Rebirth Plan to Save Leader

Chapter 84


Sixty years later, Beijing, CCTV, "Their Life" program was recorded live.

The hostess has a gentle face, about 50 years old, dressed in a light gray suit, and looks dignified and at ease in front of the camera: "Good evening, friends and audience, welcome to the "Their Life" column every Friday night, I'm the host Shu Xue."

Different from the relatively open aesthetics of modern people, the host of this show has a very classical temperament, and even his smile abides by the standard of showing eight teeth decades ago: "The guests we have invited in this issue are different from those in the past. Not the interviewee himself, but his daughter, everyone should be familiar with it. Let us welcome Ms. Li Chen, a well-known modern Chinese journalist and editor-in-chief of the magazine Zhishi.”

After the warm applause from the stands, a woman with gray hair and excellent temperament stepped onto the stage. She was slender, with fair skin and three-dimensional features. Although her face had wrinkles and scattered spots that matched her age, she could not hide it at all. The temperament and elegance of living out of the dust has a kind of randomness and elegance that grows with age.

"Ms. Li, please take a seat."

The host became a lot more serious after seeing Li Chen with a kind smile on his lips.

"Hello, Ms. Li, I'm Shu Xue, the host of this show, and I'm very happy to invite you as our guest in this episode."

Li Chen nodded and smiled: "I'm also very happy to meet you."

The host shook hands with her, respectfully invited her to sit down, and started the question interview.

"Today should be a very special day for Ms. Li, right?"

Before he came, Li Chen had already obtained the question script, and he knew that the first question was the protagonist of today's interview.

But after hearing the host's question, she still paused for a moment.

After about ten seconds of silence, Li Chen stroked his gray hair back and nodded, "Yes, today is the third anniversary of my father's death, Mr. Li Wei."

The host sighed cooperatively, half of it was a performance for the effect of the show, but the other half was a real nostalgia and sigh: "Time flies so fast, I didn't expect Mr. Li Wei to have left us for three years. I still remember three Years ago, our program team contacted the old gentleman and wanted to invite him to come over and record a program in person, and he agreed. Who would have thought that when the recording was about to happen, the program group received news that the old gentleman was seriously ill and went to the hospital... "

The host said with some emotion: "In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. I really didn't expect that I would be able to do this interview again, although not myself."

Li Chen lowered his eyes, looked at the transparent coffee table arranged on the scene for a while, then raised his head again and looked at the host with a smile: "My father made a lot of promises in his life, and he failed to do what he promised, before he died. How much regret I have, I also told me that if I have the opportunity, I hope to do this interview for him in the future."

She looked at Shu Xue sincerely, and this look made the always calm host slightly stunned.

Like, really like her father.

Three years ago, Mr. Li was critically ill. She once represented the program team to visit N City. The legendary academic boss, with white hair and pale complexion, was lying on the hospital bed, with almost no sound and ups and downs, but the quiet The old face makes people feel calm and at ease at a glance.

That is a great power that has been precipitated by the years.

"Mr. Li has created too many miracles belonging to human science in the 92 years of his existence. Come, let's take a look at the photos left by Mr. Li."

The host raised his hand and motioned to the field staff to play photos and some short videos.

These photos are all provided by Li Chen himself, many of which have never been published before and are very precious.

The first is naturally a photo of Li Wei at the Nobel Prize ceremony 60 years ago.

An extremely young man, in a suit and leather shoes, with an outstanding demeanor, his handsome face and a small smile on his lips made him look less like a slack and diligent scientist than a star attending a film festival.

Naturally, there was a commotion under the stage.

There are also many young people in the audience. When they were born, this great contemporary scientist in China was already old. Although everyone knows that he is still outstanding in his old age, but seeing the photos of him when he was young, he still exclaimed. Voice.

The host was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "I have seen this photo when I was a child, and it was posted on the wall of my mother's room. I heard from my mother that at that time, they worshipped Mr. Li as an idol. When the old gentleman was young, he must have had a lot of suitors."

Li Chen smiled: "I don't know that, but I think it should be, my father is a very good man."

After that, the photo was flipped back and it was a group photo. The photography technology of 60 years ago is already advanced enough, the pixels are extremely clear, and there is no feeling of old photos at all. In the photo, on the blue sea and golden sand, the young man gently hugs a smaller and sweet woman with a warm smile.

The host looked at Li Chen: "May I ask what this photo is?"

With gray hair, she missed her eyes, and her voice was much softer: "This photo is of my father and mother. The year after I was born, my grandmother took it for them, right by the sea in N city."

The host followed the photo and started the discussion: "People say that behind geniuses and great people, there is often a great wife. Through Mr. Li's life experience, we also know that your mother, Ms. Zhang Man, once followed him all the way. , from B University, to Stanford, and later to Princeton University where he taught. And the two returned to China after middle age and taught at B University. After the old man retired, Ms. Zhang Man accompanied him back to N City for recuperation. For decades During the time she was with him, she never gave up on him and stayed by his side all the time. I believe that not everyone can do this kind of lifelong support and company. Your mother really loves your father. "

Li Chen also knows that the guests invited by this show are all elites from all walks of life who have contributed to human society in recent decades, but the focus of the show is not their career achievements, but the little-known life behind the brilliance .

