Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 78


For N City No. 1 Middle School, this year's high school physics competition rematch is a milestone.

Since this year, this little-known key high school in the province has received the attention of many famous schools and the resources of the Ministry of Education.

The little-known third-tier small city high school has won 13 provincial first prizes in this year's competition rematch, and even has two provincial team places. Such a record is directly chasing the first university in the province. , Z City Experiment.

Of course, the most legendary, the most commendable, but not only that.

Two months after the end of the rematch, at the beginning of December, another winter.

The first snow of the year fell in N City, and the roaring sea breeze in winter swept up the snow.

The building was covered in the vast snow, and the firs that looked like Christmas trees on both sides of the road were covered with heavy snow. At first glance, it looked like a quiet European town before Christmas Eve.

The entrance of the office of the first and second high school physics grade group.

Several TV station reporters and evening news reporters were anxiously walking back and forth in the corridor, and as soon as the office door opened, they immediately surrounded it.

At the head was a young woman wearing a long camel-colored coat, with a dignified face, delicate makeup, and a warm smile — Zhou Tang, a new beauty reporter from the provincial TV station.

The office door was pushed open, and Liu Zhijun was dressed much more formally than before, with a white shirt, black-rimmed glasses, and his unsmiling face, giving him the image of a stern high school head teacher.

Zhou Tang stood up friendly and shook hands with Liu Zhijun: "Hello Mr. Liu, we are a reporter who made an appointment with your school two days ago to interview. My name is Zhou Tang, from the provincial TV station. This is Qiu Xiaolu, from the Provincial Education Evening News. ."

She said, turning her face to the side, indicating that the follow-up camera behind can start shooting.

The first time he was on TV, Liu Zhijun was a little nervous, and no matter how nervous he was on his paralyzed face, he couldn't show it.

Zhou Tang first asked him a few irrelevant questions about the school environment, students' study and life, etc., and then cut to the point after a few words.

"Mr. Liu, some time ago, Li Wei from your school won the first place in the country in this physics competition. I heard that on the day the results came out, I signed a referral agreement with the Department of Physics of University B; and Zhang Man, I heard that He won the national silver medal and was recommended to the Medical Department of University B. Is this news accurate?"

Referring to the two of them, a rare smile appeared on Liu Zhijun's face: "Yes, they were all signed the night after the results came out. At the hotel in Z city that day, I watched them sign the agreement with the teacher of the admissions office of University B. Two children are the pride of our No. 1 Middle School."

Zhou Tang nodded approvingly: "It is not only the pride of No. 1 Middle School, but also the pride of our province L. According to statistics, this is the first time that a candidate from our province has won the first place in the national physics competition."

In fact, the high school physics competition was not in the focus of the general public. However, after the results of the national finals came out a while ago, a video suddenly began to go viral on the Internet - it was this year's national first place in the physics competition. The video of the coach "learning" about physics.

In the video, the talented young man has delicate eyebrows and a determined expression, and writes down complex formulas line after line on the blackboard with a smile.

No matter how blurry the picture quality is, everyone who sees this video is shocked and suffocated.

Seventeen years old, sophomore in high school, first place in the national physics competition, recommended for B major... and so handsome. Xueba, of course, makes people envious, but it can evoke the hearts of thousands of nympho girls on the Internet. It is indeed a good-looking Xueba.

So soon, this video was not only spread on local social networking sites in N City, but also became more and more popular.

At this time, someone broke the news that the only girl in Province L of the same physics competition, the national silver medalist Zhang Man, was Li Wei's girlfriend, and both of them recommended B University.

Some netizens uploaded a photo of Zhang Man who was found in a post bar.

It is rare to see a scholarly couple, and they are all good-looking.

So this small news became a hit, and even floated on the hot search for several days, and finally alerted the provincial TV station, and then sent someone to interview.

After all, it is the news media, and its focus is always on what the audience wants to know the most.

Zhou Tang asked again: "Some netizens broke the news that Li Wei and Zhang Man are a couple on campus. Teacher Liu, do you know about this?"

Liu Zhijun, a senior class teacher who has been catching puppy love for more than ten years, suddenly laughed: "Of course I know this, in fact, puppy love has advantages and disadvantages, people with high IQ, strong willpower and common ideals like the two of them, Being together can have a positive impact on each other.”

