Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 74


Missing to missing, there are nine other people in the family, if they are bumped into, Zhang Man must be ashamed.

She locked the door to ensure that no one would push the door in, and then walked in front of him in the dark eyes of the young man.

She looked directly into his eyes.

- "Boyfriend, I actually don't want to leave you for a minute, but I don't want to leave you for so long in the future... I want to go to a university with you, and be by your side forever and never leave you. When we grow up Now, we are still together, get married, have children, and live a lifetime. When you become a gray-haired old man, and I become a wrinkled old lady, we can still go out to watch the snow together, okay?"

The boy listened to her words, and waves rolled up in the deep pool between his eyes.

It turned out that she never just said it.

She used all her actions to prove to him that she wanted to be by his side all her life.

The teenager suddenly remembered that the other night, Nick stood by his bed again, talking to him.

He asked him viciously, if he had a girlfriend, he didn't want to be with friends anymore. He also tried his best to laugh at him. He was a child who was loved and loved by no one, and his girlfriend would hate him soon after.

He even said to him: "Look, has your Manman ignored you for the past two days? Li Wei, believe me, only me and Janet will be with you forever, Zhang Man is lying to you , it won't be long before she abandons you."

In a daze, he seemed to have another seizure, yelling to shut up and smashing a vase in the room at him.

The loud sound of the vase shattering made him wake up instantly, opened his eyes, and only the room was full of wreckage.

After that, he kept his eyes open all night and didn't fall asleep. He clearly felt that he was very firm in his heart, and he knew that Manman was not like this, but the feeling of powerlessness and heartache dragged him down abruptly.

In the dark, he adjusted his breathing again and again, adjusted his uncontrollable depression and decadence, put on the best smile the next morning, and went to see her at school.

His paranoia was not good in the first place. This kind of thing happened almost every few days, and it was out of control at all. Sometimes it's Nick, sometimes it's Janet, and sometimes he's lost, and he's in a trance, not knowing if they're real or fake.

But as long as she thinks of her, there is a clear line between truth and falsehood.

She seems to be the ruler by which he measures the world. What is related to her is truth, and what is opposed to her is falsehood. He tried his best to keep himself awake, even when he was alone, no matter how chaotic, he had to stay awake and stand beside her.

- He and she, they are all working hard for each other.

Zhang Man said, raised his hands, put them on the shoulders of the boy, and pressed down gently.

His expression was indistinguishable, and his breathing was a little heavy, but at this moment he lowered his head extremely obediently, matching her movements.

He looked at her calmly.

Sure enough, his Manman gently tiptoed, gently, tremblingly, and eagerly pressed against the corner of his lips, with the same enthusiasm as him.

Her lips are fragrant and soft, her waist is slender, and her body has an indescribable fresh milky fragrance... The boy opened his eyes slightly, and saw a little blush on her white cheeks.

Everything is so similar to the dream last night. In the dream, her face is redder than now, and her breathing is more disordered than now...

The boy's eyes tightened, and he hugged his girl tightly, deepening the tender kiss.

After the two separated, several minutes passed. Zhang Man blushed and let go of him, pushing the boy's chest: "Let go of me, I have to wash strawberries."

The boy reluctantly kissed her cheek several times, taking a deep breath to suppress the fiery heat in his heart.


The two calmed down for a while, washed the strawberries, and Zhang Man cut the watermelon and honeydew melon in the refrigerator to form a large fruit platter and brought them into the study together.

She was still very uncomfortable when she walked into the room. She just cut a piece of fruit. It really took too long... Fortunately, after entering the room, she found that her classmates were all taking care of their own problems and didn't seem to notice, so she was relieved. .

She put the fruit platter in the middle of the big table so everyone could get it.

Afterwards, the young man also came in.

"Since everyone is here today, I will finish the Fraunhofer diffraction with a little left over from the last time, so that the optical content is over."

He said, pushed the small blackboard over, and took a piece of chalk and stood in front of the blackboard.

Everyone: Okay, I cut a fruit, and I am in the mood to give a lecture...

"Remember the Huygens principle we talked about in the last class? Fraunhofer diffraction is to use Huygens principle to divide a waveform passing through a circular hole or slit into multiple outward waveforms..."

The sky outside the window was gloomy, and the thunderstorm was still there. The loud thunder and bleak rain blocked the rest of the world.

In the huge study room, the bright crystal chandelier exudes an extremely bright light.

Two large tables, a small moving blackboard, eleven people, one speaking and ten listening.

Compared with the rumble of thunder outside the window, his voice was not loud, but everyone listened carefully.

Zhang Man was quite relieved.

When she told Qi Lele yesterday, she asked her to ask other classmates. She thought that after finally taking a day off, not many people would be willing to come.

However, the fact was beyond her expectations.

Although they complained every day that there was only half a month left in the whole summer vacation, and despite every day clamoring for what to do after the holiday, they all came.