Therefore, she did not evade when she heard the focus of the host's questioning.

She thought for a while, and there was a gentle smile in her slightly cloudy eyes.

"My mother's support and following of my father must be known to everyone. If I search the Internet about my father's family or emotional experience, most of the manuscripts that come out are that behind him, there is someone who silently supports him. wife."

"But in my opinion, the relationship between them is not as simple as supporting and following."

"It's love, and salvation."

When the host heard her answer, her expression was slightly surprised: "Salvation? I have never heard of this statement."

She smiled and motioned her to continue.

Li Chen stretched out his left hand and gently touched the sandalwood Buddha beads on his right hand: "After so many years, most of the people who knew the inside passed away. So there is something that many people don't know now. Even I am an adult, my mother told me mine."

Her voice trembled slightly: "My father, he was once diagnosed with schizophrenia and delusional disorder, and his condition was very serious. He lost his father and mother when he was young, and therefore spent his entire childhood in the orphanage. During the period, he was abandoned by his family, excluded and abused by many peers. Therefore, due to his family heritage and his dark childhood experiences, he suffered from extremely severe schizophrenia. He delusionally dreamed of two completely different There are people, one is his mother and the other is his playmate, these two 'people' of nothingness, who accompanied him until his high school."

Li Chen spoke slowly, but there was a small commotion in the entire studio, and everyone gasped.

I didn't expect Mr. Li to be so miserable in the same year. Also, schizophrenia? Paranoia

These secrets are really amazing.

Even the hostess was stunned for a long time.

"As far as I know, Mr. Li has been working diligently in scientific research when he returned to N City for recuperation before his death, and he has appeared in public several times over the years without any symptoms of schizophrenia. This... "

Li Chen smiled: "Yes, it probably took him several years to keep his mental state and mental state at the level of a normal person. But before, the situation was really dangerous. According to my mother, in his sophomore year of high school In 2018, due to some accidental knowledge of his condition, he suffered from severe depression, self-loathing, and extreme world-weariness. Without my mother's company by his side, perhaps he would not be able to get out at all."

With a smile on her face, she talked about many things in those years, including Zhang Man's search for more than ten days, his careful companionship later, and later, she studied neurobiology for him, and finally became his personal psychiatrist.

Her words were bland, but it was such a bland narration that made many young audience members red eyes.

This kind of love with great power in peace, no matter what age, can make people cherish in their hearts.

"Many doctors have a certain stage in the treatment of patients, but my mother's treatment of my father is the redemption of a whole life. To him, she can be said to be the belief in life and the meaning of all persistence."

After listening to her, the host played a short video very suitable for the occasion. It was the last paragraph of Li Wei's speech when he won the Nobel Prize.

There was a commotion in the audience, and the host felt something after reading it and clapped his hands lightly: "'In my life, there are two most important things, physics and her. Physics has given me the ability to think in the dark, while She gave me light.' This sentence was once dubbed the best love letter template in the 21st century by netizens, but until today, I don't know the true meaning of it."

"Yes, even my name has something to do with it. The word 'chen' refers to enthusiasm and sincere affection, my father said, it's like the early sun that dispels the long night. My nickname is 'Chenchen', I mean it too.”

The interview lasted for an hour and a half, and a week later, the ratings broke the historical record of the show, and a wave of modern people's thoughts and discussions on love started on the Internet.

Sixty years later, with the development of society and economy, the distance between people has become clear, the divorce rate is getting higher and higher, and blind dates are becoming more and more common. As a result, this kind of unswerving love gave a very violent blow to the hearts of thousands of netizens.

A week later, on the night after the show aired, Li Chen was preparing to have dinner with her husband at his home in Beijing when he received a phone call.

It was Shu Xue, the host of the show. She did not contact her through the show team, but through a private phone.

"Okay, seven o'clock then."

An hour later, a cafe in Zhongguancun.

When Li Chen arrived, Shu Xue was already there. She didn't wear makeup today, her hair was tied back casually, and there were some spots and wrinkles on her face.

Li Chen was startled, almost didn't recognize it.

Shu Xue had already seen her and waved at her, "Here."

The two are ten years apart in age. They had recorded a show together before, and they talked very happily. Now they are not restrained at all.

"I should be eleven years younger than you, can I call you Sister Li?"

Li Chen nodded happily.

In fact, her character is not like Li Wei and Zhang Man. It can be said that she is from a small skin to an old age, and she loves to make friends.

The last time she was dignified and elegant in the interview fashion for an hour and a half, her face was frozen.

"Of course, Xiaoshu."

"Sister Li, I came to you today mainly because of what you said in the last interview. You said, it is true that your mother loves your father very much, but your father's love for her is indescribable and profound. ""Because of the limited time on the show, you don't seem to want to talk about it too much, so I just mentioned a few words in the show. But I was really itchy and couldn't sleep, so I took the liberty to contact you... This feeling is like chasing I read a novel, but I didn't read the ending."