After speaking, Liu Zhijun raised his face again and said seriously to the camera: "However, I never encourage puppy love. After all, if you want to meet such a person, the possibility may be lower than if you were admitted to B."

At the end of the interview, Zhou Tang asked if he could interview Li Wei and Zhang Man directly.

Liu Zhijun scratched his head embarrassedly: "Sorry, the two of them have gone on a trip and are not at school."

The staff member carrying the camera was about to turn off the machine when he heard a commotion behind him.

A group of 17- or 18-year-olds laughed and shouted at the camera: "The two of them went out for their honeymoon, and they're not here now!"

At this moment, Hainan and Sanya are 2,800 kilometers away from N City.

Unlike the snowy N city, the temperature in Sanya in December is just right.

On the azure blue seaside and the tender-colored sandy beach, tourists who come and go wear short shirts, parasols, and big sunglasses. Many young and beautiful girls wear sexy bikinis and show their long legs, playing and playing at the beach.

- A very strong summer vibe.

Both Sanya and N City are close to the sea, but the difference in latitude makes them show completely different natural scenery. If the golden beach and the bright sunset in N City are like a Chinese painting with heavy colors, then Hainan, whether it is the sky, the sea or the beach, is lighter in color, more like a small and fresh girl's cartoon.

Blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, beaches, coconut trees, all the dreams that are not available in winter are here.

The hotel is right by the sea. In addition to a golden sandy beach with a great view, there is also an infinity pool that has recently become popular on the Internet.

Zhang Man was sitting on the beach wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He saw many young girls in swimsuits going down to swim, grinding his teeth, and turned to look at the teenager lying on the deck chair beside him.

He was sleeping under a big sunshade, and the sun was still a little harsh, so he took her sunshade cap and covered his eyes, with only a jade-like chin showing under the brim.

"Li Wei, didn't you see the swimsuit stuffed in the suitcase when I came?"

She had bought a swimsuit and sent it to his house. She clearly remembered that she stuffed it in her suitcase before she left, but when she got here, she found out that the swimsuit was missing.

The swimsuit was a style that Chen Feier chose for her. It was two-piece up and down, with a black bow-knot tube top on the top, and a ruffled skirt on the bottom, with red hearts embroidered on the skirt.

Although she felt that the fabric was a bit small, she couldn't stand the cute little clothes, and how could she not have a swimsuit when she came to Sanya to play

She's sitting here in a big T-shirt now, what's the matter

Hearing the words, the young man lifted his hat with his long fingers: "...No."

Zhang Man grabbed the hat and patted his head with his hands in a gesture, but he just touched the ends of his hair softly when he got down to it: "Lie."

There was a smile on the boy's lips, and his eyes glanced lightly on her chest.

"Manman, you are too young to dress like this."

Zhang Man was taken aback for a moment, his brows furrowed, and he reached out and pushed his head in dissatisfaction: "You know again? Where am I so small? Compared with them in my class... not so small, okay... "

The teenager grabbed her wiggly hand, clasped it in his palm, and smiled happily: "I mean, young. Well, my manman is not small, definitely not small."

"… "

Only then did Zhang Man know that she had been deceived by him, her face flushed red all of a sudden, and she turned her head embarrassedly to ignore him.

Seeing that she was annoyed, the teenager stopped teasing her, and after deliberation for a while, his expression became a little serious: "Manman, why did you sign up for the medical department of University B?"

The admission standards of the medical department of B University and B University are different. Every year, the score line of the college entrance examination is more than 20 points lower than the admission score of B University.

Although the silver medal is not like the gold medal, there is no way to directly recommend it, but it is no problem to drop a line with the B-big signing agreement, and there is a wide range of professional choices. However, after Zhang Man's grades came out, he discussed with the admissions teacher and wanted to go to the B-University Medical School with a lower score.

"There's no reason. In fact, as you know, I'm not like you, nor like Chen Jun and the others. I don't actually have such a strong love and talent for physics, and I can support me to keep going. I can get to this point. It's the limit, and I don't want to keep hitting this southern wall."

She pouted as she spoke.

"Boyfriend, do you think I'm stupid?"

In her past life and present life, she was not considered smart, but she took advantage of her rebirth and worked hard all the time.

"Well, it's stupid."