Even the three idiots who had been clamoring to stay in the Internet cafe all day yesterday came. They brought a thick exercise book and sat here in a proper manner, accompanied by each other, reading books and scribbling questions.

Eleven people have eleven common ideals, and eleven people have a tacit understanding with each other.

The time of youth and youth is always unforgettable, some may be because of a certain period of deep inner feelings, some may be because of passionate dreams, but more because of my ignorant and youthful time. , used to be extremely pure, vigorously, and simply worked hard.

Life is too complicated and too long, it is difficult to have such a time period, and there is only one goal.

At the beginning of September, the two-month summer vacation finally came to an end, and the elementary and middle schools had just started. Zhang Man and the others had officially become high school sophomores.

Even walking on the road, there are those cute and new juniors and juniors who call her seniors.

And this year's physics competition preliminary round also arrived as scheduled.

The candidates who signed up for the entire N City were concentrated in the N City No. 1 Middle School for the examination. The school planned the examination room early, and the seats were randomly disrupted.

There are a lot of students participating in this preliminary competition in No. 1 Middle School, not only the material competition classes in the second and third grades of high school, but also many students who did not choose to take the competition route but took the college entrance examination route. They also came to try their luck.

There are two or three hundred candidates for the first and second grades, plus several other high schools in N City, and they are arranged in seven examination rooms.

The physical examination is related to the subsequent self-enrollment and even the referral. The Ministry of Education has very strict supervision on the examination. Each examination room has two invigilators and high-definition cameras in the front and rear of the classroom.

Everyone's seats are far apart and there is no chance of cheating.

Zhang Man happened to be in the same exam room as Qi Lele and sat in front of her. Everyone was seated thirty minutes before the exam, and she watched Qi Lele go to the toilet three times.

Zhang Man turned around and saw her pale face, which made her a little worried.

"What's the matter, Lele, do you feel sick to your stomach?"

"...No, I'm just a little nervous. There was a topic I didn't understand last night."

Zhang Man sighed inwardly, this girl's courage is too small, and her psychological quality is poor. Everyone knows that the most taboo thing before the exam is to think about those questions that you don't understand.

It's useless to think about it, it will only make yourself more and more nervous.

She shook her hand to comfort her, and found that her palm was full of cold sweat.

"Lele, I failed a few questions yesterday, but it has nothing to do with today's exam. The questions in this exam are much simpler than the ones we usually practice. You must be fine, don't worry. You have to be serious. If you're nervous, just take a few deep breaths and you'll be better."

Qi Lele nodded, took a few deep breaths as she said, and sure enough, the stagnation in her heart seemed to be relieved a lot. She got a little comfort in her heart, but it is impossible to say that she is not nervous at all, so she can only bite the bullet.

In the examination room, the other sophomores from other schools like them were very relaxed, chatting, chatting, and turning pens. They didn't take the exam seriously at all, and only regarded it as a one-day trip.

After all, in their consciousness, the people who really want to take the competition exam are the seniors and seniors of senior three, and they are just here to test the water.

Five minutes before the start of the test, two invigilators began to distribute the test papers. The test papers were sealed in regular kraft paper bags with the seal of the Ministry of Education. Only at this time can they be opened.

The nine o'clock bell rang, and the exam officially began.

The exam lasted three hours from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, which was very different from the usual exams. Even the College Entrance Examination of Science and Technology is generally less than two and a half hours.

Zhang Man first glanced at the test paper from beginning to end. There were a total of 18 questions, and the full score was 200 points. It was the same specification as the test paper she had done before.

Among them, there are seven multiple-choice questions, six fill-in-the-blank questions, and the rest are all calculation questions.

The topics are mainly based on mechanics and electromagnetism, with a small proportion of optical heat.

She roughly read the distribution of question types, briefly judged the difficulty of the questions, and started the big questions.

The three-hour exam was a bit tough. In fact, in about two hours, she finished the general questions, and the last comprehensive question on electromagnetism and mechanics was a bit tricky.

However, this time Zhang Man sat for three hours, and did not submit the papers in advance.

After the exam was over, she sat on the seat and waited for the teacher to collect the papers, then walked out of the exam room and went straight to the small dark room. Sure enough, the teenager sat quietly by the window, reading a paper in his hand.

He should have handed in the papers ahead of time.

In addition to him, several classmates have also returned, and the expressions on their faces are very relaxed.

Zhang Man breathed a sigh of relief, and there was probably no major problem.

A few days later, the results of the preliminary round came out, and as she expected, all eleven of them passed the preliminary round and were eligible to participate in the rematch in October.

There are also a lot of students in the school who passed the preliminary competition, and all the students in the sophomore class of high school also passed.

Zhang Man is not surprised. After all, the difficulty of the preliminary round is not high, and the difficulty of the questions is comparable to the last few major questions of the college entrance examination, and there is not much content beyond the outline.

The real watershed depends on the rematch next month.