Li Chen rarely smiled brightly: "Xiao Shu, I didn't expect you to be so gossipy at this age."

Shu Xue blinked: "What's wrong with my age? Gossip is a human talent!"

Also, in this day and age, in addition to changing the appearance of age, there are far fewer constraints on everyone's behavior. Those stereotypes of 'what the elderly should be' seem to have long since disappeared.

The streets of Beijing are full of old ladies in suspenders and short skirts, as well as old men with headphones and sneakers around their necks, ready to go to the gym.

Li Chen smiled with his white teeth showing, but did not want to entice her: "Actually, I didn't say it last time, but I really felt that those things damaged my father's image—"

"If there are awards for strict wife management in this world, my dad will definitely win another Nobel Prize."

After Shu Xue heard this, "Pu Chi" laughed out loud: "Wives are strictly controlled? No way, Mr. Li?"

"Really, my grandmother told me that when I was six years old, after my father won the award, my mother suddenly changed her mind like a different person. It's really one willing to fight and one willing to suffer."

"I still remember when I was fifteen years old, the three of us went back to China on a holiday and went to climb Huangshan together. When we came down, my mother said that she wanted to exercise, so she decided not to take the cable car. But she climbed halfway and climbed again. Don't move, it was my dad who carried her down later."

"A man in his 40s carried his wife down the mountain, and was scolded while carrying his back. My mother scolded him, even knowing she couldn't climb, she didn't persuade her to take the cable car. I could hear them following behind them. It's unbelievable, this doesn't make sense. As a result, my dad, alas, scolded him willingly, not only had to admit his mistake, but also made her happy..."

"… "

"There was another time that I was particularly impressed. When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my mother was pregnant with my brother. That time seemed to be the only time in my memory that my father said a few harsh words to my mother, The reason is that my mother went out again without checking the weather forecast, and she caught a cold."

"Obviously it was my mother's fault. She was pregnant and always took advantage of my dad's work to go out for a walk without an umbrella... But, just because my dad said a few harsh words, he knelt down for three nights. keyboard…”

When Shu Xue heard this, she was really a little shocked, a sip of coffee stuck in her throat: "My God..."

Kneeling the keyboard? isn't it? This is too inconsistent with Mr. Li's image, right

"I didn't lie to you, I really knelt down on the keyboard. Every time I broke one of my knees, my mother continued to place orders on amazon without changing her face..."

As he got older, his speaking speed became much slower, Li Chen said, while drinking coffee to moisten his throat, his voice dropped suddenly.

"But to say how much my father loves my mother, I only felt it thoroughly in the three years after my mother died."

"My mother left three years earlier than my father. One month before she died, my father happily accompanied her in the hospital every day. Such a serious old man actually laughed more than in previous years. many."

"One day before my mother died, she finally woke up and suddenly avoided my dad, so that my brother and I must pay attention to his mental state in the future."

"We were all nervous, but in the period after my mother died, he acted like a perfectly normal wise old man, speaking to us and to students with a clear mind and a keen sense of logic. However, we found out later that , he's actually not normal. There are some things that still make me feel bad when I think about it now."

"He was in his 90s at the time. He was very old, and his legs and feet were inconvenient. In fact, he hadn't cooked himself for many years. But during that time, he started to cook again."

"At first, it was after seven o'clock one morning. I saw him fry two eggs in the kitchen, put them on two plates, and brought them to the table after they were fried. I thought they were fried for me, but they waited for me. When he walked to the dining table, he heard him say to the empty chair next to him, 'Manman, today is your favorite one-sided sun egg, eat it quickly.'"

"Later, he carried us behind his back and secretly started cooking some Sichuan dishes that my mother likes to eat. My aunt told me about the magazine office that day."

"The range hood at home is controlled by a remote control. He couldn't find the remote control, so he was choking with tears while frying the spicy chicken. Later, he sat alone at the dining table and ate the spicy chicken while clipping the empty plate next to him. Vegetables, and carefully picked out all the peppers and peppercorns inside…”

"One morning, my dad didn't come out to eat. I knocked on my dad's door, and after he opened the door, he said to me, let me be quiet, my mom has a cold and is sleeping. I froze at the door and watched him go to bed. On the side, he patted the empty quilt and muttered to himself: 'Manman, go to sleep, don't be afraid, I'll be by your side.'"

"Once again, when he was having dinner, he smiled and told my brother that he would be free from work. In the spring of next year, he would take him and my mother to Jiangnan. He also said that he felt that both of them were getting old. It was so frustrating that my mother insisted to go. Later, in the spring of the second year, my brother asked to take him there, but he was very ill. "

When Li Chen said this, he was a little choked up.

"He's normal to everyone, only my mother... We all know that his illness relapsed when he was young. But we didn't dare to tell him that until he died. Maybe he was happy until he died."

No one knew that the old gentleman had woken up a month before his death.

He was soberly aware that the person he had loved all his life had been gone for three years, and he was about to find her.

- The human world is like a vast universe, and my planet has finally completed its final evolution satisfactorily. How fortunate I am to be able to live in this world and hold you all my life.

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