- A rib, and axis, when encountering what you want to do, you are very stubborn.

Zhang Man didn't expect such an answer, and poked him angrily.

The teenager grabbed her hand, put it on the lips and kissed: "But, I like you so... stupid."

It's almost...

"Then I just happened to see that the medical department is enrolling students in advance, and the threshold is lower than that of major B majors. I think it is good to study medicine, so I discussed it with the admissions teacher. They were still embarrassed at first, after all, I took the test. It is a physical competition, not a biological competition, but this is not a hard threshold, and I finally agreed to sign a referral agreement with me."

Zhang Man's eyes were bright, and he rubbed against the boy's side and put his head on his arm: "Boyfriend, we can go to college together in the future."

In fact, the reason why she reported to the medical department is of course not only this.

She was premeditated.

There is a neurobiology department in the basic medicine major of the University B medical school, and she plans to apply for this when she is officially divided into majors.

Neurobiology studies the structure, function, development and evolution of the human nervous system. And this major attaches great importance to the close integration with neuropsychiatric disease research, and promotes the clinical treatment of some psychiatric diseases through scientific research.

It is not as vast as physics, and what it studies is not the vast universe of stars.

But like physics, it is all about the pursuit of the essence. Physics seeks to find the laws and truths that shape the world, while neuroscience studies the nature of human thought and behavior.

Zhang Man is very interested.

Of course, a larger part of the reason is because he-she wants to understand his illness from a scientific point of view, she wants to become stronger and stronger, so that one day, she can see through the dark essence of him, and then Leave him alone with ease.

Hearing what she said, the teenager didn't ask any further questions, but pulled the person up from the beach and let her lie down beside him. The reclining chair was very large, more than enough for two people to lie down.

Zhang Man leaned against the boy's chest and reached out to play with his hair.

"Hey, boyfriend, have you seen them recently?"

She was vague, but knew he would understand.

Before he could answer, she added, "Don't lie."

The teenager put a kiss on her forehead: "... Well, I can still see it occasionally."

Zhang Man's heart tightened, and he turned around and stared at him: "Didn't you say last time that everything is basically fine? No, no, I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup after this trip."

He shook his head, maybe the sun was dazzling, he narrowed his eyes: "Manman, I may not be well, maybe I can see it in the future, but that's okay. The frequency is very low, and I rarely lose control now. It's alright, I see them anyway, and I'll assume they don't exist."

He could feel that his condition was gradually improving.

A few months ago, he had to struggle constantly to wake up from his delusions, and even occasionally could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

But after repeated psychotherapy and self-hypnosis and psychological overcoming before going to bed every day, most of the time, the moment he saw them, he could tell in his heart that they were different from his Manman. is fake.

So even if they were still there, he could try to ignore them and treat them as air.

He knows that it is unrealistic to completely cure paranoia, and the current medical level is completely unable to achieve this goal. So this may be the best situation for now.

That day, the Wednesday before the finals, he went to the hospital for psychological treatment for the last time.

After a series of examinations, the doctor happily told him that his mental state was very good, and even the symptoms of depression had basically disappeared.

After the doctor announced the result of the diagnosis, he was very surprised, saying that whether it was his mental illness or mental illness, he recovered much faster than she had imagined. She originally thought it would be a long and hard battle, but she didn't expect to get through it all the way. , siege the city.

He closed his eyes and smiled, but said nothing.

All of this was brought to him by the girl he loved the most, she gave him boundless courage, and she gave him the meaning of life.

For a long time he felt like a cowardly coward who was afraid of many things. He is afraid of the collapse of the world view, he is afraid of not being able to distinguish between reality and dreams, and he is even more afraid of hurting her.

So he was timid and unable to move forward.

-However, in the darkness where she could not see her fingers, she never gave up on him.

Even if he wanted to give up on himself, she never gave up on him.

The boy's hands trembled slightly, and he embraced the girl beside him. At this moment, he deeply kissed her.

"Manman, I can always be by your side from now on."

You have dreamed of going to many places with me, and I have not answered before.

But starting from Sanya, which is as warm as spring in this winter, from now on, I want to accompany you to see the south of the Yangtze River where the spring rain is pouring, Lake Baikal where even the spring breeze is intoxicated, the Loess Plateau full of sand and sand, and gentle and affectionate River Seine.

