk.

However, this afternoon, while the classmates were taking exams, another physics teacher, Mao, in the first grade, corrected the papers in the office, and even calculated the average score for each question.

After Liu Zhijun invigilated the exam, he went back and glanced at the data at random. The result... His hands were shaking until now.

Except for some electromagnetism that Li Wei has not finished, and other topics, the average accuracy rate of the high school material competition class is even higher than that of the approved contestants in the high school two!

At the beginning, he thought that maybe it was because Li Wei's score was too high, and the average score was higher. He took out Li Wei's paper and recalculated it himself. However, the average score of the remaining classmates was still higher than that of the second year. high.

This test was personally invigilated by him, a small test room with eleven people, and under his nose, there could be no tricks at all.

So, the level of the competition of things in the first year of high school is even better than that of the second year of high school

This is too fantastical, isn't it

To be fair, when they let Li Wei lead the class, although they trusted him, there was no way out, and no one thought there would be any good results.

How is this possible

After a period of violent dizziness, Liu Zhijun immediately reported the incident to the teaching and research team. Several physics teachers held an urgent meeting. In the end, the team leader made a decision. This summer vacation, the first-year high school material competition class will also have to train to make up all the competition content. Finish.

Everyone was very excited.

What does this mean? It means that in September of this year, among the eleven people in the high school Wujing class, apart from Li Wei, it is very likely that a few will leave.