I want to accompany you to the gray hair and watch the reincarnation of the world with you.

Accompany you for a lifetime.

Eighteen years later, Sweden, Stockholm.

In this northern European country with a higher latitude, the weather is not very good, with light rain falling in the sky, cold and cloudless.

The rain fell silently into the huge Lake Mälaren, and then followed the current of the lake and into the Baltic Sea.

That evening, at Stockholm City Hall, the annual Nobel Prize dinner was held as scheduled.

On the dignified and elegant huge podium, there is a heavy navy blue carpet, like a deep starry sky. The entire city hall is decorated with beautiful flowers that have just been shipped from Sanremo, Italy, and TV stations from various countries broadcast live broadcasts in every position of the awards podium.

Under the stage, there were thousands of people who gave gifts, including many Nobel Prize winners, members of the Swedish national royal family, and celebrities from all walks of life in politics, business, and academia. Everyone who goes out can make the world tremble three times. , but now they are sitting under the stage in a very orderly manner, waiting quietly for the start of this grand ceremony.

The chairman of the Nobel Foundation, a blond European biologist and a former Nobel laureate in medicine, delivered the opening speech of the award ceremony.

After the representatives of the Nobel Prize Selection Committee introduced the research fields and personal achievements of the laureates, His Majesty the most honorable King of Sweden presented Nobel Prize certificates, medals and prizes to each laureate. Five awards, a total of less than ten people, these ten people, under the attention of everyone, stood at the top of human wisdom and civilization.

Everything was carried out solemnly. These people are using such a ceremony to pay tribute to the ordinary and great human science.

The first award was the Nobel Prize in Physics. The leading Chinese scientist is the youngest of the Nobel Prize winners this time. When he came to the stage, his handsome face and tall and straight stature made many celebrities in the audience chat in a low voice.

An extremely young theoretical physicist who has made great breakthroughs in the field of physics research, took the medal and certificate from the king calmly, took a few steps forward, and stood in front of the podium.

This is the acceptance speech that every winner who comes to accept the award must deliver.

This young man from Asia, standing under the bright spotlight and in front of countless cameras from all over the world, in a suit and leather shoes, is confident and determined. The years did not seem to have left too many traces on his face. Under this calm and steadfastness, he still seemed to be able to see the young man with the universe and the stars in his eyes.

In the last paragraph of the acceptance speech, the scientist who has attracted worldwide attention turned his eyes to the young woman sitting in the front row below the stage, covering her mouth and bursting into tears with excitement.

He looked at her and smiled lightly, just as he had been years ago.

His voice was as if whispering in her ear affectionately.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Everyone in this world is suffering from something that others never know. I survived, because of two essential things in my life, physics and her. Physics gave me the ability to think rationally in darkness, and she gave me my light.”

- We are in the corner of the well, but our hearts are bright. Everyone in this world is suffering from pain that others cannot perceive. I survived because there were two crucial things in my life, physics and her. Physics gave me the ability to think in the dark, and she gave me light.

-End of text-

The author has something to say:

Thank you to all the little angels who accompany me here, from Kaiwen to the day until now, it is because of you, Ah Ji bows three times here!

The next book will be "I'm Afraid to Scare Her". Everyone, go and collect it. The heroine is the one who appeared in the text, the child of the old grandmother who was abducted and sold.

Another one of my favorite sweet healing love essays! Produced by Ah Ji, it's guaranteed~ 1: Zhou Chenchen, who was abducted and sold into a mountain valley by human traffickers when he was a child, has no other problems after being rescued, except that he is timid, as timid as a rabbit. In her eyes, the world is like a cruel animal jungle, full of big gray wolves with green eyes, extremely terrifying.

Who would have thought that she would finally be taken home willingly by a big bad wolf. And that big bad wolf, he not only cured her cowardice, but also gave her the best love.

2: Shaoli dislikes soft little crying bags in his life, such as Zhou Chenchen. As soon as she cried, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys began to irritate.

Roommate: Big brother, don't be a coward. If you like Zhou Chenchen, just confess. What is it like to follow someone's butt every day

Shaoli: I like her? Joke, I hate the little crying bag the most.

However, the next time I saw Xiaokubao crying, I couldn't move my legs.

Cowardly and cute girl X ancient wears today's arrogant boy! !